Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 774 Competition of Women's Strength

Chapter 774 Competition of Women's Strength
Lu Ling, who had already returned to the Nine Peaks, did not know that in the not-too-distant Seven Peaks, Luo Xian was very jealous.

Even if Lu Ling knew about it, she wouldn't be interested.

What does it have to do with her.

She had already forgotten that bear to the back of her head, not only this bear, but also that ice beauty. After a long time since seeing her, Lu Ling didn't bother to think about them.

That is, a few days ago, when Li Zhuzi said that she had prepared a secret realm for her, she occasionally thought of the ice beauty, but she didn't know her whereabouts, so Lu Ling didn't take it to heart.



In Jiufeng's thatched hut, a broken bed and two pieces of brocade spread on the floor occupy most of the floor, together with tables, chairs, cabinets and a stove, the interior space gives people an extremely crowded feeling, even people can stand The place is only less than one meter wide.

Although the room is small, in Xifeng's eyes at this time, it is warm and cozy, much better than the luxurious city lord's mansion she lived in before.

Blossoming fire lotus floats in the room, exuding warm fire light, and there is still a little humidity in the room.

The three of them had just taken a bath at the Lingtai, and they were still damp.

Xifeng let out a breath of fresh air, manipulated the slightly scented breeze, and easily dried her long hair, and combed her hair with one hand. At the same time, she looked at Zhao Yingge, who was fidgeting, and sighed helplessly.

Xifeng reminded Zhao Yingge: "Girl Zhao, you just finished bathing, so don't sweat anymore."

"...I know." Zhao Yingge tossed her short hair that wasn't completely dry, glanced at the spear in the corner, and turned to look at Xifeng: "But what are you afraid of? Every time I finish my marksmanship practice, I will wash it off Come back clean."

"Although you have... the body of ice glaze, you still don't go to the stream outside to wash, you are not afraid of freezing." After Xifeng finished speaking, she coughed lightly, glanced at Lu Ling secretly, and found that Lu Ling was not paying attention When I arrived, I breathed a sigh of relief.

She almost uttered the words Liu Fufeng, but luckily there was a restriction... Otherwise, she would have really gotten into trouble.

Zhao Yingge didn't feel anything, she stretched out her hand to hold an ice-blue jewelry around her neck, this is the ice glass that Liu Fufeng left for them at the beginning, it can be immune to the severe cold outside, it is precisely because of it that Zhao Yingge can do it outside Practice marksmanship without fear of cold air entering the body after being weak, and even... After each practice, I will wash my body in the stream before returning.

Although it won't be cold, Xifeng is still terrified. After all, Jiufeng's current stream can't wash clothes, throwing clothes in will freeze into a hard board in less than three seconds, let alone bathing.

"Don't worry about it." Zhao Yingge perfunctory Xifeng, and then changed into her home clothes.

Xifeng found that Zhao Yingge, a woman who has always used a belt, had developed better than her, which was simply too much.

Of course, it may also be because this girl has been exercising intensively... After all, life is hard and she is very lucky not to suffer from malnutrition.

If you look closely, Zhao Yingge is becoming more feminine day by day, her usual disheveled hair has softened a lot because of her practice, the firmness of her facial features and the weakness of her moles are perfectly blended.

It was completely different from the time in Luoyan City. No wonder Luo Hanyi was eaten to death by her when she came here last time, and his eyes almost stayed on Zhao Yingge.

Regarding Luo Hanyi, Xifeng didn't have anything to say. The life in Luoyan City made her close to Luo Hanyi, but she still couldn't reach the level of intimacy, and... she said it was her uncle... Maybe this is Lingshan, Not reliable.

But this uncle is not just infatuated with Zhao Yingge.

"Tsk." Xifeng glanced at Zhao Yingge and cut it, making Zhao Yingge a little confused.

"what happened?"

Perhaps it was because she took a bath with Lu Ling and the three of them, Zhao Yingge was in a good mood, and she was not as irritable as before when Xifeng looked at her unreasonably.

"It's nothing, just a headache because of a woman who doesn't know her charm..."


Xifeng shook her head, and stopped going to see Zhao Yingge. The batch of rose fruit in Luoyan City had arrived, and she was going to feed Lu Ling with it... After all, a good figure is essential, and Lu Ling is not required to look like her. Teacher Li has a devil's figure like that, at least, he can't lose to a man like Zhao Yingge in terms of femininity.


Speaking of femininity...

Xifeng turned to look at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling's long hair was completely dry, exuding the aroma of saponins.

At this time, Lu Ling was sitting in a wheelchair, with her dark blue hair slanting beside her ears. Lu Ling was fiddling with her hairstyle, and the most attractive moment for a girl was when she was on the bed, and when she was dressing herself up.

Looking at the charming Lu Ling, Xifeng nodded in satisfaction.

Ah Ling's current beauty far surpasses her and Zhao Maidou's. The two of them look like two maidservants in front of Lu Ling... No, to be precise, they look like themselves. There is no such thing as Zhao Yingge who uses her nose in the world. A maid who looks at people.

Soft and tough, this will be most people's first impression of Lu Ling, Xifeng thinks this is extremely beneficial to Lu Ling.

And even though she can't move her legs and feet, Lu Ling's long legs... even if Xifeng sees them often, she still can't help but attract her attention.

But Lu Ling still hasn't grown up, she has unlimited potential, unlimited potential.

I didn't see that Xuechen was resting on Lu Ling's body right now, and the cat looked drunk.

Xuechen fell asleep because he wanted to digest the cold air he absorbed from Lu Ling.

The past few days should be the happiest days for Xuechen, she doesn't have to think about anything, just sleep on the master's body, she is her master with eyes open and closed...

Couldn't be happier.

And having pets is also a good bonus option for women's power.

With a lot of blessings, Lu Ling should still be better than Zhao Yingge in female power... No, it's hard to say, the tear mole is really too foul.

Just as Xifeng was thinking about it, Lu Ling had already arranged her long hair. She knocked on the iron block on the wheelchair, and her crisp voice caught the attention of Zhao Yingge and Xifeng.

"Aling? What's the matter, are you hungry? I'm going to make dinner right now..." Xifeng got up.

Lu Ling shook her head, took out a pen and wrote lightly.

Xifeng's eyes flashed when he saw the gentle girl writing with a pen.

Won! !
The current Ah Ling is definitely more feminine than Zhao Yingge... Sure enough, apart from Jiangnan Misty Rain who is more suitable for Wen Wan, she is writing and dancing ink.


Satisfied, Xifeng walked over, looking at what Lu Ling wrote, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.

She dragged Xuechen down as Lu Ling said.


Perhaps because he was unwilling to leave his master's legs, Xuechen changed from his soft and cute voice in the past, and his voice in his sleep was actually a bit powerful, but this did not soften Xifeng's heart.


She threw Xuechen towards Zhao Yingge.

Zhao Yingge's eyes lit up, and he gently took Xuechen down, and at the same time released his strength so that Xuechen would not wake up.

It seems that because of accepting Zhao Yingge and Xifeng's smell, the little girl didn't wake up, but after Zhao Yingge caught Xuechen and hugged her in her arms, a smile appeared on Xuechen's lovely face.

It's a softness different from her master...

He fell asleep more deeply.

Because of Lu Ling's return, Xuechen hasn't been close to Zhao Yingge for a long time. Zhao Yingge didn't say anything, but she was always thinking about it in her heart. Naturally, she would not let Xuechen miss the opportunity she seized this time. She gently hugged the cat. Hugged in his arms, eyes cannot be separated from Xuechen for a moment...

The usually unfeminine Zhao Yingge was unbelievably gentle when she was holding Xuechen, but now those black pearl-like eyes were full of warmth, with a trace of motherhood.

If the current Zhao Yingge had long hair, she would be the dream lover of all men against the background of the mole.

And this scene fell into Xifeng's eyes, and she was immediately stunned.



Such a big contrast...

Zhao Yingge who has a glorious motherhood... This is a foul... Foul!
Xifeng stared at Zhao Yingge carefully, trying to find her shortcomings, but she couldn't find her eyes hurting from looking at her, even... she had the urge to fall into it...

The current Zhao Yingge does have this charm.

Xifeng was caught by Zhao Yingge's appearance almost instantly, her eyes shifted back and forth between Zhao Yingge and Lu Ling, and finally... a long sigh.


In terms of female power, Lu Ling is worse than Zhao Yingge...and Zhao Yingge's hair is still broken...the threat will definitely be greater in the future.

If Zhao Yingge knew that Xifeng was comparing her and Lu Ling to see who was more feminine, she would probably be confused.

Are you kidding.

Zhao Yingge never felt that she was a woman, and even hated herself because of her status as a woman. How could she have such a feminine look? If you want to say feminine, no matter how you look at it, Xifeng is more suitable.

A 30-year-old charming young woman or something.

And Lu Ling was a little dazed when Xifeng looked back and forth like this. She just wanted to practice the piano and asked Xifeng sister to help her change her piano clothes. Why is this sister standing there stupidly.

If Lu Ling knew Xifeng's thoughts, she would probably be the opposite of Zhao Yingge. Not only would she not scoff and feel bored, but she would seriously compare with Zhao Yingge... After all, among the things Lu Ling wanted to do, there was someone who was better than everyone else. Be beautiful about this.

Femininity is naturally in it.

On this point, Xifeng and Lu Ling have the same idea. She wants to inherit Liu Fufeng's ideas and train Lu Ling to be the best person. After all... Liu Fufeng is her [Xifeng] wife, so Lu Ling equal to her daughter.


Lu Ling was a little anxious and tugged on Xifeng's sleeve.

Hi, don't be dazed.

If possible, Lu Ling really wanted to manipulate the cold air to change her own clothes, but because of the influence of Lingshan, she was unwilling to do those convenient things, and was more willing to "do nothing".

Moreover, it is always beneficial to be in close contact with the older sister in the family.

This should be called...

Develop feelings?

Now Lu Ling will no longer be like before, getting along with others is all about her heart and soul, getting along with people is all about her heart.

She began to grow into an adult...

Feelings are secondary, there must be a purpose first.


Seeing Xifeng still staring at Zhao Yingge, Lu Ling sighed and pushed Xifeng lightly.

"Ah?" Xifeng woke up startled, a little flustered: "Oh, Ah Ling, I... I'm a little distracted, let's change now... let's change..."

Xifeng walked to the closet, and when she walked past Zhao Yingge, she couldn't bear to look at her.

It's really embarrassing, when she actually looked at Zhao Yingge, she blushed a little, and her heart was still beating so fast.

Shaking his head, he pulled himself together.

"Qin suit...qin suit, Ah Ling's qin suit, I remember I found it in...." Xifeng took out Lu Ling's clothes, looked at the three-piece suit in her hand, turned her head to look at Lu Ling, and found Lu Ling After shaking his head, he sent the piano clothes back,

And Lu Ling wants to change her piano clothes because she needs to practice piano... It's the same as what the senior sisters outside said...

Did you learn from that Senior Sister Qin?
It's really official.

Xifeng carefully carried Lu Ling off the wheelchair, and drove Qingfeng to lift Lu Ling up.

Maybe it was because she was amazed by Zhao Yingge's charm, Xifeng's eyes just passed over Lu Ling's lap and then there was no fluctuation, she unfolded the piano suit.

From Lu Ling's point of view, the so-called qin suit is nothing more than a pale red classic long dress with wide open sleeves, which looks like Hanfu, but it is much worse. It just shows the gentle side of her daughter's family. own advantage.

After Lu Ling changed into the piano suit, she became softer, less girlish, and more pitiful. Xifeng helped Lu Ling to sit down, looking at Lu Ling in red, feeling a little dazed.

Ah Ling...somewhat like Le Ling who fell into the restaurant...

Shake his head.

Can this be the same?

Xifeng gritted her teeth and looked at Lu Ling who was sitting upright.

Ah Ling, this won't work, you have to surpass Zhao Yingge.

Lu Ling didn't know what this sister was thinking.

She is thinking about a problem.

Use Yinshangqin or Carved Yuqin.

(End of this chapter)

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