Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 775: The Magic Weapon of the Future

Chapter 775: The Magic Weapon of the Future

Lu Ling looked at the two shining earrings in her palm, the main colors were one gold and one silver.

It was originally a meeting gift from Tang Keyu to her. According to Mr. Wang, it is a very good magic weapon, but it has not reached the top level. However, after absorbing the magic power of the great monk, it changed.

Lu Ling played with the pair of gold-plated silver earrings, and felt the huge Zen power in it, which was peaceful but magnificent, and hesitated.

No matter how you say this monk has survived the triple thunder tribulation, although he was almost broken up, but his cultivation base is solid, and because of his belief, this body of Zen power is perfectly integrated into the two Guqin.

Wearing this earring, Lu Ling would be invulnerable to all evil... In the face of such a magnificent Zen power, those evil spirits and heretics can't easily get close to her body.

However, Lu Ling originally had a cold body protection, and because she inherited the Xuenv's sea of ​​consciousness, even the demons could not invade her spirit, the key protection of these earrings has become a tasteless...the most important thing for Lu Ling is It has become the effect of Guqin.

Stretching out a hand to touch the earrings, gold and silver lights shone, and two banjos appeared out of thin air, floating in the air.

Eighty percent of it is lacquered wood, half of it is transparent, and there is still spiritual power flowing in it.

The eyes of Xifeng next to her were straight...Although she knew that Lu Ling had two guqins, it was the first time she had seen them at such a close distance... In the past, in Luoyan City, although Lu Ling could practice the piano, she didn't. A few times, otherwise Qin Qin would almost be disappointed by Lu Ling's laziness after coming back.

Lu Ling looked at the gold and silver with satisfaction.

This expression of nobility is not ordinary at first glance. Although it is not as extravagant as Qin Qin's Fengmingqin, the ordinary and noble appearance can just poke Lu Ling's itchy spot... Lu Ling used to use it every time. Every time I see these two pianos, I will show off to Liu Fufeng.

After all, she has learned the rhythm with Qin Qin for a while, and she has touched the Fengming Qin a few times, and she is really envious. In fact, she has always wanted to have a piano of her own...but she is not ashamed to tell Qin Qin.

Now, two guqins as luxurious as colored glaze appeared in front of her, but she was not too excited.

Back then, he learned the piano for Liu Fufeng, but now....

One gold and one silver, like the twin pianos in the mirror, the streamlined body of the piano, the strings are very tight, and the silver guqin still gave Lu Ling a bad feeling...

However, today's choice is not purely for the sound of the guqin... but to find a suitable guqin for her next practice. After all, Lu Ling has limited energy, so it is best to choose a guqin first and play it after she is proficient. Others... After all, as long as it is a magic weapon, the more you use it, the easier it will be.

Lu Ling reached out and touched the golden guqin.


The tight string made a sound like a clear spring, and in an instant, a burst of golden ripples spread outward from the point of Lu Ling's finger, and where the ripples passed, the air rippled, full of vitality.

With a sound, Xifeng at the side only felt that the miscellaneous thoughts in his heart were all driven away.

She turned her head to look at Lu Ling who was stroking the golden guqin, and she fell silent.

Lose... How could Ah Ling lose.

Xifeng glanced at Zhao Yingge, who was holding the cat in his arms, and then at Lu Ling, who was holding the Yinshang Qin on her lap... The latter, with the blessing of the Qin suit and the Yinshang Qin, completely left Zhao Yingge behind.

She was overthinking things like women's strength. She originally thought that Lu Ling was better than Zhao Yingge, but Lu Ling had the bonus of quietness. Who knew that Zhao Yingge had Xuechen's help. Just when Xifeng thought that Lu Ling had lost, Lu Ling He sacrificed two guqins and completely brought the situation back...


It's just that, at this time, Xifeng was bathed in the aftertaste of Yinshangqin, and her whole person instantly became Buddhist, without any superfluous thoughts.

Xifeng felt that using the spells in Yuemingfengqingjue at this time would definitely get twice the result with half the effort, and the same goes for cultivation...

It's just that she doesn't have the desire to practice now, she just looks at Lu Ling quietly.

Lu Ling bowed her head.

[Do you bring your own meditation spell?However, it is not quite the same as the meditation mantra of my husband and the one I used. It should be caused by the magic power of the great monk...pure heart and few desires. 】


Ascetic?Why doesn't it work for me.

After tuning, Lu Ling performed a standard piano salute to the void, then put her hands on the golden strings, and started to play according to the sheet music of the meditation spell she had learned. The light green power of the soul lingered in Lu Ling On the fingertips of her fingertips, golden ripples accompanied by emerald green spread out from the thatched cottage. After a short while, the cliff of Jiufeng was enveloped by mysterious notes.

And Xifeng, who was in close contact with Lu Ling, couldn't take her eyes away from Lu Ling, including Zhao Yingge.

Lu Ling pointed like a flower, she dropped her finger, and quickly picked up the melody of the first level.

The wonderful voice poured out from Lu Ling's fingertips in an instant. It was so soft and moving, like a clear spring flowing, or like a bird's murmur in the forest, with three sighs in succession.

Lu Ling was straight, her fingers were fleshy, straight, and then fluctuated with the rhythm of the strings, and then injected her own spiritual power instantly.

There was also a trace of ripples in the sound of the clear spring...


Subconsciously, Lu Ling entered the state, her long coiled hair was relaxed because of her movements, and her head was curled down obliquely like a waterfall of blue hair, revealing a delicate and serious side face.

The wind changed.

Lu Ling showed her highest level of piano skills, forgetting that there is still someone by her side, her heart is close, her fingers follow her heart, and her spiritual power follows her.

The sound of the zither became sonorous and resolute, like waves hitting rocks, rivers entering the sea, visible ripples of spiritual power sweeping over the bodies of Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, and at the same time, it also made these two people who knew Lu Ling best besides Liu Fufeng understand one thing matter.

Ah Ling...has really changed completely.

Complete transformation from the inside out.

At this moment, the person playing the piano is Lu Ling, rather than a strange fairy...

A Ling is very beautiful, so beautiful that she doesn't look like a real person, but... even Xifeng, who is not very proficient in rhythm, can hear the magnificent feeling from the sound of the piano...

Is it as ambitious as a man... Xifeng is very familiar with such feelings, and she must have had the same mentality the day she first sat on the seat of the city lord as [Xifeng].

The sea is wide enough for fish to jump.

But... the delicacy of women makes Xifeng discover the loss hidden behind the waves.

For a moment, under the fluctuating state of mind, the meditation spell lost its effect on Xifeng, and she sighed softly.

It seems that Ah Ling still hasn't fully grown up, otherwise, she wouldn't feel Lu Ling's hidden emotions, but this is normal, otherwise, how terrifying Ah Ling would be.

Although Zhao Yingge couldn't hear anything, she felt as if something was clogged in her chest. Naturally, she wouldn't feel like a daughter, must be because of Lu Ling's piano sound.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingge looked at Lu Ling with a much gentler look.

The end of a song.

Lu Ling bit her red lips lightly, and pressed her hands on the strings to eliminate the lingering sound of the last tone.


Compared with the exhaustion and even sweating after playing Yinshangqin before, Lu Ling now does not have the slightest abnormality, and her physical strength is still abundant.

Staring at the golden Yinshangqin in front of her, Lu Ling probably knew it.

With this qin, she can use the Wensoul, but only limited to the Wensoul Curse under [Nothing creates white snow], and at the same time, it will not consume too much spiritual power.

It is a good thing, and it can also help people around her practice, which is very helpful to her reputation.

It stands to reason that this piano is the best thing for Lu Ling. After all, if she wants force, she still has a sword and cold air to use, so she doesn't need extra force.

But when she thought of Senior Sister Yun and Li Zhuzi's fear of this piano, Lu Ling knew that its power must be beyond imagination. After all, Tang Keyu had found her more than once, and she couldn't understand how Keyuqin became like this , but told Lu Ling not to use it lightly.

At this time, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge were still intoxicated by the aftertaste of the golden ripples.

Lu Ling has already set her eyes on the other piano, which is as silver as flowing light, the body of the piano is like a streamlined fish tail, and the thin five strings seem to have river water flowing... But in Lu Ling's eyes, the river water is more like blood water .

murderous look.

It's murderous.

Just staring at this guqin, Lu Ling felt a creepy feeling... However, she was not afraid, on the contrary, she was very excited.

that's what it feels like...

It's not the first time she has come into close contact with murderous aura. A long time ago... At that time, she was still in Shushan. The round-faced young lady and her senior sister used a murderous swordsmanship. Yuan shot into the water, but he saw it all.

Seven Killing Sword Sutra.

What Lu Ling had seen was the Seven Killing Sword Sutra practiced by Ye Guanyue, which was her initial understanding of murderous aura, but now seeing Ke Yuqin, Lu Ling's heart trembled.

At this moment, Yuqin's murderous aura is much more terrifying than the Seven Kills Sword Sutra.

As much Zen power and holiness as Yinshangqin has, Keyuqin has as much murderous aura as Yinshangqin, and it has the evil that Yinshangqin wants to match.

Perhaps because of Lu Ling's Tai Chi talent, the two zithers have completely become opposites, and they are still evolving.

In Lu Ling's eyes now, murderous aura should also be a kind of power, at least much more powerful than Zen power, which can only help people, isn't it?

In the eyes of Yun Shu at that time, Yinshang Keyuqin accepted the power of Zen Master Duwo, but evolved into two different Qins, with Zen power and murderous aura. In her eyes, Zen Master Duwo at that time was not Blindly chant Buddha.

The existence of the engraved yuqin proves that this old monk also knows the importance of force, but she did not expect that force to be compressed into such a bloody appearance... Is it to fit the woman's personality?
Yun Shu didn't believe that this seductive power was cultivated by the monk. Shuangqin was a powerful magic weapon, and it should have evolved by absorbing Zen power.

It's a pity that she guessed wrong, it was really cultivated by Nan Wusan... Who made her a woman?

Even Nan Wusan could not have no evil thoughts, she faced so many alone... the accumulated negative emotions were suppressed by Sacred Heart, but it was only suppressed.

At the beginning of her death, she gave Lu Ling everything in her body, including evil thoughts and murderous intent, but they were placed in the Guqin and would not affect Lu Ling, and at that time Lu Ling had no three eyes in the south. Inside is the true Buddha, and the Buddha will naturally not be affected by external evil.

It was precisely because of this that Nan Wusan, who had lost all obstacles, made such great progress later on. This was something Lu Ling and Yun Shu didn't understand.


Lu Ling's eyes flashed back and forth between Yinshangqin and Keyuqin.

One is full of Zhongzheng's peaceful Zen power, and the other is completely evil and dark...

Is it opposite again?

It's one yin and one yang again.

Lu Ling felt helpless.

There are always things around her that conform to the characteristics of Tai Chi...but this also shows that they are really born to be her own qin.

I don't know if I can mobilize the power of the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then use the corresponding power to play these two pianos, what will be the effect?
Shake his head.

It's just a fantasy, she still can't mobilize the mysterious "Yin Yang" Taiji diagram in the sea of ​​consciousness, the other party hangs like the sun in her sea of ​​consciousness full of blizzards, let alone mobilize, she can't even touch it.

Forget it, let's try this carved yuqin, although Li Zhuzi repeatedly told her not to touch it, saying that it was full of resentment.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two zithers could not be separated, otherwise the power would be out of balance, it is estimated that this qin would have been taken away by Li Zhuzi long ago.

And Li Zhuzi didn't expect that Lu Ling would really be disobedient.

That is the evil that Li Zhuzi will lose his mind for a moment after touching it, and his heart is full of negative emotions...

Lu Ling didn't think about it so much, she pressed her hands on the engraved yuqin, her face was a little heavy.

She is not stupid, so naturally she will not ask for trouble, she is very cautious, and will leave immediately if she feels unwell.

However, the imaginary negative emotions did not appear, but a gloomy aura circled around her body before being repelled... This is too simple.

Li Zhuzi also woke up by relying on the magic of the Art of Creation.

After thinking about it, Lu Ling understood.

Whether it's [Five Tones and Six Rhythms and Thirteen Emblems]'s abnormal immunity to the spirit system, or the decline in the immune status of the [Bearing Yin and Embracing Yang] talent, these external negative factors can be easily defeated.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

However, I also had some other ideas.

The panel itself comes from her own power. Because of power, she has data, not because of the system.

Is it because of the snow girl that she has such a strong spirit and ability?
Snow Maiden understands rhythm?
[Five tones and six rhythms and thirteen emblems] is one of her earliest talents. Like [Hao Wrist Congealing Frost Snow], it should belong to Xuenv, and the former also has a talent that can freely switch between literary soul and martial soul when using the temperament properties.

What does Snow Girl have to do with Lingshan?
Of course it matters.

It's as if there is an ulterior connection between the Eastern Divine Sea and Lingshan... It's just that these things are out of Lu Ling's reach temporarily, but because of her own talent, she understands some details in advance.

For a moment, thinking a little too much, Lu Ling fell silent.

After a long time, break away.

I thought about it again.

It is still important to choose a guqin.



As soon as it was touched, the sound of golden spears resounded, Xuechen's hairs stood on end in his sleep, and he shuddered.


The air instantly thickened.

What is different from the voice full of Zen power?
What does the evil voice look like?
Xifeng didn't know it before, but now she does.

(End of this chapter)

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