Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 737 Return and Departure

Chapter 737 Return and Departure

Mingyue chose to let the people in Luoyan City go.

This is not because she forgave Luoyan City, but because one Luoyan City is not enough, and she also needs time to investigate what she wants to know.

So Mingyue left the boundary of Lingshan and rushed to Tianguangxu.

Q: What is the biggest enemy for people from the Xuenv lineage?
Of course it is the Mozu.

Shushan and so on are just the product of venting anger, which is different in nature.

That's why she endured the erosion and has been living at the gate of the junction of Tianguangxu and the sealed land, trying to destroy the higher creatures that came out of it one by one, and now, those monsters in Tianguangxu have become the best. Use the vent "item".

She is in a hurry.

Mingyue's work is very planned, her Dao heart is unstable now and she needs to kill to stabilize it, then do it, and hurry back after finishing.

After Lu Ling woke up, she and Lu You still had a play to do, she couldn't miss it.

This is very important. Lu You's attitude determines Dong Shenhai's attitude towards Yihua Palace, and Lu Ling's attitude towards him also determines her next course of action. As far as Dong Shenhai is concerned, Lu Ling is definitely not wanted Back to Yihua Palace.

The skills of Lingshan and Dongshenhai are definitely the most suitable for Lu Ling. There is no doubt about this, especially Dongshenhai, where most of Xuenv's skills are still preserved, and "Shenlan" is just the foundation building chapter. , Moreover, Shenlan was not left by Xuenv, to be precise, it was the first domain master of the East God Sea, the method created by the East God to control the cold air.

But whether Lu Ling wants to return to Yihua Palace or not depends on her own choice in the end.

After all, everyone believed that she was indeed Lu You's daughter. Under such circumstances, Lingshan had no reason to keep her, so Mingyue and Yun Shu could only make some fuss from Lu Ling.

It would be best if Lu Ling didn't want to go back.

A father who lost his daughter would not be a good father no matter what, and... no one knows whether Lu You can be a good father.

At least, no one knows who Lu Ling's mother is, right?



Li Zhuzi raised his head, put away the tea set, and stood up to hold the umbrella.

Of course, she certainly hadn't thought about the problems that Patriarch Mingyue had considered, but for Li Zhuzi, all the problems were not problems.

Lu Ling's it important?Just know that no matter which Lu Ling is her A Ling, it is the existence of her daughter who was once a blank sheet of paper.

As a husband and mother, the most important thing for her is to find a way to cheer up Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi has also thought about this point, nothing more than starting from Liu Fufeng's side, she is the best motivation.

As for Lu You's question... This is the simplest, Li Zhuzi basically didn't even think about it.

She would never hand over Lu Ling to Lu You.


This kind of disqualified father is not qualified to snatch Ah Ling away from her. Therefore, Li Zhuzi's attitude basically determines Lingshan's attitude towards Lu You, that is, it is easy to say anything, and his daughter should not talk about it.

After thinking about this, Li Zhuzi prepared to go back to his bamboo house with an umbrella.

Listening to what the Patriarch said... Ah Ling has recovered.

Li Zhuzi's face turned rosy.

At this moment, her complexion changed suddenly, she turned to look sideways, and saw a woman standing there in the snowstorm, covered in ice blue, not human-like, and the woman took a step forward, transformed into a human The appearance of a woman.

The woman's icy blue long hair cascaded down like a waterfall to the waist of Chu Gong, who was grasping gracefully. Her skin was white and silky like creamy fat. She had crescent eyebrows and phoenix eyes. her sight.

High Elf.

is her?

are you back.

This is the elf that Lu Ling abducted from the Qionghua Secret Realm, and Li Zhuzi naturally knew it. This ice beauty said that she went to find ice treasures for Lu Ling, and now she seems to be back.

At the beginning, I said that I was looking for the mysterious ice under the sea. This sea is different from the Eastern God Sea, but it really belongs to the domain of the sea clan. However, it is not difficult for the high-ranking elves to make a move. Even the sea clan will not trouble the elves. of.


Li Zhuzi looked at the ice-blue Xuanbing sword on the ice beauty's back, his pupils shrank.

This sword...

It's snowing and it's cold?

No, it's not Xueluo Qianhan, Xueluo Qianhan is still in the forbidden area of ​​Lingshan, and the ice beauty's rapier is almost powerful, it should be an ordinary magic weapon carved in Xueluo Qianhan's appearance, or a low-level one.

As an elf, it's not surprising that she looks like Xueluoqianhan, but because of Lingshan and Xueluoqianhan's Guan Xu, she was a little nervous.

"Elf, are you back?" Li Zhuzi asked while holding an umbrella.

"En." The ice beauty nodded, and walked over with a sword on her back. If there were other people present, she would have ignored her at all. She had already gone into the house to see Lu Ling, but Li Zhuzi was Lu Ling's husband, and she didn't care. You have to give face.

Li Zhuzi had already discovered the elves' compromise before.

how to say……

The elf's politeness to her gave her a sense of familiarity.

She once felt it from the purple-clothed senior sister surnamed Shen next door.

Probably because of the student Lu Ling again.

These two people are also really strange, neither has a name, and they are also inexplicably polite to themselves.

"When did you come back?" Li Zhuzi asked after thinking about it.

"There is still a kid here." The ice beauty said casually, and at the same time she was doing her makeup, and she tied her long blue hair into a neat low ponytail.

She came back when Venerable Ye was still there.

"So early? Didn't Patriarch Mingyue find you?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Patriarch? You mean that little girl from before?" The ice beauty glanced at the direction where Mingyue left: "She has a strong cultivation, but her perception is not so good. After all... in your eyes, I am an elf, that is, aura."

"That's right." Li Zhuzi nodded as a matter of course. An elf is an elf. If the ice beauty hadn't shown up on her own initiative, Li Zhuzi would never have discovered that there was an elf so close to him.

Elves do not exist objectively, they are spiritual energy in essence, ice elves are ice spiritual energy, and the most indispensable thing in Lingshan now is ice spiritual energy... The same is true for high-level elves. In the eyes of the patriarch, she is estimated to be an ordinary snowflake. Let alone found out.

There is no such concept.

"How's the harvest?" Li Zhuzi glanced at the long sword on the back of the ice beauty. The elf now has a neat ponytail, a perfectly proportioned figure, and clothes like tights, which makes her look a bit heroic.

"I found the Xuanbing that is nearly 4000 years old." The ice beauty said indifferently that all the refiners would be crazy when they heard it, and then said: "But... listening to what the girl said before, it seems that I don't need it, so I will take it Put it back, after all... taking it also ruined the growth of the little ones there."

In the mysterious ice group under the sea, the existence of ice elves will naturally be bred, and the ice beauty also took away the mysterious ice this time under pressure.

Because the other party was Li Zhuzi, she talked to him very calmly, even... her posture was a little low.

It's all because of Lu Ling.

"It's fine for these elves to make their own decisions, so you don't need to tell me." Li Zhuzi felt a little troubled by her attitude, but said calmly.

"Then... now, how is Han Bing doing?" the ice beauty asked.


Li Zhuzi paused and understood.

She was still not quite used to the name from the elf's mouth.

But the other party asked this question... what he really meant was that he wanted to see Lu Ling.

"Let's go in and have a look together." Li Zhuzi said: "What Master means is that Ah Ling is completely out of danger, and she can wake up in three days at most."

"En." The ice beauty nodded.

She also heard these words, that's why she showed up, and because of Li Zhuzi's relationship, she didn't break in without authorization, all of this was for the noble Han Bing's feelings.

The two entered the house together.



Lu Ling's superficial appearance has not changed in any way, she is still so pale, but both Li Zhuzi and Bing Meiren can feel that Lu Ling has stabilized, and the violent cold air before is all calm now. In Lu Ling's body, and because she absorbed some of the cold air from [Snow Maiden's Tears], the current Lu Ling has raised a level both in terms of cultivation base and the purity of the cold air.

The ice beauty breathed a sigh of relief.

Out of danger...that's good.

"It seems like I've been busy in vain." The ice beauty said, opening her palms, and there lay a palm-sized azure blue quietly.

"This is a small piece I knocked off, and it seems to be useless now."

"En..." Seeing Lu Ling's quiet face, Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief while looking at the ice beauty.

"I have to go back and send Xuanbing back," the ice beauty said quietly.

It's really a waste of time for her to go... It's not helpful at all.


She is a little scared now, so she wants to escape for a while.

Because of Lu Ling's appearance, the ice beauty wanted to stay away subconsciously, and she couldn't explain why, but after thinking about it carefully, it was better to wait for Lu Ling to calm down before coming back.

She also knew how much Liu Fufeng's disappearance had dealt a blow to Lu Ling, and also understood that this might be a good time to increase her favorability, but...

Seeing Lu Ling's sleeping face, she couldn't help but feel palpitations.

To gain favorability, one must have a high degree of favorability.

The main reason is that Lu Ling's current cold air is degenerating on the surface, but it is actually evolving. This kind of cold air, which is several grades higher than hers, is in an unstable state at this time, so the ice beauty's own cold air is likely to be caused by Lu Ling. Aya's instability can be stretched to the point of being distorted, or even shredded.

Therefore, when Lu Ling is unstable, she'd better stay away.

This was also the reason why the woman in purple didn't come into contact with Lu Ling frequently. With the woman in purple's physical condition, it was also very dangerous when she surrendered to Lu Ling's spiritual power.

It's just that the woman in purple is stronger than the ice beauty, so she still lives next door to Lu Ling.

"You want to leave? I understand." Li Zhuzi nodded: "Aren't you waiting for Ah Ling to wake up?"

"No." The ice beauty shook her head, it was enough for her to see that Lu Ling was safe.

"I'm ready to leave now."

"Whatever you want." Li Zhuzi shook his head, settled Lu Ling, and left the room.

The ice beauty also left as she said.

Next, Li Zhuzi spread the news that Lu Ling was safe. At this time, both the elders in the family and Liu Yao who were outside were relieved.



by the lake.

A woman in red was followed by two men in white.

"Lu safe." Suddenly, the woman spoke.

"Really?" One of the men stood up excitedly.

"Bai Yunfan, calm down." Dongfang Lianren looked dissatisfied at Bai Yunfan who was pulling his clothes.

"Aren't I excited?" Bai Yunfan scratched his head, his expression of excitement remained unchanged. Sure enough, the actions of the ancestor and the ancestor of Mingyue were different.

"Junior Sister?" Venerable Ye looked at Dongfang Lianren.

Seeing Venerable Ye, Dongfang Lianren's face became better. God knows why she was responsible for leading these two men around Lingshan.

"That's right, Zhuzi said that with the help of Patriarch Mingyue, Xiaoling is out of danger, and she can wake up in three days at most, but... listen to her, don't disturb Xiaoling's rest." Dongfang Lian humane.

"You?" Bai Yunfan heard the key words.

"Of course I'm going to take care of Xiao Ling. I've been doing all the cleaning and changing of her body recently. Why, do you want to come along?" Dongfang Lianren stared at Bai Yunfan.

"No, no..." Bai Yunfan shook his head.

"That's it. Brother Ye, work hard and try to win... By the way, watch Bai Yunfan and don't let him run around." Dongfang Lianren left a sentence and hurried back to look at Lu Ling, leaving behind two men by the lakeside.

"Work hard? Take it?" Bai Yunfan glanced strangely at the senior brother beside him.

"It won't be..."

"..." Venerable Ye didn't speak, looked in Erfeng's direction, and said rarely: "Take care of yourself."

Venerable Ye rarely said such things to him, but this time it might be because of the close contact with Li Zhuzi, but he didn't deny anything.

"Myself..." Bai Yunfan lost his temper in an instant, looked in the direction of the second peak, and showed a wry smile.

It was very difficult for Ye Zi to choose Senior Sister Zhu, but his partner...

I always feel that it is the difficulty of hell mode.

He just won't give up.



After Dongfang Lianren saw Lu Ling, he finally put his heart in his stomach.

Afterwards, she was also driven back to Sanfeng by Li Zhuzi. The reason was to let her rest for two days. After all, she has been physically and mentally exhausted recently.

Although Dongfang Lianren didn't want to leave Lu Ling, he had no choice but to go home obediently.

Now, Li Zhuzi is the only one left by Lu Ling's side.

inside the house.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling who was still sleeping, expressionless.

In fact, even if Ice Beauty didn't ask to leave, she would still find a way to make her leave.

The reason why she even "drives" Dongfang Lian away is not simply to let her go back to have a good rest - although this is indeed one of the reasons.

It's just... For Li Zhuzi, she hoped that when Lu Ling woke up, she would be the first person to see her instead of anyone else.

This is not surprising.

(End of this chapter)

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