Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 772 Delicate Heart

Chapter 772 Delicate Heart

Dongfang Lianren doesn't know how to evaluate Li Zhuzi's view of feelings. It seems that in Li Zhuzi's mind, the establishment of relationships between sisters, siblings, and brothers and sisters is a matter of course, and they skipped love and directly transitioned to family affection.

He also said that family affection is the destination of all emotions.

Dongfang Lianren felt bad instinctively, but he didn't know how to refute.

But Lianren Dongfang knew that her feelings for that stupid man were not family affection.

But according to what Zhuzi said, if the two became a couple back then, sooner or later they would still become family. Dongfang Lianren thinks what Li Zhuzi said is still reasonable...

Can't tell the feeling.

But it doesn't matter, she has never been in love with anyone anyway, Li Zhuzi at least has a couple, so I still listen to her.

Then there is the emotional problem between Mo Yu and Mo Qing that has broken the hearts of many people who eat melons in Lingshan.

Then when it comes to the biggest obstacle between Mo Yu and Mo Qing, no matter how you look at it, it must be you, Zhu Zi.

"Look at what I'm doing." Li Zhuzi didn't seem to understand Dongfang Lianren's meaning, and took a sip of tea lightly.

Dongfang Lianren: "..."

? ? ? ? ?

Why do you say I look at you?

Mo Qing, the majestic Lord of the Southern Territory, has been thinking about you all day long, and he didn't want to lose face because of you. Before, he still stayed in Luoyan City. With such an infatuation, do you think Sister Mo Yu will have a chance? ? ? ?
Lianren Dongfang knew that when Mo Qing lived in Lingshan, Mo Yu often went there, and the result?That man didn't know how to appease his sister, instead he threw Mo Yu aside to complete Li Zhuzi's task. Although it is important to prepare exercises for Lu Ling, still hurts.

Others don't know about Dongfang Lianren, but... After his younger brother went up the mountain, Mo Yu put down his face and came to her to ask for some makeup tips.

Although it is light makeup, it is already incredible.

Mo Yu used to have a hot temper, and never dressed herself up, let alone put on makeup, so... even with light makeup, she still surprised Dongfang Lianren. Dongfang Lianren also promised that Mo Qing would definitely care about her changes.

The results of it?
It is to make up for the blind and play the piano for the deaf.

What Mo Yu did was similar to Luo Xian's makeup for Xiong.

Anyway, Mo Yu was completely angry afterwards, no, yesterday he left the mountain gate in a hurry after receiving a few tasks...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lianren glanced at Li Zhuzi with a strange look, and said.

"Zhuzi, as you said, the view that the destination of all emotions is family love may be correct, but in terms of facts, in the current situation, family love has lost to love."

After all, as long as Li Zhuzi thinks about it, Mo Yu seems completely unable to compete with her.

Li Zhuzi met Shang Dongfang's gaze and shook his head slightly.

Dongfang Lianren felt that family affection was lost to love?
Li Zhuzi looked at Dongfang Lianren and asked, "Dongfang, do you think this is really the case?"

"Isn't it?" Dongfang Lianren asked in a daze.

Li Zhuzi fell silent.

Only Dongfang Lianren would think this way. As the person concerned, Li Zhuzi is usually unwilling to bring up emotional issues, but he will not avoid them either.

In fact, it seemed that she was dragging her feet and holding the other party's appetite, but in fact, if Mo Qing or Ye Zunzun really spoke to her, she would directly explain it to the other party.

But these two men are more cowardly than the other, what can Li Zhuzi do?Should she go to find out about this first?

It is obviously impossible. First of all, Li Zhuzi is a woman, which is inappropriate. Secondly, the other party is a man with a high status, and they are all people who want to save face.

Although he doesn't often talk about it, Li Zhuzi sees things very clearly.

In the heart of Mo Qing, the Lord of the Southern Territory, is she really as important as Mo Yu?

Li Zhuzi thought about the scene of Mo Yu and Mo Qing getting along, and shook his head helplessly.

For his own sister, that man would probably do anything, let alone tolerate even the slightest bit of harm to Mo Yu.

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi glanced at the table in the room, where a book lay quietly.

It is Lu Ling's technique.

Before Mo Qing left Luoyan City last night, someone gave it to her.

Yes, Mo Qing left.

It was because Mo Yu accepted the mission and went to Tianguangxu.

After realizing that Mo Yu had left, Mo Qing, who had been waiting quietly in Luoyan City, couldn't sit still and followed.

He completed the task given by Li Zhuzi, but because his sister didn't even have the thought of seeing Li Zhuzi to ask for credit... Moreover, now the whole immortal world knows that Lu You is going to go up the mountain... Mo Qing likes Li Zhuzi so much, so naturally he has feelings for Lu You A lot of dissatisfaction...

Not to mention that there is a rival in love, Venerable Ye, around.

Even putting aside these personal reasons, in the eyes of Dongshenhai, Lu Ling's current state is extremely unstable, and Mo Qing should not leave in public or private.

But he left anyway, and at this juncture, he followed Mo Yu and left Luoyan City.

It's all because when Mo Yu left Lingshan, his mental state was not stable, and Mo Qing was worried.

In fact, with Mo Yu's cultivation level, there is no need to worry at all. He can stay in Luoyan City, meet Lu You, accompany Li compete with two love rivals.

But Mo Qing didn't, he still left.

Li Zhuzi swallowed the tea in his mouth.

Dongfang Lianren really thinks that she has more weight in Mo Qing's heart than Mo Yu...

how is this possible.

For the Lord of the Southern Territory, I am afraid that everything in the world, including his own life, is not as important as the safety of his sister.

Dongfang Lianren was so smart in the past, why is he confused now?

Glancing at Dongfang Lianren, the latter looked calm, but his eyes were dodged, not daring to meet her gaze.

Li Zhuzi froze for a moment, then understood.

How could Dongfang Lianren not see clearly, I'm afraid she was just talking about it for herself.

After all, Dongfang Lianren only has love, not family affection in the strict sense... Therefore, she is subconsciously unwilling to admit the status of family affection...

Are you kidding yourself?
Li Zhuzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

That's why she said that Dongfang Lianren is like a child.

It's just that Dongfang misunderstood. Although she said that most of the love is family, there is no meaning for the former.

Sometimes, Li Zhuzi himself is a little unclear about this emotional problem.

The simplest thing is, is Shen Canghai's feelings for her really just family affection?
not necessarily.

Although Shen Canghai seems to be both male and female, the relationship between her and herself has been accumulated little by little, from friendship to family affection, but Shen Canghai is not satisfied, she still wants love, obviously because Shen Canghai discovered that it is only family affection I can't restrain myself, a cold-blooded woman.

"Actually..." Li Zhuzi said.

The Eastern pity looked up.

Li Zhuzi hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing: "... Forget it, it's fine."

Dongfang Lianren: "???"

Li Zhuzi turned his head around.

She felt uncomfortable talking about her feelings with Lian Dongfang.

However, Li Zhuzi did not make it clear before that Li Zhuzi admired family affection, but... who said family affection and love cannot coexist?

Just like Shen Canghai's feelings for her.

Li Zhuzi believes that after a long period of development, love will develop into a state of fusion of love and family affection. Love will not disappear, nor will it be replaced, but on the basis of love, there will be more family affection and more blood relationship. The feelings that are thicker than water, to put it bluntly, are deeper.Love will also be stronger.

When love develops to the end, it will become a combination of love and family affection, which is the deepest feeling in the world.

It is deeper and thicker than both family affection and love.

【Hold the hand of the son, and grow old together with the son. 】

This sentence is the best expression of this emotion.

Holding hands is love, and growing old together is family affection.

...could even be friendship.

Maybe there is such a reality that some people are inherently evil at first, but emotion is always the most dazzling gem on a human body full of darkness.

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi sighed.

It's not like she hasn't seen this kind of perfect emotion that only exists in imagination.

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

What is the emotion between this pair of sisters... I am afraid that even this emotion cannot be explained.

Family affection, friendship, love... can all be found in these two people.

It's a pity that now this feeling is covered with a layer of dust.

But there is no doubt that if the relationship between Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng turns into love, then it is definitely a degeneration, so Lu Ling's changed image at this time is not because of who she wants to marry... For what purpose, Li Zhuzi I can't think of it for a while.

"Zhuzi, what are you thinking about? You sigh for a while, and you are in a daze for a while." Dongfang Lian raised his hand and waved in front of Li Zhuzi.

"It's nothing." Li Zhuzi shook his head, but asked another question: "How is that girl Dongfang Linglong?"

"Linglong? Why did you remember to ask her?" Dongfang Lianren was a little surprised, but she still replied: "Linglong is going to participate in the martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu, but before that, she should come to Lingshan to meet me once before leaving, and meet Xu Xu by the way And Shen Gui, two enemies who have fought for many years."

"How's her cultivation?" Li Zhuzi asked.

Dongfang Linglong is also a genius of heaven, even though her opponents are Shen Gui and Xu Xu, she has never been at a disadvantage, and even... faintly ranked first among the three.

This girl's wish is to be number one in the world, and Li Zhuzi knows that too.

"Why do you inquire about our family Linglong? Could it be... because Xu Xu and Shen Gui are your students? Spying on information?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi in "surprise".


Li Zhuzi had no expression at all, Dongfang Lianren felt bored, curled his lips, and said.

"When I went before, that girl Linglong was already preparing to break through to the realm of rebirth, and she should have broken through by now." Dongfang Lianren said, her face revealing memories and a little bit of happiness.

In the world, Dongfang Linglong is the only person who knows her best.

A few days ago, after this little girl got close to her and was infected with coquettish air, she actually said something to herself with a flushed face, "It doesn't matter if my sister has dirty hands, her heart is still exquisite."

I don't know if she means that her heart is clean, or that her heart is oriental and exquisite.

What a precocious little girl.

Dongfang Lianren couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Dongfang Linglong seems to be the younger sister she picked up, but in fact... she was raised as a daughter. Dongfang Linglong also respects her very much, and it can be regarded as the only family affection around her.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lianren's feeling of loss because of arguing with Li Zhuzi disappeared.

She is proud to have such a daughter.

"Reborn?" Li Zhuzi was a little surprised, but after thinking about Dongfang Linglong's makes sense.

"Your sister, you actually walked ahead of Gui'er and the others." Li Zhuzi said.

"Luck, luck." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand modestly: "Linglong has an exquisite mind and has no distracting thoughts, so the catastrophe of demons in the rebirth realm that kills the past is basically equivalent to no for her... Advancement is also a matter of course. , in fact, if you really want to say it, Xu girl could have taken that step long ago."

Whether it's Xu Xu's character of being gentle with Guang Tongchen, or her innate spirit body, she can break through long ago, and she won't feel any difficulty at all because of the catastrophe of the demons in the reborn state.

"Xu Xu will break through before the trip to the Tianguang Ruins." Li Zhuzi nodded, Xu Xu's character does have a great advantage.

What is difficult is Shen Gui.

Rebirth, as the name suggests, is to face up to one's future path and past...

Shen Gui has too many ties to her, can she really do it?
Li Zhuzi shook his head.

She believed in Shen Gui, and among the few people she didn't need to worry about was Shen Gui.

"If Xu Xu can do it, Gui'er will definitely be faster, Zhu Zi, I'm looking forward to the scene where the three of them meet in Tianguang Market." Dongfang Lianren chuckled, she spoke very highly of Shen Gui.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, she also felt that there would be a wonderful story between these three girls of similar age.

"No, why are you asking this?" Dongfang Lianren looked at Li Zhuzi strangely.

"Dongfang, the three of them should be the sixth channel this year." Li Zhuzi said.

"Well, the martial arts competition that can be participated in at the highest level of reincarnation, the cultivation of these three girls is not top-notch, but it is estimated that there is no problem in the top ten. It must be beneficial to fight against those old things, what's wrong?"

"A Ling...she also wants to..."

"What!!!" Dongfang Lianren interrupted Li Zhuzi before she could finish speaking.

"How can this be done? Xiao Ling is only suitable, and she is only as old as she is."

Li Zhuzi looked helpless at Dongfang Lianren's anxious appearance.

Why, she heard that Dongfang Lianren agreed with Liu Fufeng to participate in the sixth channel together... At that time, Liu Fufeng had just condensed his breath.

If Dongfang Lianren knew Li Zhuzi's thoughts, he would definitely have a good talk with her.

Liu Fufeng has a flawless body, can it be the same?

"It's like this, Ah Ling asked me about the rules, and then said that she wanted to compete at the same level as Gui'er and the others..." Li Zhuzi sighed helplessly when he thought of Lu Ling's expression at that time.

"You agree?"

"of course not."

Dongfang Lianren breathed a sigh of relief: "I firmly disagree."

"But Ah Ling looks very confident." Li Zhuzi took a sip from the teacup, and then said: "Dongfang, don't you think... It's only been a few days, and Ah Ling's cultivation level has improved again. "

"Because of Li Wangsheng's sword scriptures?" Dongfang Lianren thought of something.

Li Wangsheng's sword rhyme is very strange, if Lu Ling can learn it, even Shen Gui and the others will not be able to please him.

But she was still worried.

"What I mean is, Ah Ling hasn't experienced many battles. I want to send her into the secret realm to practice in advance. What do you think?" Li Zhuzi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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