Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 753 Lingshan's concept of husband and wife

Chapter 753 Lingshan's concept of husband and wife

Regarding the silver ring in Lu Ling's hand, according to the ordinary meaning, it means that she is married.

When the woman wears the ring, she is the wife.

Dongfang Lianren has seen this kind of behavior a lot, so she shouldn't be surprised... But the wife is Lu Ling, so the nature is different.

Here I have to mention the concept of husband and wife in Lingshan.

The world of cultivating immortals is naturally different from the secular world.

Down below, the world is dominated by men, and women, regardless of their status, are vassals after all... Even if you are a lady, if you strive to improve yourself, many of them are actually for the face of your own family.

It sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

And the greatest happiness in a woman's life is to find a suitable husband-in-law.


These two words are sacred and heavy words for an ordinary woman.

How can there be a girl who does not cherish spring.

The same is true for Lingshan. Even people like Li Zhuzi and even Shen Canghai have gone through this stage, but internal needs are more important than external needs. Therefore, the word abstinence is also a must for them. .

In a sense, the lives of women in the world of cultivating immortals are even more depressing than women in the secular world... When the status is low, there is still marriage to look forward to... When the status is improved, looking back, I find that the previous pursuit is as cheap as loess, and the pressure on the head What is the righteousness of the human race, and the sky that will collapse at some point...

When the sky fell, there was a tall person blocking it.

For Lingshan, he is tall.

So in order to relieve the pressure, Lingshan became what it is now.

But even after being promoted to immortality, the expectations of most women have not disappeared. Many people still hope to find a suitable partner, not the clean relationship between monks, but... firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea trivial life.

This is the expectation of most women in Lingshan.

The same goes for Shen Gui.

She likes Xu Xu's enthusiasm, likes Qin Qin's nagging, and has long been used to Master's rough appearance.

Shen Gui loves everything about Lingshan.

It's just that she never shows these things on her face.

Shen Gui may not be looking forward to the other half at this time, but... this is because the other half of Shen Gui's heart has long been occupied by a girl surnamed Shen...Shen Gui is like this, let alone other girls. said.

Then, the girl in Huaichun found out that those monks outside who only knew how to cultivate were meaningless and couldn't catch the eyes of Fairy Lingshan. On the contrary, her own women were very good...


Then there appeared disciples like Yehehua and Hehua who were in charge of opening rooms in Beiyuan. Unlike Shen Canghai, Li Zhuzi, Xu Xu Shengui, and Dongfang Lianren Luo Hanyi, they were real [husband and wife] .

With the name of husband and wife, it is no joke.

Real couples between girls do exist in Lingshan, and it is not an exception. The difference between husband and wife may not be so solid, but, between night flowers and lotus, the latter is usually the main one, so she It has always been his wife's performance. Although the strength of the younger generation Hehua may not be much weaker than Yehehua, she has not been out of Lingshan for a long time... She has the opportunity to go out, but she still stays at Lingshan...

All these measures are for Yehehua to have a new sense of belonging when she returns to her home in Lingshan.

There is a wife waiting for her at home.

This is the biggest feeling of Yehehua.

There are many girls in Lingshan, and the lily style is prevalent, which means that they regard the relationship between real husband and wife more strictly than ordinary people, even... to the level of taboo.

The husband-wife relationship between women is sacred and inviolable in the eyes of Lingshan girls.

Including Dongfang Lianren and even Li Zhuzi think so, which has influenced more than one generation.

It means that in Lingshan, if women cross the line of friendship and sublimate their emotions to love, they will become one, and there will never be any betrayal. If it is suitable, there will be no engagement behavior.

Marriage is sacred.

For the Lingshan girls, it takes only 60 years in the blink of an eye, but the relationship between husband and wife exists for life... Although the end of love is still family affection, for these girls, the nature is completely different.

What they want is this blink of love.

Under this premise, their identities and attitudes are completely different before and after marriage.

And because the rule of cultivating immortals and not entering the world is a joke, so...the etiquette for husbands and wives in Lingshanxing is exactly the same as that of the secular world, from the six rituals, to accepting the four auspicious...

After marriage, the wife will make changes.

One is the appearance.

The long hair is pulled up, the back hair is made into a bun, and the etiquette is done, because the age of Lingshan is not important, so the concept of the hairpin is different from the coming-of-age ceremony, which means that you are married, and you don’t have to put all your hair up, but there must be a woman’s bun.

The second is the change of personality.

Perhaps after marrying, the extroverted girl will become like a married woman, completely independent, like a lotus girl, becoming gentle...

Then there is jewelry.

Generally, the wife will wear a ring on the ring finger of her left hand. In this way, no matter how beautiful and temperamental she is... in Lingshan, she is always a famous woman with an owner... and will dissuade many suitors .

Lingshan attaches equal importance to the taboos in the relationship between husband and wife, and the entire world of cultivating immortals knows... If it is a girl from Lingshan who wears a ring, no one will act beyond etiquette towards her.

Therefore, the concept of marriage in Lingshan is extremely sacred.



Now, the ring Liu Fufeng gave her appeared on Lu Ling's hand... No one can ignore the strong Liu Fufeng aura.

Are these two married?
Dongfang Lianren's first reaction was that it was impossible, with Lu Ling's attitude towards Liu Fufeng...



What attitude?

Who can be sure that Lu Ling's attitude towards Liu Fufeng is hatred?
Maybe Lu Ling didn't know the meaning of this ring, so...

Dongfang Lianren thinks that this possibility is relatively high... But she has a problem asking directly, if Lu Ling doesn't know the concept of the ring, and because of her externally expressed hatred for Liu Fufeng, then suddenly hearing the news, It is not yet known what will happen.

That's why Li Zhuzi never asked Lu Ling about it.

But... what if Lu Ling knew?

Dongfang Lianren looked at the calm little girl in front of her with her head bowed, and smiled wryly.

According to Senior Sister Luanfeng's words, the ring was left by Liu Fufeng to Lu Ling, so it is very likely that it was the place where Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling to wear it, and it has not been taken off so far.

And Liu Fufeng...she must be aware of the meaning of this, after all, if it wasn't for Lingshan, the current Liu Fufeng would have been married to the son of a rich man in Picheng as his wife.


Liu Fufeng has mastered all the etiquette that should be learned, what should not be learned, and the knowledge of newlyweds.

Before entering Lingshan, this girl had always been a submissive type. She put a ring on Lu Ling, and combined with the situation, in Dongfang Lianren's eyes, this ring...

Not a bond of marriage, but more like a shackle, a chain.

Even before Liu Fufeng left, the relationship between the two sisters was definitely not a husband and wife, but a mother and daughter. The relationship between the two was very clear. If it turned into love... it would be a degeneration of the relationship, they would not be so stupid.

But now that she is gone, she still left behind a shackle to tie Lu Ling to her body.

Would Lu Ling be willing to be a wife to someone who betrayed her?

Who knows.

But Dongfang Lianren knew that Liu Fufeng's actions had angered most of the disciples in Lingshan.

Marriage is sacred to them.


Even if she wears the ring, Lu Ling will not be that obedient girl anymore, she wants to control everything.

This change is probably a price that Liu Fufeng could not have imagined, nor could he accept.

The pity of the East sighed.



Compared with Dongfang Lianren, Hong Ling didn't think about it that much. She was not someone of the fairy lord back then. Although Luo Qianhan and Xihuang were Xue Nu's concubines, the concept of concubine and wife was completely different.

Therefore, Hong Ling didn't realize for a while that her master had not become as free as she thought. Before Liu Fufeng left, she put a shackle on Lu Ling, a chain that she didn't know if it would be strong or not.

The quality of the chain is all in Lu Ling, she doesn't think it's worth it, the ring is just a magic weapon of space for her, if she thinks it's worth it...even if Liu Fufeng never shows up, Lu Ling is definitely not free.

Everything depends on Lu Ling's attitude.


What about Lu Ling's attitude?
She may not be very clear about it herself, but it's still the same sentence, the feeling of grievance is more than resentment.

Of course, if someone asked her if she would like to be Liu Fufeng's wife, Lu Ling would probably deny it on the spot.

She thought that her attitude towards Liu Fufeng at this time was absolutely bad.



Lu Ling looked up at Dongfang Lianren and frowned.

This uncle has been looking at her foolishly for a long time.

What about the good makeup?

She doesn't have much time to waste on Dongfang Lianren. After putting on her makeup, she still has to eat breakfast—what Li Zhuzi requested, and to strengthen her skills. Now that she has Li Wangsheng's swordsmanship, she still needs Practice carefully to deal with the next Tianguangxu struggle.

The Poison Sutra also needs to be read.

really busy.

So Lu Ling picked up a pen and wrote a word on the paper, and clapped her hands vigorously.

Dongfang Lianren was startled, then raised his eyes to look over, the first thing he saw was the silver light reflected from the silver ring on Lu Ling's left hand, the color...was so similar to Lu Ling's eyes.

Lu Ling's eyes are exactly the same as Liu Fufeng's.

If you want to talk about marriage, it is also a way of saying that the two presidents of the husband and wife are more and more alike.

Shaking his head, Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a while.

Because of Lu Ling's ring, she forgot what she was talking about...

Something went offline.

Dongfang Lianren thought hard, and finally choked out a few words.

"Xiaoling, Li Wangsheng said that after he teaches you, what you learn is different from his. What you learn is the most authentic, decide the name yourself, and the things you want Teach whoever you want, regardless of what he thinks."

"I have to say that he is still very generous. Leaving aside the previously incomprehensible moves, some mental methods and exercises are basically created by him, and he is really willing."

The East is pitiful.

Lu Ling did not fluctuate.

what is this?authorized?

Unfortunately, in Lu Ling's heart, what she learned was her own, and she didn't need others to authorize her. As for Lu Ling, who said that what she learned was the authentic one, she had no objection.

From her point of view, Li Wangsheng's Tai Chi sword diagram lacks two pairs of eyes, and loses the core of holding yin and embracing yang. It is an evil way and incomplete, and it is a coexistence of demon energy and righteous energy, so it is difficult to touch Tai Chi. Her way of life is not the same as the tricks used by a person who has disintegrated Haoran's righteousness.

It must be self-centered.

Lu Ling nodded, indicating that she understood, and then... patted the paper on Dongfang Lianren's face.

It is inconvenient not to be able to speak, and I have shown her for a long time, but I haven't noticed it yet.

Being so close, Dongfang Lian realized Lu Ling's dissatisfaction, and quickly looked at the paper.

【makeup. 】

One word, written very small, no wonder Dongfang Lianren didn't see it.

"Are you in a hurry? It's my problem, I'll start now." Dongfang Lianren held Lu Ling's face in his hands, but Lu Ling didn't resist, and let Dongfang Lianren play with her.

However, Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling for a long time, but in the end he still didn't make a move.

Lu Ling secretly glanced at the ring.

If she didn't have this ring, she would have done it... and now... it's very troublesome.

There is a big difference between a wife's dress and an ordinary girl's dress.

I don't know what's going on in Lu Ling's mind, but she can't open her mouth yet... She doesn't know how to make an image of Lu Ling, and she feels like she has no way to start.

It's destroying perfection again, and it's the identity of a wife...

This matter is really painful for Dongfang Lianren.

There was no way, Dongfang Lianren could only bite the bullet and let go of Lu Ling's face, and said in Lu Ling's puzzled eyes.

"Xiaoling, before you put on makeup, you need to change your image. What kind of hairstyle do you like? Although the current one is not bad... However, the bangs and long hair are still a little immature and need a little fine-tuning." Dongfang Lian humane.


Lu Ling thought for a while, and quickly denied it.

Maybe Master Dongfang is right, she needs to change her look.

However, she doesn't know what type she likes, after all, she doesn't know how to draw or fashion...

Dongfang Lianren understood Lu Ling's difficulties, and put forward his opinion: "Otherwise, I will choose a few suitable models, Xiaoling, you can look at them one by one, but if this is the case, it may take more time this morning, is that okay?" ?”

Lu Ling nodded, indicating yes.

"That's okay, let's talk about it first. If it doesn't look good, you can't be angry." After Dongfang Lianren finished speaking, she looked at Lu Ling nervously.

【no problem. 】Lu Ling held up the paper.

"Then let's start, Xiaoling, fight with your image." Dongfang Lianren picked up the comb and stood behind Lu Ling.

There was a mirror in front of Lu Ling, she looked at herself in the wheelchair, gave Dongfang Lianren a smile, then closed her eyes and started to be in a daze.



Looking at Lu Ling's excessively long hair in the mirror, an image flashed in Dongfang Lianren's mind, but he quickly shook his head.

Lu Ling probably wouldn't like it.

(End of this chapter)

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