Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 727 Evolution, opening chapter

Chapter 727 Evolution, the beginning

After Hong Ling's unremitting efforts, she finally engraved the prototype of the Tai Chi Diagram in Lu Ling's soul.

It's just that she is not Lu Ling after all, there are too many loopholes in Tai Chi, and she may collapse... But as long as Lu Ling wakes up, she will naturally adjust and adapt, so this is not considered a loophole.

Hong Ling finally had the mood to observe the changes in Lu Ling's body.

"This Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram is surrounded by Yin-Yang energy, while the curve in the middle is the power of ice and fire, and... can assimilate everything and regenerate... Why does it feel like the wheel of heaven and earth..."

Hong Ling was talking to herself.

"However, compared to the reincarnation's still a bit weak."

Shaking his head, he didn't pay attention any more, and took a closer look at Lu Ling's body.

On the surface, it is still ice blood, and there is no difference... But in fact, Lu Ling already has a dual physique. As long as she wakes up, one thought can transform her soul into a flame physique corresponding to the strength of ice blood ...and there will be no conflicts.

Under the control of the Taiji Diagram in her body, Lu Ling can even make ice and fire coexist at the same time.

There are too many magical effects, Hong Ling couldn't explain it clearly for a while.

And this is just something brought by the flames and ice... The most important thing is that Tai Chi and Hong Ling have established a prototype, but they don't know its specific function, and what is currently manifested can only be automatically derived from the things mastered. substance, and it blends perfectly.

And this alone is already too strong.

Such Lu Ling, shouldn't be weaker than the grown Liu Fufeng?

Thinking of this, Hong Ling sighed.

No matter how you say it, Liu Fufeng is already dead.

The space talent shattered the soul, Hong Ling didn't think she could be resurrected, even if she couldn't...

The soul is the most important thing, it is the same for humans and demons.

It's not like she hasn't doubted Liu Fufeng's identity, or the identity of the person behind her... But after thinking about it, the one with the highest probability is the queen who doesn't know where to go... After all, the queen has also revealed a lot of space tricks , but not to the extent that Liu Fufeng was close to the root, or even integrated with the root.

However, even if it is Hong Ling, I dare not say that the other party really does not have this kind of means. Among the three immortal species that exceed the specifications, only this queen feels the most mysterious to Hong Ling... Many times, or all of the time, she is A woman as gentle as water, it is difficult to get any connection with the word Mozu.

Hong Ling had observed her before, and had to say that she had a crush on that woman.

She is really gentle.

But it is impossible to get the almost crazy loyalty of all the demons just by virtue of gentleness.

Hong Ling has been guarding the Sword Tomb for so many years, and those ancient trolls who have been defeated by time to the point where their minds are not clear for tens of thousands of years... still retain this loyalty to the queen, like a day for thousands of years.

Hong Ling had never heard of anyone who was disloyal to the queen, from the ancient demon king to the demon clan who had just developed spiritual wisdom.

Therefore, Hong Ling absolutely does not believe the news that the queen has fallen, let alone this woman's scheming, purely, if she dies... the demons will definitely go crazy.

But the demons are so quiet...

No matter how you think about it, no chess player can do without her.

Doubtful point... Hong Ling has only found one Liu Fufeng so far.

But the queen is still a demon after all.

In a sense, the demon race is more dependent on the soul than the human race, and the soul is broken under her vision, and there is absolutely no possibility of resurrection.

Is Liu Fufeng just an abandoned son?

Or, the other party deliberately made her aware of her identity...


But Liu Fufeng's death was really a very bad thing for Lu Ling... Hong Ling could foresee what Lu Ling would be like after she knew the truth... And once she collapsed completely, with her ability, she would be very Maybe she doesn't want to wake up. At that time, even if she is killed, she will not enter the wheel of heaven and earth.

After all, the Xuenv back then still had hope of being resurrected, and if this happened, Xiaoxue would definitely go crazy.

And as an old woman... she may not be able to withstand the blows of loss, reunion, and loss again, and she will definitely do even better than Xiaoxue.

Perhaps, the people behind the scenes didn't want to completely offend Xianjian, so they left thoughts for Lu Ling. In this way, Lu Ling will not only not collapse, but also gain great motivation.

However, in the past, Lu Ling grew up and mastered the power of the fairy sword because Liu Fufeng could restrain her... But now, the chains have disappeared.

But so far, it can only be explained in this way. After all, the deterrent power of the fairy sword is greater than everything else.

Those who play chess must not have the full support of the "mother", otherwise they would not have such a layout.

This is good news for Hong Ling.

Hong Ling has already noticed that the only way to break the situation is Liu Fufeng committing suicide, and she has completely fallen into the big net organized by the other party...

Just like saving Lu Ling this time, it seems that she tried her best not to let Lu Ling fall into the hands of the other party, but in fact...the root power of Tai Chi she obtained still has the breath of Liu Fufeng.

This may be something left by Liu Fufeng to protect Lu Ling, but Hong Ling is more willing to believe that this is a kind of calculation, a kind of warning.

Warn her with this fairy sword, don't meddle too deeply, making it difficult for everyone to do things, things will not always go according to your ideas, this time Lu Ling did not die, but escaped from danger under the treatment of the dead Liu Fufeng, This event itself is a warning.

But the fact is that Hong Ling received the warning and took it to heart.

Although she could wait for Lu Ling to reincarnate again, who would want to let the master die?Not to mention, if Lu Ling died, Hong Ling would have to face Luo Qianhan's hellish hatred.



"Oh... you girl, you are really troublesome, what should you do in the future... I can't help you too much." Hong Ling stared at Lu Ling's calm face, and gently stroked her face.

The innocent and lovely face in the past has completely disappeared. Now Lu Ling's face is as frosty, and her skin is horribly white. Although Lu Ling has not opened her eyes, Hong Ling can already see that Lu Ling's pair is full of sword energy. He Hanbing's eyes are exactly the same as her once.

All the childishness between the brows faded away.

Only the face with the beauty mark is so charming.


Degenerate to the most original appearance.

But who can say that this is not a kind of evolution, after all, after meeting Liu Fufeng, "Lu Ling" was born, and her other side exists for Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng is not only a chain, but also a seal.

It's just that after breaking the seal, Lu Ling who wakes up now will not be that jealous soul.

She used to be extremely jealous of herself, the pure and flawless self that she transformed into living with Liu Fufeng.

Even jealous to the point of polluting his own body, he would rather die with his false self.

Fortunately, Liu Fufeng existed, and she was accepted.

With Liu Fufeng's healing, it will be a brand new Lu Ling who wakes up.

As for what will happen to Lu Ling who lost her junior sister, Hong Ling doesn't know either.

"I don't know, what will happen after Xiaoxue knows about your change..."

He shouldn't resent her, after all, this matter has nothing to do with her, no one knows.

"It must be... She will never leave, she will definitely not care what you become, just like me."

"Sleeping Beauty... wake up quickly, many people are waiting for you." Hong Ling lowered her head and whispered, touched Lu Ling's forehead, and then just integrated into Lu Ling's body.

Now, with Lu Ling's fire attribute talent, she no longer needs to rely on the fire glass to survive, but is perfectly hidden in Lu Ling's equally abnormal fire attribute talent, blending with her.



three days later.

A piece of news appeared in Lingshan's network, and all the women who left Lingshan to look for Liu Fufeng's whereabouts, Lu Ling, were all relieved.

Lu Ling has been rescued.

Miraculously, she didn't receive too much damage. The inexplicable explosion just made the power in her body slightly disordered, and... a little physical damage appeared.

The horrific conflict that everyone saw happened in Lu Ling's body, making her vomit blood for the prelude to the conflict, but Lu Ling ended up with a simple internal organ injury, which has to be shocking.

Perhaps this is Tiandao's compassion for the girl who has been hurt.



In the room, Li Zhuzi washed Lu Ling's body carefully, hugged her on the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed by himself.

At this time, Li Zhuzi was rescued along with Lu Ling, and the injuries in his body were gradually recovering.

It is more important to her that Lu Ling is fine than anything else, but the guilt in her heart has not diminished in the slightest, because her mistake almost sent Lu Ling to hell with her own hands, which made Li Zhuzi feel extremely tormented.

It was only when she was related to Lu Ling that she lost her composure and became not like herself.

These days, Li Zhuzi has been taking care of Lu Ling.


Li Zhuzi's worry did not subside in the slightest.

Although Lu Ling wasn't seriously injured, she didn't intend to wake up. That is to say, there was almost no difference between the current Lu Ling and the Lu Ling before she was sent to the Immortal Sword Forbidden Land.

The only variable is that Lu Ling has really absorbed the spiritual power purified by the fairy sword. At this time, the coldness in Lu Ling's body is even colder than before... The skin has completely changed to the way she saw Lu Ling for the first time. Holding Lu Ling, I felt that I couldn't bear the overflowing cold...

After all, Lingshan and the purple-clothed woman are still far behind. Although Lu Ling at this time is the same as before, there are still differences in reality. Now Lu Ling is completely out of danger, and she will be sober again. After calming down the cold fluctuations in the body, the eyes will naturally open.

This is Lu Ling's own choice.

It is also related to the yin-yang fish integrated into her body, you know, it has the aura of Liu Fufeng on it.

Even if she is still seriously injured, Lu Ling will still work hard to wake up. Knowing this, Hong Ling has no worries at all, and handed Lu Ling over to the Lingshan people with peace of mind. Otherwise, it would take at least half a month for them to get Lu Ling Pick it up.

Do you really think Lingshan's seal is so powerful?

What is preserved here is the body of Hong Ling's own sister. She has strengthened the seals left by those Lingshan girls long ago.

"Wake up earlier... I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you... Ah Ling, you will definitely like it." Li Zhuzi stroked Lu Ling's long hair.

"Senior Sister Zhu, how is Xiaoling?" At this moment, Dongfang Lianren walked in.

Li Zhuzi didn't look up, and replied in a low voice.

"The internal injury has fully recovered, but I still can't wake up now. The senior sister Shen next door came to see it once, and the conclusion is the same as before."

"Same as before? Does it mean that you need the ultimate ice? But..." Dongfang Lianren frowned: "Xiao Ling absorbed the spiritual power purified by Xueluo Qianhan? Is there any cold air in the world that is colder than the ice of the Immortal Sword?" ?”

"..." Li Zhu didn't speak, and Dongfang Lianren's face darkened.

The answer is no.

Without saying a word, Li Zhuzi combed Lu Ling's black hair as usual.

In fact, she already had a premonition in her heart, maybe the condition for Lu Ling to wake up was not the cold air, that Senior Sister Shen already knew about this, so this time, she didn't give herself the slightest suggestion.

Dongfang Lianren also noticed that the atmosphere was a bit heavy and felt bad, so he could only take the initiative to change the topic temporarily.

"How is Liu Fufeng going? Any news?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

Li Zhuzi shook his head: "I can't find a single trace at all. Various routes converged in Picheng several times, but no sign of Liu Fufeng was found."

In fact, it would be great if Liu Fufeng could be found, and Lu Ling's problem would naturally be solved.

There is no rush for this kind of thing, so we can only start slowly from Picheng.

Li Zhuzi continued: "There is no news about Liu Fufeng, and Senior Sister Feng encountered some obstacles in the Valley of Great Sadness."

"Hinder?" Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that Senior Sister Feng took the initiative to come to the door and was rejected?
Li Zhuzi still maintained a calm face, nodded: "Did you guess it?"

"Why?" Dongfang Lianren could no longer keep calm.

"According to Senior Sister Feng's news, the people in the Valley of Sadness can't get away now. After listening to our request, they refused without leaving any room." Li Zhuzi said.

"It's too much! How can these old things do this." Dongfang Lianren was angry.

You know, what happened back then was that the Great Sadness Valley owed too much to Lingshan, and over the years, the successive Great Sadness Valleys also owed a lot of favors to Lingshan. It stands to reason that among all the holy places, the easiest to support Lingshan is Great Sad Valley.

No matter how busy you are, is it so difficult to order those people to pay attention to a girl?

"Calm down." Li Zhuzi looked at her and explained: "There is a reason for the incident, and Senior Sister Feng has nothing to do after she understands the situation."

"What's the matter?" Dongfang Lianren's face turned cold.

"The details are not very clear, but... according to what Senior Sister Feng said, it has something to do with [True Buddha] and [Faith]."

(End of this chapter)

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