Chapter 776 Repair
The silver tone of the sound can be hoarse, sharp, grand, and stingy... As for the guqin, its timbre is mostly crisp and less mellow...

But no matter what kind of sound it is, the timbre itself does not have the properties of "good" and "evil".

Even those methods of attacking with temperament are just adding their own emotions to the sound, but the timbre itself has not changed in any way.

So, it would be ridiculous to say that timbre is evil...

However, now that sound fell into the ears of everyone present with an eloquent clarity, the first impression was darkness and evil.

It was like hearing voices from hell.

Even a celestial sword like Xuechen's hair stood up when he heard such a sound. Although it didn't wake her up, it was definitely not something Zhao Yingge and Xifeng could resist.

The reason why Xuechen didn't wake up was because the sound of the piano was full of Lu Ling's strength... Master practiced the piano, so naturally there would be no major problems.

If it was the Keyuqin at the beginning, even if it absorbed Nan Wusan's evil thoughts and suppressed murderous aura, it would not be possible to advance to this level, but it followed a good master.

Entering the body from the Yin-Yang diagram, the engraved Yuqin, which has been with Lu Ling all the time, conforms to the characteristics of Lu Ling's Yin-Yang diagram, and has absorbed a lot of Lu Ling's power imperceptibly... In terms of mystery alone, these two Qins Any one you take out will surpass Qin Qin's Fengming Qin, which has been passed down through the ages.

Who made Lu Ling's Taiji diagram too mysterious?

But even if it is full of darkness and evil, it is always Lu Ling's qin, and she can easily control it without being disturbed... Otherwise, Yinshang's qin is fine, although it will not be used by outsiders, it will not hurt her. People... If it is a carved yuqin, I am afraid that people other than Lu Ling will be polluted by evil thoughts if they play a single note, and become a monster who is neither human nor ghost. It is impossible to recover in this lifetime.

This is also Guqin's acknowledgment of the master, which is much more useful than any contract.

Naturally, Lu Ling didn't know this, but she discovered that she could control these two zithers.

He just fiddled with the silver strings without using spiritual power, but Lu Ling had already seen the lethality. How could Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, who hadn't experienced too many "young children", resist the magic sound piercing their ears.

Both Xifeng and Zhao Yingge fell into a trance at this time, feeling extremely disgusted as if they saw something extremely bloody, their whole bodies were weak and weak, and they lost the connection with their spiritual power. Just got out of the water, full of cold sweat.

Under the magic sound, Zhao Yingge's and Xifeng's cultivation base which was a big difference did not play any role, but Zhao Yingge was stronger than Xifeng because of his own physical fitness.

Xifeng was born with a weak body, and she was very unbearable. At this time, she was leaning against the wall weakly, her eyes were full of confusion, and she lost the most basic control of her body.

Zhao Yingge was determined, but he couldn't escape, as if he had a high fever of [-] degrees, and his functions were chaotic.

"..." Lu Ling looked at the mess in the house and remained silent, but her eyes couldn't escape the shock and fiery look.

At this moment, the harp...was much more terrifying than she had imagined. She just lightly fiddled with a timbre and caused such serious consequences. What if it was infused with spiritual power?
What if we use the technique of winding silk strength again?

Lu Ling's eyes were filled with surprise.

This is really an amazing magic weapon. You must know that as her realm increases and her spiritual power increases, the sound of the piano will definitely become more and more powerful.

It's just a pity...

Lu Ling was a little disappointed, as the husband and the others said, now is not the time to use this engraved harp.

Lu Ling looked down at the middle finger of her right hand that was plucking the strings.

The flesh and blood were cut from the fingertips by the violent wind, and the wound was deep to the bone, as if being eaten.

Be eaten by guqin.

And Lu Ling's flesh and blood did not splash, all dripped on the silver strings, polluting the silver guqin.

Qin flickered, as if asking something.

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

This feeling……

It wants to drink its own blood?

Lu Ling looked at the flesh and blood on the surface of the piano, and nodded.

With Lu Ling's permission, the blood was sucked up in an instant, and there was no trace of blood staining... It seemed that Ke Yuqin deliberately did not waste Lu Ling's flesh and blood.

Lu Ling looked at her fingers.

It really wants its own blood, so give it.


Fingers connected to heart, if Lu Ling had suffered such a serious injury before, she would have cried a long time ago and went to someone to comfort her.

This is a child's style...but in fact, if there is no adult around the child, after falling...they won't cry, just get up.

Parents are not around, who is she crying for?

Lu Ling was very calm at this moment. She was in severe pain, and she didn't even frown. Instead, she was thinking about the problem.

And her bloody fingers rested on the silver strings, allowing it to absorb her own blood and absorb Lu Ling's flesh and blood. The strings were more crystal clear and glowing than before, full of evil spirits. Moisturized by Lu Ling's blood, this guqin with silver and gold has a more sacred taste.

All this fell into Lu Ling's eyes, she... didn't care at all.

Anyway, it's my own stuff, so it's fine to feed it. In Lu Ling's world view, such behavior is no different from feeding Xuechen with spiritual power.

Lu Ling was thinking about other things.

She just fiddled with the strings and suffered such injuries. It seems that her talent can be immune to mental interference, but it cannot stop the direct damage of murderous aura to her body.

She can control this piano, Lu Ling can be sure of this.

Lu Ling knew it when she touched the two zithers. It's like her two hands, which can be used at will. Now that she has been hurt, it's not that she can't control the engraved yuqin, it's just her cultivation. not enough……


This is very embarrassing, there are powerful weapons but you can't use them.

It seems that she doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Compared with the Keyuqin, which is full of lethality but cannot be used, Zhongzhengping and Yinshangqin full of Zen power are obviously more suitable for her.

In fact, Lu Ling knew from the very beginning that Yinshangqin was more suitable for her... After all, the world of cultivating immortals she lives in is very afraid of evil things, just look at those evil cultivators and Dongfang Lianren.

So what if it's the Lingshan Fairy?So what if it's a gentle woman?Using sinister and evil poisoning skills, he ended up with a bad reputation.

With such a lesson from the past, Lu Ling can naturally see clearly.

She wants a good image now... Of course she won't use the engraved harp in public.

Yinshangqin is the best choice. When using Yinshangqin, she is naturally a kind and gentle woman in the eyes of others. Why not do it?

At first, Lu Ling was only curious about the energy of these two zithers, but now that she knows it, she is no longer curious.

From now on, she will only use the Yinshangqin, and the Keyuqin...may have to wait until her image is fixed before using it.

The saint and the witch or something...

No one said you can't be alone, right?

Taking her fingers off the strings, Lu Ling looked at her bony fingers, she couldn't go on like this, she could bear it, but it would be bad to be seen by Xifeng and Zhao Yingge who woke up.

It's not impossible.

Lu Ling put her left hand on the Yinshang Qin, summoned the soul power of the Concentrating Heart Jue, and plucked the strings.

It was actually using one hand to play Yinshangqin and used the art of concentrating the heart in the Wenshun method.

Lu Ling can't directly use Wenhun because it is poisonous, but she can't use Qin, and she doesn't know whether it is her ability or Yinshangqin that purified and absorbed her terrible Wenhun poison.

Golden ripples gradually spread out from Lu Ling's body. Following the ripples, a warm breath entered Lu Ling's body, making her squint her eyes.

This warm feeling, like someone caressing her hair, is strange and familiar.

She likes this feeling.

It seems that in the future, Yinshangqin will be used more to practice the piano.

At the end of the song, or half of the song, Lu Ling's fingers returned to normal, and even the lost blood was replenished. After all, she was simply swallowed by the murderous intent, and she was not corroded.

She is the master, you can only eat if you give it to you, and you can't grab it if you don't give it to you.

Didn't you see that Ke Yuqin would not dare to devour Lu Ling's flesh and blood without the owner's permission even if her fingers were injured by force...

It doesn't necessarily have wisdom, but it must be absolutely obedient, which makes Lu Ling very satisfied.

After recovering her fingers, Lu Ling played the piano with both hands... Concentrating Heart Jue, Meditation Mantra, Qi Gathering Jue flowed out of Lu Ling's hands one after another.

Obviously, the piece she played did not change, but the change in the nature of spiritual power allowed Lu Ling to take into account several literary and soul methods in one piece.

After being cured by the scope, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge also recovered their vitality, and their lost physical strength was fully replenished by Lu Ling.

The song is over.

Lu Ling pressed her hands on the surface of the piano to eliminate the last aftertaste, then looked at Xifeng and Zhao Yingge who had recovered, and breathed a sigh of relief.

In a thought, the silver engraved yuqin disappeared and turned into a delicate earring again.

Lu Ling picked up the pen and paper.

[Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, are you all right? 】


"Thanks to you, Ah Ling, we have recovered." Xi Feng looked at the worry in Lu Ling's eyes, and felt warm in her heart.

Xifeng noticed the golden guqin lying across Lu Ling's lap.

"This is the literary soul that Zhao girl and I are learning. It's really amazing. I felt like I was going to die before. Ah Ling, we fully recovered with one song from you..."

[It’s fine if you’re fine. 】Lu Ling continued.

"Well, don't worry, don't worry." Xifeng walked to Lu Ling's side, although her legs were still a little weak, but there was no discomfort at all.

She looked at Lu Ling and said, "A Ling, we don't want you to worry, but you scared me."

As she said that, Xifeng looked at the silver earrings next to the golden guqin, palpitations and fear flashed in her eyes.

"What is this? The sound just this piano?"

Lu Ling nodded.

"It's too scary." Xifeng said with lingering fear: " are fine."

Zhao Yingge also looked at Lu Ling worriedly.

Even if it was her, she was not afraid of anything, and she didn't want to think about the feeling of being physically and mentally tortured just now.

Lu Ling had already anticipated such a scene, took a pen and scribbled a bunch of words on the paper, and then raised it above her head.

[I'm fine. This is the magic weapon Teacher Tang gave me. My cultivation level is too low. I won't touch this silver engraved yuqin for the time being. There is nothing wrong with Yinshangqin. Sister Xifeng, you can feel it too. ...]

The following are some explanations about guqin.

After Xifeng and Zhao Yingge finished watching, they looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know why Mr. Tang's Qin has such an evil feeling, but Xifeng has been in contact with Tang Keyu many times, and the other party is obviously not an evil person. It seems that this Qin has its own characteristics.

"Since Teacher Tang gave the piano to you, A Ling, and Teacher Li didn't say anything, there shouldn't be any major problems..." Xifeng paused: "However, I was really scared... It seems that Cultivation is not enough."

[I'm sorry, Xifeng, I didn't expect it to be so powerful. 】Lu Ling said apologetically.

"I'm not asking you to apologize." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling helplessly, and rubbed her head: "Okay, you can take care of your own things."

Lu Ling nodded.

I am very satisfied with Xifeng's approach.

Her Xifeng sister is not the kind of troublesome mother-in-law, which makes Lu Ling feel a lot easier.

Lu Ling put away the Yinshang Qin, staring at the pair of earrings in her palm in a daze.

Speaking of which, since I will be using Yinshangqin every day in the future... I always feel a bit wasteful to put these earrings in my pocket...

And Xifeng seemed to have discovered something, looking at the pair of gold and silver earrings, and then at the small pinnae under Lu Ling's blue hair, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.

Lu Ling had expressed the idea of ​​piercing her ears as early as in Luoyan City, and Xifeng was still against it at that time.

Wearing earrings is a sign of "lowly people", so Xifeng said that this is not a good thing.

For ordinary girls, before the age of 10, they often have to go through such a test.

At that time, the mother or other elders will do the work, rubbing rice grains on the earlobe repeatedly to numb it, and then piercing it with a needle point, piercing through the grass or silk thread. After a long time, small holes will be formed.

While operating, the mother also has to educate the children so that they know how to be a well-behaved woman.

Most girls have pierced ears.

Naturally, Xifeng doesn't have one, she has such a noble status...

But in Lingshan these days, seeing the more distinguished uncles all wearing exquisite jewelry, my thoughts are gradually changing.

In their eyes, earrings are to decorate themselves for the sake of beauty, which is not a humble special meaning.

Aya also loves beauty.

Xifeng smiled and said, "Aling, how about sister helping you wear an earring?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling looked at Xifeng's smiling face and nodded.

Yes, this is it.

(End of this chapter)

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