Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 773 Experience and Liu Fufeng's Family

Chapter 773 Experience and Liu Fufeng's Family

Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a while when he heard Li Zhuzi's words, and then looked at Li Zhuzi with weird eyes, as if he knew her for the first time.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter? Zhuzi, I really don't understand you anymore... While protecting Lu Ling desperately, I have to think for so long whether she should go home or not... Now, let her go to participate in the competition It's not my level of martial arts, and even let her go to the secret realm...she is not in the right state..." A series of words from Dongfang Lianren hit Li Zhuzi's face, and the latter was still indifferent.

But Dongfang Lianren really didn't understand.

"Have you finished?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"It's over."

"Dongfang, since I have promised to let Ah Ling out... I must consider the problem on this basis, and Ah Ling is already in very good condition, better than ever before." Li Zhuzi reminded Dongfang Lianren.

"what do you mean……"

Dongfang Lianren understood after thinking for a while, and looked at Li Zhuzi in surprise.

Li Zhuzi nodded: "I'm worried about Ah Ling just because Feng Jiu is the place where she and Miss Liu live... and if it has nothing to do with Miss Liu, there is nothing to worry about."

Li Zhuzi paused for a moment, and after seeing Dongfang Lianren calmly continued, "Aling's cultivation is in the soul-forming state, but because of the ice blood and sword charm, her true ability is not easy to define, and if she wants to If you go to Channel [-] to compete with Shen Gui, Dongfang, do you think...A Ling has this ability?"

Dongfang Lianren wanted to shake his head subconsciously, but he thought of the sword drawing that covered the entire Luoyan City when he saw Li Wangsheng for the first time in Luoyan City...

In that formation, she could easily suppress her poisonous yin and yang fish.

And later, Lu Ling's three-talented transformation that covered most of the mountain, Dongfang Lian sighed and said.

"I have to admit that the sword rhyme and yin-yang sword diagram that Xiao Ling learned from Senior Brother Wang Sheng cannot be explained by common sense. If Xiao Ling can master most of the moves, or even only learn the sword diagram that purifies all damage, let alone It's the sixth one, and it's invincible even at my level."

Li Zhuzi was taken aback by Dongfang Lianren's high evaluation: "I never thought that Dongfang you would have such a high evaluation of Li Wangsheng's sword drawing."

"It's a new rule no matter what." Dongfang Lianren reminded Li Zhuzi not to forget what a rule is.

Rules are also laws.

Nowadays, the cultivation modes of Lingshan, Shushan and various holy places all have unique rules, but although they are different, they essentially follow the accumulation of similar realms such as condensing energy-dividing soul-combining soul.

And Lu Ling's Yin-Yang Sword Diagram is a completely new cultivation system, and no one except Lu Ling knows what state she is in.

Maybe it took Lu Ling two years to fully master the Taiji Diagram. It seems that it is only a state of harmony, but in fact it has come to an end in another cultivation system...

Who can say clearly about this kind of thing?

The new rules may be very weak, so weak that they are completely useless, or it may... directly exceed the limit of the existing world. After all, in the legend of the world of immortality, those human races who really cultivated for the sake of ascension in ancient times practiced completely. Another rule.

"Rules...laws..." Li Zhuzi shook his head lightly.

Ah Ling is already burdened with a lot of things. If possible, she would not even let Lu Ling try dual cultivation. It is the safest choice to directly learn the soul of the text... Unfortunately, both the general trend and Lu Ling's current thinking are doomed What she expected was the impossible.

Li Zhuzi cheered up a little.

"Dongfang, you also think she can do it, so... what Ah Ling lacks now is experience, high-intensity experience, she is so smart, as long as she raises a little bit, she can gradually adapt to it later, so the secret realm is essential .”

The secret realm is very important in the first place, and all disciples of Lingshan will practice in the secret realm for at least a few months before going to Tianguangxu... But because Lu Ling is too talented, she has no time now.

Dongfang Lianren asked: "Zhuzi, if you are talking about training, just sign up this time... Isn't there still three months for them to practice in Tianguangxu? The martial arts will be held in three months."

Li Zhuzi shook his head and said, "Dongfang, the martial arts after that is nothing... For her, the first three months of experience are more important. After all, Ah Ling doesn't know how to get along with other people or how to get along with other people. Or creatures fight, so I said that the secret realm is necessary."

"I understand." Dongfang Lianren nodded: "I also agree, but there is no time."

There are more than ten days before leaving for Tianguangxu. Right now... Lu You is still at the foot of the mountain. Lu Ling is going to practice in the secret realm. What will Lu You do?
The owner of Yihua Palace ran all the way here, if he didn't see his daughter, he would definitely make trouble.

Li Zhuzi frowned: "Ah Ling needs two days to prepare by herself, the secret realm... High-intensity experience at least three days, and if you get along with Lu You, it can't exceed five days."

"Three days of experience? It's too short." Dongfang Lianren objected.

"Enough." Li Zhuzi said.

She believed that Lu Ling, with Lu Ling's talent and unimaginable knowledge of martial arts, three days was enough for her to understand the basics.

"But five days...Lu You..." Dongfang Lianren hesitated to speak.

In this regard, Li Zhuzi has nothing to say. Although she is not hostile to Lu You, she definitely does not have the slightest liking for him.

"Dongfang, up to five days, and the experience is placed before meeting Lu You, and only five days are left for him." Li Zhuzi said without doubt.

Who knows what Lu Ling thinks of Lu You?

If Lu Ling can accept it, after five days, she and Lu You will have a lot of time to get close. If Lu Ling doesn't like's not easy for him to pester Lu Ling when it's near Tianguang Market. Going to Tianguang Market to sign up is the best way Excuse.

"I still feel something is wrong..." Dongfang Lianren hesitated.

To be honest, she felt that Lu Ling was still a little fragile, but she couldn't say a word to Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling's teacher.

Moreover, Lu You has already arrived in Luoyan City, is it really okay to leave him alone like this?

Li Zhuzi saw what Dongfang Lianren was thinking, and explained: "About Lu You's problem, Patriarch Mingyue will take care of it."

"Patriarch Mingyue? How come she is involved... She is not..." Dongfang Lianren said, stunned for a moment, Patriarch went to Tianguang Market, why hasn't he come back.

"Patriarch Mingyue met Master Yun on the way back. The two of them are going to come back together. There are about five days left... After all... you understand Ah Ling's question, and the two of them have different views on Lu You. Not very good, so Patriarch means that when Ah Ling and Lu You meet, they must be there." Li Zhuzi said.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about Lu You's dissatisfaction with Lingshan, just leave it to Patriarch Mingyue.

"Okay... After all, you are the teacher, but how do you arrange Ah Ling's secret realm?" Dongfang Lianren compromised.

"Secret Realm, originally planned to use the secret realm of Void Transformation Realm, but Ah Ling has already experienced it in Qionghua's side before, so there is no need to adapt to the environment for the second time..." Li Zhuzi said: "I have prepared three modes Waiting for Ah Ling to adapt."

"Three? Which three."

"On the secret realm of the dojo, there is all the information about Shen Gui and Xu Xu from childhood to adulthood. The projections of the two of them are enough for Ah Ling to adapt to the two forms." Li Zhuzi said.

Dongfang Lianren nodded, Shen Gui practiced the spirit sword, both in terms of sword intent and fighting style were very similar to Shushan.

Xu Xu walked the way of incantation, which is very similar to the Eastern Shenhai.

And Shushan and Dongshenhai, extending out, are now the world of cultivating immortals.

The abilities of these two people are what nine adults in the world of cultivating immortals can learn...

That is, warriors and mages.

The stats of the two of them are indeed suitable for Lu Ling, and they are the most suitable for getting familiar with the battle.

"What about the third one? Could it be someone like me?" Dongfang Lianren asked.

"Of course not." Li Zhuzi felt a little helpless when she told Dongfang Lianren that she was a different kind, and continued: "It's the spirit race, and some demonized beasts are quite common in Tianguangxu."

"Lingzu, are those little red fishes? They're so strong...but you can't usually meet them."

Li Zhuzi shook his head: "No."

"That's Luo Xian? But Luo Xian is not good at..."

"No." Li Zhuzi sighed, Dongfang Lianren couldn't wait for her to finish speaking.

"It's the spirit bear."

"Old Hei?" Dongfang Lianren was stunned for a moment, and then slapped his head: "Zhuzi, you really arranged it carefully enough, I even forgot that Old Hei is back... It's been a few months since I said it. Does Luo Xian look dead, it seems that he is afraid that Lao Hei will be taken advantage of by other girls."

Li Zhuzi ignored the ridicule in Dongfang Lianren's words, and continued to talk about his business: "This young patriarch of the Lingzu, Crescent Bear, also grew up in our Lingshan. He has collected a lot of information about it. The realm is projected, and it is the most suitable opponent, and it is now close to the cultivation base of the reincarnated state, so I let Luo Xian collect it."

"Luo Xian?" Dongfang Lian put his palms together, imitating the old monk, and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

Bamboo is too hard.

Data collection?How to collect... nothing more than fighting.

She didn't think that Lao Hei dared to fight Luo Xian, so... now he must be being beaten to test his defense, and then... put moves on the open space, and let Luo Xian collect its offensive ability.

It's too awful.

"If it is Shen Gui, Xu Xu and Lao Hei, it is indeed suitable for Xiaoling. Twelve hours each is enough for her to get used to it." Dongfang Lian said.

Li Zhuzi's arrangement is so meticulous, so don't say too much about Lu Ling's benefits, so let Lu You stay alone.

"The business is over, I also have a piece of news." Dongfang Lianren took out a scroll: "That girl Zixu told me that the news was passed to her by Dugu Daoist."

"Really Dugu? Chasing Fengliu?" Li Zhuzi took the scroll: "We don't have much contact with Chasing Fengliu, right?"

"You can see for yourself." Dongfang Lianren had a strange expression on his face.

"Oh?" Li Zhuzi became interested, unfolded the scroll, then froze, turned to look at Dongfang Lianren.

"He...worshiped into Chasing the Wind?"

"Yeah, what a coincidence... It seems that there are actually two good seedlings in a small city of Pi." Dongfang Lianren nodded: "It was also we who asked Master Dugu to help find Liu girl...that's when we saw her... The talent is okay, but I don’t know about the others.”

"En." Li Zhuzi said, put down the scroll, rubbed his temples, and then said: "This matter has nothing to do with us, Dongfang, you understand what I mean."

"Understood, Xiaoling will not know about this matter." Dongfang Lianren nodded.

"I'm also... afraid of trouble."


The next words are not very important, but on the scroll that unfolded on the stone table, there is a portrait of a young man on it.


The young man was about the same age as Lu Ling, even a little younger. He had a sunny smile on his fair face that never disappeared. He must be a handsome young man when he grows up.

If... Lu Ling saw this portrait, she would definitely be shaken.

Not because of that sunny smile, but because of the appearance of this young man—[-]% similar to her missing junior sister, but more masculine.

He is Liu Fufeng's younger brother.



seven peaks.

Somewhere in the formation.

A black bear was lying on the ground limply. Most of the hair on its body was burnt and there were a lot of ice scum. It seemed that it had suffered some minor injuries.

Old Hei turned his head and looked at the barefoot girl floating in the sky, showing a helpless expression.

With a roar, the earth-shattering sound waves hit the ground, and a layer of white jade was hung, but it didn't hurt a single hair of the girl.

After roaring, it looked at Luo Xian, who nodded, signaling that the collection was complete and that new moves were ready.

When the earth shook and the mountains shook, a crescent moon on the forehead of the black bear shone brightly. Suddenly, the sky that should have been daytime suddenly dimmed, and a silver moon swept across the sky. Under the light of the moonlight, the size of the black bear instantly magnified by more than ten times.

Luo Xian, who was originally suspended in the air, has only reached its calf now, and the black bear, which was only [-]% tall before, has now turned into the size of a mountain peak, with clouds lingering all over its body, and all the injuries caused by Luo Xian before have recovered .

"It's too big." Luo Xian raised his head, looked at Lao Hei in surprise, lowered his head to record the recovery power, and then said: "Where is the power? Use all your strength, there is a formation protection below."

Above the clouds, the black bear closed his eyes helplessly, waved his fist, and smacked at Luo Xian with a distance of ten thousand.

Wiped her body and fell to the ground.

For a moment, all the girls in Qifeng felt a slight vibration under their feet.

Luo Xian looked at the feedback on the white jade in surprise.

"This power is at the late stage of the reincarnation... Can Lu Ling really hold it? Master Dongfang is not joking."

Forget it, she just needs to record it.

And at this moment, Lao Hei suddenly shrunk, and a pair of big eyes stared at Luo Xian.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Luo Xian was startled, and then a blush appeared on her neck.

Could it be... this guy also knows how to be sympathetic?
"I, I'm not injured." Luo Xian stammered.

"Hey..." The black bear showed aggrieved face.

He must have heard Lu Ling's name just now.

Lu Ling still owes it honey... She is really dying of anxiety.

When Luo Xian heard what Old Hei said, he froze for a moment.

"You... are you looking at me to see Ah Ling? Why are you seeing her..."

Luo Xian thought of the fact that Lao Hei had been unwilling to take a bath, but was washed clean by Lu Ling in the secret realm...

His complexion suddenly turned ugly.

How could the black bear understand that it was still asking Lu Ling when to come to see it.

"Shut up!" Luo Xian slapped the black bear on the face.

"Go on, let me try to see if your skin can block my technique."


The black bear was very wronged.

Xiaohong really didn't like it.


It is also capable of making Luo Xian, who is as gentle as a lady, angry.

(End of this chapter)

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