Chapter 747 Dispute
Of course Lianren Dongfang was happy, but someone was not happy.

Li Zhuzi came out holding the fruit plate, and saw the bottles and cans on the table at a glance, and almost threw away the small longevity fruit in his hand.

What is Dongfang Lianren doing?

Why take out these dangerous things.

There are at least twenty or thirty porcelain vases on the stone table. Some samples of the precious rouge and poisonous weeds are pasted in the porcelain vase booklet. The bewitching colors attracted Lu Ling's attention. Li Zhuzi looked at the half-jade porcelain vase that Lu Ling was holding in his hand at this time. , the color on it made Li Zhuzi palpitate for a while, as a Venerable Wenshun, she knew how dangerous the thing Dongfang Lianren, the No. 1 poison in the world of cultivating immortals, was.

Fortunately, although Dongfang Lianren's rouge is poisonous, it is completely different from the poisonous gas contained in her body and the real means of fighting the enemy, but even a little rouge is still a threat.

Lu Ling is now a treasure in Li Zhuzi's eyes, and she doesn't want to be hurt at all.

Dongfang Lianren's rouge poison is not a natural poison, it is a product mixed with her unique true energy, and most of them are unsolvable... Li Zhuzi's "soul-eating nail" that has made countless monks frightened is from Dongfang Lianren's hand , so far there is no antidote.

In an instant, Li Zhuzi's mood fell to the bottom. She couldn't understand why Dongfang Lianren did this.

He even had some regrets, whether he did something wrong and shouldn't let her see Lu Ling.

Seeing Li Zhuzi coming out, Dongfang Lianren felt Li Zhuzi's dissatisfaction almost instantly, and could only shake his head helplessly without saying a word.

Bamboos now... are not plum bamboos anymore.

From the time she saw Li Zhuzi had a demon because of Lu Ling, and then recovered, she discovered that this senior sister had undergone a huge change.

But she couldn't talk to Li Zhuzi about this kind of thing.

I can only sigh from my heart, there are not many normal people in Lingshan.

After all, making Li Zhuzi more humane and less cold-blooded... was what Shen Canghai had been doing all along, but now Lu Ling, who Shen Canghai failed to do, did.

Unlike Dongfang Lianren, Lu Ling didn't pay attention to Li Zhuzi, her eyes were attracted by these strange colors, and with a strong purpose, Lu Ling understood the value of Master Dongfang to her... …these fancy rouges are all part of it.

There are different colors of makeup water, including dark blue, which is a blue that is as dazzling as the starry sky, as if it contains stars.

It's really...beautiful.

It may be a woman's innate desire, Lu Ling had the idea of ​​dressing herself up for the first time, and once this idea popped up, it would not stop like mushrooms after a spring rain.

Lu Ling also found that even with pure purpose, she could still get some happiness from it.

Sure enough, even if she was alone, she could live a good life.

Lu Ling picked up a red jade bottle.

Inside is a blood-red thin substance as bright as blood, dripping some on the red rouge paper, this red has a little sparkle in it, very seductive.

The nose moved, Lu Ling asked a faint sour and sweet breath, and for a while, her complexion was a little rosy.


Just when she was in a daze, a hand suddenly snatched the jade bottle from her hand.

Lu Ling turned her head and found that it was her husband, she frowned slightly.

Li Zhuzi didn't notice the details of Lu Ling, but stood in front of her, and handed the bottle to Dongfang Lianren, with a little anger in his voice: "Dongfang, this bottle is your hemolytic Gu, how can you let Ah Ling take it?" In hand? She..."

"Calm down, bamboo, calm down." Dongfang Lianren had foreseen this scene a long time ago, and after giving Lu Ling a look, he explained: "Although it's hemolytic Gu, it won't be a problem if you just smell it, and it has been diluted. Now, you don't have to worry."

"..." Li Zhuzi obviously did not accept Dongfang Lianren's idea, said.

"Put these things away."

"As expected, I knew." Dongfang Lian spread her hands, and she said that there was still a problem.

Dongfang Lianren didn't want to let Lu Ling accept her poison so quickly, so she just used ordinary rouge at first, and then slowly infiltrated it until Li Zhuzi accepted it.

Who knew that Lu Ling would take the initiative to ask for it?
So she didn't do Li Zhuzi's job well, which led to the current problem.

"What do you mean?" Li Zhuzi looked up at Dongfang Lianren.

If she didn't know that Dongfang Lianren also liked Lu Ling very much, she would have kicked Dongfang Lianren out a long time ago.

To Li Zhuzi's surprise, Dongfang Lianren directly blamed him.

"Ah Ling likes it herself, and there is nothing I can do about it."

At this time, it is best to tell the truth, anyway, Lu Ling really likes it very much, and now Lu Ling... Li Zhuzi should not be able to show the tough attitude he used to.

"You like it?" Li Zhuzi was also a little surprised, and turned to look at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling could only nod her head, she really liked it.

"So it doesn't matter if I'm here..." Dongfang Lianren was about to speak, but was interrupted by Li Zhuzi.

"No, absolutely not."

Li Zhuzi waved and put away all the rouge in front of Lu Ling: "Ah Ling can't touch these things."

Her attitude was unexpectedly tough, and she didn't care about Lu Ling's own thoughts at all, which Dongfang Lianren never expected.

But after thinking about it, she realized that it was her own problem. Even if Li Zhuzi became gentle, she was still Lu Ling's teacher and husband, just like before. Lu Ling's state at this time was completely messing around with Lu Ling.

"Sure enough, bamboo is bamboo." Dongfang Lianren spoke with a strong jealousy on his face.

Li Zhuzi frowned.

Sometimes, she really doesn't understand what Dongfang Lianren is thinking.

"It's not the same if the goodwill is high enough at the beginning." Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling without any dissatisfaction, and sincerely admired Li Zhuzi.

Even if Li Zhuzi did this kind of thing, Lu Ling didn't have the slightest resentment, and easily accepted that Li Zhuzi made the choice for her...

If it was him, he might be hated by Lu Ling directly.

She was honestly a little jealous.

If she had such a high opinion of Li Zhuzi, she would have already followed Lu Ling and brought the relationship between the two of them a step further, but Li Zhuzi didn't care about it at all...

But because of this, she is a reliable teacher and is loved by so many people.

Dongfang Lianren felt that he cared too much about other people's opinions.

Because of this thinking, she has always been a conservative.

Lingshan... is very good in every way, but because of the deep-rooted family concept in Lingshan, although there will be no major divisions in this holy place, she is somewhat disappointed by the decisions made in various aspects.

There is also some dissatisfaction with Lingshan.

She is a sensitive woman.

This dissatisfaction may be because she is not popular in Lingshan.

In fact, she only has one friend, Luo Hanyi, and Luo Hanyi is not so much a friend as her half-daughter.

Li Zhuzi's kind...isn't considered a boudoir best friend.

Now she doesn't have any other ideas, she just wants the little girl she likes to live a better life, so that she can learn some of her own skills, without making Lu Ling unable to get in touch with others like her.

Is it really that unacceptable?

Sighing, Dongfang Lianren stared at Li Zhuzi's side face which was extremely serious.

Lu Ling didn't speak, no one knew what she was thinking.

Dongfang Lianren seemed to give up, but she didn't give up, she had a way to make Li Zhuzi accept it.

Dongfang Lianren said what she said to Lu Ling just now under Li Zhuzi's scrutinizing eyes.

Hearing this, Li Zhuzi's eyebrows parted a little.

"A Ling wants some rouge, no problem, you can teach her if you want."

The conversation turned.

"But poison is not acceptable, it is too dangerous."

"Okay, I didn't expect to be able to convince you by doing this at first." Lian Dongfang smiled slightly, and handed the fruit to Lu Ling: "Xiao Ling, you eat first, and I will go and have a good talk with you, a mischievous gentleman. "

Lu Ling nodded.

"Let's go, I still want to drag you." Dongfang Lianren took Li Zhuzi's hand and walked to the back of the house.

"Dongfang, what do you want to say? For Ah Ling, learning to use poison is not a good time for her." Li Zhuzi insisted on his point of view.

After Dongfang Lianren was silent, he asked Li Zhuzi a question.

"How long can you trap her?"


The air suddenly became quiet, and after a while, Li Zhuzi spoke.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

Lianren Dongfang shook his head and stared at Li Zhuzi.

"You can't trap her. Her eyes tell me that she will go out sooner or later."

"She won't do what you want, just like what we have planned for Liu Fufeng, they are all the same sisters, they will jump out sooner or later, Zhuzi, you have lived with Lu Ling for so many days, can't you see what she wants? Stop kidding yourself."


Li Zhuzi did not avoid Dongfang Lianren's eyes, and said lightly: "I just want to..."

"I just want her to stay with you for a while longer? Live a quiet life?" Dongfang Lianren interrupted Li Zhuzi, and at the same time took a step forward: "Zhuzi, you should wake up, she has ice Bloodline, with so many causes and effects gathered, you can't trap her, and she will definitely go out."

"Karma, Karma again! She is just a child, where did she get so much Karma." Li Zhuzi's face was calm, but anyone could tell what she was suppressing emotionally.

Dongfang Lianren didn't continue to speak, but watched Li Zhuzi vent until she calmed down.

"Finished?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

"It's over." Li Zhuzi took a deep breath and said, "I understand everything you say, but as a teacher, I can't accept it. Why should my students be involved in so many incidents?"

"Bamboo." Dongfang Lianren looked at the woman in front of her seriously: "The problem now is not that others are pulling her, but that she wants to jump in. You can't stop her."

"Now you stop her. When she really leaves Lingshan, will you be able to stay with her forever? It's not her way alone."

"You have to walk your own way. Bamboo doesn't understand that."



After being silent for a while, Li Zhuzi raised his head and said, "I can do it, I can protect her, and I can do everything well."

The sound is steady and full of undeniable taste.


Dongfang Lianren didn't expect to talk about this, Li Zhuzi still didn't let go, her stubbornness was much more than she imagined.

"Can you stop her?"

"Yes." Li Zhuzi said firmly.

she can.

She has the ability to keep Lu Ling from leaving her and from being hurt by the outside world.

Dongfang Lianren heard Li Zhuzi's words, and fully understood the extent of this woman's love for Lu Ling... But in contrast, Dongfang Lianren was angry.

After hundreds of years, it was finally a real fire.

"Even if it makes her hate you?"

"Yes." Li Zhuzi nodded without hesitation: "I don't need her to understand me."

"You want to keep her by your side like this..." Dongfang Lianren let out a foul breath, looking at Li Zhuzi, he felt a chill down his spine for the first time.

"is it not OK."

Li Zhuzi said in a steady tone: "With me here, Ah Ling will live without any danger. Although it is a bit monotonous, the outside world is not exciting. Dongfang you know this better than me."

Dongfang Lianren nodded.

"Yeah, the outside world is indeed not exciting. Not only is it not exciting, but it is also disgusting... It is because of understanding that I want to teach her some knowledge to defend herself. It's really easy to use...but I never thought of it, Zhuzi, you never thought of letting her out."

Dongfang Lianren didn't say any more useless beautiful words that seeing the outside world is Lu Ling's due right.

Maybe this is Lingshan.

Lu Ling at this time is another Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng couldn't practice martial arts because of his soul problem, so Lingshan restricted her way to death, learning martial arts on the surface, but in fact... the little girl's way has already been set, no matter how good Tang Zheng's performance is, she will eventually get a failed.

is it wrong?
Dongfang Lianren thinks it is right, no one in the world loves Tang Zheng more than Tang Keyu, right?

But Dongfang Lianren was not happy.

Alive... Even if a moth flies to a flame, she will have no regrets at that moment.

Conservative women are mostly emotional.

"Zhuzi, for Lu Ling who lost her junior sister, what she wants to do must be the meaning of her life, as you said." Dongfang Lianren shook her head: "That's not called living, but not dead. "

Li Zhuzi was silent.

Dongfang Lianren had no intention of arguing with Li Zhuzi anymore, Lu Ling would only listen to her husband, she, an outsider, had nothing to say.

Dongfang Lianren left alone.


Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren's back and sighed.

She admitted that Dongfang's last words were extremely damaging to her.

Not alive, just not dead...

Before Li Zhuzi met Lu Ling, she was actually "not dead". The peaceful life she imagined was actually full of undercurrents, which made her feel extremely disgusted with the seemingly peaceful daily life. Behind the daily life is a conspiracy. Calculation and death, this is the world of cultivating immortals, and the half-day leisure she wants for a cup of bitter tea is nothing but illusory.

But when Shu Shan asked Venerable Ye whether he had lived the life he wanted, Li Zhuzi gave an affirmative answer.

Because at that time, she had already met Lu Ling.

Maybe she was really wrong.

Of course, Li Zhuzi felt that it was the safest thing to give Lu Ling the meaning of living without danger, and he didn't have to go out to make a living.

Liu Fufeng didn't say that he couldn't find it.



in the bamboo forest.

Dongfang Lianren sat next to Lu Ling like a defeated dog, looking at Lu Ling who was eating the small longevity fruit, his face was full of loneliness: "Xiao Ling, I lost, I failed to convince your husband, in fact, what she said I understand it, and it's correct..."


Lu Ling said that she didn't know what she was talking about.

this time.

Under Dongfang Lianren's surprised eyes, Lu Ling reached out and touched her head.

The little girl's hand was very cold, but at this moment, it was very warm in Dongfang Lianren's perception.

"You girl..." Dongfang Lianren knocked off Lu Ling's hand: "It's not big or small."

Lu Ling spread her hands.

Now it's starting to talk about seniority again, which is really strange.

"Okay, for your sake, I will try my best to convince your husband, it's too early to give up now." Dongfang Lianren regained his vitality, picked up a small longevity fruit, and bit it down hard, as if biting on the fruit. Li Zhuzi's face.

(End of this chapter)

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