Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 770 Lu Ling's Mother

Chapter 770 Lu Ling's Mother

Lu Ling wasn't thinking about her father, and her father couldn't arouse her thoughts at all.

Mother is naturally the same.

Perhaps when she first got into the quagmire, she opened her spiritual wisdom and looked forward to her father or mother.

It's a pity that no one rescued her until she was completely polluted with plaster, filled with black and gray from the inside to the outside, and kept in that state for an unknown number of years.

Lu Ling no longer had any expectations for her father or mother.

It might even be ridiculous.

The self who begged others to save her...was simply a joke.

Even now it is the same, it is still a joke.

Obviously I should know everything, I should have understood long ago that I am the only one who can be relied on in the world... Mingming understood this early on, and I still believed in Liu Fufeng, which caused me to be hurt again. Thinking about it, I think it is ridiculous, doesn't it?

Lu Ling thought about why she was so stupid, and concluded that maybe later when she was wandering around alone, she met some good people.

For example, the old man who gave her food, the woman who gave her fruit... These behaviors made her yearn for beauty a little bit.

I will not do it again.

Such a Lu Ling, how could she have any extra thoughts about her parents.

Even if it was hatred, it had already been hated in the darkness four years ago, and her parents are not as good as ordinary people to her now.

Therefore, Lu Ling's silence and somewhat subtle behavior at this time are naturally not because of the bondage imposed on her by the possible blood relationship of her father or mother, but because of a dream.

The increasingly clear dream made Lu Ling understand what might have happened before.

After Liu Fufeng left, her dream became clearer day by day, basically when she closed her eyes, all she saw was blood red.

in a dream.

Lu Ling felt as if she was forced to leave a warm place, and after passing through a layer of mirror as thin as a cicada's wings, she looked back and saw a woman smiling at her.

The upper half of her face is completely blurred, only the full temperament of a married woman can be seen... and a delicate beauty mole at the corner of her mouth.

Lu Ling's braided hairstyle is somewhat similar to that woman's.

Although she didn't want to admit it, the woman in the dream did give her a feeling.


The self in the dream is not controlled by reason, so every time she dreams, she wants to restore the scene in the dream, and doesn't want to leave that woman.

It's a pity that she wanted to escape from the person who was holding her, but she couldn't use any strength at all. She looked at the woman who was getting farther and farther away from her, and stretched out her hand to grasp her claws, but it was just in vain.

Afterwards, Lu Ling saw a door, and beyond the door was a scarlet world.

She was getting farther and farther away from the woman on the other side, and finally fell into a deep sleep. When she closed her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the bloody words in the air.

The most eye-catching thing is the word "Xuan", which is tattered but has a cold light.

This scene has been engraved in Lu Ling's memory, and it can't be washed clean.

"Xu... Mother..." Lu Ling closed her eyes.

This is the same as what Liu Fufeng did, Lu Ling doesn't want to know the reason behind it, as long as she knows that for her, it's "abandoning".

What maternal love... It's a joke.

If there is no accident, the woman in red and smiling at her in memory is the mother who has never met.

It seems that his life experience seems very interesting.

If her parents can use them, Lu Ling doesn't mind using their power, but if she is asked to pay, sorry, it's impossible.

As for the blood-red word [Xuan], as far as Lu Ling knows, there is only one most famous place in the world of cultivating immortals - the ruins of the ancient battlefield, which is now the dividing line between the sealed land of the human sea clan and the demon clan.

Tianguang Market.

I... came out from the other side of Tianguangxu?

Could it be that her mother is a demon?
These are the things Lu Ling has been thinking about in the past few days. She feels that the trouble is not the presence of her mother.

It's my mother, and even myself, who may be from the opposite side of Tianguangxu, and is a member of the demon clan.

This question began to trouble Lu Ling.

If you are a member of the Demon Race, then the fun will be great.

But here comes the question, isn't she Snow Maiden?How could it be a member of the Demon Race... Xuechen also told her about the grievances between Xue Nu and the Demon Race.

"Xiao Ling, what are you thinking?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling's solemn expression, thinking that Lu Ling's face was dark because of her father, and she became extremely nervous.

No matter how delicate Dongfang Lianren's thoughts are, it is impossible for her to understand Lu Ling's thoughts at this time.

Lu Ling shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

For her, these things are a bit too far away... Demon Race, Human Race and so on... Others may not be able to accept it, but Lu Ling is different.

Maybe it was because of Xuenv, when she faced the demon king Mo Yuan, she hated that kind of breath from the bottom of her heart, but rationally, Lu Ling didn't hate that demon king.

It's strange.

The opposite of justice is not evil, but other justice or something...

Her own thoughts are one reason, the most important thing is, unconsciously, she was deeply influenced by Liu Fufeng.

And Lu Ling asked Xuechen if she had any magic energy in her body, and the answer she got was no.

how is this possible.

How could her master have demon energy on her body.

This made Lu Ling feel a little more at ease. Thinking about it, there are so many powerful masters, uncles and masters in Lingshan, how could she be able to hide it from the other party with a small level of soul harmony.

But that kind of dream... has always been a heavy burden for Lu Ling, but now Lu Ling can only regard it as a dream, or... it is not Tianguangxu there.


Lu Ling sighed.

These things are a bit too early for her, and now... can only take one step at a time.

Seeing Lu Ling relax, Dongfang Lianren tentatively asked Lu Ling: "Xiao Ling, do you have an answer?"

Lu Ling looked up at her.


what is the answer.

Oh, ask yourself what you think of your father, right?

Lu Ling picked up the pen [I don't care at all. 】

Not lying at all.

But Li Zhuzi and Dongfang Lianren hesitated a little.

don't care?
If you don't care, then what happened to Lu Ling's silence before?

Well... Maybe it's human nature to get the news suddenly and don't know how to deal with it, so Dongfang Lianren and Li Zhuzi didn't ask.

After all, Lu Ling's current performance has exceeded Dongfang Lianren's and Li Zhuzi's expectations, and she just recovered after being silent for a while... Looking at it this way, Lu Ling and her father don't have to worry about contacting Li Zhuzi .


Lu Ling suddenly thought of something.

Perhaps it is also necessary to meet this father whom he has never met... Since it is his own father, it is certainly impossible that he has nothing to do with his mother. From him, he may be able to get news about his mother to confirm Lu Ling's guess.

Did she come from the demon clan...

If so, then she will have to be more careful when she acts in the future.

But at this moment, Lu Ling is not worried about her own safety, nor is she worried about being discovered by others. If his father dares to come to him, it means that the other party is not a fool...

Besides, Lu Ling believed that even if Li Zhuzi and others knew about her guess, Lingshan would still protect her.

Because she is just a child, a blank slate...

Little children are innocent.

Maybe other people don't think so, but who let her have Li Zhuzi.

This is Lu Ling's most basic trust in Li Zhuzi.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't trust her. She has Xuechen and a series of hole cards. Basically, Lu Ling is not worried about her own safety.

Shaking her head, throwing out all the messy thoughts, she just needs to know some things, don't keep thinking about them, otherwise it will become a stumbling block for her progress, Lu Ling can see this very clearly.

Afterwards, Lu Ling asked Dongfang Lianren about poison scriptures and makeup, and then left and went back to Feng Jiu.



After Lu Ling left, Dongfang Lianren breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Li Zhuzi: "Zhuzi, what do you think?"

Li Zhuzi frowned slightly.

what do you think...

"A Ling's attitude towards Lu You is a bit subtle... I can't tell." Li Zhuzi said.

"Right, I don't understand either." Dongfang Lianren sat down, her toes twitching slightly.

"But judging from Xiaoling's attitude, at least there is no problem with Lu You's words, and you don't have to bear the burden of offending Yihua Palace, Zhuzi," Dongfang said pitifully.

If Lu Ling really resisted strongly, Li Zhuzi might really block the people from Yihua Palace from outside, but now it seems that Lu Ling is just silent and has not shown any clear resistance, which makes Dongfang Lianren feel relieved tone.

Dongfang Lianren likes Lu Ling, but she also has to think about Lingshan.

It is best if there is no conflict.

"Xiaoling's father..." Dongfang Lianren muttered to himself, then his eyes lit up, and he looked at Li Zhuzi strangely.

"Zhuzi, that girl Qin Qin wants to be Xiao Ling's mother. Now that her real father is here, what are you doing? Aren't you being taken advantage of?"


Li Zhuzi "..."

Seeing that Li Zhuzi's eyes became dangerous, Dongfang Lianren waved his hands: "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding."

"This kind of joke should be avoided." Li Zhuzi reminded Dongfang Lianren.

"Understood, my senior sister." Dongfang Lianren showed boredom, but quickly brought up his emotions: "Lu You has done a lot of actions in the past few months. First, he accepted a righteous daughter, Zhu Mingxiang, and then notified He came to find his daughter in the whole world of cultivating immortals... Looking at it this way, Lu Ling will be his daughter [-]%? Could it be because of... Xiao Ling's talent?"

"Impossible." Li Zhuzi shook his head directly.

"That's right." Dongfang Lianren nodded, after all, this world of cultivating immortals is not something people like them can control.

There are also a bunch of guardians on it.

The ice bloodline is not something to fight for, let alone the fairy sword.

No matter how you look at it, Lu Ling's benefits from becoming the little princess of Yihua Palace are greater than her sacrifices...

Dongfang Lianren continued: "However, it still depends on Lu You's attitude after seeing Xiaoling. If he really wants to make up for his daughter, then I can think highly of him... Otherwise..."

Dongfang Lianren didn't continue talking, but snorted coldly.

There are quite a few people on Lingshan who like Lu Ling, so most of them are hostile towards Lu You, who abandoned his daughter...

"We'll find out when we meet." Li Zhuzi said absently.

"Zhuzi, don't worry, no matter what happens, we can't let Xiaoling follow Lu You to Yihua Palace, this is the bottom line." Dongfang Lianren knew what Li Zhuzi was worried about, she said seriously.

Li Zhuzi nodded.

So much the better.

She used to think that Lu You was not qualified to take care of Lu Ling, but after experiencing Lu Ling's coma, she found that she was not qualified to look down on Lu You, after all... Lu Ling almost fell because of her decision.

Although Lu Ling didn't care, and other people comforted her again and again, but Li Zhuzi always believed that she had made a big mistake. With such a mentality, if Lu You really made up for Lu Ling, she might forgive Lu soon. Yu, I don't hate each other as much as I think.

After all, he is also Ah Ling's father...

This is Li Zhuzi's idea.

Dongfang Lianren may want to liven up the atmosphere, she flirts her long hair charmingly, showing a curious expression, with gossip in her eyes: "Bamboo, aren't you curious?"

"Curious what?"

"The identity of Lu You's Taoist companion, Xiaoling's biological mother?" Dongfang Lianren speculated there.

"Lu You, the most outstanding palace lord in the history of Yihua Palace, as the younger brother of that woman Su Luoxin, he was just a subsidiary of the Su family at first... Later, he became the palace lord with his own wrist, and he was firmly attached to him. Hold the Su family in your hands... You know, even the previous old palace master has nothing to do with the Su family... There are rumors outside that that Fairy Su also has a soft spot for him..."

Dongfang Lianren's eyes were full of curiosity.

Su Luoxin was more successful and luckier than her as a woman.

"Yeah." Li Zhuzi nodded, and she knew all about Lu You's information.

"Such an excellent man, from Yihua Palace, but he has no frivolous habits. I have met him a few times, and his conversation gave me a very comfortable feeling, and he kept a very good distance from all the opposite sex. Appropriate... Lu You is one of the best candidates for Taoism in the eyes of us older girls."

Dongfang Lianren took a look at Li Zhuzi: "Except for Lu You, the rest are Ye Zun from Shushan Mountain and Southern Region Lord from Eastern Shenhai."

"Tsk." Dongfang Lianren showed dissatisfaction: "Three people, two people like you, and the remaining your daughter's father, this relationship...Zhuzi, are you the protagonist? I'm just a supporting role?"

"Young poor." Li Zhuzi helplessly looked at Dongfang Lianren who was as jealous as a child.

"Okay." Dongfang Lianren shook her head, Zhuzi really didn't know how to be blessed, she looked at Li Zhuzi in a daze, it was not difficult to guess her thoughts.

"Zhuzi, are you thinking of Lu Ling's mother?"

Li Zhuzi nodded.

How could you not care.

Dongfang Lianren nodded: "This is also something strange to me. Judging by Xiaoling's age, Lu You has only been in these years... You know what I mean, but there has been no news of him having a Taoist companion in these years? What's going on... Women in the world of cultivating immortals will not endure this kind of grievance..."

It can't be a worldly woman.

"Could it be a night of dew in the secular world?"


Because there is no father, that woman got pregnant out of wedlock, and she definitely did not end well in this day and age. That could explain Lu Ling's wandering.

"Poor woman." Dongfang Lianren has already made up tens of thousands of words of novels.

Li Zhuzi looked at her speechlessly, and did not refute.

Dongfang Lianren's guess is not impossible.

Although Lu You looks like a gentleman, he is from Yihua Palace after all... Man, who can tell clearly.

Dogs can't change eating shit, can they?

(End of this chapter)

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