Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 735 Eastern God and Lingshan

Chapter 735 Eastern God and Lingshan

"Dongshen?" Mingyue thought of the legendary first domain master of Shenhai in the Middle East, that is, Xuenv's only disciple.

Although she is not as famous as the Holy Lord of Qionghua or the head of Shushan in the past, she is actually an outrageously strong existence in contemporary times. After all, she has most of the inheritance of Xuenv. Shen] can't get away with it, it's just because of Xue Nu's halo, this Eastern God is not very famous, but the real older generation is very familiar with the word "Eastern God".

The only existence with the name of a holy place named as a single person will not be a simple woman, but also because of the relationship with Xuenv, the holy place in the world of cultivating immortals deliberately downplays her existence. If everything related to Xuenv is not because of Inheritance or careful investigation, almost no one will hear these two words.

The same goes for 【Xue Luo Qian Han】.

Naturally, Eastern Shenhai will not challenge this bottom line. They have never advertised that they have any relationship with Xuenv, nor are they under the guise of Xuenv's inheritance... It's just that those holy places are clear. After all, Eastern Shenhai can be named The impression of "upstarts" is inseparable from the inheritance left by Xuenv. The simplest thing is that the warm jade [Snownv's Tears] worn on Mingyue's neck has never hidden her name and brilliance.

Mingyue thought.

Dongshenhai... Xuenv... Dongshen... It seems that there is no need to keep a low profile.

She already had a plan in mind.

Next, Eastern Shenhai will build momentum.

Xuenv has been deliberately played down for so many years... It is time to return.

Dong Shenhai doesn't mean to oppose the Holy Land group, but their ancestors should be famous all over the world, not exist in legends.

And... the holy land that blocked the news of Xuenv back then is not those people back then, Shushan is still the same, Qionghua's new head is a generation of heroes, and now the seven holy lands have been reshuffled, and there are more Lingshan and Dongshenhai ...

They can already have some right to speak.

Hehe, there is more than one Eastern God Sea related to that Eastern God.

Mingyue glanced at Li Zhuzi, the light in her eyes made Li Zhuzi incomprehensible.

This Patriarch Mingyue seemed... very excited.

Mingyue shook her head, sensing the atmosphere in the room, but did not speak.

If there is no accident, Lu Ling will act under the banner of Snow Girl's successor. If it is the previous generation, they will not be so upright. After all, the existence of Snow Girl is a dark history for the entire human race, a dark and corrupt fig leaf, but This time is really the best time.

Needless to say, Lingshan and Dongshenhai must be standing behind Xuenv, and Mr. Xiao also has an unclear purpose towards Lu Ling, so naturally he will not target her... The saint in Qionghua also has thoughts about Lu Ling, As for Yihua Palace...

Mingyue's face darkened slightly.

She really can't say...whether Lu Ling is Lu You's daughter, if so, then I don't know how Xuenv will deal with this matter...this may be the only variable.

But even if Yihua Palace stands on the opposite side, the energy is enough.

Thinking of this, Mingyue looked at the woman in front of her, patted her on the shoulder, and said: "Lu Ling's teacher, this is a good status, you won't regret being nice to her."

"...Hmm." Li Zhuzi didn't understand what the Patriarch was thinking, but nodded.

She didn't treat Lu Ling very well, she just did her duty, and she couldn't even talk about regrets.

If another person said this, she might be angry or maybe she would be angry, but since the other party was Patriarch Mingyue, Li Zhuzi didn't have this kind of thought. Instead, she had some thoughts.

Ah Ling's status is much higher than she thought.

"That's right." Mingyue said suddenly.

"Patriarch, please tell me." Li Zhuzi said respectfully.

"In the yard next to you... who is that woman in purple?" Mingyue asked Li Zhuzi.

That ugly woman Yun Shu doesn't even know her identity. It stands to reason that she shouldn't have asked Li Zhuzi, but Li Zhuzi has been her neighbor for so many years, so maybe she knows some little news, and if she tells it, maybe she can Think of something.

"That senior sister?"

Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Patriarch Mingyue to ask about such a small matter, but when he thought of the strong Eastern God Sea aura on that sister, he didn't feel surprised. Ziwen's eyes moved, and he said simply.

"This senior sister's surname is Shen. The one who hides the sword is Shen. I don't know her name. She has lost part of her memory. She usually keeps a low profile in Lingshan. She basically didn't go out in the past few years, but she has been going out for a walk recently. Her health seems to be much better... ..." Li Zhuzi said eloquently.

"Senior Sister Shen is very proficient in rhythm. Currently, no one in Lingshan is comparable to her. I have also heard her Linglong a few times by chance. Although I don't understand it very well, it does make people feel comfortable physically and mentally... Conservative estimates are sure. She is better at this than that girl Qin Qin."


"She also came to see Ah Ling..."

"Shen Gui once said..."

time flies.

Li Zhuzi told almost all the information she knew, and there was no secret in the first place, and she also knew that Master Mingyue and Master Yun had a good relationship, so naturally she would not hide anything.

"No more?" Mingyue frowned.

"No more." Li Zhuzi nodded.

"I see." Mingyue nodded, her fingers lightly tapped her thighs, sinking a little into the round and slender legs.



Wearing a purple dress, this purple dress seems to be...

A piece of information flashed through Mingyue's mind, but she didn't catch it. She closed her eyes and was about to find that piece of inspiration when she heard the sound of the door opening next to her.

"Senior sister, I'm fine." Xiao Gongzi said.

"!" Mingyue opened her eyes, her thoughts were completely confused, so she stopped thinking.

It will be a long time in the future, and the most important thing now is Lu Ling.

Looking slightly annoyed at the white-clothed man who came out with a word, the bright moon rose beautifully, and his delicate face was full of dissatisfaction.

Li Zhuzi next to him looked at it and tilted his head.

Also... quite cute.

Um, no disrespect.

"What's wrong with you? You can't even talk?" Mingyue pointed at Young Master Xiao who came out, not saving him any face.

"I said it wrong, it was wrong." Young Master Xiao had no choice but to spoil this senior sister.

"You should also pay attention to the reputation of the little girl. She is such a big person that she doesn't even pay attention to such things..."

Li Zhuzi was very curious to see Mingyue nagging at Mr. Xiao.

After Mingyue had said enough, she asked about the business: "How do you see it? Is there any way?"

Li Zhuzi also looked up when he heard the words.

But as she expected, the Patriarch of Shushan shook his head, expressing that he had nothing to do.

"I knew it." Mingyue snorted coldly: "You just came to see Lu Ling, you think I don't know?"

"..." Young Master Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

But I have nothing to say, but Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling's teacher, is still there...

Young Master Xiao has already noticed that Li Zhuzi's respectful eyes before have changed a bit, and he is seven points more vigilant.

But can he lose his temper?

Even if Senior Sister Mingyue didn't say anything, the "rumors" spread by that old Li Liweng would reach Li Zhuzi's ears sooner or later, and Mingyue said it was only sooner or later.

But Li Zhuzi is a junior after all... Xiao Gongzi can only remain silent.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Mingyue got up, took small graceful steps, walked in front of Young Master Xiao like a lady, raised her head and looked at Young Master Xiao Xiao with one foot on her feet.

The latter didn't give in, and didn't mean to feel guilty at all.

After a while, Mingyue moved her nose and nodded.

"Nothing excessive was done."


"Don't get angry in a hurry, um..." Mingyue circled around Young Master Xiao, tsk-tsk said: "I haven't looked at it carefully before, junior brother, you have suppressed your murderous aura, and you can barely be considered handsome... If you are like that old man in the coir hat Just like a kid, if you don’t talk about other people, you won’t be able to pass my level.”


There must be something wrong with this senior sister's brain circuit.

But what can he do if he owes the other party a huge favor.

"If you really have an idea, I said you have to wait for her to grow up, but there must be a lot of people competing by then, after all... it's Snow Girl." Mingyue chuckled.

Li Zhuzi was taken aback, and looked at Young Master Xiao strangely.

He to Aya?

No way.


But Young Master Xiao heard another meaning.

Snow Maiden...

"Aren't you going to hide?" Young Master Xiao raised his sword eyebrows.

"Hiding what?" Mingyue asked back.

"That's right." Young Master Xiao nodded. Lu Ling's words... really don't need to worry about Mu Xiu Yu Lin, maybe that Liu Fufeng who said he has a talent for space needs to worry, but Lu Ling doesn't need to.

If she is really Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden...

Young Master Xiao actually didn't believe it, Lu Ling didn't look like a snow girl in every way.

"The little girl's condition has stabilized a lot, I'll leave it to you." Young Master Xiao said.

"Of course, our own domain master doesn't need the help of people from Shushan." Mingyue nodded as a matter of course.

"Where are you going?" Mingyue asked.

"Luoyan City." Young Master Xiao said.

"Wait someone?"


"Understood." Mingyue nodded, and she didn't pay too much attention to specific matters.

Immediately afterwards, Young Master Xiao turned around and left. When he left, he didn't even think about taking Venerable Ye and the others with him, but when facing Li Zhuzi, it was so rare that he felt like running away.

Li Zhuzi looked at Patriarch Mingyue at the side, and wanted to say something, but he still kept it in his heart.

what snow girl...

What domain owner...

There is no domain master in the Eastern Divine Sea.

He looked up at the fairy star Ji Bing, which was moving eastward in the north, and did not speak.

The information in Li Zhuzi's mind has helped her deduce a lot.

"I'll know later, let's wake up the little girl now." Mingyue looked at the thoughtful Li Zhuzi and reminded.

She didn't shy away from Li Zhuzi because this girl was her own.

Snow Girl... After all, there must be fetters.

The former Immortal Sword, now Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng disappeared, and Li Zhuzi must never have another job.

"Yes." Li Zhuzi nodded.

Mingyue waved her sleeves and entered the bamboo house.

She is more curious about Lu Ling than she respects her now, so she treats her like a little girl. After all, Lu Ling is still Lu Ling now, maybe even if she becomes a Snow Girl in the future, she is still Lu Ling, but her title is "Snow Girl".

"Let me take another look, this little girl who dared to belittle me the first time we met." Mingyue sat on the edge of the bed and lifted the curtain.

A pale little face appeared in front of her eyes.

Mingyue took a deep breath.

"Sure enough... is it degeneration?"

The current Lu Ling is basically what she understands, in an unawakened state.

Mingyue stretched out her hand and lightly stroked Lu Ling's wrist, activating the special spiritual power. Watching Lu Ling's blood gradually solidify and finally turned into ice, she finally confirmed this matter.

In such Lu Ling's body, she felt an extremely cold breath, but there was no trace of suppression that she should have.

Logically speaking, beside Xue Nu, she should be very stressed, but looking at it now, Lu Ling is far inferior to that purple-clothed woman surnamed Shen, even worse than the time she saw in Luoyan City.

However, because of her degeneration, the ice field was always open, and Mingyue felt that her strength had actually increased a little by Lu Ling's side.

It's really scary, her cultivation base has not improved in the slightest for hundreds of years, because her Tao has almost come to an end, but Lu Ling can actually make her grow.

If Lu Ling is hung on the body, I am afraid that the increase will be greater than that of Xuenv's tears.

The reincarnation of Xuenv is amazing.

But what happened to this girl?
Just because of that Liu Fufeng leaving?

Mentally broken?
This state is obviously due to the protection mechanism caused by the birth of the mental demon.

Not really, how long has she known that girl named Liu Fufeng... To be tied to such a deadly state, the other party just disappears can turn her into this half-dead state.

Mingyue couldn't believe it.

Is this still the Snow Maiden she knows?

Mingyue was a little confused, and her curiosity about Liu Fufeng had reached its peak.

That Lu Ling who dared to touch her buttocks as soon as she came up was strange, but she was somewhat courageous, and this Lu Ling... No matter how you look at it, she is a fragile girl.

A little bit disappointed.

But this is also normal, it is simply unrealistic to be able to become a snow girl without growing up.

Mingyue began to check Lu Ling's body.

After a long time, Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, Lu Ling fell into a coma temporarily because of the cold riot, but the matter seemed not as serious as she thought. In her eyes, Lu Ling's The cold air only looks violent, but in fact, everyone is extremely quiet, and they will never touch that limit at all.

It's just that in the eyes of outsiders, it is very dangerous. In fact, Lu Ling is not safe now.

"...I... don't seem to be able to do anything???"

After a while, Mingyue foolishly held Xue Nu's tears, and smiled helplessly.

This drop of tears from Luo Qianhan is probably stronger than all the current snow dust. It is definitely not a problem to stabilize Lu Ling's spiritual power, but now that Lu Ling has stabilized herself, there is nothing she can do.

"Well... I'm worried for nothing. If you look at it this way, she will wake up by herself soon, but... I don't know what the result of degeneration is. Liu Fufeng... Liu Fufeng..."

Mingyue looked serious.

Liu Fufeng's existence is much more important than her resemblance.

"Forget it, let's talk after waking up." Mingyue put [Snow Girl's Tears] on Lu Ling's heart, and further calmed down the pure cold air all over her body, feeling that Lu Ling's breathing gradually stabilized and became more comfortable.

Even Patriarch Mingyue couldn't feel the opposite power of fire under Lu Ling's icy blood.

At this time, Mingyue finally thought about taking a good look at Lu Ling.

 Remember to mark the typos for me, and then I tried to play Lingshan Romance and it felt good. This kind of turn-based opponent is more friendly. The main reason is that the Great Sage protected me at the beginning. It feels pretty good hhh
(End of this chapter)

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