Chapter 786
Seeing the two people mentioned by Lu Ling, Ice Beauty, or Luo Ling didn't know who they were.

Whether it was Luo Hanyi or Luo Qianhan, she had no impression at all.

This is also normal, although she can be regarded as the upper class among the elves, but after all, she is too young to have seen Luo Qianhan with her own eyes, and in their eyes, the meaning of the fairy sword is greater than the meaning of the name.

Anyway, as long as you meet, you can feel the other party's ruling status. Under this induction, there is not much difference whether the name exists or not.

Of course, she still understood the words Xueluo Qianhan.

and many more……

It's snowing and it's cold?

Luo Qianhan?
"Could it be...Han Bing you mean Luo Qianhan of Xueluo Qianhan? Take the Luo family from the human race?" Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling.

【Roughly the same. ] Lu Ling nodded, probably that's what she meant.

"Luo...taken from the noble fairy sword...Han Bing, I am very happy." Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling gratefully.

I also have a name.

Luo Ling... Lu Ling, they really look alike, and it's easy to mispronounce them if you say it quickly.

[It's okay, as long as you like it. 】Lu Ling blinked her eyes, and her mood improved a bit. In this way, the bond between them will be deepened.

"Well, from today onwards my name is Luo Ling." Luo Ling said, looking down at her loose maid costume, thought for a while and said, " your maid, Han Bing."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lu Ling and was relieved to find that Lu Ling did not reject her.

"By the way, Han Bing, since I'm a maid...then I should change my title. How do humans call me...Master? Is that so?"

Lu Ling shook her head: [No need... Sister, you are too natural, you can call it casually, master or something...]

Not suitable.

"Is that so? Then I will continue to be called Han Bing... Sure enough, this is more kind."

【sure. 】



Next, Lu Ling and Luo Ling talked about their itinerary, and Luo Ling said that she could listen to Lu Ling and stay in Lingshan, waiting for Lu Ling's call.

It's getting late, I should go back.

Lu Ling carefully looked at this ice beauty whom she had given the name "Luo Ling".


With such a beautiful maid, she must be No.1 in the world.

The appearance of an elf cannot be described in words. Its color is like flowers, its body is like glass, and its quality is like a sea of ​​clouds.

Lu Ling still remembered Luo Ling's real body, the pair of icy wings that covered the sky and the sun, those wings could block even the sky in the true sense, God knows how strong this woman with long ponytail is in front of her.

But she wants to be her own maid... Lu Ling is somewhat happy.

Lu Ling looked at Luo Ling, her silver eyes sparkling.

Junior sister, you see, this is my first follower, a noble elf, even seniors and gentlemen on Lingshan Mountain, they have to be careful with her... Now she is willing to be a maid by my side.

...The noble elf would be very excited to stay by her side as a maid, have to leave.

Obviously I have given everything to you, haven't I?

Lu Ling couldn't understand.

Shaking his head.

Luo Ling is not the first person to stay by her side, nor will she be the last... One day, she will be surrounded by a group of extremely outstanding people headed by her.

This is Lu Ling's ambition, and one day she will achieve it.

Originally, Zhao Yingge and Xifeng should be counted, but it is a pity that strictly speaking, they are the team of the younger sister, not my own.

Lu Ling wanted to build everything by herself, and Luo Ling was the first batch.

By the way, it's a maid, but I don't need someone to serve me... so what kind of maid should it be?
She doesn't like the nameless identity. If she is a maid but it has nothing to do with it, she would rather take back her agreement to let Luo Ling be called her maid and change it to a friend, or...a subordinate?
Always have an identity that you recognize by your side.

[Does it have to be a maid? ] Lu Ling asked.

"It's best to be a maid." Luo Ling nodded. She has learned a lot of customs of the human race. A maid is often the closest existence to a lady besides her husband. When a lady marries, the maid follows her. Under certain circumstances, even if they are married, the closest person to the young lady is still the dowry maid.

That's why Luo Ling has always been obsessed with being a maid.

[Is the maid the best? ] Lu Ling nodded: [Yes, how about the sword servant? 】

To put it bluntly, a sword servant is a servant who holds a sword and maintains it.

Sword attendants are mostly women, and the characteristic is that the things that bind their hair have grown from strips of cloth to headbands.The general swordsman's hairstyle is a ponytail, and a simple hair tie holds up his long black hair.

Luo Ling in front of him perfectly agrees with the identity of the sword servant.

Moreover, Lu Ling knew that Xuechen was the one the elves should really serve, so it was appropriate to say that she was a sword servant.

Luo Xian naturally had no objection.

"Sword servant? A boy with a sword? I can do it." Luo Ling nodded: "Speaking of which, the identity of this sword servant is very suitable for me. I was supposed to hold the sword for Han Bing."

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

and many more.

sword?Xuanbing Sword?
She looked around for a weapon but couldn't find a suitable one. Isn't this here now?
That was what she did when she asked the black bear to take the black ice in the secret realm, and then the system was strengthened, and because of some inconvenient reasons, Luo Ling helped to store it first...

Ice attribute, Xuanbing Sword... This is her best weapon before using Xueluo Qianhan.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling looked at Luo Ling's body, but did not find the shadow of Xuanbingjian.

"Han Bing, are you looking for a sword? Wait a minute, that Xuan Bing is very strange. Although it came from the place where I live, the coldness is far beyond the average level, and... I always feel that this sword is a little hot So I melted the ten-thousand-year-old ice I got last time, and wrapped it around the sword for warming. It is now in my body and can be used at any time. Do you want to use the ice? , I'll take it out now."

Luo Ling explained after a while, as if he had integrated into his identity as a sword servant.

Lu Ling nodded.

[I need to use it for my next training. 】

"Understood." Luo Ling nodded, and then gently twisted her shoulders. In an instant, a light blue transparent wing spread out diagonally behind her right shoulder. The shape was the same as the wings that covered the sky, but smaller A lot, in line with her body proportions at this time.

Lu Ling could feel the full power contained in the ice wings, and at the same time, there was a slender long sword in that wing, like the veins in the wings... Although it is said to be a sword, but its shape is very special, it is a sword without a sword. A rapier sword, the blade is no more than the thickness of a thumb, and the blade is as thin as a cicada's wing... crystal clear.

Luo Ling stretched out his hand to hold the slender hilt, and pulled the Xuanbing Sword out of the ice wings.

"Ice, here."

Lu Ling took over the Xuanbing Sword, with nostalgia in her eyes.

Sure enough, it was snow and cold.

A crystal long sword, the length is very exaggerated, Lu Ling is sitting in a wheelchair at this time, if holding the sword horizontally, it really looks like fishing... It is enough to see the length of Xueluoqianhan.

Of course, the noble blue from the inside out does not give it the slightest sense of cheapness.

Lu Ling held the Xuanbing Sword, and there was a feeling of blood in her hands, as if the extending blade was her own arm.

She tried to swing the Xuanbing sword.

The light blue transparent blade cut an arc in the air, leaving an illusory afterimage. At the same time, various ice flowers remained in the air when the blade passed through, which was beautiful and noble.

She had a feeling that even if it wasn't the real Xueluo Qianhan, it was enough to exert a bit of Xueluo Qianhan's power, because the person holding this sword was Xue Nu, she was Lu Ling.

Even if it is just an ordinary wooden sword, it is a fairy sword in her hand.

It's just a question of strength, the wooden sword can't bear her spiritual power that is almost cold, and this is the most difficult problem.

And this Xuanbing sword may not be able to increase her spiritual power, but it can withstand her spiritual infusion, which is the biggest enhancement for Lu Ling, not to mention, it is impossible for Lu Ling not to increase it.

Try the power.

[Sister, help me try the sword. 】Lu Ling grasped the hilt of the sword.

"Okay." Luo Ling nodded: "I just want to see how Lingshan can help the noble Han Bing's growth. If you have any tricks, feel free to attack me, don't worry about hurting me. "

During the speech, Luo Ling cast an enchantment around him, and then stood there so pretty, with a look of complete non-resistance.

Lu Ling didn't hesitate either, she wasn't arrogant enough to think that she could hurt Luo Ling, she would be strong in the future, but that was a matter of the future, she couldn't be proud now.

But she also wanted to know what was the use of having acquired so many abilities and talents.

She couldn't even count her talents, so naturally she didn't know how strong she was.

The first move is the Frost Curse.

The martial soul of Lingshan can use the spirit sword, like Shen Gui's dual practice of magic and martial arts... Lu Ling can also perform calligraphy with the spirit sword, but the simple spell does not need to use the sword as a medium.

Frost Curse, Lu Ling waved her finger.

Falling snow does not melt, shrinks like a cold bead, snow falls without melting snow...

The formula fell almost instantly.

The Frost Curse was cast, and the ice mist appeared out of thin air.

Although the name is not very good, it is indeed the lowest-level spell of the ice system. Its essence is to extract the ice-attribute aura in the air and transform it into ice fog for diversified attacks, but the most important thing is this diversification. The opponent's package freezes, and can also be transformed into an ice pick, ice sword...

This is the most basic and the best spell to measure Lu Ling's strength.

Lu Ling and Gu Chenxi didn't learn much. This Frost Curse is the only spell she has mastered [-]% of.

"Well done, this is the means of the human race to drive the cold. You can drive the cold with ice, and now it is more suitable to have the help of the magic formula. Let me feel it." Luo Ling took the initiative to harden the ice mist.

The moment she came into contact with the ice mist, Lu Ling's lips moved lightly. In an instant, the originally mild low-temperature mist instantly scattered into sharp ice cones, with a chilling silver light attached to the surface, rushing towards Luo Ling at high speed. go.


An ice pick fell on the ground and disappeared, leaving a bottomless hole in the hard white jade ground.

And the other dense ice cones all hit Luo Ling's body, making a tinkling sound, and finally fell to the ground, shattered and returned to the most basic cold air.

After a while, the Frost Curse ended, and as Lu Ling thought, Luo Ling was not hurt at all.

【How about it? ] Lu Ling asked.

"I'm surprised, Han Bing, your cultivation is in the mid-stage of the soul-forming state, right? But the power of this ice cone doesn't seem to be able to be played at the soul-forming state. According to your level, this power is enough to reach the Void Transformation state ...It's really amazing, obviously it shouldn't have such power, but it really doubled its power out of thin air, is this the transformation efficiency of the highest elf?" Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling with very strange eyes, and even more so More than excitement.

Strong, very strong.

Lu Ling's performance was much better than she imagined. Don't look at the poor performance of those ice cones. In fact, if a person with a comparable level of cultivation can't stop the ice curse that Lu Ling casts casually.

After all, the power of the Frost Curse is already more than double what the Frost Curse should be.


Has the power increased?

Lu Ling was not surprised.

The 50% bonus of Hao Wrist Frost Snow, the 30% bonus of Ice Soul Soul, and the Millennium Frost Snow also have the effect of +50% of the final settlement damage of the ice system, which is a [-] times increase.

Not including the 20% base bonus of her Shocking Rock Jue and Shenlan...

The lethality has jumped from the soul-forming state to the illusory state, which has crossed a big state, and she is proud of it.

But the damage level has reached the Void Transformation Realm, does this mean that she is already qualified to hurt Senior Sister Shen?Just relying on a small ice spell?With such an increase, what would be the effect if she could learn more advanced spells, even those of the forbidden spell level in Eastern Shenhai?

Lu Ling felt her heart burning just thinking about it.

"Wait!!!" Luo Ling's voice suddenly became excited, and she rushed to Lu Ling, pointing to her plump breasts: "Han Bing, look here!"

Look?What are you looking at?
Looking at the slippery area, Lu Ling felt a little unwell.

Luo Ling didn't notice anything wrong, she pointed to the traces of white marks on her chest, although there was no bleeding, she could vaguely see the crystal blue light behind the scars.

"I was injured? I was actually injured? I was injured under a small ice cone of the ice curse? How is this possible? Why is this happening?" Luo Ling was very excited.

"With the strength of my ice body, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for that woman Yifeng to injure my body...but now I'm injured."

Why is this happening?

Thinking about it, Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling with fiery eyes.

Sure enough, an elf is an elf. She thought that the doubling of power would be Lu Ling's enchantment, but she didn't expect...she still has the ability to ignore her own defenses. Although there are only slight scars, she is indeed injured.

It's a fantasy to tell anyone that it is impossible to harm the almost invincible high-ranking elves under the monks with the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Soul Realm.

Lu Ling did it.

"Elf, do you know what's going on?"

Lu Ling: "..."

"Try again, try again!!!" Luo Ling said excitedly.

Lu Ling nodded, waved her hand, a large ice cone enveloped Luo Ling, followed by a clanging sound.

Determined to verify, Luo Ling used all her abilities to defend, and this time she found a problem.

Those ice picks are very weak to her, unable to break through her body, but unfortunately, they can leave a little bit of scar on her...

Ignore defense?

It's kind of like a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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