Chapter 726 Epilogue
three days later.

A young man wearing a bamboo hat sat on one side of the stone bench, looked at two men and a woman who were trying to complete the task given by the white-haired man in the distance, turned his head and patted his thigh.

"Little guy, why did you still teach the incumbent Wuhen how to paint... Isn't that right..." Suo Liweng tilted his head and looked incomprehensible.

It was only two miles into the city, and Lezheng Luoting walked for three days. Now, he finally suppressed all the evil spirits on his body, and he was still a little away from the city gate.

Weng also stayed with Lezheng Luoting for three whole days. Now he gave Lezheng Luoting a barrier to let her rest for a while. He first rushed over to see the Wuhen broken Qionghua sword, and then he saw it An unbelievable scene.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Liweng stared at Lu You's indifferent face.

"This place is already very close to Lingshan Mountain, and you still want to delay teaching painting for another month, and... I haven't seen you practice yet. Are you going to participate in the Tianguangxu Martial Arts Contest later?"

"Tianguangxu martial arts meeting?" Lu You put down his water glass, narrowed his eyes, and said after a while, "I didn't want to participate this time, because there is no shortage of longevity fruits."

With the news of his daughter, how could he have the mind to participate in any martial arts competition.

"There is no shortage of longevity fruits..." The hated man twitched the corners of his lips, wishing he could throw his bamboo hat on the face of the man in front of him.

You also take care of the thoughts of the poor.

"It sounds like you're going to participate this time?" Mo Liweng resisted the urge to hit someone.

"En." Lu You nodded gracefully, looking at the agile white dove on his shoulders: "A few days ago, my senior sister wrote to say that there are not enough longevity fruits in the palace for those disciples, so I, the Palace Master, naturally want to get some. "

"Take it? You said it lightly." Weng Xiaoli had a displeased expression.

Very upset.

"What?" Lu You tilted his head and looked at him. Now that the two of them are familiar, Lu You also has a good impression of Shushan people, so he no longer pretends to be a junior, and uses a different mode from Yihua Palace. very good.

"Based on your eyesight, do you think I can't do it?" Lu You asked him.

"Let's hear it, I haven't paid much attention to the recent situation." Weng Xiaoli asked.

Lu nodded and said.

"People from Lingshan will never participate in top-level martial arts competitions. I got the news that some old monks in the Great Sad Valley are suffering from a headache for their beliefs. They can't move away. Dongshenhai... Needless to say, they are because of me. Regarding the matter of my daughter, I have no intention of meeting martial arts this time. The man Qionghua is a bit tricky, but the strange thing is that his daughter... seems to be looking for my daughter too, and Wuhen came out this time, so I kind of understand What that man meant."

"Qinghua, it seems that I won't do it myself." Li Liweng nodded, agreed with his words, and then asked: "What about the others?"

"Others? What else." Lu You spread his hands.

"Shushan and Zhufengliu... ah." After finishing speaking, Li Liweng was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lu You strangely.

"It means that these two sects can't get into your eyes?"

"Don't dare." Lu You spread his hands: "Senior knows about Shushan, so I didn't say it. Have you solved the problem of Immortal Sword?"


"Then it's over." Lu You waved his hand: "As for chasing the wind..."

Seeing Lu You's face that you know, the coir hatman held back the emotion of cursing.

He understands.

Most of Yihuagong's skills are restricted, and the best way to deal with him is to break through ten thousand methods, so it is not very strong, but most of the ways of chasing Fengliu are speed.

To put it simply, Zhuifengliu was restrained by Yihuagong.

So this time, it seems that he is really sure.

"It seems that this year's martial arts competition is meaningless." Lu You said.

"Do you think that everyone is doing nothing like you and leaving everything to the senior sister to take care of?" Suo Liweng looked at him contemptuously, and at the same time, kindly reminded: "Although you restrained Zhufengliu, and your realm It is also higher than what everyone knows, but you still have to pay attention to it, the speed and space transfer are also close to the extreme, and any place within five thousand miles can be reached in an instant, so don't underestimate the enemy."

"Understood, but speed is speed after all, even if it can cut through the space, it is still very different from space talent." Lu Jiayu nodded, but he didn't care much.

Weng Li hat sighed, and said nothing more.

As he said, Lu You did not underestimate the enemy, but was really confident.

He has also met Qionghua's Holy Master, but...he feels that the other party is not as good as Lu You.

The latter appears to be of the fifth level... In fact, Li Liweng feels that he has at least the eighth level of cultivation...

I don't know how Yihua Palace, which has always been a holy place in the middle and lower reaches, cultivated this ghost.

Why didn't Shushan have this life.

A descendant has been looking for hundreds of years, but there is no suitable one.

After chatting casually for a while, Lu You clapped his hands to the other side.

Young Master and Zhu Mingxiang stopped their pens at the same time.

Lu You walked over, looked at the paintings of the two, nodded with satisfaction, and then started the teacher mode.

Half an hour later, both Zhu Mingxiang and the young master had thoughtful expressions on their faces, obviously they had benefited a lot.

"Okay, let's rest!" Lu You clapped his hands, turned around and disappeared, looking like he was going for a stroll.

The young master got the advice, and the image of the elf flashed in his mind. As soon as his mind moved, he wanted to try painting, but he took a step and was suddenly stopped by someone.

"You are..." Although he felt very uncomfortable, he still maintained his politeness.

The other party was a down-and-out young man, but before he and Lu You wanted to sit down and talk, he should be a senior.

"That..." Weng Li hat rubbed his hands together: "Boy, I'm from Mount Shu..."

Self-reported to the door.

"Senior from Shushan?" The young master let go of his guard, bowed to the coir hat man, and performed a disciple's salute.

Qionghua's attitude towards Shushan is very admirable and respectful.

Compared with Qionghua's corruption, he has always admired the clarity and cleanliness of Mount Shu.

"I don't know, what is the senior looking for me for?" The young master looked at him suspiciously. Although he had a good impression of Shushan, he had never had any contact with him.

"Your Qionghua broken, I can repair it for you, and you don't need any compensation." The Lily Weng went straight to the point.

"Sword?" The young master was taken aback, a little surprised.

No payment is required.

Sure enough, he is a senior from Shushan, who likes refining weapons, no matter who the other party is.

It's a pity that compared to Shushan, there are more masters in Qionghua Holy Land and their abilities are stronger.

"I'm sorry, senior." The young master shook his head.

"Don't refuse in a hurry, I know that there are people in Qionghua who are more proficient in forging than me, but he is definitely not as good as my materials..." Seeing that the young man was unmoved, Li Liweng was a little anxious: "Star I can provide both water stones and a vat of gilded gold, you should understand that with the gilded gold, not only will it not damage the sword, but it can also soothe the spirituality of the sword spirit, and there will be no more broken swords..."

"Golden through the years?" The young master looked at the tattered cape hat in surprise.

Still, he shook his head.

"It's not about the metal."

Why doesn't this kid eat oil and salt?
Weng had a big head, so he gritted his teeth and said: "If it's really not possible, I can give you the years of gold, and you go back to Qionghua to forge, and I won't let others know that I got the material from Shushan, but have to show it to me when it's fixed."

This time, the son was really shocked.

Why did the seniors do this?
If it wasn't for some reason, he would have been a little moved.

Shushan's seniors are indeed high-spirited and bright.


The young master looked at the broken Excalibur at his waist, the incision was as smooth as a mirror.

This is what the elves cut off.

He will never forget, after the elf found out that she had hurt him, the flustered look in her eyes was like that of a little girl...

This is proof of his fate with the elves, and it is also a reminder for him not to forget the life-saving grace of the elves.

Therefore, when the leader proposed to restore the Qionghua Sword, he refused.

He is the owner of Ren Jianping, and he has this right. The reason is that maintaining the cold air of the highest elf may have unexpected effects, such as... positioning, or gaining the favor of the elves.

After all, there is no killing intent in these cold airs, what remains is friendship, which may be useful to those high-level elves.

The master agreed.

So, the young master took out a part of the hilt of the sword, and regarded it as... a token of love?
In fact, he still has a more suitable token.

Thinking of this, the young master folded his arms, feeling the coldness in his heart, and then apologized to Weng Xiaoli.

"I'm sorry senior."

"What?" Suo Liweng was also stunned, he had already offered such a good offer, yet he was rejected.

This Jianping successor can't be a fool.

The young master ignored the other party's rudeness, but shook his head lightly: "To tell you the truth, the Qionghua sword, which has been separated from the prototype of the sword spirit, is now with the head of the Holy Master. If you don't repair the Qionghua sword for a short time, it will not harm the sword spirit." What impact, and... this short sword is of great significance to me, and I have reasons not to repair it for the time being."

Weng Xiaoli looked at the other person's expression for a long time.

Finally he sighed.

"I see, I know."

Left disappointed.

After the young master watched the other party leave, he also left. The previous memory stirred his memory of the elves, and maybe now he can draw a portrait that he thinks is qualified.


This is just an episode.

After the two left, Zhu Mingxiang stood up and rolled up her own painting, with a slightly weird expression on her face.

The conversation between the two of them did not hide from her, they treated her as a little transparent.

After all, she is Lu You's daughter, so there is nothing to avoid.

And the information in the words surprised her.

Broken sword?

No wonder it's so cold.

The girl blinked, glanced at the setting sun, tightened her clothes, and went back to the house.



One month is enough to go for some days.

Without staying in the town for too long, Lu You took the young master and Zhu Mingxiang on the road to Lingshan. It was easy to walk. From this town, all the way to the west is Luoyan City. Normal people's foot strength is about ten days. can arrive.

There is plenty of time, so go slowly.

Walking and teaching all the way, with candles and bright incense, Lu You has experienced the addiction of being a father... This makes him want to see his real daughter even more, and the silent father's love seems to be surging out.



There is another pedestrian.

Mino Li Weng and Le are falling into the court.

Le Zheng fell in front of the court, and under the guidance of the cold air, she successfully suppressed her breath and walked out of the town.

And the Liao Li Weng was following her, and the old man was completely shocked when he saw Le Zheng Luoting's eyes.


This girl is really a monster.

Coming out of the town, he didn't say a word, and every step he took continued to brew murderous aura, but unlike before, from the outside, there was no trace of murderous aura around Lezheng Luoting.

It's all hidden in the body.

In the eyes of others, she is just an ordinary young lady.

Obviously there is no need to endure anymore, but she seems to have gotten used to this kind of torture, or in other words... once again raised the upper limit of her mental power.

This is definitely a talent of jealousy, beyond dispute.

But Lezheng Luoting didn't care so much at all.

She just wanted to know what was going on with that icy breath.

It's a pity that I can't keep up with the opponent at all, and I can't sense its specific location, but there is a faint attraction.

But fortunately, the other party and she were going to the same place, and they both walked straight west... This made Lezheng Luoting heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time corrected his guess in his heart.

It was Lu Ling.

It must have bumped into Lu Ling who was going home.

She was very excited, and when she was excited, she walked even slower, and even hoped that the road would be longer, after all, the more Mei walked, the higher her chances of winning would be.

She wants to win.



Lu You was already very close to Lingshan, and everyone in the world of cultivating immortals knew about it. At the same time, Yihua Palace announced that Lu You had adopted a righteous daughter and gave her the right next to the Palace Master.

The lucky girl's name is.

Candle incense.

These three words also caused a moment of turmoil.



"Candle incense?" Dongfang Lianren's master put down the letter and pondered.

Lu You accepted a foster daughter at such a sensitive time... Maybe it's like what Lingshan hinted at.


Now Lingshan really doesn't have the heart to care about these things.

Now Lu Ling has not been rescued yet,

If something happens to Lu Ling...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lianren's master felt a great pressure on his shoulders.

The man Lu You put a lot of pressure on her.

"How?" someone asked her.

"It's nothing. Lu You can reach Luoyan City in half a month, enough for us to rescue Lu Ling." The woman put the letter away.

As for what happened to Lu Ling inside...

No one mentioned this matter.

Let it be fate.

After such a long time, more than half of the seal of the Immortal Sword Cave has been lifted, and after everyone's temptations, there is no need to untie all the seals. In about a few days, they will be able to rescue Lu Ling from the forbidden area.

Han Xue looked at Li Zhuzi who was adjusting his breath and preparing for the next attack on the barrier.

The latter had a sickly white complexion.

"Senior Sister Zhu, you'll be fine."

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, apart from this belief, she had no other choice.

"Do you want to... take a break?" Han Xue asked cautiously.

"No need." Li Zhuzi got up and joined the front line.

"..." Han Xue sighed, raised her head, and looked at the forbidden area with confused eyes.

How did it become like this...


Liu Fufeng?


In forbidden land.



The woman's voice was accompanied by heavy panting.

"Hmm... This small Taiji diagram actually consumed [-]% of my spiritual power..."

Hong Ling looked at the slowly rotating black and white picture in Lu Ling's soul. At this moment, the fire attribute talent that burst out of her body, corresponding to the ice blood, had stabilized.

Lu Ling was completely out of danger.

However, it may take some time to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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