Chapter 734 East God
"Don't you know my name?" The woman in purple sighed.


She didn't know her own memory clearly, so how could others understand, but the little guy in front of her felt too close to her, making her think that she was seeing someone who was once very close.

If you don't know each other, there's nothing to say.

The woman in purple put away her friendly face and pushed open her own small door.

"Okay, see you later."

Said, closed the door.

It was not until there was a "bang" that Mingyue escaped from the illusion with a trembling, looking at the empty snow around her, Mingyue leaned on the wall, her chest heaving violently.

She looked at the open space ahead with complicated eyes.

"who is she?"

No one responded.

Mingyue didn't think anyone would respond, she was just asking herself.

Obviously, this woman's strength is far inferior to hers, but the suppression that comes from the heart cannot be faked, especially those eyes.

Thinking of this, a little excitement appeared on Mingyue's face.

Could it be... is this caused by the recovery of the Snow Maiden?

Is it another opportunity for Eastern Shenhai to recover?
It's hard for Mingyue to say whether the purple-clothed woman is her junior or senior. Lu Ling is her back, but the suppression is more violent than this purple-clothed woman.

Thinking of this, Mingyue smiled wryly.

That woman Yun Shu also said that she asked herself to come over and suppress this purple-clothed woman... Now I don't know who is suppressing whom.

She can be sure that if someone watched the scene just now, they would think she was being bullied.


Thinking of this, Mingyue reached into her bosom and touched her chest. After she regained consciousness, she took out a piece of warm jade from her chest.

【Tears of the Snow Maiden】.

Seeing the calm Nuanyu, Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Nothing happens.

That is not bad.

No response means that she is not the kind of elder who is the same generation as Xue Nu.

Mingyue looked at her hands with some amusement.

No matter how you think about it, it can't be someone from that era.

But she can also understand herself. After all, Xuenv can break out of reincarnation, why should others not.

He glanced up at the room.

Regarding the matter of the woman in purple clothes, she is not in a hurry now. She had the opportunity to have a good talk with Yun Shu. She was a little apprehensive when she heard that this mysterious woman was also targeting Lu Ling, but after the meeting, this negative emotion disappeared. gone.

First of all, she must have lost her memory. Such a serious soul injury must not be faked.


"Injured?" Mingyue was stunned.

Before, that kind of intimacy caused her to temporarily lose her ability to think, but now that she thinks about it, she is so strong after receiving such a serious injury and losing her memory... Although it is not as good as her own, it is not much worse.

Then she in her prime...

No, no, it should just be the illusion that I was suppressed from the very beginning.

Mingyue shook her head.

If not, it would be too shocking.

As for what that nerd Yun Shu said, the fact that the woman in purple coveted Lu Ling was nothing surprising to her.

With such a strong Eastern Divine Sea aura, seeing Xue Nu might be more exciting than him, plus she is a lost person.

One mystery, another mystery.

Mingyue looked at the sky, at this time, the snowflakes were still falling, hit her shoulders, and melted into them.

In Mingyue's eyes, one could see a huge gear turning slowly.

At that time, her master did not think that the world of cultivating immortals would look like this... let alone that the snow girl they had been looking for would appear in her generation.

Looking at Feng Jiu.


Shake his head.

Is Xueluo Qianhan important?
Important, but also not important.

For Dong Shenhai, the snow girl is always the first one.



"How about it?"

Mingyue appeared behind Venerable Ye and Li Zhuzi.

"Patriarch." Li Zhuzi got up and saluted.

"Patriarch." Venerable Ye also stood up.

It's a pity that Mingyue didn't even look at Venerable Ye, ignoring the Venerable of Shushan, but looked at Li Zhuzi with a gentle face, and helped her up.

Li Zhuzi only felt a stream of clear water lift her up, and looked at the patriarch in front of him in surprise.

Mingyue looked into Li Zhuzi's eyes, and said softly: "There is no need to be polite, we are all family."

Such words seem to be spoken by a loli Mingyue, which makes people feel unspeakably weird.

But in the eyes of Li Zhuzi and Venerable Ye, they were shocked.

Doesn't it mean that Yue is extremely difficult to get close to?Why was she so enthusiastic when they first met, those who didn't know thought she and Li Zhuzi really belonged to the same family.

"Wait a minute." Mingyue took Li Zhuzi's hand, then turned her head to look at Venerable Ye, and said, "Boy from Shushan, keep your eyes open. Junior brother is still inside. Don't let me lose my manners and throw you out."

Venerable Ye: "..."

He is hated?
Because of what?
It can't be because I am from Shushan.


Master Mingyue was with Mo Qing before...

In addition, she held Li Zhuzi's hand intimately.

Venerable Ye felt a little weird on his face, but he bent down to salute, turned around and went out in one go.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to say goodbye to Li Zhuzi.

As for where to go after leaving... Venerable Ye had no idea. After thinking about it, he decided to find Bai Yunfan. Of course, in order not to wander around impolitely in Lingshan, he stood in front of the door quietly waiting for Dongfang Lianren and Baiyun Fan came to pick him up.

It's okay to be kicked out...



Mingyue realized that after she chased Venerable Ye away, the atmosphere became a little frozen. Turning her head, she saw that it was Li Zhuzi who had a slightly weird look in her eyes, and immediately held Li Zhuzi's hand with more strength.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Patriarch, she...was she too enthusiastic?

Isn't it difficult to get close to the ancestors outside?Even if many people have seen her, they still can't find out the true face of the patriarch. Even the appearance of the filial son is spread in the circle of the venerable, but no one knows what she looks like in the patriarch Mingyue.

Therefore, Li Zhuzi didn't dare to look at Patriarch Mingyue too carefully before, but after being treated so warmly by her, she felt strange in her heart, and she had a panoramic view of Patriarch Mingyue's appearance while in a daze.

Naturally surprised.

very young?
However, she soon got out of the bad mood. Appearance has never been the basis for judging a person's age, especially in Lingshan. Even when the ancestor on Lingshan passed away, he still looked like a young girl.

It's just that she was surprised that Patriarch Mingyue was cuter than she imagined.

Have you seen her yourself?

Li Zhuzi frowned.

The answer is no, never.

In other words, this kind of enthusiasm is not directed at oneself...then there is only one answer.

Lu Ling, Dong Shenhai.

Two words flashed in Li Zhuzi's mind, and her eyes became a little colder.

And Mingyue didn't seem to notice this, she took Li Zhuzi's hand, and made a nervous gesture: "Li...Zhuzi, right, I let that kid Ye go...Don't get me wrong, I didn't do it because of Mo Qing's matter. attitude towards him."


"..." The corners of Li Zhuzi's mouth twitched slightly.

What is the patriarch talking about? ?

Mo Qing?What does this have to do with him.

"The Patriarch said no...then it's not." Li Zhuzi replied extremely stiffly, and it was easy for people to misunderstand that she was a little angry.

It can't be her fault either.

"Definitely not." Mingyue nodded vigorously.

She really didn't come here to improve Mo Qing's favorability, that bastard is not worthy, and Mingyue, as an elder, is also very disgusted with this man's cowardly behavior.

"Let's not talk about that worthless kid, how is Lu Ling?" Mingyue asked.

"Aling's current condition is not very good. There is a disordered coldness in her body, which has led to the instability of other spiritual power environments. For details, the patriarch must go to check it in person. As for the safety of her life... compared to those who have been in contact with Xue Luoqian Han is much more stable before, and there is no danger for the time being, but if you still don't wake up, then..." Li Zhuzi shook his head when he said this.

"Is that so..." Mingyue lightly tapped her thigh with her fingers, thinking.

She knows something about Lu Ling's condition... so she is not worried.

And the favor for Li Zhuzi didn't come out of thin air, and it didn't have any utilitarian purpose, it was just because Li Zhuzi was really good to Lu Ling.

It's that simple.

Their domain master has been in trouble for many years because of Dong Shenhai's incompetence, and his personality has changed. At this time, whoever pulls her out of the nightmare will naturally be grateful to Mingyue.

This is true for Han Xue and Li Zhuzi.

And... Liu Fufeng.

For Mingyue, she should be most grateful to this ordinary disciple named Liu Fufeng, who started with Lu Ling and led her to grow up. However, this girl seems to have disappeared now, and Yun Shu also found her and asked her to help find her.

Relying on the relationship between Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, Mingyue naturally passed on the order without any hesitation.

As for Yun Shu's spatial talent, she actually had some doubts. After all, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, but if Liu Fufeng really had a spatial talent, then she should help.

When Mingyue was thinking, Li Zhuzi was also observing her.

After discovering that the patriarch did not have any reaction after hearing "Xue Luo Qian Han", he just breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that what Master Yun said is true. For this group of people standing on the top floor, these secrets have long been It's not a secret anymore, but no one will tell it.

Mingyue didn't notice Li Zhuzi's thoughts, but even if she did, she wouldn't care.

Isn't it just Xueluoqianhan?

In other words, although I don't know why, the strongest in the Eastern Shenhai in the past didn't care much about Xueluo Qianhan, let alone want to get it. This can be regarded as a kind of ancestral teaching.

Ever since the first domain lord established the Eastern Divine Sea, her relationship with Xueluo Qianhan...was not that good, and she can still find her bad remarks about Xueluo Qianhan from the books and notes left by the domain lord.

This was the case with the ancestors, and the new generation of Eastern Shenhai also inherited their ideas... A malfunctioning fairy sword is troublesome no matter how you think about it.

And Mingyue's thinking is different from others, because in her generation, Xuenv appeared.

Then the fairy sword is the sword of Xue Nu, even if Dong Shenhai is unwilling, it will always return to its owner in the dark, just like now, Xue Nu and Xueluo Qianhan both exist in Lingshan—in fact, Mingyue There is another thought.

Was it the fairy sword that led Xuenv to appear in Lingshan, or Xuenv took the initiative to appear near Lingshan... She personally prefers the first one.

If it is the second type...

Speaking of this, I have to say something about the location of Lingshan.

Lingshan, in fact, in the eyes of the people of Eastern Shenhai, the word "ling" should be "ling" is more suitable.

mausoleum mausoleum.

If Xuenv did not persist to the boundary of Lingshan back then, but fell in the Eastern Divine Sea, then the current Xueluo Qianhan would exist in the forbidden area of ​​the Eastern Divine Sea, and the Eastern Divine Sea would not be crowned with the title of the first domain master 【Eastern God】, but directly use the name 【Linghai】.

Maybe, the current structure of the world of cultivating immortals is [Eastern God Mountain] and [Linghai]. The names of these two holy places do not depend on the place where the fairy sword is located, but the place where the snow girl fell.

As the place where Xuenv fell, Lingshan naturally has mysteries that the Eastern Shenhai doesn't know about. Like the Eastern Shenhai, Mingyue doesn't believe that Yun Shu doesn't know anything about Xuenv. She must know something that the Eastern Shenhai doesn't know It's a secret, but Yun Shu is so good at playing dumb, Mingyue can't do anything about her.

But now it's different, Xuenv appeared. On the surface, Dongshenhai is Xuenv's only home, and the tomb is unlucky, she will return to Dongshenhai sooner or later... At that time, all Yun Shu's secrets will have to be vomited , nothing can be preserved.



Mingyue watched the fluctuating cold air faintly emanating from the room, and rubbed her fingers slightly.

Lu Ling...

Is it really not the existence of inheriting the blood of the ice, but the Snow Girl herself, or the remnant soul of the Snow Girl?

She still has some hesitation.

As for Lu Ling's appearance, if it was the fairy sword that led Xuenv to appear in Lingshan, that's okay, they never believed that the fairy sword Xueluo Qianhan would fail, so let's understand the nature of the world?
Li Huo Hongling was still in Shu Mountain, Xueluo Qianhan couldn't be out of order forever, it was normal for her to guide her master back.

However, according to Mingyue's news, by Xue Nu's side... Xueluo Qianhan seems... to have no right to speak at all. It's really hard to say whether she is qualified to guide Xue Nu.

And if Xuenv took the initiative to appear near the Lingshan... Then it means that Lu Ling actually still retains the memory of Xuenv, it is a little bit of subconsciousness, maybe it is a fragment of memory...

If anyone exists, then Lu Ling is Xuenv.

The memory fragments will return to their original state one day, and if it is subconscious... Then Lu Ling is actually a snow girl, and she can't even be considered as a newborn existence.

Mingyue took a deep breath.

Who knows.

Don't talk about her about this kind of thing, I'm afraid even if Dongshen is alive, she can't see what that Xuenv is thinking... But sensing Lu Ling's breath in the room, Mingyue always feels that a big net covers her inside, Breathing is a little difficult.

But it soon became easier.

Anyway, with the appearance of Xue Nu, it is certain that the Eastern Shenhai will glow with the strongest vitality in history.

Look forward to.

(End of this chapter)

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