Chapter 757 Sister
Luoyan City.

The eyes of the wind dissipated.

Everything seemed to have never happened. If it weren't for the panic on the faces of the neighbors around, everyone would think that they were dreaming.

"The disaster... hasn't come?"

Heijia breathed a sigh of relief. These black armor face guards can crush ordinary people and even low-level monsters, but they are still not enough to face the natural disasters that destroyed the world before.

The heavenly power of nature made the people in Luoyan City have a sense of survival after the catastrophe.

"Okay, evacuate the street." The leader Heijia said.

"Yes!" The guards were about to disperse.

"Wait." Hei Jia thought of something: "Notify me, the crisis has dissipated this time because of the mayor's wife..."

The words are not full.

Everyone scratched their heads, and then their eyes lit up.

It's a good idea to use the sudden disappearance of natural disasters to create momentum for the mistress in advance, so that some caring people can put this disaster on the mistress.

The people left behind by Xifeng are all loyal to her, and they can also handle affairs by themselves. Even if Xifeng is not in Luoyan City, everything in Luoyan City will not be in any disorder.



The cape man picked up the bamboo hat that had been blown away by the strong wind, and stuck it on his head again.

Before, most of the power was blocked by him, including the celestial phenomenon. Otherwise, Lingshan could not have noticed the movement.

Now that Yun Shu is not here, Lingshan has lost his eyes, which is normal.

"What's wrong with this kid." Li Liweng glanced at the place where Lu You left, still confused.

Lu You has always been known for his stability, and his strength has always been a mystery, very mysterious, even old guys like them are very curious about him.

And the guardian of Yihua Palace followed the tradition of Yihua Palace, headed by the palace master, and never said a word about Lu You's past.

So he really doesn't understand Lu You... In Lu You's generation, there are only two people who care about these old things very much. They are very likely to become the new background of the human race. One is the Holy Lord of Qionghua, and the other is Lu excellent.

As an orthodox Shushan native, Suo Liweng actually doesn't like the style of Yihua Palace, so he naturally has doubts about Lu You's strength, even if he met, he didn't pay much attention to it.

But after the incident just now, it is different. There is still a bottomless abyss in front of him.

Judging from the threat this kid posed to him, he definitely has the strength of the seventh level... no, it is the already stable eighth level of Life Tribulation.


Now on the bright side, the heads of Shushan and Qionghua Holy Land are both the seventh calamity, and Lu You rumored that he only has the strength of the fifth calamity, but under his extreme anger just now, he no longer hides his strength. Yae.

It's actually higher than the current head of Shushan... Yihua Palace doesn't have such a good background, and I don't know how it was cultivated.

No, this should not be a shock now.

The point is what happened.

The hostility towards the human race in Lu You's words just now, Li Liweng has seen it all.

Weng Li Li thought about it for a long time, and thought that something might have happened to Lu Ling.

However, Lu Ling's coma is not a big deal, is it?Doesn't it mean that Senior Sister Yue has solved it all?

Lu You should know about this.

and many more.

Lu Ling's background.

Lu You should be looking at Lu Ling's past.




As for Lu Ling, the little girl whom the filial son took a fancy to, how could he not investigate.

Lu You's anger is an emotion that a father should have. After spending several months with Lu You, Weng also knows how deep Lu You's guilt towards Lu Ling is...

However, no matter what happened, this is not the reason for Lu You to say that inappropriate language, his thinking is very dangerous.

Although people in Shushan are pedantic, they are not stupid.

Weng Xiaoli will naturally not enlighten Lu You now, isn't this adding fuel to the fire...

Moreover, Lu You and Lu Ling are father and daughter... Well, this generation is completely messed up.

Total mess.

I hope Lu Ling can appease her father's anger.

Lu Ling is the best medicine, since Lu You wants to see Lu Ling, naturally he won't have the slightest negative emotion, which is why weng can be indifferent now.

The abyss in front of him can't be blocked for the time being. Fortunately, this earth can repair itself, just like the crack in space. He simply put a people-repelling barrier on it, turned and left.

He still has a little girl to watch.

Soon after.

Standing in front of the cape weng was a slim girl with a round face.


Weng Xiaoli looked at Lezheng Luoting who looked like a sick and weak young lady in front of him.

Wait, this girl also likes Lu Ling... Well, seniority or something, it's a mess.

But it's not very important. Lingshan is different from Shushan, and doesn't care about seniority. Although Young Master Xiao is from Shushan, he never behaves like Shushan at all, so the problem should not be big.

Lezheng Luoting looked like a frail young lady at this time, her face was pale, and she could not see any murderous looks, but the coir hat knew that when this girl pulled out the Moyuan sword on her back... everything would be different.

Lezheng Luoting gave a slight sideways look at the coir hat.

"Where have you been?"

The girl spoke softly.

After getting along for a period of time, Lezheng Luoting found that although the old man in Shushan was a senior in Shushan, he didn't look at her strangely like those of her uncles and uncles, so he recognized the old man in front of him from his own home in Shushan. ... Weng Xiaoli also resumed his old man's attire, officially becoming Lezheng Luoting's attendant.

"Didn't there be a strong wind before? I'll go and have a look." Li Liweng chuckled, walked not far in front of Lezheng Luoting, and guided her: "We're almost there, Luoyan City is ahead."

"En." Le Zhengluo did not ask any further questions.

It was also the first time she had seen such a destructive aura. Le Zheng Luoting originally thought that he should be very strong after accumulating so much power, but just a slight breeze just now brought her an incomprehensible threat... Le Zheng Luoting Zheng Luoting has a deep understanding of his own weakness, and his mentality is much more stable.

"Let's go." Le Zhengluo stepped forward lightly.

For people she recognizes, she... is actually very easy to get along with.

The boundary between sickness and tenderness is the same as that between a madman and a genius, it is only in one thought.

"By the way, girl, do you think the aura you feel is always in front of us?" Suo Liweng said suddenly.

"En." Lezheng nodded in Luoting. At first, she thought that she had met Lu Ling who was coming home, but after being reminded by Li Liweng, she realized that it was just a similar energy, or in other words, it was Lu Ling who was close to her. Treasures of ... and so on.

"I took a closer look, and it should be on that Wuhen boy Qionghua." The Lily Weng sold Young Master Qionghua in an instant.

"Wuhen? Jianping's Mr. Wuhen?" Le Zhengluo tilted his head and blinked.

"Yes, it's him."

Just kidding, don't say too much about the importance of Lu Ling. How could you think that there are kids out there who covet Lu Ling? Although I don't know why he has Lu Ling's aura on him, but... he must be a threat.

is an emotional threat.

We don't understand feelings, but it seems that Mr. Wuhen's age is the best match for Lu Ling. For others, Lezheng Luoting is a woman, Xiao Xiao is older than himself, no matter how you look at it, he is this kid The most promising, not to mention that he doesn't know where he got the item that has a deep relationship with Lu Ling.

Moreover, he and Lu Ling's father also got involved, which is not good.

So Li Liweng is already thinking, looking for an opportunity to "kill" Mr. Wuhen, of course not in the physical sense, but to make him have no chance with Lu Ling, and Lezheng Luoting is a very good "weapon" ".

This girl's body is filled with a terrifying dark energy, although Mr. Wuhen is stronger than her, but now he is definitely not Le Zhengluo's opponent.

If Lezheng Luoting can defeat him, it can be regarded as one less rival in love for herself.

Of course, it also reduces Xiao's rival in love.

Although Lezheng Luoting is also Young Master Xiao's rival in love, but...they are both from Shushan, and whoever wins and who loses is Shushan's business.

So, this old guy sold Mr. Wuhen directly to Lezheng Luoting. You must know that he didn't tell Lu You that this kid had Lu Ling's things on him.

Who knew that Le Zhengluoting's reaction was completely different from what he had imagined, not only was there no jealousy and anger, but even his emotions didn't fluctuate much.

"Qinghua's Jianping descendant..." Le Zheng stopped in the court and thought.

If it was before, the status of Mr. Wuhen would probably be equal to that of her senior sister Ye Guanyue, but now, her strength is increasing rapidly, and it is not impossible for Ye Guanyue to catch up. big.

If the vision improves, the former unattainable Mr. Jianping seems to be the same.

She also understands Qionghua's decay to some extent.

"You don't..." Weng Li hat hesitated to speak.

Le Zhengluoting glanced at him.

what should i dojealous?Jealous of this man's smell of Lu Ling?
how is this possible.

Le Zheng shook his head in Luoting, walked away, and stopped talking.

No one understands her feelings for Lu Ling... It's not simple possessiveness, she only has two attitudes towards Lu Ling, one, Lu Ling becomes her thing, and two, she becomes Lu Ling's thing.

If it was the former... She would only care about who Lu Ling liked, and then she would feel jealous, but now... Lu Ling is not hers yet, so she has no reason to be jealous, let alone a man, she doesn't think so Back then that evil Lu Ling in Shushan would have liked some young master of Jianping.

If it is two, then there is nothing to say, she just wants to be by Lu Ling's side, and she has no control over who Lu Ling likes.

After all, Lezheng Luoting just wanted to follow Lu Ling.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Weng Xiaoli to use her idea. How could Lezheng Luoting waste his strength on a man.




Weng Xiaoli followed Lezheng Luoting dejectedly.

In fact, he doesn't need to be disappointed, he will understand when he sees Lu Ling at this time.

A Lu Ling who is already a wife has no chance no matter who she is.


The round-faced girl walked, breathing a little more heavily.

After all, she... was still a little jealous.

Such a strong smell of Lu Ling is on a man, how could she not be jealous.

If there is a chance, she will compete with this young master of Jianping.




Lu You calmed down and returned here.

In fact, he couldn't calm down. As a father, Lu You couldn't calm down... But, with his daughter right in front of him, he had to adjust his emotions.

He will not show his negative emotions until everything is over here and he returns to Yihua Palace. Now, whether it is for Lu Ling or his new daughter, he needs to control his emotions.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhu Mingxiang rushed up immediately, looking worriedly at the white-haired man in front of him.

"Father, are you okay, the previous storm..."

"It's okay." Lu You looked at the adoptive daughter in front of him, and his face became better.

Zhu Mingxiang was still dressed in sackcloth, and Lu You told her several times that she was unwilling to change, so Lu You followed her.

Under the sackcloth is still a not-so-beautiful face... Slightly thinner, but after getting along for this period of time, Zhu Mingxiang's eyes are no longer confused, but sparkling.

"It's fine." Zhu Mingxiang nodded and stepped aside.

Young Master Wuhen at the side didn't speak, just sat quietly.

He knew that the previous storm was caused by Lu You, but he didn't ask... He had a general understanding of Lu You's strength in his heart, but because of his low level, he couldn't actually see the specific level.

These days, he has learned too much about painting from Lu You, at least so far, he has sincere respect for Lu You.


Because of the righteous daughter, Lu You put away all the negative emotions, and said at the same time: "Do you still remember what I told you about your sister?"

Zhu Mingxiang nodded: "I remember."

The younger sister's name is Lu Ling, Lu You's Lu, and Hong Ling's Ling.

Lu You told her that she would live next to her younger sister, take care of her, and teach her some basic painting knowledge.


She draws it every day. Lu You likes the picture of his future wife very much, saying that it is... like his wife.

Lu You saw the curiosity towards Lu Ling in Zhu Mingxiang's eyes, and smiled slightly.

Come to think of it, she must have been curious about her daughter for a long time. After all, this girl and Qingmei, who is no longer there, are very similar to her wife... Lu You is also curious, even suspicious.

This green plum in Zhu Mingxiang's cognition could not be her own daughter.

Lu Ling has been wandering for so many years, who knows what kind of people she has met.

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in the world.

But... Zhu Mingxiang didn't have any strange reaction to the name Lu Ling... Since it was sent by A Ling, then the name Lu Ling should be engraved on her heart, and her introduction to people must be all This name, nothing else.

"I have a portrait of your sister here, let's get to know each other first."


Sister... What did Mr. Wuhen hear.

Lu Ling?
The little girl who haunted the saintess had nothing to do with him. Mr. Wuhen was only interested in elves, and he knew how to measure it. He simply turned off his hearing and concentrated on studying painting.

All this fell into Lu You's eyes, and he nodded in satisfaction. This kid is still very sensible.

Lu You opened the scroll in his hand and handed it to Zhu Mingxiang.

(End of this chapter)

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