Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 746 Dongfang Lianren's Strategy

Chapter 746 Dongfang Lianren's Strategy

Dongfang Lianren noticed the change of Lu Ling's mood almost immediately. The current Lu Ling is still too tender for her, and she has been thoroughly eaten by her. Compared with Dongfang Lianren, Li Zhuzi on the side is more Much weaker, she saw Lu Ling frowning, and called out to Dongfang Lianren, reminding her not to look any more.

Dongfang Lianren waved his hands confidently.

As long as she showed affection for the little girl, Lu Ling would naturally not hate her, who made her useful.

Dongfang Lianren is very proud of being useful. After all, except for Luo Hanyi... no one else has ever relied on her.

Dongfang Lianren walked to Lu Ling's side, put away the eyes that looked at the injured animals, and smiled happily.

"Xiao Ling, long time no see."

"..." Lu Ling put away her dissatisfaction when seeing the transformation of the opponent's face as if by magic.

Master still very discerning.

[Uncle Master, morning].

Lu Ling picked up the ink pen and wrote on the paper in front of her.

Seeing this, Lian Dongfang glanced back at Li Zhuzi.

This is what Bamboo said... Lost the ability to speak.

It doesn't matter, as long as the little girl is still cute.

That's right, the current Lu Ling is still so cute in Dongfang Lianren's eyes, after all, she is a child of the family, no matter what she becomes, she will always be a child.

"Seeing that you are so energetic, I feel relieved." Dongfang Lianren sat beside Lu Ling as usual, and took her hand.

Li Zhuzi was very nervous watching from the sidelines, she was aware of Lu Ling's repulsion towards people now, and she was a little annoyed at Dongfang Lianren's sudden closeness... But what surprised Li Zhuzi was that Lu Ling did not show the slightest resistance , just doing what a junior should do in peace.

"Okay, still watching? Hurry up and serve delicious food to our sisters." Dongfang Lianren turned his head and glanced at Li Zhuzi proudly, meaning that I have more experience in dealing with little girls than you.

Li Zhuzi ignored Dongfang Lianren's eyes, since Ah Ling accepted her, there was nothing to worry about for the time being, and she went into the house to get some snacks.

Seeing Li Zhuzi leave, Dongfang Lianren turned around and looked closely at the girl in front of him.

"Don't call me uncle, call me sister." Dongfang said pitifully.

She has a habit of being someone else's older sister, just like Dongfang Linglong. These two are not real sisters. According to their age, Dongfang Lianren is enough to be Dongfang Linglong's grandma.

"..." Lu Ling remained silent, she found that she couldn't understand the charming but playful woman in red in front of her.

She can't speak, so what's the point of saying that?

Forget it, I don't suffer anyway.

So, Lu Ling lightly wrote the word sister on the paper.

Seeing Lu Ling compromise, Dongfang Lianren showed an extremely beautiful smile.

"Okay, sister won't bother you anymore, you can go on with your own business." Dongfang Lianren chuckled, leaned on the stone table and looked at Lu Ling with his head tilted.


Lu Ling took a deep breath, but the discomfort on her face was much less, and she was obviously getting used to this uncle.

Then continue reading, not wasting every moment of cultivation is what she should do.

Lu Ling looked at the [Shenlan] cheat book in her hand. Although she had read it thoroughly, she still gained something new every time she went through it.



Dongfang Lianren watched Lu Ling quietly.

Serious people should not be looked at with strange eyes no matter what they do.

The current Lu Ling... is super attractive.

Dongfang Lianren thought so in his heart.

She likes clean, serious little girls.

Just like her favorite Linglong... the flashes around the hard-working people will make Dongfang Lianren yearn for him from the bottom of his heart.

She is also very clear about herself, she is just a little woman.

Dongfang Lianren blinked and stared at the girl who looked like a fairy, and his understanding of what Li Zhuzi said about Lu Ling's love of cultivation was a little more serious.


Lu Ling didn't show any resistance to her misrecognition of her sister, and it was exactly what she thought, the current Lu Ling is really easy to understand.

She wanted to bid farewell to her past self, but she couldn't do it due to unknown reasons, so she exuded an aura that was incompatible with the surrounding space.

Lu Ling's inaccessibility is partly because he doesn't know how to get along with people like himself... the extended vigilance, Dongfang Lianren knows that as long as he behaves as usual and pretends not to notice Lu Ling's change, let It's enough for Lu Ling to adapt to her rhythm.

Li Zhuzi didn't do a good job in this point, but because Zhuzi's basic favorability in Lu Ling's heart was too high, even if Lu Ling's sensitivity was touched, Lu Ling would not show too much resistance.

That's why Dongfang Lian said that he envied Li Zhuzi, and that he didn't need to be fond of her at all.

Of course, she knew that she could not gain Lu Ling's complete trust by doing so. The little girl's closeness was more due to her position, but what did it matter?

Dongfang Lianren never thought of gaining Lu Ling's trust. In fact, after she analyzed Lu Ling's psychology, she knew what Li Zhuzi said, and it was impossible to walk into Lu Ling's side now.

Totally impossible.

As no one can replace Liu Fufeng's position in Lu Ling's heart, no one can gain her trust.

Of course, it’s not impossible to solve it. Dongfang Lianren knows too well that the best medicine in the world is [time]. As long as the time is long enough, time can heal everything. If Lu Ling can really break through the 1000-year limit, then She, who has seen through everything, will naturally open her heart again.

But that time was too long, Dongfang Lian only looked at the present.

At this time, Lu Ling didn't talk about walking into her side, that is to say, as long as the other party didn't do anything that disgusted her, she wouldn't resist contacting anyone.

The current Dongfang Lianren, or the father who has never met in the far horizon, is essentially no different to her Lu Ling, they are just passers-by on the way to achieve their goals.

If a meek person is kind to everyone, then this is not meekness.

Just like Liu Fufeng before... Dongfang Lianren thought Liu Fufeng was weird from the very beginning, but he didn't tell anyone about it. Aya is more like a person—the reason Dongfang Lianren has this idea is because he has never seen Liu Fufeng at the beginning.

That Liu Fufeng who worked hard to stay in Jiufeng is undoubtedly shining.

Liu Fufeng who lost the desire to live is more like a real person than anyone else, not some "chains" that only appeared for Lu Ling.

Chu Qishui met Liu Fufeng at the beginning, so she admitted her, and Lu Ling also met, so they relied on each other.

As a mother, as a sister, Liu Fufeng should not be hostile, and the person who should see her the most is none other than Lu Ling.

If Liu Fufeng is still alive, he will be very sad.

This is not what she wants to see, she absolutely does not want her A Ling to become like this.



Dongfang Lianren observed Lu Ling who was reading seriously—to his surprise, Lu Ling was really reading.

Dongfang Lianren felt that if someone stared at her as intently as she did, she would definitely not be in the mood to read a book.

But Lu Ling watched it.

Am I totally unimportant...

Dongfang Lianren didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

From her point of view, at this time Lu Ling was walking towards Liu Fufeng. It seemed that anyone could get close to her, but in fact, no one could get close to her.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough that she likes Lu Ling, as for what Lu Ling thinks...she doesn't care.

If the little girl likes to practice, she can start from this aspect.

But before that...

Dongfang Lianren noticed something.

Because it was related to Li Zhuzi, she didn't tell Li Zhuzi.

I'm afraid not only she found out, but even the two little girls Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng also found out.

That is... Li Zhuzi started to put on makeup.

Although it's just a simple light makeup, this matter itself is very strange. Of course, Dongfang Lianren doesn't hate Li Zhuzi's makeup. On the contrary, Li Zhuzi definitely wants to have a good face and a good figure. Now he has started to learn how to dress himself up... ...I really don't give these women a way to survive.

Now Li Zhuzi has become a lot gentler, which makes Dongfang Lianren not very adaptable.

Dongfang Lianren is like this, but what about Lu Ling?
Lu Ling's ability to accept such a Li Zhuzi can explain the problem...Obviously, Lu Ling is not a pure cultivator, she has a strong purpose.

"Xiaoling." Dongfang Lianren sat up straight and said.

Hearing this, Lu Ling put down her book and looked at the uncle in front of her.

"I have a few bottles of rouge here, do you want it? The newly formulated ones are not very bright, but they are definitely suitable for you." Dongfang Lianren bewitched Lu Ling: "Although you are already very beautiful, but... a woman will definitely wear makeup after makeup. Even more attractive, don't believe those words about natural beauty, they are all deceptive."

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

How did you start talking about rouge...

She looked at the series of bottles and jars taken out by Lian Dongfang, not knowing what she was thinking.

Dongfang Lianren saw this and explained: "Don't worry, these are not poisonous, how could I give you poisonous rouge, although the color of poisonous rouge is more pure, but these are not much different, and there are various The miraculous effect, in fact, can barely be regarded as a magic weapon, do you want it?"

Do you want?
this is a problem.

Anyway, Lu Ling nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Dongfang Lianren was very satisfied, and she knew another piece of information from Lu Ling, that is, the little girl still cared about her appearance.

If it was the lovely Lu Ling from before, she would naturally not want to give Lu Ling rouge or anything, because that would pollute the cuteness of the little girl.

But Lu Ling is different now. Although her age has not changed, her demeanor is completely different. If Lu Ling used to be a Q version, now she has a beautiful style of painting and can be viewed as a woman.

A woman would care about her own appearance, Dongfang Lianren was testing Lu Ling's thoughts.

Of course Lu Ling cared... She wanted to be the best person, and it was the same in terms of beauty.

She also gave Dongfang Lianren a surprise.

[A brighter one is fine, uncle. 】

Looking at the few words Lu Ling wrote on the paper, Dongfang Lianren was very happy. At first, she thought that Lu Ling might not accept her makeup at first, but she didn't expect Xiao Ling to be so good at it.

This woman didn't hide anything, and she took out a lot of rouge bottles from nowhere, and they were full.

"These are my sister's treasures. The colors are marked on the bottle. You can take whatever you want. These are more colorful, but let me tell you first, these things are all poisonous."

Hearing Dongfang Lianren's words, Lu Ling looked up at her.

Toxic is okay.

"Don't worry, listen to me. Although poisonous, most of them are highly poisonous, I can cure them all. For you, you only need to use some antidote when you use the base, but ...This may require some basic understanding of poisons." Dongfang Lianren chuckled: "If you want to use it, do you want to learn from me?"

Dongfang Lianren revealed his true purpose as he spoke.

She wants to teach Lu Ling how to use poison.

In this way, not only can I stay with the little girl for a long time to experience her changes and growth, but also I can remind Lu Ling to avoid detours at critical moments. On the surface, Dongfang Lianren did not accept Li Zhuzi's suggestion, but in fact she Already thinking about how to get into Lu Ling's circle.



Lu Ling was thinking.

Learn to use poison?

This is indeed in her plan, but... She is running out of time recently, because the number of times she uses [World] in the salted fish system has been greatly reduced, and the Tianguang Market is approaching, and she has not yet mastered the way of swordsmanship. What should I learn now? Poison, time will not come up.

I can only talk about it later...

Dongfang Lianren saw Lu Ling's hesitation, and said immediately.

"Don't worry, it won't take too long, that is, when I wash my face every morning and spend a quarter of an hour putting on makeup, I will teach you by the way. After a long time, you will naturally understand the restraint relationship of these poisons. You, a girl who wants to break into the world of cultivating immortals, have absolute advantages, at least you won't be tricked, right." Dongfang Lianren said.

Speaking of which, she was so eager because... no one was willing to learn her poisonous way, not even her own apprentice.

Dongfang Lianren didn't want Lu Ling to inherit her mantle, but... it's still possible to get addicted to being a master.

Hearing Dongfang Lianren's words, Lu Ling looked at the bottles and cans on the table and was moved.

What Uncle Shi said makes sense, it will definitely not hurt you if you learn these things, and Lu Ling is also different from other women, she doesn't have any psychological pressure to wipe these poisonous things on her face, she is not afraid of becoming like Dongfang Lianren Anyway, Lu Ling would not have close contact with anyone.

Mainly, the timing used.

Seeing Lu Ling's vacillation, Dongfang Lianren finally understood that to Lu Ling, using poison was just one of her desires for cultivation. Regarding cultivation, learning swords, learning the law, and learning poison are all the same.

And obviously Lu Ling has other desires.

Appearance is also one of them.

"Teaching you how to use poison is secondary. Xiaoling, you want rouge, but you don't know how to put on makeup. I can teach you various types of makeup every morning. That's the purpose. What kind of can just remember it Already." Dongfang Lianren chuckled, "Xiaoling, although your husband has started to put on makeup recently, she looks like a novice at first glance. She probably learned it from Tang Keyu, which belongs to the low-end... She must not be able to teach you. It is absolutely right to learn from me."

This time, Dongfang Lianren finally moved Lu Ling.

【good. 】Lu Ling finally nodded, agreeing with the uncle's idea, let her teach her what women must learn every morning, and learn how to use poison along the way.

This is poison... It's so strange that it can be made into rouge.

Lu Ling held a small bottle and carefully observed the colors.

This is a light red shade.

"So cute!" Dongfang Lianren was very happy, and looked at Lu Ling with his face uplifted, the eyes were no different from looking at his daughter.


She was happy, but Li Zhuzi was not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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