Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 778 The Relationship Between Liu Yu and Luoyan City

Chapter 778 The Relationship Between Liu Yu and Luoyan City

Xifeng also has an exquisite heart.

Han Xue and Chu Qishui are very kind to her... Some things don't shy away from her at all, which makes Xifeng a little flattered.

Xifeng herself doesn't know that as the city lord of Luoyan City, she is still a girl... This identity alone can win the trust and favor of most Lingshan girls.

Especially the old people of Dongfang Lianren's generation who were in power.

After all, Luoyan City was pulled together by these women.

The original Luoyan City not only had the aura of that man, but also the painstaking efforts of Luo Hanyi, Dongfang Lianren, Liu Yao and other sisters... The layout and structure of Luoyan City were all thought out by them.

Although they can no longer be as presumptuous as they were before, these Lingshan women's feelings for Luoyan City are absolutely extraordinary, a metropolis that carries their youngest and best memories.

For Dongfang was more than anything else.

The same is true for other people. The importance of Luoyan City is not only to carry their youth, but also the most important person.

Liu Yu.

This girl who is like a big sister in everyone's heart also contributed a lot to the construction of Luoyan City.

They wanted to build the most prosperous capital at the foot of Lingshan Mountain on a whim, and they all worked hard, Liu Yu...she loves her girls so much, how could she bear to refuse their invitation?
That Liu Yu, who was behind the crowd, gently watching a group of little girls busy around a man, went off to "work" in person not long after.

From the planning of the city, the improvement of the law, the changes in the surrounding environment, to the instillation of the black armor's spiritual power, and the handling of bricks and tiles, there is Liu Yu's shadow.

For this perfect girl who is extremely serious about doing things, Luoyan City... that is really Liu Yu's painstaking effort.

Based on this alone, it is impossible for the lineage of the city lord who will develop Luoyan City not to be favored by Lingshan, and Xifeng's superiors, as women, are under tremendous pressure. How can they, the elders, not feel sorry for them?
So even if cultivators do not join the world and cannot "collude" with the secular world, but... that is for the small sects below, the status of Lingshan is detached in the Holy Land, and the rules and other things cannot be controlled by them.

Even Chu Qishui looked at Xifeng differently. After all, Liu Yu was her biggest "enemy", "sister", and "best friend". When Liu Yu went to build the city, Chu Qishui naturally followed. Although she He didn't blend in with the crowd like Liu Yu to move the tiles by himself, but he still raised some opinions.

Even Chu Qishui has feelings for Luoyan City, let alone the others.

Therefore, Xifeng can be regarded as a fish in water these days in Lingshan.

But even though she felt her different status in Lingshan, Xifeng didn't have any superfluous thoughts, she just wanted to bring Lu Ling well...

Liu Fufeng admits that Lu Ling is Jiufeng's senior sister, it's not a joke.

It is impossible for Xifeng and Zhao Yingge not to take Lu Ling seriously, so... Lu Ling's opinion should be considered in some matters.

She is Feng Jiu's elder sister.

This was decided from the very beginning, neither Chu Qishui nor Zhao Yingge would object.

Including the Lingquan of Nine Peaks.

Lu Ling agreed, and they could enjoy the treasure with peace of mind.

Even a woman like Zhao Yingge, who has no requirements for the bathing environment, longs for the nourishment of the hot spring.



How did Lu Ling know this, even if her mentality changed now, she wouldn't think so much... So she just nodded.

Sister Zhao and Xifeng want to go to Lingquan, so go,'s not a good thing.

There are only ten hot springs in the entire Lingshan Mountain. The springs of spiritual energy and the holy places for cultivation are not good things in Lu Ling's eyes, and they are not rare at all.

But for Lu Ling, this is really the case, except that her husband likes the spring water here, and that she takes a bath here... the rest is really not precious.

Li Zhuzi was still thinking about the spiritual spring of Jiufeng.

Mentioning Li Zhuzi and Lu Ling's face was a little weird, before he came to think about it, Xifeng picked up Lu Ling and handed it to Zhao Yingge.

"Aling, you and girl Zhao go first, don't wait for me, I'll prepare some food..." Xifeng was gearing up, looking at a bag of fruit in the kitchen.

"???" Lu Ling was embraced by Zhao Yingge in a blink of an eye, and she squeezed Xuechen into Zhao Yingge's plumpness.


Just go take a bath, what are you doing with me?
I still have to practice piano, practice sword, and read books at night.

Originally, it would have been a waste of time to accompany them to the Lingtai to take a bath, but she could bear it in order to get good feelings. Why did she have to take a bath just after arriving home, but in her own plan, the task of getting good feelings once a day has been completed ah.

Sure enough, women can't resist hot springs?

Lu Ling had forgotten at this time that she was the most unbearable person in that hot spring...

Lu Ling wanted to refuse, but seeing Xifeng's excited appearance, she stopped resisting for a moment and lay obediently in Zhao Yingge's arms. Of course, she did not forget to drag Xuechen out of Zhao Yingge's murder weapon and put it in in his arms.

It seemed that it was not so comfortable from the mountain peak to the hills suddenly. The cat showed an uncomfortable expression, rolled around on Lu Ling's chest, and finally found a comfortable place to lie down, with its head on Lu Ling's collarbone, its paws Picking off Lu Ling's exposed white shoulder straps, she continued to sleep.

This girl was in a deep sleep.

Lu Ling sighed.

Forget it.

Anyway, going to the hot spring will not delay my reading.

There is no more struggle.

The princess has long been used to hugging.

Suddenly, Lu Ling smelled a faint smell of blood, looking at Zhao Yingge who was hugging her, she was a little puzzled.

Zhao Yingge's face turned red, and the roots of his ears under his short hair seemed to be bleeding. His originally indifferent eyes were full of panic, and there was a little moist haze, and even a trace of blush climbed onto Zhao Yingge's fair neck.

Sister Zhao, what's wrong with you?
Lu Ling helplessly glanced at Xifeng who was bending over to clean up the kitchen.

One by one, what's going on?

Lu Ling is no stranger to Zhao Yingge's appearance, because Xifeng also looked like this not long ago.

Looks... like shy?Still excited.

But it shouldn't.

Lu Ling felt a little dizzy for a while, completely unaware of what happened.

That's right, although Lu Ling has another personality, she just has a swollen face and looks like a fat person. She looks a little dusty, but in fact she is just like a little white rabbit when she is emotionally indifferent...

The only reason to tease Young Master Xiao and Li Wangsheng with words is because the other party is a man.

If Zhao Yingge and Xifeng were replaced by a man with such an expression, Lu Ling would understand right away...but when facing a woman, she would not understand anything.

So in a sense, Shen Canghai is really her nemesis.


Although she didn't speak, Lu Ling has a pair of talking eyes.

The soul returns.

Zhao Yingge noticed Lu Ling's eyes, her pretty face was hot.

"Ah? Oh, oh, I'm fine." Zhao Yingge bluffed, and at the same time turned her head to cover up, and sucked her nose hard.


She was just hugging Lu Ling, and she couldn't stand the stimulation. As soon as her nose warmed up, some nosebleeds appeared, but fortunately, Ah Ling didn't see it.

While turning her head, Zhao Yingge saw Xifeng bent over and busy, and gave her a grateful look.

It was she who brought Ah Ling into her arms.

She is indeed a good girl.

If Xifeng knew that after taking care of Zhao Yingge for several months, she would not be as good as this hug, she would definitely cry.

"Ahem." Turning her head, Zhao Yingge looked at the girl and the cat in her arms, her nose became hot, and she took a step forward, not daring to look any further.

"Aling... I, let's go to the hot spring first."

Lu Ling nodded.

If you don't understand, then don't think about it, she still trusts Zhao Yingge, at least she won't harm herself.



Zhao Yingge walked in the snow with Lu Ling in her arms. Hearing the sound of snow trampling under her feet, she lightly lowered her head to look at the girl in her arms, and immediately raised her head, looking as if everything was empty.

There was a fresh fragrance in the jungle, but Zhao Yingge couldn't smell it at all -- her nose was blocked.

No way, it's really now...

So happy.

Ever since Zhao Yingge entered Lingshan, she hadn't noticed that she was gradually changing, gradually becoming less bitter and bitter, and her characteristics as a girl were gradually returning.

Otherwise, why would she like Xuechen so much? It's not because she is cute.

But no matter how cute Xuechen is, he can't be cuter than Lu Ling...

The reason why she was close to Xuechen was because the little guy was Lu Ling's inferior substitute, and now she held Lu Ling in her arms, feeling the soft and boneless body in her arms, Lu Ling's touch...

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingge's face turned red again.

Don't dare to look down at all.

She likes Xuechen, and she likes Lu Ling more, and now they are both in her arms... It is a bit exciting for Zhao Yingge.

When we took a shower together before, she wouldn't blush even if Lu Ling was naked, because she was not a man and would like beautiful women.

It's just that if you hold Lu Ling in your arms, the little girl is really delicate.

Women are such troublesome creatures.

Zhao Yingge's blush wasn't because she had any unreasonable thoughts about Lu Ling, it was purely because her cuteness was too strong, she couldn't hold it... If she really got a nosebleed, it would be really bad luck.

She still doesn't know how that old woman Xifeng is going to taunt her, so even though she has the most beautiful scenery in the world in her arms, she can't look down.

The current Zhao Yingge answered exactly that sentence.

Pain and happiness.



Completely different from Zhao Yingge, Lu Ling was looking at the icy glass on Zhao Yingge's neck with complicated eyes.


This is what "she" gave Zhao Yingge and Xifeng to wear first, saying that she was afraid they would freeze.

Naturally, it is not easy to take it back.

Besides, what are you doing when you take it back?Throw it away?
Out of sight out of mind.

After walking a few steps, Lu Ling suddenly opened her eyes, and saw that she was surrounded by an illusionary and quiet forest, and beneath her were pebbles that had been washed clean by the stream. At this place, the water flow is turbulent, and when the boulder falls, several white lines are rolled up, like a shrunken waterfall. Below the waterfall is a secluded pool, and the water flow is crystal clear.

Why are you here again.

Lu Ling's nose moved.

This is the water storage place where the snowflakes melt and flow down... The unique location gathers all kinds of her powers, so for Lu Ling, this place is full of her taste.

Animals will often stay in places with their own scent for a sense of security, but Lu Ling is not a pet, but a human being. The smell of snow in the sky is lighter... But when they are all together, she doesn't like such a strong place, and even calls it Gotta hate it.

In particular, she was not sure about her character, and was even jealous of herself and wanted to commit suicide.

For such a her, she really couldn't have the slightest liking for this kind of place full of her own breath.

So Lu Ling tapped Zhao Yingge's body.

Seeing that Lu Ling had something to ask her, Zhao Yingge said seriously, "A Ling? What's wrong?"

It was inconvenient to write, so Lu Ling waved her hand, and a line of bullet screens appeared in front of Zhao Yingge's eyes.

[Sister Zhao, I don't like this road, I will go to other places in the future, I remember going here is a long way. 】

Zhao Yingge tilted her head, a little surprised.

"A Ling, don't you like it? I thought you would like the scenery here so I made a special detour, but since you don't like it..." Zhao Yingge said decisively: "We won't go here again in the future."

【kindness. ] Lu Ling nodded and closed her eyes again.

Zhao Yingge looked back at the quiet place, she was very kind to this place, as if... Lu Ling was by her side, that's why she brought Lu Ling to take a look, but unfortunately, Ah Ling didn't like it.

It won't come after that.

Zhao Yingge took another step forward.

After the two left, the snowflakes fell into the water and sank to the bottom before melting.

Everything is so peaceful.



Naturally, Xifeng had her own things to do while leaving those people behind.

In front of her is a pile of food, generally speaking, there are two kinds.

Traditional cucumbers, and the rare variety rose hips.

Its role is to promote development.

Starting today, her cultivation plan will begin.

(End of this chapter)

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