Chapter 769

after one day.


In Li Zhuzi's yard, Lian Dongfang was sitting on a stone bench, playing with Gu worms in his hands, shaped like silkworms, with golden skin and no eyes, just like playing with a piece of jade.

Lu Ling was stroking the cat opposite her, and the behavior of the two was surprisingly similar.

Lu Ling looked up at her husband quietly.

"You want to go back to Peak Nine?" Li Zhuzi frowned.

She didn't expect to let Ah Ling go back so soon.

Although Lu Ling's condition is almost stable, even better than Li Zhuzi imagined, she should be relieved.

But if it was in other places, she would agree, such as Qin Qin's place, or even Dongfang Lianren's place.

But Feng Jiu's words...

After all, it was the place where Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng lived before, so it was impossible for Li Zhuzi not to worry, not to mention, if Feng Jiu said it, she would not be able to see Lu Ling...

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi subconsciously set his eyes on the calm Dongfang Lianren.

Dongfang Lianren has lived here for a while, and Li Zhuzi will also listen to her opinions.

"Look at me? See what I'm doing, wait..."

Said, Dongfang Lianren kept the Gu worms close to her body, she has temporarily lost her cultivation, these little guys must be taken care of.

After finishing everything, she turned her head to look at Li Zhuzi, and then at Lu Ling.

"Xiaoling...have you read the Poison Sutra I showed you?"

Lu Ling nodded.

"Then the Gu in my hand before, do you know what it is?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

Lu Ling continued to nod, took out her small notebook, took out a thin pen, and used Xuechen as a cushion to write lightly.

[Golden Silkworm Gu, twelve types of silkworm Gu, likes to eat medicinal materials and clear tea, body fluids, and silk are highly poisonous, and have a spiritual power restriction effect on monks under the Void Transformation Realm. Grinding the Gu insects into powder can temporarily increase spiritual power. Strength, no antidote, there is a period of weakness... Habits: I like cleanliness, and pure things have a fatal attraction to it. 】

Lu Ling scribbled on the paper, and Lian Dongfang was taken aback for a while.

No... She just needs to be recognized by Ling. Who knows, Lu Ling will remember everything.

Of course I remembered.

The Poison Sutra is very useful to Lu Ling. Apart from practicing the Yin-Yang Sword Rhyme, she is reading this book recently... Lu Ling is a little strange. When she reads the book, her master and uncle have seen it. What surprises her.

Like Xu Xu, she has a photographic memory.

And... aren't you a monk?Is it difficult to remember this thing?

It's not difficult under normal circumstances, but at least it needs to be cultivated to Han Xue's level, and it's only possible to practice the Purple Mansion of the Sea of ​​Consciousness. How old is Lu Ling...

Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

The east is the east, and Lu Ling just got this Poison Sutra... That is to say, even in Jiufeng, she did not forget to practice and read books... Her worries about Lu Ling's state of mind are completely superfluous.

"Okay, very good." Dongfang Lianren got up and walked to Lu Ling, holding her hand: "There are too many in the back, so I don't need to write, Xiao Ling is really amazing."

She wanted to kiss Lu Ling, but seeing Lu Ling's full wife, she finally gave up.

At this time, the cute Gu worm in her arms poked its head out, as if it was sniffing Lu Ling's scent.

"Little thing, go back." Dongfang Lianren raised his eyebrows, the golden little thing shook, and got into Dongfang Lianren's clothes again.

Li Zhuzi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Golden Silkworm Gu, loves pure places...


Dongfang, Dongfang, is usually so smart and stable, but he always has this kind of thinking, it should be said to be cute...or hypocritical.

Dongfang was originally a clean and pure girl with yellow flowers, but she didn't need to raise golden silkworm Gu to prove her purity.

Besides, Dongfang Lianren is so terrifying, Golden Silkworm Gu doesn't dare to be willful, it's not allowed, okay?

Lianren Dongfang sensed something, turned her head and glanced at Li Zhuzi, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Ahem, Zhuzi, as you can see, Xiaoling's condition is fine. If she wants to go home, let her go."

Come back home.

That's what the Eastern pity said.

But Lu Ling wrote on the paper that he was going back to Jiufeng.

Lu Ling didn't know if she understood what she meant, but she just nodded, indicating that she wanted to go back.

"Let me think about it..." Li Zhuzi waved his hand.

"Oh, what are you thinking about?" Dongfang Lian gave Li Zhuzi a wink: "A Ling is happy, isn't it the most important thing? Besides, if Xiao Ling returns to Jiufeng, won't you be able to drink the Moon Grass again? By the way, even if you go back, Xiaoling, you will come here often, I won’t be going back to Sanfeng for the time being, I still have to teach you how to put on makeup.”

Lu Ling nodded and looked at Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi sighed.

Dongfang Lianren, this woman... Forget it.

Li Zhuzi finally agreed to let Lu Ling go home to live, of course not because of the Yueyingcao... but because she saw the peak master's order on Lu Ling's waist.

What Chu Qishui meant, as a teacher, it was difficult for her to refute.

Of course, that's because Lu Ling's condition is very good, otherwise, if things related to Lu Ling are harmful, she can pretend that she didn't hear what Chu Qishui said.

All for Lu Ling.

"If you want to go back, go back." Li Zhuzi finally let go.

Lu Ling nodded.

It's good that Mr. agrees.

After finishing Li Zhuzi, Dongfang Lianren came to Lu Ling's side.

"Xiaoling, I'm still very curious about what you plan to do with Feng Jiu. Would you like me to help you?"

Lu Ling shook her head first, then wrote down.

【houses. 】

"That's right, we must start with the place where we live, I guessed it a long time ago." Dongfang Lianren said, taking out a thick stack of papers from his arms: "Here are some common houses, take them back and have a look , choose by yourself."

"Dongfang?" Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren unexpectedly. What she took out was not an ordinary residence. What Lu Ling went to get by herself was completely different from Dongfang Lianren.

"Look at what? I'm also the owner of Sanfeng. This is the hall where I used to live. Later... Didn't I move to the backside of Sanfeng? Xiao Ling went there, it's a beautiful small courtyard, and The previous temples are all put away, Xiaoling can use whichever one she likes, and there are not many spirit stones." Dongfang Lianren said casually, as if he gave away just an apple.

This is an outlier in the White Jade Palace, and it has been compressed in space, so it can be used at any time, and engraved with various formations, even in the Holy Land, each one is a precious magic weapon.

After all, there is only one main hall for each peak... and the one that Lianren Dongfang took out, the first one painted on it is the magnificent, ten thousand meter hall.

Dongfang Lianren is a good peak owner, not only the main hall, but looking at the thick stack, he basically gave away Sanfeng's house.

Even if Lu Ling has the authority of the peak master of the nine peaks and the resources, it will be difficult to meet the standards of the three peaks. After all, these temples are the product of thousands of years, and they are infiltrated by spiritual power. Up.

Lianren Dongfang looked at Li Zhuzi with strange eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, what will I do when Xiaoling is gone." Dongfang Lianren covered her red lips lightly: "It's like this, 200 years ago, when I retreated and broke through to the Realm of Reincarnation, Tianlei at that time I can't stop it..."

Li Zhuzi thought of something and nodded.

At that time, Dongfang Lianren's anti-drug body was completely broken up. In just an instant, the poison broke through the restriction and swallowed half of the entire Sanfeng. Fortunately, the master took action, otherwise, Sanfeng would have disappeared by now.

Dongfang Lianren continued: "I made it through later, but Sanfeng's Millennium Hall and everyone's residences were corroded by poison...I couldn't take it out for a while, so I just put them all away...What happened later? You all know, I moved to live in the back, and the disciples have also changed their residences, Xiao Ling has seen it."

Lu Ling thought for a while.

It really is so.

Sanfeng is not as magnificent and majestic as the sea of ​​clouds of the second peak, nor is it as small and quaint as the seven peaks, but it is also special. The three peaks under the moon are full of life, with dense trees, lush grass, and delicate flowers growing on both sides of the road. , showing his delicate figure, the soil mixed with the fragrance of flowers drifts in the air, which is refreshing.

She likes the environment there very much. As for the other side where Uncle Dongfang lives, the red land is like purgatory. Lu Ling has nothing to say about this place. She has seen Dongfang Lianren's house, where... just some stunted, some withered and yellow flowers, but my uncle still cherishes those flowers very much.

As for Sanfeng's senior sisters, most of them live in tree houses.

It turned out that it was put away by the uncle.

"Poisonous?" Li Zhuzi noticed something else.

"That was before." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand: "I have long had the ability to break through to the realm of a real person. Although I haven't crossed the kalpa, I can already extract the toxins from it."

Dongfang Lianren, like Shen Canghai, has long been able to break through the Realm of Reincarnation and reach Xiu Mie to obtain his own title... But because of the lessons learned from the previous tribulation, Dongfang Lianren did not dare to cross the tribulation easily.

What if, like before, her anti-drug body is broken up again... With her current cultivation, she really doesn't know what the place where she is will be like without the restraint of poison gas... I'm afraid even those guardians will There is no way to take her.

After all, poison is completely different from the general cultivation system.

"Extracted? Then why don't you return it?" Li Zhuzi asked.

Hearing Li Zhuzi's words, Dongfang Lianren froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "Who give it back? They are all used to living in tree houses. Moreover, after all, living in places soaked by my poison...maybe not Don't worry, as I said before, if you want to get Bai Yulou again, you can submit an application... In the end, there is no girl."

Although she smiled beautifully, Lu Ling looked away.

"Xiao Ling, do you want it? It's a good treasure." Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling tenderly.

Lu Ling nodded without hesitation.

Dongfang Lianren's eyes became softer.

Maybe Lu Ling didn't understand what the poisonous lady in front of her meant, so she didn't have any taboos, but it was enough for Dongfang Lianren.

Where did Lu Ling think so much.

Why not, a fool would not want such a good thing.

Lu Ling glanced at her husband and found that Li Zhuzi hadn't made a clear statement, so she accepted the thick paper with mysterious symbols in her hand, put it in her space ring, and then saluted Dongfang Lianren.

"Good." Dongfang Lianren nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Li Zhuzi who was frowning at the side: "What else do you want? It's okay to leave it here. Isn't it saving money for Feng Jiu?"


"Good." Li Zhuzi figured it out, no longer entangled.

Lu Ling came here and not only got the answer she wanted, but also an unexpected harvest.

She originally planned to start with the house...

But he didn't know how to do it, so the uncle here gave the house directly.

Of course... There are blueprints in Lu Ling's ring.

That was Liu Fufeng's design according to the house style he got from Han Xue, and it was Liu Fufeng's approval of their sisters' future house.

Naturally, Lu Ling saw it.

But of course she wouldn't use Liu Fufeng's design.

Such a petty house is definitely not as good as Sanfeng's, not to mention that Sanfeng's is blessed with various formations.

Don't throw away that woman's things... just too lazy to touch them.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling felt much better.

At this moment, Dongfang Lianren and Li Zhuzi looked at each other, and Li Zhuzi nodded.

Dongfang Lianren took a deep breath.

"Xiao Ling, Uncle Master has something to ask you."

Lu Ling raised her head and signaled Dongfang Lianren to ask.

She just took advantage of her uncle, and she was in a surprisingly good mood.

Dongfang Lianren hesitated for a moment, and said tentatively: "If, I mean if, if your father is still here, Xiaoling... what do you think of him?"

This is a question that Lu Ling has never thought about.

She froze for a moment.


what is that……

Lu Ling glanced at Dongfang Lianren.

She is not stupid, she suddenly asked, could it be that she has news about her so-called father?

It's a pity, if it was the previous Lu Ling, she might be excited, or hate something... But for her now, the father has no meaning at all, he is just a stranger.


Dongfang Lianren actually didn't want to ask, after all, Lu Ling's state was unstable, and if she asked so directly, anyone who wasn't a fool would be able to guess something...

But Lu You has already arrived at Luoyan City.

Lu Ling will know sooner or later, looking at the various actions of Palace Master Lu, now the entire immortal world knows that their little princess is in Lingshan... Lu You is basically here to meet relatives this time, it is impossible to hide it.

It's better to remind Lu Ling in advance.

It's not that Li Zhuzi never thought of stopping Lu You, but someone reminded her that for Lu Ling now, Lu You's existence is a good thing.

If Lu Ling accepts her father, then the ties of blood may help her get out of the shadows.

And the bigger possibility is that Lu Ling hates her father, so that would be even better.

Lu You can share Liu Fufeng's hatred, after all, compared to Liu Fufeng, his father is nothing at all.

Therefore, the pity of the East has this question.

Both she and Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling nervously, wanting to know her attitude.

However, Lu Ling was destined to disappoint these people.

Her father was no different to those passers-by in Luoyan had nothing to do with her.

If it is beneficial, Lu Ling does not rule out the possibility of contacting him, but she will definitely not be her daughter.

Suddenly, Lu Ling frowned.

This little move made Dongfang Lianren's hairs stand on end.

Naturally, it wasn't because of her father. To be honest, Lu Ling had no impression of her father at all, but her mother... had a little feeling.

Because of a dream.

I had it before, but it was very vague. After Liu Fufeng left, the dream became clearer day by day.

She has been having a dream, that is, she was sent out from a place...

Or discard.

Lu Ling wasn't sure if it was a dream or her sealed memory.

But unlike her father, she did have a little thought for her mother.



Looking at the pensive Lu Ling, Dongfang Lianren became even more nervous, as if she was the one who found her father.

 My body is a little better, I can go out, and my spirit has improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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