Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 758 Wife and Daughter

Chapter 758 Wife and Daughter
Lu You unsealed the scroll in his hand and handed it to Zhu Mingxiang.

Zhu Mingxiang took the scroll, hesitated a little, and unfolded the scroll.

Lu You watched quietly from the side.

Her daughter's real name is unknown, but her current name is taken from - Candle Bright Fragrance Dark Painting Hall Deep, Temples full of Green Frost Remnant Snow Thinking Hard to Resist.

It would be very easy for Lu You to know her past, but he didn't. Instead, he forbids anyone to investigate his adopted daughter.

For nothing else, but the daughter's feelings for her so-called wife, it is worth letting him indulge her willfulness.

The reason why this seemingly introverted girl has such strong emotions is because she still has a spiritual pillar.

The spiritual pillar is the wife in her mouth.

Although the girl's wife has superfluous thoughts, Lu You won't say it out loud. Although his righteous daughter doesn't look pretty now, she was definitely a young lady in the past. There is no doubt about it.

Lu You wanted to know what she thought of her daughter who was very similar to her wife.



Zhu Mingxiang is not beautiful, she is very thin, and her face is not very recognizable, only a pair of white hands and a pair of bright eyes.

At this time, Zhu Mingxiang stared blankly at the girl in the picture scroll, her eyes were full of thoughts and memories.

From Zhu Mingxiang's eyes, Lu You saw surprise, complicated emotions, and... a trace of taking it for granted.

Of course it was a matter of course, her wife grew up to be so similar to her own wife, so it was the most normal thing for her daughter to look familiar to her.

"How does it feel?" Lu You asked.

"Very similar." Zhu Mingxiang closed the scroll again, then sighed: "But... there are still differences."

"Is it just that they look alike?" Lu You asked again.

Zhu Mingxiang knew what Lu You was thinking, and explained, "We don't know each other."

She seemed to be in a bad mood, and Lu You could see it and understand it, after all... Lu Ling and her wife were so similar, even Lu You doubted whether the two had met.

"With her, can it be done?" Lu You asked.

"Yes." Zhu Mingxiang looked up: "Besides, I will not use her as a substitute. My wife is only one, even though she is not by my side now."

"En." Lu You took the scroll, and looked at Zhu Mingxiang with more and more satisfaction.

Although they look alike, as a father, he definitely doesn't want his daughter to be a substitute for others to miss, and he can also see that what Zhu Mingxiang said is true, no matter how similar she is, she only has her own wife in her heart.


In fact, Lu You is still unwilling to believe that someone looks exactly like his daughter... But Zhu Mingxiang is not lying, he can't explain it for a while, and can only leave it to time.

"By the way, you always talk about your wife, can you tell me about her." Lu You looked softly at Zhu Mingxiang.

Zhu Mingxiang nodded: "A little bit."

Lu You's eyes indicated that Zhu Mingxiang could speak.

"I separated from her... when she hadn't grown up yet." Zhu Mingxiang said, her eyes struggling.

This surprised Lu You a little.

He thought... the other party was already dead.

"Why did you leave?" Lu You asked.

Zhu Mingxiang looked at her hands and stated a fact: "My home... because of some accidents, I lost it... She is the same, I don't have the ability to support her, foster father, you know, my level..."

With her ability, it is already very difficult to support herself.

It's so realistic.

Lu You didn't ask what happened to that girl after she left her, but in this world, if you want to live a good life, you must pay a price.

Now that Lu You knew it, he naturally wouldn't let it go, not to mention anything else, the other party's face similar to her daughter was enough to gain Lu You's favor.

"Now? You are the eldest princess of Yihua Palace now." Lu You said.

Maybe she doesn't understand what Yihua Palace represents, but the princess is enough. Although the current world is a mess because of the demons, many years ago, there was still an empire, and the concept of a princess also existed.

"So what." Zhu Mingxiang raised her head: "I know she is doing well now...better than I imagined, it should be said...well-clothed and well-fed."

Lu You was surprised by Zhu Mingxiang's thoughts. She obviously likes her so much, but she can be so open-minded?

"You don't want to see her?"

"It's not good to disturb her life." Zhu Mingxiang bowed her head, not believing what she said.

The girl raised her head and regained her vitality slightly: "We're already engaged, and she won't forget me."

Engagement...that's why I call it a wife.

Lu You covered his forehead.

The feelings of a woman are beyond his comprehension.

In the final analysis, rather than being a wife, she is actually more of a younger sister, or perhaps a close friend. Zhu Mingxiang just wants to use something like a contract like a wife to keep her by her be precise, in her heart.

From the perspective of age, if the other party is still alive, he must have grown up.

Lu You really couldn't understand.

Since you like it, then take the other party with you, why do you want to separate...

"Do you know where she is?" Lu You asked.

"I used to know, but now... I don't know." Zhu Mingxiang said words that I don't know whether they are true or not: "Now... I just want to repay the kindness of my adoptive father, and I will take good care of my adoptive sister."

The words were very smooth, and Lu You also knew that she didn't want to chat with him anymore, and was surprised by the emotions between the girls, but it was a pity that he couldn't understand.

But he finally understood that his righteous daughter really regarded her as a wife, and he didn't know what was going on with a woman's wife... Let's say it was an obsession, but Zhu Mingxiang had a very strong feeling for him. It's clear, there's no confusion at all.

But after hearing Zhu Mingxiang's words, Lu You still had some ideas of his own.

For example... If Zhu Mingxiang's wife likes her as much as she does, then how does Zhu Mingxiang's behavior of leaving for the other party's happiness hurt that girl... Maybe the so-called rich clothes and jade food now Nothing compares to having a full meal with her.

But I have to say that from my sister's point of view, Zhu Mingxiang is not wrong.

Maybe, her righteous daughter said she didn't want to see her... and she didn't know how to face it. She once abandoned the idea of ​​relying on her sister, so she kept saying that she was her wife.

There is a high probability that she is just comforting herself. In fact, it is doubtful whether the other party's attitude towards her is still the same as before, whether it is intimacy or distortion after being abandoned.

Of course, Lu You would not tell Zhu Mingxiang about these things, he now thinks his daughter is more important, and this adopted daughter... I hope she will figure it out in the future, that is not what Lu You needs to pay attention to.

Lu You was thinking, but Zhu Mingxiang spoke.

"Father, you said you want me to take care of my sister, but... there should be someone more suitable."

Lu You was stunned for a moment, then he knew what the righteous girl meant.

She said it was Liu Fufeng.

Zhu Mingxiang said: "I think...she likes her very much, or they like each other. In comparison, my appearance will disturb each other's life."

Lu You smiled: "Are you thinking about her?"

"Of course, she is my righteous sister after all." Zhu Mingxiang said without any hesitation.

Lu You raised the corner of his mouth.

As a foster daughter, she has one advantage, that is, she is very principled, has her own way of dealing with people, sees things very clearly, and Lu You likes it very much, but at the same time... because of her excessive calmness, she ignores many things. The same goes for the green plum who made her "abandon".

"About this..." Lu You reopened the scroll, pointing to Liu Fufeng's image: "She disappeared a few months ago."

"Disappear?" Zhu Mingxiang was stunned for a moment, then hesitated for a while looking at Lu Ling's happy smile on the picture scroll: "The righteous sister..."

Speaking of this, Lu You also showed worry. In front of this adopted daughter, he rarely concealed his emotions.

"Aling, she...was too sad, she was in a coma for a long time, and her body collapsed, but...fortunately, someone cured her." Lu You sighed.

Regarding this matter, he owed Dong Shenhai a favor.

When it comes to Eastern Shenhai, one has to mention Xuenv.

The haze in Lu You's heart became more cloudy. It seems that after going back, he must pay close attention to the layout.

"..." Zhu Mingxiang heard about Lu Ling's coma, she didn't say a word, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Perhaps it was discovered that what Lu Ling experienced was very similar to that of her wife.

"Then now, will she...will accept me?" Zhu Mingxiang asked.

"I don't know." Lu You shook his head and said truthfully.

Just kidding, as his father, he doesn't even know if the other party will accept him, let alone the sister who popped up out of nowhere.

"However, if you enter Lingshan, you will naturally have the opportunity to get close to her." Lu You thought for a while: "Actually, it is also called taking care of her, but in fact...she will not be wronged in Lingshan. If she is willing to learn, you can teach her something. The way of Danqing, you don’t have to force it if you don’t want to, it’s the best thing for me if she is happy.”

"Understood." Zhu Mingxiang nodded.

Lu You was not surprised to see the hint of surprise on the righteous woman's face, Lingshan... He still knows what these two words mean to women.

Sooner or later, she will know who she is and others, and slowly accepting it is the best thing.

Lu You discovered one thing these days, that is, the talent of his adopted daughter is extremely good, both in terms of inspiration and roots, she is the best in the world, in terms of talent, she is not inferior to the saint in Qionghua Holy Land .

Strange to say.

Lu You has an inexplicable fondness for Zhu Mingxiang... It stands to reason that an old man like him, especially an unfathomable old bastard in the city, shouldn't be so quick to dig his heart out...

But Zhu Mingxiang was different. He had an inexplicable affection for the other party, and he couldn't have the slightest suspicion. Maybe this was the reason why Zhu Mingxiang attracted him at the first sight.

Of course Lu You won't be charmed or anything, that's why he lamented that the world is impermanent.

If he didn't need someone to watch over his daughter, he wouldn't let Zhu Mingxiang go to Lingshan. Of course, even if Zhu Mingxiang went to Lingshan, it wouldn't matter.

The white-haired man had even planned in his heart that the eldest princess would inherit Yihua Palace...

Such a big matter is decided within a month, it has to make people feel like a child's play...

But Lu You wasn't joking.

Because Zhu Mingxiang's talent is really good, so good that Lu You is tempted, not weaker than the talent of Qionghua Saintess, it may sound like nothing, but Saintess is definitely the top of this generation.

Of course, Zhu Mingxiang was just a backup.

If the little princess Lu Ling didn't like to be the master of Yihua Palace, Lu You wouldn't force it. At this time, the eldest princess needs to come forward to stabilize the overall situation.

You know, Lu You can still live for a long time.

His memory about his wife is disappearing, but other things have not changed. He can live a long time, enough for him to step into the realm of Xiao Gongzi and the others. He has this confidence.

This self-confidence was brought to him by his wife. His cultivation base and his hole cards are beyond comprehension by these holy places. In a sense, Yihua Palace is the strongest among all the holy places.

Because of Lu Ling's identity.

In particular, after learning about Lu Ling's experience, all the guilt the father had towards the human race disappeared, and he only wanted his daughter to live well.

Lu Ling's thoughts are above everything else, including righteousness.

Therefore, Lu You has enough time to watch Lu Ling grow up and cultivate Zhu Mingxiang's growth. Their time in Lingshan will not be too long.

In just a few minutes, Lu You flashed too many thoughts.

Looking at Zhu Mingxiang in front of him, his eyes softened a lot.

"Your adoptive father asked you to go to Lingshan not only because he wanted you to watch her grow up, of course there is a meaning in this regard, but for you, Lingshan is indeed a good place to expand your horizons and learn knowledge." Lu You Sincerely: "This would be a good place to start."

"Everything is up to the adoptive father."

Zhu Mingxiang didn't know if she could understand or not, she was a little absent-minded.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about her." Zhu Mingxiang said with confused eyes.

Lu You shook his head.

miss her?
Her betrothed wife, or Lu Ling?
To be honest, so many fetters are not suitable for cultivation, but Lu You doesn't think so, he himself has today's cultivation base and status because of his feelings...

Lu You likes feelings like gems.

The natural love for Zhu Mingxiang is one aspect, the most important thing is her gem-like exquisite heart, so that Lu You can rest assured that she will teach Lu Ling...

Lu You felt that if he was a woman, he would go to Lingshan in person, but unfortunately he is not.

Standing with candles and incense alone, Lu You looked at Mr. Wuhen who was in a daze, and walked over.

He didn't notice that Zhu Mingxiang looked up at him with complicated eyes.

Obviously, the person this girl was thinking of was not her betrothed wife, nor Lu Ling, but someone who had a deep relationship with Lu You.



"Palace Master." Young Master Wuhen got up, respectfully saluted a disciple.

For now, he is a student seeking knowledge.

Lu You didn't ink any ink, so he cut straight to the point and asked.

"What is the strong cold air on your body? Show me."

The tone is beyond doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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