Chapter 739 The Woman
The dark night, the fifth watch, is the end of this darkness.

night and day.

The first ray of sunlight cut across the high sky of Lingshan like a long sword, slightly illuminating the darkness in a certain place. A phoenix-like spirit beast opened its eyes full of aura, and was about to send out a high-pitched phoenix to remind all the girls that it was dawn. Ming.

At this time, Lingshan is more peaceful than usual, everything is very quiet, and there is no one to be seen on the Lingtai, and the whole Nanyuan is only the sound of birds flapping their wings and the rustling of snow.

The snow is still falling, and it tends to fall more and more overnight. However, after a darkness, the snow on the entire Lingshan Mountain has increased by [-]%. A girl like Tang Sheng is probably in a soft place. When you step down, you can't see people.

School, bamboo house.

Pieces of regular diamond-shaped snowflakes fell on the ground impatiently, forming a natural curtain, isolating this place from the world.

Inside the house, the pale silver light reflected by the snow was reflected from the windows into the house, becoming a natural light. Under the silver light, a fog caused by breathing could be faintly seen rising slowly.

It is the sleeping Li Zhuzi.

At this time, Li Zhuzi, who was covered with a quilt on the bed, turned over, revealing a delicate side face, a strand of side hair that was parted diagonally downwards hung on the side of the face, his lower lip squirmed slightly, and he didn't know what he was expecting.

If Li Zhuzi like this is seen by her suitors, she will definitely think that she has seen the most beautiful angel in the world.

For Shen Canghai, she always misses Li Zhuzi like this in her dreams.

At this time, Li Zhuzi, who was sleeping soundly, turned out to be somewhat charming and naive when she was young. This is extremely unbelievable. With her cultivation level sealed, she entered the dreamland without any effort. The tension as imagined did not appear, not only did she not suffer from insomnia , and slept soundly, but because the fifth watch is the coldest time of the day at this time, Li Zhuzi shivered slightly, and after a while, his eyelashes flicked slightly, revealing a narrow and bright eye.

This careless Venerable actually woke up from the cold on a snowy night.

The eyes are not fully opened, and the vision is only a little bit.

Through the white mist produced by his breathing, Li Zhuzi saw a figure in front of the window, and when he realized something, the haze in his eyes disappeared in an instant, staring at the awakened girl, breathing heavily.

Under a silver light.

The girl was wearing a white dress, she could faintly see the transparent red underwear, her long tassel-like hair was tied with a red butterfly button.

The girl was sitting by the bed, staring at a certain corner outside the window without blinking her eyes, and her side face could be clearly seen from Li Zhuzi's position, the silver light reflected on the girl's side face, revealing a pale What sets her off is not like a person in the world, but the cold moonlight elf.

Lu Ling didn't seem to see Li Zhuzi who had woken up, but was just in a daze to herself, her face becoming paler and paler.

After Li Zhuzi noticed that the atmosphere was not right, he did not show any abnormalities, and quickly got up from the bed as usual, and put on his clothes.

"Cough, Ah Ling? You're awake, are you hungry? I'll cook for you, or you can have some snacks first."

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak, and didn't even look at Li Zhuzi.

In this way, Li Zhuzi's heart was agitated, and he sat on the edge of the bed, looking closely at the waking girl.



It wasn't until Li Zhuzi called for the third time that Lu Ling finally moved her eyes and turned to look at the person who called her.

"How do you feel?" Li Zhuzi asked worriedly, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face, and then all turned into nervousness.

Lu Ling's eyes...

It has completely turned into silver, and occasionally a ferocious sword aura can be seen in it, just like when she just went up the mountain, even worse, Li Zhuzi felt unnaturally cold just being looked at by Lu Ling.

"Is there any discomfort?" Li Zhuzi continued to ask.

Lu Ling: "..."

In the dark night, only Li Zhuzi kept asking, but Lu Ling never said a word. If it wasn't for the radiance in her eyes, she would have thought this beautiful and outrageous girl was a simulation doll.


After a short time, Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling now, and exerted a little force on his fingers.

As Li Zhuzi thought, Lu Ling seemed cold now, but her big eyes were full of insecurity. Lu Ling who woke up like this was like a hedgehog, unable to listen to anyone's words.

Li Zhuzi could feel that if he was not by Lu Ling's side now, he might be attacked by her.


That's exactly what happened.

But she wasn't impatient at all, and she wasn't chilled by Lu Ling's vigilance towards her. After all, she was Lu Ling's husband, and she wanted to guide her well.

The important thing now is, after Lu Ling passed the coma, which character is left behind?
She couldn't feel anything from the girl who was sitting quietly now. She thought it would be the three non-attributes of Jianxin's enlightenment, but it was obvious that Lu Ling didn't become like that.

After waking up, Lu Ling just glanced at Li Zhuzi, and then turned her gaze to a certain place outside the window, which was the direction of Feng Jiu.

Li Zhuzi was about to speak and asked her if she wanted to go home, but Lu Ling suddenly looked away, looking at the silver ring on her hand, her face was expressionless, but Li Zhuzi clearly saw the pain and ferocity in Lu Ling's eyes, Can't help but speak.


She really wanted to tell Lu Ling that everything was over, but...she couldn't say it, what happened to Lu Ling made Li Zhuzi feel very troublesome.

So, Li Zhuzi made a decision, she turned around and opened her arms, hugging Lu Ling in her arms.

Feeling the cold softness of the girl in his arms, Li Zhuzi got up and carried Lu Ling from the bed like a princess, and put her on the prepared wheelchair.

The violent resistance as imagined did not appear, and Lu Ling didn't care about being in close contact with Li Zhuzi, which made Li Zhuzi heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time, Lu Ling's husband also realized that, as Lu Ling's teacher and mother, she should What he did was not blindly catering to Lu Ling.

I can be more domineering.

Because no matter what character Lu Ling wakes up, she will always be her student.

Li Zhuzi lit the lamp, pushed Lu Ling to the small table, and said in an undeniable tone.

"Get ready for some breakfast, it's already dawn."

After speaking, Li Zhuzi turned around and prepared the dishes, and at the same time fetched hot water for Lu Ling to wash.


Lu Ling was still in a trance as she gently wiped her face with a warm towel filled with spiritual energy.

It's not like she's become aloof.

It's just that now the brain can't hold other things, it's all about that woman.

The woman who betrayed her.

Completely degenerate.

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi beside her who was gently wiping her face, and closed her eyes.

Sir...a lot has changed.

She disappointed Mr.

Although the husband is so gentle, he is still full of vigilance towards her, and Lu Ling can't control these things, even that woman betrayed her... let alone other people.

While Li Zhuzi was wiping, Lu Ling didn't say a word.

She is still the original Lu Ling, that is, Lu Ling before she passed out in a coma. The imagined personality change has not come, or... the fusion is too perfect, and there is no difference for a while.

Here, after Lu Ling washed her face, Li Zhuzi got up to cook.

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi's back, but still said nothing.

Just looking at the ring on his hand, he was dumbfounded.

[The ring finger of the left hand. 】

Do you really know what this means... Lu Ling narrowed her eyes, the knuckles of her index fingers turned white, and resentment rose in her eyes.

What to say...won't be the first to let go...ridiculous.





Lu Ling lowered her head, letting all kinds of negative emotions flow in her eyes without hiding it.

She never thought that she would hate a person so much. This kind of transformation made her feel unbelievable. Obviously... Before she fell into a coma, she wanted him back so much, but now she wished she could kill her with her own hands.

As for whether it is really hate or something else, only Lu Ling knows.

Lu Ling raised her head, put away all negative emotions, looked at Li Zhuzi who was busy giving her breakfast in front of her, her eyes softened a lot, and she put away a lot of vigilance.


Why would she let someone who really cared about her get hurt because of a betrayer.

It's not worth it.

Yes, not worth it.

This was probably Lu Ling's true thoughts, or maybe it was the shackles she put on herself again, but at least in this way, all the worrying resentment in her body disappeared, and she became a normal person.

Lu Ling wanted to speak and called out to Mr., but when she spoke, the jerky, muddy hoarseness made her take back her words.


She lost her voice.

To be precise, she lost her normal girl's voice, it was hoarse and not like a normal girl's voice, and Lu Ling noticed something, she could no longer speak.

Close your eyes, countless characters flashed in your mind, these are the pronunciations that Lu Ling has learned.

It was the woman who taught her to say it sentence by sentence. Now, because of her departure, Lu Ling has degenerated to the appearance that she did not appear. As long as the woman taught her pronunciation, she can't say a word.

That woman taught her, she is not willing to use.

May be a mental disorder.

Li Zhuzi was preparing breakfast at the side, in fact...all of Lu Ling's expressions and changes were captured by her eyes.

Don't look at the many mysteries in Lu Ling, but she is just a little girl in the Soul Realm after all, and Li Zhuzi is the Venerable Wenhun, so as soon as Lu Ling opened her mouth, she found out that Lu Ling was strange.

Ah Ling... lost the ability to speak.

After a little thought, she knew what was going on.

Heart demon.

Unlike Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi felt that this was some kind of psychological obstacle.

This is the devil.

It may be Lu Ling's biggest catastrophe.

If Lu Ling doesn't get rid of her heart knot for a day, then she will always be troubled by inner demons and cannot go to the end of her cultivation. The inner demons about Liu Fufeng almost ruined everything about Lu Ling.

Who would have thought that that gentle girl would become her favorite sister's demon, which is still the kind that cannot be dispelled. The inability to speak at this moment is just the beginning of Lu Ling's change.

Knowing the reason why Lu Ling couldn't speak, Li Zhuzi didn't take any action. Maybe time can gradually heal Lu Ling's scars, but now Lu Ling must have suffered a lot.

Perhaps... It is a good choice to temporarily disappear the existence of [Liu Fufeng] from Lingshan.

Li Zhuzi thought so.

This is the right decision.

Letting the word Liu Fufeng disappear from Lu Ling's world is the best medicine. In this way, at least Lu Ling will not fall into a state full of resentment.

A meeting will be held during the day today to erase Liu Fufeng's existence from Lingshan, and absolutely forbid anything about Liu Fufeng to appear around Lu Ling.

Almost instantly, Li Zhuzi made this decision.

Of course, they will still look for Liu Fufeng's existence when speaking to the outside world, but it is absolutely forbidden to mention this name around Lu Ling.

From Lu Ling's expression, Li Zhuzi could roughly feel the solution. She had a faint premonition that as long as she didn't get involved with Liu Fufeng, her A Ling would still be the original A Ling, and she would be even better.

Just like what she always thought——

Liu Fufeng's departure is inevitable.



After thinking everything through, Li Zhuzi temporarily gave up making breakfast and walked up to Lu Ling with a pen and paper.

Because she couldn't speak, Lu Ling lowered her head at this time, not knowing what she was thinking.

"A Ling, try to write down what you want to say on the paper." Li Zhuzi said softly.

"..." Lu Ling looked up at Li Zhuzi, and nodded after a while.

hold a pen.

Her pale little hands trembled slightly, and she wrote like a child who had just picked up a pen, but as Li Zhuzi thought, Lu Ling could do it.

The word [Mr.] was clearly written on the paper.


Liu Fufeng was basically the one who taught Lu Ling how to speak, while Li Zhuzi taught Lu Ling how to read and write. The former lost her ability to speak because she became Lu Ling's inner demon, but the latter's The impact is not that great.

"Good boy." Li Zhuzi touched Lu Ling's head, and said gently: "If you don't want to talk, then don't say it, no one will force you, and..."

"I will always be by your side."

The tenderness that belonged to Li Zhuzi unfolded in Lu Ling's ears, making the fair-skinned girl's hand holding the pen tremble slightly.

Finally put down the pen and nodded.

For the first time, the emotion of "beautiful" appeared on the face.

Li Zhuzi's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

Sure enough, there is hope for Ah Ling to change into her original appearance.

As long as she doesn't think of Liu Fufeng, it's fine.

The sense of oppression brought by Lu Ling's waking up this time is not as serious as Li Zhuzi imagined. She thought she would be a cold-blooded, even crazy Lu Ling like Luo Hanyi with personality defects, but in fact, she is still her own. student.

Without involving Liu Fufeng.

Can produce such a serious inner demon, if something related to Liu Fufeng suddenly appeared and disturbed Lu Ling's mind, maybe...she would become completely strange to herself, so Li Zhuzi didn't think about it because of Lu Ling's kindness. Communicate and feel that everything will return to normal.

Li Zhuzi could see clearly.

It is absolutely necessary to erase the existence of Liu Fufeng.

Moreover, she needs to use other things to hold Lu Ling so that she doesn't have time to think about it...

Tianguang Market?
(End of this chapter)

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