Chapter 752 Three Books

Lu Ling pinched the book in her hand, feeling a little dazed.

Speaking of it, cultivation is not so troublesome...

I didn't expect women to have so much trouble than men.

Otherwise, stop studying?

This kind of thought only flashed in Lu Ling's mind for a moment before being pinched out.

how is this possible.

Men or something... She can't accept it in her life.

As for not learning, that's where she is going. If a little bit of difficulty, even something that can't be regarded as a setback, can make her retreat, what else is she trying to do.

"Xiaoling, if you find it troublesome, just leave your makeup to me for the time being, and you don't need to do it." Dongfang Lianren saw Lu Ling's ignorance, and smiled understandingly.

So many girls are like this at the beginning, and find it troublesome... In fact, after getting proficient, they can dress themselves up without being urged by others.

No matter which realm it is, beauty is a woman's nature.

[No, I will study hard. 】When Lu Ling closed the book, she had already made up her mind to study hard.

Seeing Lu Ling's firmness, Dongfang Lianren scratched his head.

"Xiao Ling, there is something I think you need to understand."

Lu Ling looked at her.

"Although women are the ones who please you, A Ling, you don't have anyone you like right now." Dongfang Lianren paused, and said in Lu Ling's confused eyes: "For us, the biggest effect of makeup is to make people feel better. It’s comfortable to look at yourself... For the rest of your life, being able to make yourself happy is the most important thing.”


Lu Ling didn't quite understand.

And what Dongfang Lianren wanted to say has already been said.

The ultimate purpose of makeup is to make yourself look comfortable and happy... If you have a lover, you can make both parties feel the satisfaction brought by your appearance... In the final analysis, it is still to make yourself happy.

And Lu Ling...

Forget it.

Dongfang Lianren shook her head, she realized that it was meaningless for her to talk to Lu Ling about such things.

"Xiaoling, study hard, you still have a lot to learn." Dongfang Lianren changed the subject.

Lu Ling nodded, and put the red one representing makeup skills among the three books on the other side, and focused her eyes on the other two books.

There is also a purple one and a white one.


Lu Ling thought about the side yard and looked at it. When it comes to purple, it really is the woman in purple who gave her the most suitable impression... Just like she is suitable for red, she is very suitable for purple, Lu Ling thinks so from the bottom of her heart.

Purple should be a noble color.

Lu Ling opened the title page of the purple book, and three chapters came into view.

[Basic poisons and detoxification methods], [Gu insect articles], [Introduction to poison preparation].

Is this... Poison Sutra?

Looking at Lu Ling, Dongfang Lianren explained: "This is a poison manual I wrote many years ago when I had nothing to do. It is just suitable for Xiao Ling, you can read it...these are some common poisons and characteristics."

She lied.

Dongfang Lianren has no free time. This is not long after she became the master of Sanfeng Peak. At that time, several of her apprentices were in the middle stage of the soul like Lu Ling. Written by pity at this time.

At that time, Dongfang Lianren was very excited, thinking that there would definitely be apprentices who would be willing to learn from her... Literary Soul or Martial Soul does not delay learning to use poison, but the way of using it is different. Of course, Wenhun is better Some, after all, there is no separation between doctors and poisoners.

Unexpectedly, she wrote the most complete basic poisonous scriptures with great enthusiasm, but... no one is willing to learn it.


So Dongfang Lianren copied a copy of the article on detoxification and sent it to the academy...Now that she is going to accept an apprentice, she naturally found it.

In fact, there will be an article on Poison Kung Fu later, but unfortunately...Li Zhuzi will not let Dongfang Lianren teach Lu Ling Poison Kung Fu. It is not a good idea to study hastily, Dongfang Lianren also knows this, so he took the initiative to withdraw the poisonous work chapter.

[Thank you, uncle. 】Lu Ling raised the paper in her hand.

What Uncle Dongfang gave her was exactly what she needed, and when she understood the poisons of this world, she would be able to control them naturally... It's just that the thickness of the book is so thick that she probably needs to study for a long time.

Dongfang Lianren reminded Lu Ling: "This stuff is memorized by rote, and there is nothing to say, so I won't spend time telling you. If you are curious about bugs, just ask me. The basic things here are at home. It’s all there, and you can play with it if you want.”

Lu Ling nodded, and simply opened the "Poison Classic" basic poison cheats, and the fruit on the first page made Lu Ling stunned for a moment.

On the picture is a red, fist-sized fruit, and below it is Dongfang Lianren's delicate handwriting.

It's just the simplest fruit, and Dongfang Lianren spent a lot of effort to describe it.


Scientific name: red fruit.

Alias: red fruit, water radish, poisonous radish.

Phylum: Angiosperm Phylum.

Subphylum: Phylum Angiosperm subphylum.

Class: Dicotyledon Class.

Subclass: Subclass Rosaceae.

Eyes: Rosaceae.

Family: Rosaceae.

Subfamily: Carrot subfamily.

Genus: Radix.

Distribution area: All the places where the aura of all attributes is sufficient, mostly in the temperate zone, is the most common fruit in the world of cultivating immortals and various secret realms, and it is also a poison.

Nutritional value: rich in essential substances, water, and aura for the human body, it can effectively replenish water and physical strength, and has a little effect on replenishing mental strength.

Taste: flat, sweet, slightly sour.

Contraindications: Take it within six hours after picking it off, it will help digest the aura without causing toxicity. After six hours, the red fruit loses its supply and will automatically attract toxic substances around it, causing a little heart-breaking poison in the core.

Commonly used: Ordinary people eat red radish fruit before the poisonous change can strengthen the body. After the poisonous change, if it is not detoxified for a day, it will be life-threatening. If the monk eats it, the blood will turn into blood in a short time. Abdominal pain, coma, not life-threatening , recovered after three days.



There are many more introductions in the back, such as varieties, eating methods, even storage methods, and simple poisoning purposes, Lu Ling did not read carefully.

She looked up at Dongfang Lianren, and couldn't help admiring her carefulness...and...

[Master Uncle, it would be great if I knew about this fruit earlier. 】

"What's the matter? Xiao Ling, have you ever eaten it?" Seeing Lu Ling's expression, Dongfang Lianren didn't know that this little girl had been tricked by red radish fruit, the most common fruit in the secret realm.

"Is it that time in the secret realm?" Dongfang Lianren chuckled.

Lu Ling nodded.

Last time, she was thrown into the secret realm by Senior Sister Yun. Before meeting Xiao Hei, she ate a few bright red, peach-like fruits. She was fine the first day, but the next day she ate the ones she picked off yesterday, and passed out after vomiting blood It's gone... Xiao Hei saved her when she woke up.

It turned out that what I ate at that time was this kind of fruit that would become poisonous if left for a long time.

If I saw it earlier, I wouldn't suffer so stupidly.

She is still too tender.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling's expression and pinched her face: "Xiao Ling, it's not that you are ignorant, it's not your problem, after all, all disciples will read this kind of manual before going to the secret realm for the first time. You haven’t learned it yet, and it’s normal to be poisoned, so if you read it now, you won’t make mistakes.”

Lu Ling nodded, bowed her head and read directly to the end of the red fruit, here is the way to detoxify.

There is no separation between medicine and poison.


Detoxification thing: green radish fruit.

It mostly grows next to the red radish fruit. It tastes sour, non-toxic, and has no side effects. It can detoxify micro-broken intestines.


Lu Ling did not read the detailed introduction later.

It's also funny...

She saw the green radish fruit at the beginning, but...she thought the red one was ripe, and the green one was not ripe, so she didn't pick it...and then...


Sure enough, experience is very important.

Because of her personal experience, Lu Ling understood the importance of this "Poison Classic" to her, and she will definitely read it after returning home. Although this book looks more troublesome and detailed than the one with makeup, but The nature is different, and Lu Ling is willing to work hard to learn.



Seeing Lu Ling's baby Poison Sutra, Dongfang Lianren on the side felt a little complicated.

It would be a lie to say that she was unhappy, but... she wasn't that happy either.

In fact, Dongfang Lianren has always disliked poison, and everyone who is close to her knows this. She likes red, but dislikes the color... If I have to say it, it is the purple color of most poisonous gases.

That make-up book has a red cover, and this Poison Sutra is purple... In fact, it can explain the problem.

However, compared to the red one, Lu Ling likes the Poison Sutra more.

Dongfang's pitiful should I put it...

I'm a little lost.

Soon, Dongfang Lianren cheered up, her original purpose was to let Lu Ling learn poison, didn't she?

In essence, she wanted Lu Ling to study with her, so that she could feel what it was like to be a master. In fact, it didn't matter what she taught, but Lu Ling was always happy to be interested in what she taught.

"Xiaoling, when the time comes, I will tell you what the rouge poison I give you every day. When you have some spare time, take a look at the characteristics and detoxification methods of this poison." Dongfang Lian said humanely.

no problem.

Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

Put down the purple book and pick up the third.

Lu Ling's pupils shrank, and the silver eyes fluctuated slightly.

This white book is the thinnest among all the books, but it can make her heart beat faster. It is a normal-sized book, and there are only two words on it.

【Sword potential】.

Like Dongfang Lianren, she can only feel the sharpness of it, but Lu Ling is different. What she feels is the round and complementary Yin-Yang sword energy, which has a bit of awe-inspiring air.

This is something she is very familiar with...

Open the first page.

The handwriting is obviously masculine, with sharp and smooth, clean fonts.


【Sancai Huasheng】.

Taken from the meaning of three talents and three lights, the transformation of yin and yang, the so-called three talents, heaven, earth and man, the so-called three lights, the sun, the moon and stars, the transformation of yin and yang, comprehend the true meaning of life and death from the qi of yin and yang...

The third is angry and attached to the sword.

Note: This sword move is to drive the righteousness in the body. With the combination of Yin and Yang Qi, the greater the righteousness poured in, the more pure it is, the stronger the destructive power, and it has a stronger bonus to the demons. The people specified in the picture are locked, the picture will not be scattered, there is no possibility of escape for convenience, space escape is not in this scope.



Sure enough, it was the sword move that Lu Ling was familiar with, the three-talented transformation that Li Wangsheng once taught her.

Lu Ling has been thinking about it for several days.

After simply flipping through the next few pages, I found that they were all sword moves driven by unique yin and yang energy, and even the application of body skills and kung fu. Lu Ling knew that this book was Li Wangsheng's unique sword rhyme and great mastery. part of what you have learned.

He looked at Dongfang Lianren suspiciously.

Although she had thought about it for a long time, how could it be that Uncle Dongfang gave it to her.

"Oh, Li Wangsheng asked me to give this book to you. I have said everything I can say. You can practice on your own. It's the same if you don't go to him. He also said that even if you ask him, he can't explain it." Dongfang Lianren thought of what Li Wangsheng said to her, with a look of contempt on her face.

"This is the first time I know that someone doesn't know the principle of the tricks I practiced. Senior brother is too stupid. Xiaoling, don't listen to him. God knows how you learned that trick. , some only have a two-sentence introduction, not so easy to learn, no, it’s better to say it’s just a joke.”

"The introduction in this book is really short, it looks just like the introduction, and I don't even know how to study it."

Dongfang Lianren said, the dissatisfaction on his face became more and more serious.

Of course, she knew that Lu Ling wanted to learn from her, but this did not prevent her from explaining to Lu Ling what she saw. As for using this thing to gain favor with Dongfang Lianren, she no longer counted on it.

She just remembered that if Lu Ling couldn't learn such a playful sword scripture, it would be bad luck to anger her.

Because Li Wangsheng really wrote very little, and there is basically no useful information, but there is no way, he really doesn't know how to teach, and there is only so much he can write. As much as you understand...just understand as much as you can.

Because Li Wangsheng couldn't expect to get along with Lu Ling for too long, so he didn't wait for her to finish learning one before teaching the other, so he wrote all his understandings in the book, even if it was all understandings, adding up... It's only about 30 pages.

There are only more than 30 pages of insights from hundreds of years. Anyway, Dongfang Lianren seems to be joking.

[I see, I will watch and learn. 】Lu Ling nodded, without saying anything, she stacked the three books together, a silver light flashed in her hand, and the three books disappeared.

Dongfang Lianren was taken aback when he saw this, and then pretended not to care about anything, but his eyes flicked over Lu Ling's left ring finger from time to time.

Breath of space.

And... the strong smell of Liu Fufeng.

This silver ring is the magic weapon of space that Liu Fufeng left for Lu Ling.

It seems that Lu Ling's attitude towards Liu Fufeng is still very subtle, since she still keeps the things Liu Fufeng left her... But this is also very normal, if Lu Ling really becomes abnormally unfeeling, that would be wrong. normal.

I just don't know what Liu Fufeng left for Lu Ling.

Of course Lianren Dongfang didn't ask.

The whole Lingshan senior management knew about Lu Ling's silver ring, but no one made a decision because Lu Ling's condition was really unstable. Didn't even Li Zhuzi pretend not to know?
One day, Lu Ling will say it.


Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling who was staring down at the ring without saying a word, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

Lu Ling has no common sense, but she can't say whether Lu Ling knows something or not.

Because of the mask, most of Lingshan thinks that Liu Fufeng left voluntarily, and just like Liu Fufeng's face has a special meaning [the moment when the betrayer shows his fangs], women's jewelry is not casually worn.

The significance of Lu Ling's current wearing method makes Dongfang Lianren feel uncomfortable.

Left ring finger...


(End of this chapter)

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