Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 740 The Meaning of Lu Ling's Survival

Chapter 740 The Meaning of Lu Ling's Survival

Lu Ling woke up.

Without Li Zhuzi deliberately reminding anyone, this news spread quietly in Lingshan.

No one thought that Patriarch Mingyue would tell lies.

And Li Zhuzi didn't see anyone, half a day had passed since Lu Ling woke up, Li Zhuzi didn't step out of his yard, including Lu Ling, and not only that, Li Zhuzi also set up "Please don't leave" around the school. "Disturbance" barrier... This made everyone who cared about Lu Ling and wanted to come and visit stop at the door.

However, Li Zhuzi left some messages, telling them that Lu Ling was indeed awake.

As for the work of Li Zhuzi Academy... Ever since Liu Fufeng disappeared and Li Zhuzi temporarily took the place of Master Luanfeng, she gave all the students a vacation. Now most of these students are studying in Liushuiyuan, and she Luo Xian and Shen Gui are also responsible for all the work.

Under these conditions, Li Zhuzi hid Lu Ling.

Hidden deeply at home.

Don't let anyone see you.

The same goes for Dongfang Lianren, who didn't let her in, but just sent her a message—to erase Liu Fufeng's traces, and never mention the word "Liu Fufeng" in front of Lu Ling.

Because of this condition, Zhao Yingge and Xifeng must be informed about Liu Fufeng's disappearance, and these two need to be taken care of.

The woman in purple also noticed that Lu Ling had come to her senses, but it was rare that this woman chose to respect Li Zhuzi's choice and did not forcefully come over to see.



There is a lot of snow.

Lu Ling sat in a wheelchair, leaning against the bamboo forest, silently in a daze, no one knew what she was thinking, she didn't eat much breakfast, she couldn't talk, she was just extremely calm.

Li Zhuzi stood behind Lu Ling with an umbrella, guarding her.

She had no choice but to hide Lu Ling.

Ah Ling's current state is really inconvenient to meet anyone, even Dongfang Lianren, who knows if Dongfang Lianren's character will irritate Lu Ling, and it will take time to erase the traces of Liu Fufeng During this period of time, Lu Ling can only be wronged to live with her first, and she can also use these few days to observe all aspects of Lu Ling.

When the time is almost up, you can let Lu Ling move freely.

Fortunately, Lu Ling didn't intend to go back to Feng Jiu either.

Well, Aya is still very good.

It's just... Li Zhuzi was very worried.

Her Ah Ling is always in a daze now, Li Zhuzi is always afraid of her wild thinking, after all, wild thinking is the most dangerous thing, just like what she said, she should find something for Lu Ling to let her have no time for wild thinking, and You can temporarily forget the existence of Liu Fufeng.

That is to say, Lu Ling needs a goal.

The most suitable goal in Li Zhuzi's heart is Tianguangxu, and getting a good ranking in Tianguangxu is the best goal, but she is not sure if Lu Ling is still interested in practicing, if not, Li Zhuzi will never force her .

After all... Her Ah Ling doesn't have any interest in food now. In the morning, Li Zhuzi took out the bamboo-colored lotus seed cake that Lu Ling used to love most, and she still used the sweet snow lotus lotus seeds, but Lu Ling Just took a bite and didn't move.

Li Zhuzi still can't forget the forced look of that movement.

Her Ah Ling has really changed too much, but the change to Lu Ling after just half a month of coma is as if it has been more than ten years.

"A Ling..." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling and called out in a low voice.

"..." Lu Ling was still sluggish and didn't respond, she seemed to be immersed in her own world and didn't hear, and Li Zhuzi didn't bother her anymore.

Obviously, Lu Ling just woke up, and there are a lot of things to think about. Even if Li Zhuzi doesn't want Lu Ling to think about it, she still needs to give Lu Ling enough time to deal with the problem.

The biggest problem is still Liu Fufeng's problem.

As for what Lu Ling was thinking at this was very complicated.

What about Liu Fufeng, I don't want to think about it anymore, Lu Ling thought about sealing the memory of this woman's existence and her darkest memory in one place... But in the end she gave up, and she didn't know why.

Focus on other things.

After a simple inspection, Lu Ling found a lot of things wrong. The strangest thing was that there was a slowly rotating Taiji diagram in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Yin Yang Tai Chi?

How is this going?

Lu Ling remembered that there was boundless heavy snow and never-ending storms in her sea of ​​consciousness, and the blizzard covered her sea of ​​consciousness forever, but now... Lu Ling can clearly feel that her purple mansion's consciousness is much higher than the sky A huge "sun".

There are two sides of yin and yang, hanging high in the sky. Although it didn’t affect those blizzards, it’s just unspeakably weird. Black and white are suspended in the sky, and the sky is constantly alternating between darkness and light. It really has a taste of day and night. .

And Lu Ling soon discovered that this Taiji diagram had many problems, such as symmetry, the balance of hexagram images, and flaws in many details. Under the premise that she could not cancel the Taiji diagram, she could only find a way to stabilize it. This yin and yang diagram.

The reason why Lu Ling was in a daze was because she manipulated the breath in her body to decompose and reconstruct the Taiji diagram.

It all went well.

Hong Ling was very happy to see it, let's see, Lu Ling will adjust it herself, and Lu Ling didn't find that she had an extra fire attribute talent, and it didn't exceed Hong Ling's expectations. There is no rush for such a thing. , Lu Ling must always be with her younger sister. It is good for Lu Ling to develop Xuenv's ability first. As for the fire attribute...

With this yin and yang diagram, Lu Ling doesn't need to practice deliberately at all. The more her ice talent improves, the more her fire talent will increase accordingly, and there will be no problems.

As for how Lu Ling should spend these days, Hong Ling and Li Zhuzi had exactly the same idea.

First of all, Hong Ling confirmed Liu Fufeng's death, and even Liu Fufeng's last breath dissipated after sending the Yin-Yang Diagram seeds, so Lu Ling can already forget her, so the first step is to let Liu Fufeng's existence disappear in the In Lu Ling's life.

Li Zhuzi did this, and she was very satisfied.

The next step is to give Lu Ling a goal.

Hong Ling felt that she could release Lu Ling's goal in the form of a task, but there was a problem.

What is the reward?
In the past, everyone in the world knew Lu Ling's dream. She wanted to live with her junior sister forever, to travel around the world with her junior sister, to eat all the delicacies in the world with her junior sister, and to live with her junior sister. Share her joys and sorrows...

All the meaning of Lu Ling's existence originally came from her junior sister, so the reward is also very good to choose. It is nothing more than food, and the punishment is even simpler. If she can't see her junior sister for a few months, she can fully mobilize Lu Ling's enthusiasm.

But what about now?
Hong Ling didn't know what Lu Ling needed at all, she lost her attractiveness, and even lost something that made Lu Ling fear.

Will Lu Ling be afraid of death now?

the answer is negative.

This girl's condition is very bad.

Although Lu Ling lost her language ability, in Hong Ling's eyes, if it was because of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling would definitely be more serious. All the meaning of her life came from Liu Fufeng, and now the other party has become a betrayer. If Lu Ling really If she is as desireless as she appears, then the most likely thing for her to do is to die directly, instead of sitting here in a daze.

The weight of Li Zhuzi is not enough, at least compared with Liu Fufeng, it is not at the same level at all.

Lu Ling definitely still has something she wants to do, Hong Ling can be sure.

But... what is it?
This touched Hong Ling's blind spot of knowledge. After all, Lu Ling now could no longer invade the other party's consciousness at will.

It's just that Hong Ling has a vague premonition that Lu Ling's wishes, what she wants to do, and even the reasons for urging her to act in the future... still have something to do with Liu Fufeng.


Can we just keep watching?

In fact, when Lu Ling just woke up, Hong Ling could still feel Lu Ling's hatred for Liu Fufeng, but after one morning, Lu Ling didn't seem to care, she was so calm and unbelievable, even Hong Ling felt panicked in this situation.

If the current Lu Ling really wants to understand everything and enters the state of living every day, then it will be really troublesome. The little girl who has lost her self-motivated and fighting spirit will completely become a person outside Fang, and that is not too different from death. big difference.

Therefore, for Li Zhuzi and Hong Ling, the most important thing now is to find out what is supporting Lu Ling to survive.

This is very important.



An afternoon passed while Lu Ling was in a daze.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling and thought about a lot of things.

Finding Liu Fufeng... Could this be the meaning of Lu Ling's existence now?
Logically speaking, it should be, but Li Zhuzi always felt that it would not be that simple. The simplest thing is that with Ah Ling's character, she can tolerate anyone's betrayal, but Liu Fufeng is definitely not among them.

Makes a big head.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Zhuzi couldn't figure anything out. He could only take one step at a time.



Li Zhuzi lightly tapped Lu Ling's shoulder, and the latter let out a hoarse moan, and looked back blankly.

"It's getting dark, it's time to go back." Li Zhuzi said.

Lu Ling turned the wheelchair by herself.

"Can't you move yet?" Li Zhuzi asked Lu Ling.

Lu Ling nodded.

She also checked her legs just now, and the veins are still clogged, which is very inconvenient, but Lu Ling has a feeling that as long as she wants, she can completely open all the acupuncture points with cold air... But because keeping them is good for her , so did not do so.

She wants to improve her cultivation.



Improve your cultivation?


Do you think so?

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

From Li Zhuzi's perspective, Lu Ling suddenly froze, even stopped breathing, and the knuckles of her index finger turned white.

"What's wrong?" Li Zhuzi was very worried.

"..." After a while, Lu Ling woke up and lowered her head.

What I want is this?
In fact, not only Li Zhuzi and Hong Ling were thinking about what Lu Ling wanted, but she herself was the same.

After waking up this time, Lu Ling had the most crazy negative emotions, but because the person in front of her was Li Zhuzi, her husband, Lu Ling put away all the negative emotions.

The meaning of life that vented ferociousness disappeared in an instant, leaving her with confusion.

However, what the husband said just now made Lu Ling seem to understand what her subconscious mind was thinking.

She wants to practice hard...

become excellent.

To...become the best person in the world, the strongest in terms of strength, so that tens of thousands of people dare not look at her directly, and proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so that people admire, become noble, aloof, and become... No one can go against her ideas.

Instead of being like a piece of trash like now, you can just throw her down if you say no.

The old idea of ​​salty fish, happy with the situation, has completely disappeared with the disappearance of that woman, and now is the newborn Lu Ling.

Lu Ling never thought that there might be some difficulties for that woman to leave, but are these important?She used to regard the other party as more important than her own life. To be precise, she regarded the other party's love as more important than her life. In this case, as long as she still loves her, Lu Ling will not be afraid of anything.

Even if we die together, we must hold hands.

But... that woman let go first... This kind of behavior may be for her own good, but it is definitely a kind of betrayal, betraying her trust and the relationship between the two, in Lu Ling's view, it is absolutely unforgivable.

It's all because I'm not strong enough.

She wants the other party to regret.

Definitely make her regret it.

The girl closed her eyes to prevent Li Zhuzi from seeing her eyes.

The silver eyes behind the curtain are full of confusion, ambition, unwillingness and desire. These are the side of Lu Ling that Li Zhuzi cannot see. In Li Zhuzi's eyes, Lu Ling is just in a bad mood and closed her eyes.

It's just... Ah Ling seems to cheer up a little?
The change in Lu Ling made Li Zhuzi feel much better in an instant.


Opening her eyes, Lu Ling looked at the husband in front of her who was looking at her tenderly, and blinked.

Am I already broken.

Such an idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

It shouldn't be, right? She has a sense of righteousness... definitely not an evil person, right?

Then there was complete silence.

The so-called grand righteousness, Lu Ling knew in her heart, was just pure yin and yang, and she didn't think she had that kind of heart.

But even if it is really broken, she will become powerful.

Sir should be able to help her.


Li Zhuzi was stared at by Lu Ling, a little confused, but it's always a good thing for the little girl to cheer up, so she pushed Lu Ling.

"Come on, I'll go back and prepare dinner."

Lu Ling nodded.

I have already started planning the next thing in my heart.

Remember, the martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu will be soon... She must be prepared, ready to be a blockbuster.

She can't go on in obscurity, Tianguangxu Huiwu is her best stepping stone.

She wants longevity fruit.

Want the best exercises.

It might be very busy in the future, Lu Ling immediately thought of what she wanted to learn.

Not to mention Qin, in terms of skills, Jing Yan Jue still needs to be consolidated, and Shenlan also needs to be stable, and the new He Soul Realm skill has not been learned yet, and the prototype of the basic sword formula needs to be comprehended by her, as well as the final Mysteriously, Li Wangsheng's sword rhyme that Lu Ling must obtain.

Lu Ling is absolutely unwilling to learn only one three-talented metamorphosis.

She wants it all.

By the way, since she wants to become the strongest, she should also pay attention to the title of big sister.

It doesn't matter if the opponent is Shen Gui or Xu Xu.

to win.

(End of this chapter)

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