Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 779 Hot spring?

Chapter 779 Hot spring?

Xifeng was busy with her hands.

Suddenly thought of something, and burst out laughing.

"Girl Zhao... is quite cute too."

She thought it was funny when she thought of singer Zhao Ying hurriedly catching Lu Ling.

Xifeng's ability is wind, which is as pervasive as water, and is more sensitive to subtle changes... So Zhao Yingge's sudden stiffness and heartbeat can't be hidden from her at all.

Zhao Yingge is obviously an ordinary girl, and she always pretends to be so serious.

Perhaps it was because Liu Fufeng put too much pressure on them when they were in Luoyan City. After all, Liu Fufeng is so good, and he has saved Zhao Yingge's life... In front of her, let alone Zhao Yingge, even if it is herself It is also completely impossible to maintain a relaxed state of mind.

Thinking of Liu Fufeng, the smile on Xifeng's face gradually froze, and finally turned into a wry smile.

"It's agreed that I don't want can't make Ah Ling feel any discomfort." Xifeng patted her face to cheer herself up completely.

Speaking of which, I started talking to myself.

Hiding the past things in my heart... This is not a very good habit.

At this moment, Xifeng's face turned serious.

Turning around suddenly, threw out a wind blade, and said sharply: "Who!"

After turning his head, the sternness on his face turned into helplessness.

"Sister Han, do you walk silently?"

"Hey, it's not my problem." Han Xue looked at the Flowing Wind Blade in her hand with lingering fear, threw it lightly into the air, watched it transform into a breeze, looked at Xifeng and said: "Feng girl, I Do you have any grudges against you? You are so ruthless."

There was a hint of embarrassment on Xifeng's face: "Just now I was thinking about some more private things."

So, talking to yourself is a bad idea.

Xifeng changed the topic: "Besides, Sister Han, you have no breath around you, and my wind can't even detect your identity, so give me dangerous information as soon as possible."

"Is it really smelly?" Han Xue sniffed her arm.

Seeing this, Xifeng showed disgust: "Yes, it smells like alcohol, don't smell it, you are still a woman."

Han Xue: "..."

"So I said, it's your own problem," Han Xue spread her hands.

"Really?" Xifeng looked at her suspiciously.

Even the master, Xifeng could feel the unique "breath" of the master when she approached, only Han Xue didn't feel it at all... It was as if the other party didn't exist, but when she revealed her identity , I can smell the pungent smell of wine.

Is it because cultivation is not enough?
Seeing Xifeng fell silent, Han Xue showed a helpless look: "Okay, it's my own problem, your sister and I have been dealing with those demons in Tianguangxu, and I have been eaten without any means of concealment. The rest... and I don't need to hide it from you, it's just that you are too sensitive, in fact, you can see it when you turn your head, and you have to use the wind to perceive it, which is not a good thing."

Han Xue reminded Xifeng not to get lost because of the power gained for a while. Lingshan has always maintained the habits of the world, and there is also the purpose of refining the mind. Resist not to use extraordinary power, and keep it from being unfamiliar when using it , The benefits obtained this time and again are not as simple as one plus one equals two. Other monks also know such a simple truth, but they can endure like Lingshan...but none of them.

After all, this is a group of women.

"See with your eyes?" Xifeng thought that Lu Ling could send "bullet screen" but still carry a pen and paper with her. She understood a little, nodded, and pinched her nose.

"How much did you drink?"

"Hey hey..." Han Xue's delicate face showed no trace of embarrassment, and she leaned over: "It seems that Nie Yin has taught you a lot, and now you are so proficient in the use of wind. Innate spirit body... I have seen you in Luoyan City before, why didn't I find it..."

"Don't change the subject." Xi Feng gave her a blank look, then was taken aback: "Sister Han, have you met me before?"

Have it?

At that time, Han Xue, if she had seen it by herself, would not have turned a blind eye to this girl who was completely different from ordinary women.

Han Xue muttered: "How could it be possible that I haven't seen it...and more than once, probably since you were a child..."

"When I was a child???" Xifeng said in surprise.

"Hush." ​​Han Xue made a silent gesture; "Don't make a fuss, you don't even think about it, the location of Lingshan...the girls on the mountain have never been to Luoyan City. I can't be more familiar with Luoyan City, so it's no big deal to see you, the city lord."

"That's right." Xifeng suddenly thought of something and nodded.

"Why aren't you surprised?" Han Xue was taken aback. She shouldn't have lost so many people at this time, she didn't notice any of them, right?

"Didn't you tell me not to make a fuss?" Xifeng chuckled.


Xifeng thought for a while.

It seemed that she was right. Luoyan City and Lingshan had an inseparable relationship. It is estimated that her ancestors had already worn the same pair of pants with Lingshan. Naturally, she didn't need to care so much.

In the past, you might feel that the majesty of the city lord has been challenged, but now... sorry, she is Xifeng, not Xifeng.

With Lingshan as her backing, she doesn't have to worry about the future of Luoyan City at all. This makes Xifeng happier than anything else, and it is precisely this way that she can temporarily put down all her burdens to take care of Lu Ling.

Lingshan... Xifeng has also lived for some time, and has her own understanding of Lingshan.

It's like home.

Every senior sister here knows Luoyan City, and they all have affection and goodwill towards Luoyan City. What could be better than this to get Xifeng's favorability?

It's really kind.

Therefore, Xifeng may be the first among the four disciples of Jiufeng to completely let go of his guard against Lingshan and fully integrate into the existence of Lingshan.

Obviously, she was so repulsive was really a trick of good fortune.

Xifeng smiled easily, turned to look at Han Xue, but found that the other party was thinking about something.

"How rare, sister Han, are you thinking too?"

"...Feng girl, please respect me." Han Xue twitched the corner of her mouth, and continued: "I was wondering what you think of Lingshan."

"What do you think?"

"That is to say, everyone on Lingshan is their own people, especially Jiufeng. Even if you can't sense who is coming, you shouldn't just release the wind blade directly. I always feel that you are quite dangerous." Han Xue looked Xifeng up and down. ,road.

Xifeng was a little speechless: "Is it appropriate for you to tell me directly like this?"

"What's inappropriate." Han Xue stared at Xifeng, her clever eyes didn't look like seniors at all, and she was even cuter than Xifeng.

"Well, I think you're fine."

After a long time, Han Xue came to such a conclusion.

"So what exactly did you see?" Xifeng was also a little at a loss.

Han Xue shook her head; "I wanted to ask you, what did you see in the past...but I'm still too stupid to do it."

"What did you see?" Xifeng looked around: "What else can I see? This is Lingshan, the Nine Peaks."

Han Xue nodded, thinking about Xifeng's skillful work in the kitchen before, and her completely different lazy temperament in the house from Deng Lingtai.

There is no need to ask.

Xifeng has already regarded the Nine Peaks of Lingshan Mountain as her [home].

Then she has nothing to ask.

"I don't know why." Xifeng shook her head, then turned her head and continued to wash her fruit: "Sister Han, why did you come to my place if you didn't take care of Master? Let me tell you first, I haven't cooked yet."

"I'm not here for dinner. You can think of me as a wine barrel, but you can't say that I'm a rice barrel." Han Xue stuck her waist, showing off something.

"It doesn't matter." Xifeng didn't even look at her, clapped her hands and took out her own fruit, holding the sharp kitchen knife beside her, with a hint of impatience in her tone: "So what's the matter?"

He didn't pay attention to his family's division time at all.

This kind of behavior is rebellious everywhere, but there is no sense of disobedience on Lingshan.

Even Yun Shu was the one being bullied, let alone the others.

In Lingshan, whoever has the most temper is the eldest sister, Xifeng has already got some essence...

Of course, she is the lord of the city, and others have a high degree of affection for her.

"It's nothing." Han Xue leaned up to observe the fruits, with the wine gourd dangling around her waist.

"I just heard that Dongfang Lianren gave all the halls of the three peaks to Ah Ling. I was thinking about asking for one for me and Jue'er to live together. Of course, we both need a small side hall. I can't even clean it... Well, after all, I haven't lived in a good house for a long time." Han Xue's eyes sparkled as he said.

"Are you thinking about Ah Ling's baby?" Xifeng sighed.

This is really a good uncle.

"What is caring? Can you teach caring about the affairs of your own family?" Han Xue's skirt swayed slightly, and her long legs rubbed gently. It could be seen that she...was a little shy.

What Xifeng said made some sense... She was also an elder no matter what.

However, she wanted Jue'er to live more comfortably, so what's wrong with that?

She and Li Zhuzi asked for so many books on architecture, and discussed with Liu Fufeng about the layout of the house...not for a better-looking house.

It's a pity that Liu Fufeng disappeared, and their efforts were naturally in vain.

But now that there are Sanfeng's good things that have been nourished by the aura of heaven and earth, she naturally looks down on those ordinary houses before, even if ordinary houses are put in front of her eyes, she does not want them now.

She wants Sanfeng's main hall.

"Girl Feng, your sister, I haven't had the chance to live in my spiritual power hall since I sold myself to Xuan Jing Si Ke. This has always been my wish... Now it's finally come true, you see..."

"Stop, stop." Xifeng put down the kitchen knife.

"What drawings are you talking about, are they good things?"

"Of course, with the thousand-year-old spiritual power of Lingshan, it's warm in winter and cool in summer, and it's protected by various large formations, so it's more convenient to practice. Most importantly, there have been various seniors living in it... Sister, I How can you not be tempted?" Han Xue looked at Xifeng: "Help me?"

Xifeng was also a little moved when she heard it, but she still shook her head: "A Ling didn't tell me about this."

"It just happened today, maybe it's not too late." Han Xue said casually.

Xifeng: "??????"

today? ? ? ?
She took a deep breath, looked at Han Xue with disdain, and said mockingly: "I said, Mr. Master, Ah Ling's condition is not stable yet... Our Nine Peaks are still barren... Zhao girl's skills are still not good enough. Fixed, we still have a lot of things to do for the next Wenhun..."

"What's the matter?" Han Xue felt a little guilty.

"What's the matter? As a secretary, you don't want to help us solve the problem, but you care so much about your child's baby. Aling didn't even come to tell us. You know it first? Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate? We are all a family." Han Xue's guilty conscience disappeared, and she said calmly.

"……you're so beautiful."

"That is."


Xifeng really has no other choice, and she can't talk too much with Han Xue, Lu Ling can decide for herself.

She gets dizzy when she sees Han Xue now.

The smell of kills people.

Xifeng waved her hand: "Okay, you have something to talk to Ah Ling yourself, she and Zhao girl went to the hot spring."

As if not to bother me.

Han Xue didn't care either.

"Hot springs? I'll go find them and talk to them myself..."

Han Xue was about to leave when suddenly nails appeared on her feet.

"Hot spring?" Han Xue's eyes were full of doubts: "Are they going to the Lingtai?"

"No, just at home."

"But...there is spring in Jiufeng." As he said that, Han Xue's throat rolled slightly, and she stared at Xifeng firmly.

"Isn't it the spiritual spring in the back mountain..." Xifeng said impatiently, and then met Han Xue's gaze, and she was stunned.

It’s over.

How could I forget this matter.

The spiritual spring is so important... If the few of them take a bath without authorization, even if they have the token of Aling Chuqishui, it is impossible to say...

Xifeng made a decisive decision and put the pot on her back first: "I asked them to wash it, what's the problem? Isn't the spring water used for bathing? Is it for drinking? If it's precious, then we won't go there in the future."

"No." Han Xue's eyes had already drifted in the room, looking for tea, but she turned around and didn't see it, staring at the fruit in Xifeng's hand.

"Uncle?" Xifeng frowned.

"Although Lingquan is important, there are only a few of you in Feng Jiu. You can use it as you like, and others can't control you. Didn't I say that, just toss about it, and your master and I will take care of it for you." When Han Xue said this, she was full of momentum and very reliable, which made Xifeng look at her a few more times.

"By the way, went to Lingquan before?" Han Xue's voice trembled a little.

"Go." Xifeng nodded, Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling didn't go there often, when they were still there, it was once a day.

Listening to Xifeng's words, Han Xue suddenly snatched the fruit from Xifeng's hand.

"Sister Han, you..." Xifeng was startled.

Han Xue snatched the half-peeled fruit, but didn't chew it much, as if she was... gargling.

Because of her urgency, she didn't taste the taste, she just wanted to spit it out, but seeing Xifeng's sharp eyes, she swallowed it.

Immediately, Han Xue's face turned blue.

Standing there pretty and alive, full of the posture of a little girl.

"Sister Han, what's wrong with you?"

"..." Han Xue was silent for a while, and finally resigned to her fate, and said with a bitter face: "I just came from your teacher Li..."

(End of this chapter)

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