Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 785 The Legacy Eye and Luo Ling

Chapter 785 The Legacy Eye and Luo Ling
It was dark, and the two older sisters in the family hadn't come back yet.

Lu Ling pushed the wheelchair and walked out, looking around.

Familiar smell... Who is it?

[Xiaoxue?do you know. 】

[I have seen it, but I don’t know it. 】 Xuechen shook his head.

She has met each other before, but how can I say... If there is a master, the elves and the like belong to the master, and if she can't show up, she can just let them work for the master. If she doesn't return to Luo Qianhan, the elves will be She couldn't detect her identity, so the problem wasn't that big.

[I probably know who it is. 】Lu Ling sniffed the smell in the air.

It's the elf lady...

She is still good to herself, Lu Ling thought for a while, and felt that she could treat her better, but looked around, but found no one.

The flying snow all over the sky will not deceive her, that is to say, Xiaoxue's so-called person is only talking about breath, and the person himself has not appeared in Jiufeng.

【Xiaoxue, is she nearby? 】

Inside the house, Xuechen jumped out of the bed, and a loli in a blue skirt appeared out of nowhere, her delicate little feet stepped on the dirt, and in an instant, a light blue ripple spread out.

The girl left a cute footprint on the dirt, and the little skirt dangled.

【Master, she is not on the Nine Peaks, but on the Lingtai, do you want to go and see her?She should be asking Master to go out. 】The young Luo Qianhan said so.

[I see, I'll go out and have a look. 】Lu Ling rocked the wheelchair and went out, while Xuechen watched Lu Ling leave at home, jumped on the bed again, and turned into that cute cat.



In the snowstorm, all the snowflakes were melted when they approached Lu Ling.

The elf came to look for her, so Lu Ling would naturally not disappear, what do you think... That young lady likes her body, and even said to be her maid, and she has always done a good job, Lu Ling used to be pretty good. I miss her, but she has never appeared by my side, so there must be something wrong with her sudden appearance now.

She had forgotten that the size of the Nine Peaks was considered a forbidden area, and if the ice beauty didn't break in, she must have given Lingshan face.

But Lu Ling felt that she was trying to save face.

After reading the book for so long, I know a little bit about the status of the elves. There is no harm in pulling her into my camp. If I can drive the elves, it will also be of great help to my status in Lingshan.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling stepped into the teleportation formation, and with a flash of the token, Lu Ling opened her eyes.

Still in place?


The teleportation array is useless?
Lu Ling put the token back on, then watched the teleportation array flash, and at the same time... the spatial fluctuation stopped in front of her.

How is this going?She didn't notice it before... Was it because of a change in her mentality?Because of Liu Fufeng?

Lu Ling thought of her pair of silver eyes, maybe it has something to do with space.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling poured spiritual power into her pupils, and in an instant, the whole world turned silver in her eyes, and silver threads appeared in the originally empty sky... as if they could be cut off by stretching out her hand.

Lu Ling wanted to touch, so she stretched out her hand...but she withdrew her finger just as she was about to touch.

It's better not to touch it, I have such a thought in my heart, because something very dangerous will happen.

Those eyes are really annoying...

Lu Ling remembered.

She had seen this scene before... For a test, Lu Ling closed her eyes, and then poured out her spiritual power with all her strength, the sword light in Lu Ling's pupils gradually disappeared, turning into pure silver, exactly the same as Liu Fufeng's eyes.

Lu Ling opened her eyes, and when she looked back, the whole world had changed. In Liu Fufeng's vision, the space that was supposed to be a whole seemed to be spliced ​​together by "threads". She felt that all she had to do was wave her hand. , you can tear those lines.

In her eyes, everything seemed to stand still, and time also lost its meaning. Lu Ling could see that the flying bird that was spreading its wings in the space was frozen in place.

It's as if space stands still.

And the flying bird is on the splicing line of space.

All things stand still.

But there is one exception.

After she activated her ability, everything she saw stopped, but Snowflake didn't stop.

Pieces of pure white Lingjing fell from the sky, ignoring the obstacles of space, and landed on the ground.

After the blink of a camera, Lu Ling's eyes returned to normal, and the world returned to its original state.

The bird flew into the primeval forest with a snowflake in its mouth, and the snowflake still fell on the ground.

Right, that is it.

Back then, Liu Fufeng's eyes had the ability to suspend space, and she was surprised when she saw it... Now that I think about it, in a world as static as Liu Fufeng's, everything is still, but Xue Hua and her are not. Means, she is immune to this negative state?
How could she have the ability of that woman?
Is it what she left for herself?
Lu Ling fixed her eyes on the silver ring on her finger, then shook her head.

It should not be.



In another place, Hong Ling looked thoughtful.

Obviously, she knows how Lu Ling's ability similar to space talent came about. At the beginning, when the small ball wrapped in the power of Yin-Yang and Tai Chi entered Lu Ling's body, what was wrapped around that power was Liu Fufeng's body. The power of space.

Because this kind of restriction appeared when Lu Ling was in mortal danger, it was normal for Liu Fufeng to leave Lu Ling with a way to save her life.

Of course, it is also possible that the power of yin and yang is too strong, automatically absorbing Liu Fufeng's power and feeding it back to his master.

It's all possible, I don't know exactly how it was formed, but now Lu Ling has a part of Liu Fufeng's power, this is beyond doubt.

Her silver eyes Hong Ling felt strange at first, but now she finally explained clearly.



Hong Ling was able to think clearly because she saw a lot of things from the perspective of God. Lu Ling couldn't understand her, so she should have been confused.

But looking at the girl's face, there was no trace of confusion. Not only was she not confused, but on the contrary she was in a good mood.

Is it the strength she gave herself?

What is this.

Do you want to accept it?

Lu Ling only hesitated for a moment before confirming the answer.

Accepted, of course accepted.

With your own strength, you don't have to be a fool.

Could it be the ability that appeared only after knowing that he was going to experience in the secret realm?

But... it's my junior sister's eyes, shouldn't I be angry?Why so happy.

Lu Ling touched the beauty mole on the corner of her mouth, she found herself smiling.

Anyone who saw Lu Ling would find that her expression was the happiest since she woke up.

Originally, this pair of eyes that were similar to Liu Fufeng made her quite annoying, but you must know that they were just similar.

But when Lu Ling confirmed that the eyes were indeed related to Liu Fufeng, she suddenly didn't feel disgusted.

"That's fine." Lu Ling spoke, her voice hoarse.

She touches her eyes.

It's [her] eyes, so as eyes, watch me grow...and then regret it.

This could be regarded as the junior sister following him.

It was never me who let go first.

She accepts these eyes.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling restarted the teleportation array with joy, this time under her control, she successfully disappeared from the Jiufeng.



On Nine Peaks.

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge returned home and opened the door, only to see a cat in Xuechen squinting on the thatched bed, and Lu Ling was missing.

"Where's Ah Ling?" Xifeng froze for a moment, then became nervous.

"It should have gone out." Zhao Yingge looked at the two rows of wheel marks outside.

"Going out? It's so late." Xifeng rushed to Xuechen: "Xiaoxue, is Ah Ling going out? Are you okay..."

Xuechen is a spiritual race with high intelligence. Xifeng and Zhao Yingge knew these things a long time ago, but they couldn't change their minds for a while and treated her as a pet... Now when things happen, they naturally think of Xuechen.

The cat waved its paws humanely, signaling that there is no need to worry.

Seeing this, Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to get some food."

Talk about getting busy.

Zhao Yingge on the side was staring at Xuechen, making her feel a little nervous... I don't know why this woman is looking at her like that, so she simply closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"It seems that each of you has a secret." Zhao Yingge's eyes shifted back and forth between Xifeng and Xuechen.

My identity is mysterious.

Zhao Yingge hid her feet, and when she raised her feet again, a loli's footprint was smoothed out.

Since she didn't want to appear in front of herself and others, then she pretended not to see it.

Zhao Yingge hated demons and demons extremely... But if it was Xuechen who could turn into a human, she found that she didn't reject it at all.

I have also changed.



Lu Ling's figure appeared on the Lingtai, and she sensed a force as soon as she came down, followed the familiar smell to a remote forest, looked at the dark surroundings, and opened her mouth.

【Come out. 】Lu Ling waved her hand, snowflakes formed several words in the air.

The barrage fell, and a figure appeared from the falling snow. The statue of Yujie was completely carved out of ice, and Lu Ling recognized her with her round and tight thighs.

A woman is made of transparent ice, and every inch from top to bottom seems to have been carefully crafted by heaven and earth.

Seeing her body, a flash of understanding flashed in Lu Ling's eyes.

Sure enough it was her.

"Noble Bingbing, I finally see you." Excitement and agitation appeared on the ice beauty's indifferent face, but more of it was respect.

【clothing. 】Lu Lingdao reminded.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about this matter..." The ice beauty is not ashamed of being naked at all, but since Lu Ling said it, she, as a maid, must naturally obey.

After the cold light passed, she changed into a simple plain dress, which was slightly tight on her body, and was tightly pressed to her proud chest and buttocks. A simple ribbon was tied up at the waist lightly. Her lower body was not a skirt, but a skirt. Close-fitting trousers and tight trousers expose the woman's slender and round legs to the air.

Lu Ling was very satisfied with her appearance.

【What's matter? ] Lu Ling asked.

"It's like this..." Ice Beauty and Lu Ling explained her movements during this period, and then said.

"The reason why I didn't come to see Han Bing until today is because Han Bing's previous strength was not stable. If I meet rashly, my own cold air system may collapse... But just now, Han Bing's breath suddenly stabilized, so I Here we come." The ice beauty said excitedly.

It can be seen that she is also in a very good mood after finally seeing Lu Ling.

【I understand. 】

The ice beauty should be talking about the calmness of her mind when she soaked in the hot spring... So it was just that she let go of Liu Fufeng's departure, and her chill calmed down?

So the ability of the eyes also appears in this way?
"I don't have anything to say. It's my happiest thing to see Han Bing's safety." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling and smiled: "Han Bing is also in a good mood."

[Yes, I am very happy. 】Lu Ling gently stroked her eyes.

It was really a windfall.

She is still by her side.

Hmm...not because of this, but because she can see her growth and regret it, yes, that's it.

Lu Ling's beauty spot rose slightly.

[Just a lot of things happened... By the way, sister, what are you going to do next? 】

"Me? Of course I don't have anything to do, as long as I stay with Han Bing." The ice beauty said directly: "It's just that I have an agreement with Lingshan, and there will be more people who will appear next, so I can't be direct. Showing your I will be not far from Han Bing, just like now."

As she said that, the ice beauty looked at Lu Ling: "Han Bing, your cold air has become more pure."

She could feel that Lu Ling could turn her body into an elf at any time. Sure enough, she was right, Lu Ling was the highest elf.

【A piece of cake. ] As Lu Ling said, her eyes on the ice beauty softened a little.

She is still willing to follow her and be of her own use...Lu Ling is naturally happy, and she can also see that this elf is the same as Xuechen, she can be very "loyal" without paying anything to the other party, especially in front of her. The ice beauty, Lu Ling felt that she could see everything about her clearly.

It is the suppression on the original level of ice, I believe the other party can also feel it.

In that case...

[Sister, you don't have a name, right? 】

Looking at the line of snowflake fonts in front of her, the ice beauty nodded. She looked at Lu Ling softly and realized something.

She didn't ask Lu Ling why she didn't speak, but in this strange way.

She knew exactly what happened to Lu Ling, she only had affection for Lu Ling at this moment, although she respected Han Bing...but, after all, Lu Ling was still young.

"I don't have a name, as I said, I hope you can pick one up for me, Han Bing." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling tenderly, as if looking at her own child.

Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction.

Before, she didn't agree to name Ice Beauty because she was a bad namer, but now it's different, Lu Ling has ambitions, and she has more things to think about.

If even the name is given by myself...then the bond between the other party and her other party will be even deeper.

【Luo Ling, what about this name? ] Lu Ling thought for a moment and got a name.

"Luo? Isn't the surname Lu the same as Han Bing?" The ice beauty was very surprised.

She can understand the spirit, she is an elf.

Lu Ling shook her head, Lu's words, Lu Ling, Lu Ling... Isn't that the same as her name?The word spirit is very simple, here is Lingshan, the spirit of the elf, and she is very aura...

As for the surname, Lu Ling could feel the connection between Ice Beauty and Xuechen, so she used the surname Luo.

【It's not Luo Hanyi's Luo, it's Luo Qianhan's Luo. 】Lu Ling "typed" and said.

"Luo Qianhan? Luo Hanyi? Who are they..."

(End of this chapter)

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