Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 738 The Change of Li Zhuzi

Chapter 738 The Change of Li Zhuzi
As usual, Li Zhuzi sat beside the bamboo bed, quietly looking at the girl in front of him.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a thick soft cushion under Lu Ling's body at this time, with runes flowing on it, and the temperature is always kept above [-] degrees of Lu Ling's body temperature...Because of this, the whole bed is warm There was a chill.

This is the most comfortable temperature for Lu Ling.

This girl disliked her hard bed, so Li Zhuzi gave her a very comfortable living environment early in the morning.

"A Ling... you're about to wake up, right... Mmm, sir has prepared a lot of delicious food for you, all of which are in the cabinet next to you... including your favorite lotus seed cake." Li Zhuzi's voice was very low.

No one has ever seen such gentleness from her, not even Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi wanted to reach out and touch Lu Ling's face, but finally gave up.

Do you want to make some more snacks?
After thinking about it, forget it.

The current Ah Ling may wake up at any time, if she leaves and someone else comes in, that would be bad.

She wanted A Ling to be the first person she saw when she woke up.

This is not too much.

A rare look of confusion appeared on Li Zhuzi's face.

If Lu Ling is still awake, she will find that her husband has undergone great changes recently, and he is almost a different person from before.

Regarding Li Zhuzi's changes, Mo Qing, Ye Zun and even Bai Yunfan had discovered it, but these men seemed to be careful, but in fact they still didn't understand women's thoughts, so they pretended not to have seen it.

Probably after Lu Ling fell into a coma, Li Zhuzi was no longer that quiet woman... She was pulled from the sky to the ground by Lu Ling almost instantly, turning from a tall fairy into an ordinary woman.

This kind of change became more obvious in the few days after her Dao heart was unstable, and she almost lost her mind. The demon... Li Zhuzi doesn't know whether she has it or not.

She has never cared so much about someone, and is so afraid of losing someone like she is now.

These are all given to her by Lu Ling.

"Girl, what charm do you have... I... Is it really worth it?"

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's indifferent face, and couldn't stop smiling wryly.

does it worth?
She was a little confused, and she didn't seem to be as sure as she thought.

Because you care, you will be really confused.

Li Zhuzi couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it, but there were other problems that made her mind ache, and her whole body fell into a strange chaos.

Is it possessive?
Is her feeling for Aya possessive?

Li Zhuzi fell into doubt.

She hates and dislikes the three words possessiveness very much, because this kind of emotion is deformed... She thought so before, but now she really begins to doubt that she has this kind of emotion.

She wanted Lu Ling to be the first person she saw when she woke up.


Li Zhuzi shook his head.

It's not really possessive.

This is what she wants to understand. Even if she likes Lu Ling no matter how much she wants to improve her relationship with Lu Ling, she will not be possessive towards Lu Ling. All she has for Lu Ling is love, pure love and concern. Like a stove in winter, it is comfortable but not an indispensable item.

Li Zhuzi actually considered the issue from Lu Ling's point of view.

If Lu Ling wakes up, she must be extremely insecure, and now the only person who can bring her a sense of security is Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling's husband.

Liu Fufeng's status in Lu Ling's heart is definitely irreplaceable, and there is no substitute. Li Zhuzi thinks that it is impossible to compare with Liu Fufeng, but in the world, besides Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling's favorite person It must be her husband.

and also.

Li Zhuzi still doesn't know how Lu Ling thinks of Liu Fufeng's departure.

But judging from the little girl's ring... Lu Ling is very likely to regard Liu Fufeng's departure as [betrayal].

【betray. 】

What a heavy word.

Li Zhuzi felt a chill in his heart when he thought of it.

For Ah Ling, even her junior sister can betray her... Then it means that everyone in the world cannot be trusted.

Liu Fufeng's betrayal is equivalent to Lu Ling losing everything.

Li Zhuzi can only pray that she is a gentleman who holds enough weight in Lu Ling's heart... Otherwise, Lu Ling will probably not trust anyone anymore.

At this time, everyone around Lu Ling is inappropriate, only Li Zhuzi can try.

She is not alone.

This is what Li Zhuzi wanted to tell Lu Ling.



first day.

Li Zhuzi was so nervous that he sealed the entire yard with a seal. The surroundings were so quiet that there were no insects chirping, and the atmosphere was terribly oppressive.

She stared at Lu Ling's face non-stop, the girl's breathing became much more stable, and her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she would open her eyes at any moment.

Every slight movement of the girl's eyes, every heavy breathing deeply affected Li Zhuzi's heart.

But the day passed.

Lu Ling didn't wake up, but Li Zhuzi made himself extremely tired.


The next day, Li Zhuzi noticed something.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Who is this? did I become like this.

Li Zhuzi also felt terrible about that face. If she was seen by a little girl like Tang Sheng, she would probably cry from fright. Compared with Zixu's pretended face, she is probably even worse now.

That does not work.

Li Zhuzi tried to smile.

But even more stiff.

Looking back at Lu Ling on the bed, the little girl was simply wearing pajamas, and she was a little embarrassed, not delicate at all.

Li Zhuzi thought for a moment, tidied up, and went out the door.


seven peaks.

Still looking like a quiet Jiangnan water town, Li Zhuzi was walking on the stone bridge, watching the little red fish jumping up continuously, flying past her eyes and above her head, falling into the water normally, and staring at them at last. With cute big eyes spitting bubbles in the water, looking at her suspiciously.

Li Zhuzi knew that these little red fishes didn't respond because they felt Lu Ling's smell on her body.

go all the way.



In the ice orchard, there is a strong cold air everywhere, and the visibility is less than five meters. Take a deep breath, and the fruity aroma accompanied by the strong aura makes people feel refreshed.

This can be regarded as a new forbidden area in Lingshan.

Tang Keyu looked at the woman in front of her, Li Zhuzi's serious face made her nervous too.

"Bamboo? Why did you come to my place? Is Ah Ling awake?" Tang Keyu looked at Li Zhuzi worriedly, shaking his head, his long hair and earrings shaking slightly.

"No, Ke Yu, I have one thing to ask you." Li Zhuzi bit his lower lip, but spoke anyway.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Tang Keyu took Li Zhuzi's hand and sat down, glanced at Li Zhuzi's face, and whispered: "Zhuzi...are you too nervous, relax."

"..." Li Zhuzi nodded and said, "I'll take a good night's sleep when I go back, and I should be able to regain some of my complexion. Now... there is indeed something wrong."

She is not reliable at all.

"By the way, what's the matter? Can I help?" Tang Keyu looked at Li Zhuzi. Obviously, she didn't think she could help.

"It's like this." Li Zhuzi took out a soft red silk from his arms.

A piece of silk fabric, as soft as autumn water, with pointed ends and long and wide arms.

"This is?" Tang Keyu froze for a moment.

"Teach me, Diekou, I want to... dress her up, but you know Ke Yu, I'm not good at this." Li Zhuzi whispered.

"Butterfly button?" Tang Keyu was very surprised, obviously he didn't think that Li Zhuzi came to her for makeup.

What's happening here?
But for Li Zhuzi, she is not only bad at it.

She tried the butterfly button, and finally shook her head in disappointment.

She remembered Diekou, but her hair was still messy, and she couldn't get Lu Ling's usual smoothness.

Are you really a woman?
Can not help but have such doubts.

It is estimated that even Shen Canghai is stronger than her... Although Shen Canghai is unreliable, but he has his own style in dressing, at least ten thousand times stronger than her.

In fact, she not only wanted to dress up Lu Ling, so that the little girl would not be so pale after waking up, but also wanted to change her image, maybe for Lu Ling.

In fact, if you really want to talk about makeup, it is best to learn from Dongfang Lianren, but Li Zhuzi thinks that Dongfang Lianren's coquettish and charming attire is definitely not suitable for her, so Tang Keyu is more suitable, so he came to her.

The time is very short, so the most important thing is to learn a butterfly button, and to dress up Lu Ling. If there is a chance in the future, let Tang Keyu teach her to put on some simple light makeup, so that her temperament will not look so serious, but It is more gentle.

This is the only thing Li Zhuzi can do.

"Leave it to me, I will let you learn it." Tang Keyu eagerly took Hong Ling, which was a trivial matter to her.

Tang Keyu didn't say that she was going to help Lu Ling dress up, she was a very smart woman.

"Let me demonstrate first." Tang Keyu pulled up a lock of his long hair, skillfully wrapped the red silk between the thumb and ring finger of his right hand, tied a flower, raised his left hand, and prepared to wrap his long hair.

"This way, this way..."

Tang Keyu put both hands behind his head, the black silk threaded through the red silk, and then he bent his arms and pulled it just like that.

The ponytail is fixed.

It was a high ponytail, the heroic one, and the red silk was also pulled into a circle, leaving only a wisp of red silk at the tip hanging down and shaking with the ponytail.

"A simple adjustment will do." Tang Keyu shook his hair and nodded.

Li Zhuzi was stunned.

How did it work?

Tang Keyu smiled slightly, and didn't care, but continued: "If it's Ah Ling, she likes to dress herself up like this."

After thinking for a while, Tang Keyu took out the hairpin from behind the ear, pushed the bangs on his forehead to one side, and stuck it on.

"It's done."

Li Zhuzi looked over and found Tang Keyu who was both heroic and gentle, and his mind moved.

very beautiful.

"Teach me a little more."

"Of course." Tang Keyu nodded and whispered to Li Zhuzi at the same time.



Time passed quickly, and one day passed.

Tang Keyu looked at the back of Li Zhuzi leaving, and rubbed his hair.

Scalp dull pain.

Psychological effect.

Her head became Li Zhuzi's experiment... It took her a whole day to learn the butterfly button... It was a disaster.

I don't know that bamboo is so powerful for bamboo carving, why it is so stiff when you put on a hair tie.

Fortunately, she finally learned it.

Thinking of this, Tang Keyu smiled happily.

She not only taught Li Zhuzi how to use a headband, but also taught her some simple but effective ways to adjust her image, as well as the quickest way to restore her psychological quality.

That is the seal.

Yes, it is the seal.

And Li Zhuzi also listened to her very much, sealed her venerable cultivation base and spiritual consciousness, and returned home as an ordinary person.

If you take a good rest, you will naturally hide the haggard look on your face.

Tang Keyu watched Li Zhuzi's back completely disappear, and looked in the direction of Nanyuan.

"Zhuzi... really loves you, don't let her worry."


I am also very worried.

Although Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng didn't ask, they haven't seen Lu Ling for a long time, and the two little girls also miss Lu Ling very much.



Everything was as usual, Li Zhuzi listened to Tang Keyu's suggestion, took a good night's sleep, and after returning to the routine of ordinary people, the haggardness on his face was really reduced a lot.

Day three.

Lu Ling hadn't woken up yet, but Li Zhuzi didn't panic at all. On the contrary, she was much calmer than before, and she could understand her change in mentality.

On this day, in the evening, Li Zhuzi boiled water for Lu Ling and added his own spiritual power to the water to prevent Lu Ling from freezing the entire bath water.

After carrying Lu Ling into the bucket and adding some petals, Li Zhuzi changed into white underwear and got into the tub as well.

Spread out the short ponytail, letting the shoulder-length hair fall.

The bathtub is neither big nor small, but it is enough to add an oriental pity.

"A Ling, it's time to cut your hair."

Li Zhuzi gently rubbed the girl's head, watched the bubbles continuously forming, and fell down Lu Ling's smooth back into her waist, smiled, and wiped away the white bubbles.

Ah Ling's hair is really getting longer and longer.

In the past, it was up to the calf at most, but now, it may have been dragged directly to the ground.

"But it's beautiful."

Li Zhuzi looked at himself reflected in the water, raised his head and continued to wash Lu Ling's body.

She has calmed down.

Half an hour later, Li Zhuzi carried Lu Ling out of the bathtub with a trace of fatigue between his brows, and carefully wiped the little girl's body clean. Li Zhuzi changed Lu Ling's pajamas, and after changing his own clothes, he thought As Tang Keyu said, he pulled up his shoulder-length hair from behind his left ear and tied a small "tail".

Suddenly, a completely different Li Zhuzi appeared.

Full of the softness of a wife.

That's good.

Li Zhuzi thanked Tang Keyu in his heart, and then dressed up Lu Ling.

The girl's body is very fragrant.

Li Zhuzi changed Lu Ling into a light red underwear, and then put on a translucent white long skirt. As for Lu Ling's long hair, Li Zhuzi also used what he learned from Tang Keyu to tie a knot for Lu Ling. Butterfly buttons for a low ponytail.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Li Zhuzi nodded in satisfaction.

Although Lu Ling's skin is still pale now, at least she doesn't look like a sick patient anymore, her clothes are exquisite, like an unreal doll.

After slightly adjusting Lu Ling's bangs, Li Zhuzi smiled.

"So be it."

She hugged Lu Ling into bed, covered her with a quilt, and then got into bed by Lu Ling's side, and left a soft kiss on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth.

"good night, see you tomorrow."

Lie down, lights out.

Everything is ready.

 Actually, I want to ask for leave today, but... I still write.

(End of this chapter)

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