Chapter 787
As an elf, Luo Ling focuses on cultivation, but this doesn't mean that Xiaobai doesn't know anything, especially after she is determined to follow Lu Ling out of the secret realm, she has absorbed a lot of knowledge.

As a human race, Lu Ling's biggest enemy is naturally the demons, and Luo Ling in the institute will pay special attention to the information of the demons.

The most beautiful ability of the high-level demons is the control of the soul, which makes people unable to guard against. At the same time, they also have the ability to directly attack the opponent's soul beyond the defense, referred to as ignoring defense.

This kind of method has been impossible for the human race since ancient times, not because they cannot learn it, but this ability is the racial talent of the demon race, and it is their characteristic.

Why does Han Bing have this ability.

Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling who was holding a cloud of cold air in her hand.

She is not like the people from Lingshan, thinking that Lu Ling cannot be a demon without demonic energy... Don't forget that although she looks like a human, this girl can actually transform into the highest existence of the spirit race at any time - an elf. Still the highest elf.

In the face of Lu Ling's existence that subverts common sense, no one dares to say that the power in her is not against common sense.

Luo Ling didn't ask Lu Ling why she had such abilities, she just felt excited and happy for Lu Ling.

After all, it is an ability outside the specification.

As for the demons... is it important?

In her eyes, the human race and the demon race are the same. She doesn't care what Lu Ling's identity is, what race she is, and what kind of past she has.

None of this matters.

Moreover, as an elf, Luo Xian's physical resistance and magic resistance are full, especially in terms of ice resistance, unless Lu Ling uses her own ice source, it may affect her.

Originally, Lu Ling shouldn't have the ability to hurt her, Luo Ling just wanted to test Lu Ling's ability at this time, but got a pleasant surprise in the end.

Luo Ling said: "As an elf who manifests the cold energy, although my state at this time is not as good as Ice's ability after your transformation, I am extremely resistant to human spells, especially the ability of the ice attribute. It is basically ineffective, but Han Bing’s ice pick can hurt me... This means..."

Luo Ling was speaking when a line of words suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

【I know, it's not a big deal. 】

Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling with a calm face.Some surprise.

Why does she say that?
It is obviously an incredible ability, Luo Ling thinks that this ability may be Lu Ling's blessing, or a gift from heaven... After all, even if the demons want to cross so many realms and cause her harm, it is not enough possible.

[It's really not important. 】

Lu Ling repeated it again.

"Is it...that's what I made a fuss about."

This time, Luo Ling didn't continue talking. Obviously, Lu Ling didn't care about it, and there was no way to share her excitement.

She originally thought that Lu Ling would be very happy to have such ability.

Maybe... it's because Lu Ling is still at the beginning of cultivation, so she doesn't understand the preciousness of this ability.

It can only be explained that way.



Will Lu Ling be happy?

Not will.

She is incomparable to Liu Fufeng.

She knew her own affairs, and the reason why she could hurt Luo Ling was all because of her talent and something brought about by the reputation system.


Great World Prestige: 500 [Cultivation speed increased by 50%]

Prestige of Lingshan: 333 [Healing of the soul of the soul increases by 3.3%, and the calculation of the damage of the martial soul ignores the increase of the defense by 3.3%]


Although the damage of the ice cone of the Frost Curse is low, it can be regarded as a martial soul calculation, so it has a [-]% defense-breaking effect, which is nothing at all.

No matter from which point of view it is no big deal.

Lu Ling felt that she was pretending to ignore defense, don't forget that she had seen Liu Fufeng's talent before... Is her [-]% and Liu Fufeng's [-]% real damage comparable...

Can't compete at all.

When Lu Ling uses Martial Soul, she can forcefully cause a little damage, while Liu Fufeng, in the case of ignoring the enchantment, can ignore all defenses when her body comes into contact with any body protection aura, which is crushing in an absolute sense.

Moreover, Lu Ling felt that what Liu Fufeng was the same without physical contact.

So she got the same ability as her junior sister... No, she is really not happy about the weakened version.

Junior sister...the pressure on her is really too great.

Another point.

This kind of ignoring defense does not belong to her own power, Lu Ling is now vigilant against all forces beyond her control...

All the talents and abilities on Lu Ling's panel come from her own endowment, only this prestige system is an additional ability, as if... her system only had this ability from the beginning.

Although it is said that it will not be used, but the use... will definitely not rely on it.

This is Lu Ling's principle, so she will not be complacent because of the power that does not belong to her... It is really stupid.

Of course, Lu Ling is very happy that her ice technique has the power to transcend classes.

Lu Ling never thought that the eyes that Liu Fufeng gave her were also external forces.


[I only have the Ice Curse, which I have practiced [-]% of the time... I haven't had time to study the other spells carefully, so I won't continue. 】Lu Ling said.

"Is that so..." Luo Ling was a little disappointed, with such a strong talent, he couldn't freeze at all.

Lu Ling looked at Luo Ling's disappointment, her eyes moved, and she emphasized: [No, Senior Sister Gu Chenxi taught me some spells before the Void Transformation Realm, but I didn't practice them carefully. 】

"Understood." Luo Ling breathed out: "Go ahead."

She has great confidence in Lu Ling and feels that Lu Ling has other means.

If it is another monk, in Lu Ling's realm, he can perfectly use the Frost Curse. Although he is not at the top, it is quite amazing... I don't think she has other means, but Luo Ling does not I think so.

Most importantly, Lu Ling hasn't used her sword yet.

She didn't think that luxurious rapier would be a decoration.



Well, go ahead.

Lu Ling lowered her head, grasped the Xuanbing Sword that was exactly the same as Xueluo Qianhan, and poured spiritual power into it.

In an instant, the inside of the transparent rapier was infused with brilliance, as if it came alive.

Lu Ling seemed to be able to feel the eagerness to try on this sword... She knew that this was actually her own idea, but it's a pity...

Lu Ling looked at her white thighs under the little red skirt on the wheelchair.

She couldn't move, and couldn't even feel the existence of her body below the waist. If she wasn't very sensitive in the hot spring, she would even wonder if she was paralyzed.

If her lower body cannot move, then all her common sense of martial arts, including the various knowledge learned from the basic sword formulas of the Great Thousand World, can only use one or two points of strength. After all, she has no experience with sword intent and sword rhyme Ability, right can only try out basic sword skills.

If you don't have movement skills, you can't use it naturally.

Lu Ling can imagine that a "swordsman" like her without any a living target no matter how she fights.

Well, it's not like she's completely helpless. Li Wangsheng's sword scriptures contain a lot of defensive kendo, and she has already mastered a lot, which will be of great help, especially...

Lu Ling's expression was a little strange.

Especially the sword trick "Xuanjian Huashengshi" known by Lingshan people can temporarily resolve all the damage that she subjectively considers to be [harmful].

Isn't this invincible?


The opposite side is getting bigger, hide in quickly, I'm going to be invincible.


Lu Ling twitched her mouth as she thought of the scene she would see in the future.

Really... can't complain.

This can also be indirectly seen that Dongfang Lianren is very poisonous. It is written in the sword scriptures that it can only suppress the poison. After the invincibility duration expires, the poisoned person will still be poisoned.

It's a pity that she is not very proficient in this "invincible" move, otherwise she can use the hand of the elf to test where the limit of her defense is.

But it is also possible to test others.

"Ice? What's the matter with you? Why did you start to be in a daze while holding the sword? I don't think you are accumulating strength..." Luo Ling walked to Lu Ling and looked at Lu Ling closely.

When Lu Ling came back to her senses, an extremely beautiful woman suddenly appeared beside her, which made her stunned and almost didn't hold the sword.

[I'm fine. 】

"Oh, don't you want to test your sword?" Luo Ling retreated to a distance, standing there quietly, waiting for Lu Ling's "fortunate"

Her upper body is a loose maid's dress, and her lower body is a dress that can be shaped like leggings. When added together, it really gives Lu Ling a bit of a "modern look".

Looking at this elf, Lu Ling deeply experienced her charm...Under the sudden attack, she was a little moved.

Is this the love at first sight that Han Xue said?
Having said that, Lu Ling didn't have any big ideas.

Looking at Lu Ling, Luo Ling could feel that the power accumulated in her body was "huge" for him.

That kind of power made her tremble physically and mentally. It came from the suppression of the soul, and it was the power of Xuechen absorbed by Lu Ling.

Luo Ling didn't know how Lu Ling got this power, but because of Lu Ling's magic, she didn't think about Xueluo Qianhan...

If Lu Ling's body was a sword, she might think of Xueluo Qianhan, but it is obviously not impossible now, and Xuechen's power subconsciously surrendered to Lu Ling's original coldness, and this behavior was also the highest in her memory. The fairy sword is different.

It can only be regarded as the power of self-purification after Lu Ling's awakening.

"Han Bing, you'd better not use the cold energy that is entrenched in your body now... This kind of power is not easy to absorb, but its purity is very high, so use a little less, and it's best not to waste it on me." Luo Ling said.


Lu Ling nodded first, and then thought about what Luo Ling said.

The cold that doesn't belong to me...

Snow's power?
That's right, she has been using it for snow, this is the biggest waste.

It's not a big problem, just don't use it.

It's a pity, she originally wanted to find a place to release Xiaoxue's spiritual power earlier. After all, it is not a good thing to have so much external cold in her body.

stop there.

[I'll get ready. 】Lu Ling raised the Xuanbing sword.

"Yes." Luo Ling looked at Lu Ling expectantly.

Holding the sword, Lu Ling was thinking, which move should be used... the most proficient three-talent transformation?

Now she can control the input power to determine the size of the range of the transformation of the three talents, and there will be no waste of spiritual power.

But compared to others, this trick is actually the most important control effect. As long as you can't jump in space, once you are shrouded, you can only be controlled in place and let her bully... But now the test is her damage ability, control skills The damage is definitely lower than the pure damage.

After thinking about it, Lu Ling had a choice.

In the sword scriptures given by Li Wangsheng, apart from the imperfect and magic-oriented kendo, there are also sword techniques that he has fully mastered. This is the essence of Li Wangsheng's own kendo, and it is also what Lu Ling is mainly learning at this time. Tricks.

Nine is the ultimate technique, so there are only nine moves in total, and the three talents transforming life is the "three" among them.

The moves are very strong, and each move has a different power. Unfortunately... that uncle can't name, so Lu Ling turned over a set of Taoist-related names from memory and used them directly. The numbers from one to nine corresponded exactly.

Among the nine moves, the third move is control, and Lu Ling doesn't know which move hurts the most... After all, although Lu Ling has mastered all of them, the first few moves are the only ones she can use... So she can only start from The taller is the taller among the dwarfs.


Tai Chi is one.

Tai Chi practitioners are born of infinity, the mechanism of movement and stillness, the so-called yin and yang, firstly embodies the change of reality and reality in Tai Chi.This transformation of yin and yang, deficiency and reality must be carried out around a point.This point is "middle", which is the midline of the body.

What Lu Ling has to do is to find a move that deviates farthest from the "center line".

Sure enough, there is only [one] out of nine moves.

[Sister, the name of this trick is Taiji Wuji, it is the first trick. 】Lu Ling has made a choice and is a little more relaxed, but there is still doubt in her eyes.

To be honest, although she has learned it, she has never used it and doesn't understand it very well.

"Tai Chi? Promise? What's that?" Compared to Lu Ling's entanglement, Luo Ling was much more straightforward. He hadn't heard of it at all, and it was a bit bluffing to just listen to the name.

[It’s like this, the Tai Chi vitality, the three become one, the vitality starts from the child, before it is divided, the heaven, earth and people are mixed into one, so, in the way of deviation, if it is combined into one, it will have great power. 】

Lu Ling really explained it.

"????" Looking at the line of words that appeared in the air, Luo Ling was a little dazed, showing his true nature as a scumbag.

"Han Bing, what are you talking about... I know every word here, but I can't understand how to connect them..."

[That's what it says in the book. 】Lu Ling didn't know how to explain it to her, after all, some things can only be understood.

"Book? What book?"

【A lot of books. ] Lu Ling responded, and then... the state slowly changed.

She would talk so much to Luo Ling, not so much that she was doing superfluous things, but rather that she explained it to herself.

Revisiting before the battle, Lu Ling got a new explanation... Sure enough, only in actual combat can one understand the essence of moves.


It turned out to be the case.

Lu Ling closed her eyes, feeling the vitality between heaven and earth.

Yuan Qi, also called weather, is the origin of heaven and earth. Yuan Qi is the ancestor of all things. When Qi gathers, it takes shape and becomes a tangible object. When Qi disperses, it returns to the void, which is manifested as the disappearance of the object.

Therefore, the vitality that Lu Ling feels is actually the most original constituent substance in the world, an existence detached from aura.

It is a special power at the same level as the ultimate ability of space in the formation structure of heaven and earth.

Space is equivalent to the backbone of this small thousand world. There is an essential difference between the origin of space and earth, feng, shui and fire. Its importance is something that Hong Ling can't and dare not touch. It can even restrain two fairy swords. .

And the "vital energy" of the same level as it...

With this kind of power, Lu Ling is qualified to stand on the same starting line as Liu Fufeng.

(End of this chapter)

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