Chapter 804 0807
Among the bamboo groves, there was a big round table with a layer of enchantment erected on it. Inside were mouth-watering meals, and sitting outside were seductive beauties of all sizes.

The women in Lingshan have never disappointed in their beauty.

"Girl Qin is back." Dongfang Lianren said suddenly.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and they saw that Qin Qin was holding Shen Gui's left hand, and slowly walking towards this side while holding Shen Gui's right hand, while Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng followed behind each wearing a small padded jacket.

Shen Gui was squeezed between Qin Qin and Xu Xu like a child, his face full of impatience.

Seeing the fire in front of him, Shen Gui instantly shook off the hands of the two of them.

"Senior Sister." Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui dissatisfied.

"Afu, you've lost your temper again." Xu Xu sighed.

Shen Gui: "..."

She's not a child... If it wasn't because her cultivation was not stable enough to accept Xu Xu's competition, how could she have endured until now, but holding hands and walking all the way is already the limit, Xu Xu and Qin Qin also know this , didn't say anything more, and led Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng to walk over together.

"Uncle Dongfang...Master Tang..."

After everyone saluted, they merged into this noisy world.

"Qiu Yu, Senior Sister Shen is here." Yu Sixian whispered.

"En." Fang Qiuyu looked at the still chic girl not far away, nodded, then saw Tang Zheng, and immediately smiled: "Ah Zheng!"

"Sister Qiuyu!" Tang Zheng also walked over with a smile, whispering to Fang Qiuyu.

Tang Sheng was lying in Tang Keyu's arms, asking how her sister Lu was doing now.

Qin Qin sat down, and also whispered to Tang Keyu.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Xu Xu and Shen Gui, and nodded.

Xu Xu was still dressed in a goose-yellow mandarin jacket and skirt, with two spherical buns tied into her hair. Shen Gui was the same, with broken hair and Taoist robes, but this time she was carrying a silver sword all over her body.

Dongfang Lianren looked at the silver long sword, fear flashed in his eyes.

"Guier, didn't Miss Qin tell you to eat? What are you doing with your sword? It's your master's sword..."

This was Shen Canghai's previous sword, Dongfang Lian was not afraid of anything but Shen Canghai, she would never eat at the same table with Shen Canghai, even with a sword, she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Return to Martial Uncle." Shen Gui saluted, stood up and said, "Junior Junior Sister still lacks a handy sword in her experience, this sword... is very suitable for her."

It is very suitable, silver color, murderous, and Lu Ling's swordsmanship talent and those silver eyes are a perfect match.

"But, Shen... Will Senior Sister agree? This is her previous sword." Dongfang said pitifully.

Qin Qin who was on the side answered, "Don't worry, Master has not refused to give my senior sister what she wants. She is very obedient."

Shen Gui paused and nodded.

As a result, Dongfang Lianren couldn't say anything.

" are indeed very thoughtful."

"Master Uncle, where is Master Li? Afu and I will take a look first before taking a seat." Xu Xu said with uncontrollable excitement in his tone, and Shen Gui was the same.

They missed Li Zhuzi very much.

"It's in the kitchen." Han Xue said.

"Kitchen?" Xu Xu's eyes lit up, he grabbed Shen Gui and went to the kitchen.

through the crowd.

"Senior Sister Xu, Senior Sister Shen."

"Senior Sister Xu, good evening, Senior Sister Shen."

Both Zhao Yingge and Xifeng stood up and said, Xu Xu has helped them a lot these days... Although she knew that Xu Xu was doing it for Liu Fufeng's sake, but helping is helping.

"Okay, okay, you guys had a good time." Xu Xu nodded and left while grabbing Shen Gui.




Listening to Qin Qin's dissatisfied voice beside him, Tang Keyu shook his head: "Ruoyan, are you jealous?"

"...Afu Afu, only Senior Sister Xu can call you? As soon as I say it, I get anxious with me, I hate it to death." Qin Qin put her face on her face, feeling very uncomfortable.




Everything is peaceful.

Han Xue didn't get involved, just watched quietly like this.

In fact, compared to other people, Han Xue is the most withdrawn one, and the two girls in the family sit far away, so she has no one to talk to.

Sitting on the side, looking at the girl over there, smiling slightly.

Looking at the girls in her family, Han Xue smiled softly... Few people can see her side like this... In everyone's mind, she is either brainless or unfeminine...

Well, these are not important.

Han Xue looked at Feng Jiu's direction and blinked.

I don't know if Jue'er ate must have been, so I'll bring her some delicious food when I go back at night.

But today is... the night of the full moon.

Han Xue sighed and lowered his head.

Demons... Demons... all deserve to die.

This delicate-looking girl, her biggest wish is for the demons to disappear from the world... After seeing the cruelty of the demons, she has no kindness towards the demons.

Han Xue didn't expect to be as strong as the disappearance of the Sea Clan. As long as the Demon Clan was gone, the Human Clan could live a stable life.

People don't expect to be rich in the sea, and they can't live in it, and the number of sea people is small, and they don't look down on things on the mainland. The endless sea area is enough for them to squander, so for the sea people, some people occasionally fish by the sea... …is also perfectly acceptable.

The human race and the sea race can live in peace.

But the demons are different.

It is recorded in the book that they are cruel, bloodthirsty, and easy to kill. They took the initiative to set off countless disputes and wanted to completely exterminate the human race. In the end, they were driven out of the mainland by the fairy lord and entered the sealed place on the other side of Tianguangxu. The demons are probing the news of the human race, disturbing the stability of the human race, and thinking about returning to the current continent all the time...

They are the eternal enemies of the human race.

The meaning of the existence of the Xuanjing Division is to eliminate those monks who do evil, and to investigate the demons and demons... They are a sharp knife in the race war.

This was what Han Xue thought of, the only idea that could protect her own girl.

She is very chivalrous, when she left Lingshan to go to the Xuanjing Division, one reason was that she didn't want to understand the darkness of the human race too much, and the other reason was... that a cultivator like her is useless in itself, but she wants to protect useful people.

But after arriving at the Xuanjing Division, I didn't see many demons, but killed many evil cultivators of the human race, and saw more darkness.

Looking back now, Lingshan's past was the most beautiful thing in the world to her.

Definitely, definitely will get rid of the demons and return the human race to a stable living environment.

Han Xue looked at Lu Ling's room with hope in her eyes.

Jue'er said that both Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling have very strong talents... Maybe they are the second or third person who can reach the level of Snow Maiden or even Immortal Lord after Senior Sister Liu's hope.

These are their hopes.

As for the Spirit Race... Han Xue is really not hostile at all.

She grew up in Yifeng, almost under the eyes of Xihuang... In addition, the Lingzu and Lingshan have always been on good terms, with the red fish from Qifeng in the front and the Luo Xianhua people in the future, the Lingzu and Lingshan have long been inseparable each other.

So in the eyes of everyone, only the Demon Race is the enemy.

Almost all human races think so, wishing to let the demon race be wiped out.

Don't look at the occasional conflicts in private now, such as Dongshenhai and Shushan... But when it comes to the battlefield, the competition is not whose cultivation level is higher, but who kills more demons...

In the current world of cultivating immortals, the previous system of steady cultivation and final ascension has long since disappeared completely, leaving only the same hatred and hatred.

Do you say no clothes?In the same robe as the son.Wang Yuxing taught me to repair my spear.The same hatred with the son.

Same hatred.

Xuan Jingsi is like this, the head of Shushan is like this, Qionghua Holy Master is like this, the disciples of Fengliu usually don't show their mountains and dew, but in Tianguangxu, those people are more ruthless than Lingshan girl when they attack the demon seed many.

The same is true of the Great Sadness Valley. Although these monks are going to close the mountain now, but if there is a sign of a fight, they must be at the forefront... because they are [tough], and for Lingshan girls, they are the most secure These are the great monks who can protect them.

Needless to say, East Shenhai, Patriarch Mingyue guards the gate of Tianguangxu all year round, guarding against the escape of demon kings... Only now that Xihuang's avatar has replaced her, she can take a good rest .

It's not just these seemingly decent people who think so, even women like Dongfang Lianren and Su Luoxin, who are not good people, can't wait to tear the demons into pieces.

Especially Su Luoxin, this girl is the best disciple in the history of the Su family. Although she is obsessed with Lu You, she always has only one attitude towards the demons.


After knowing that Zen Master Duwo had crossed the demon, she brought a group of people to kill this human traitor directly.

It's a pity that Zen Master Duwo went to the Sea Clan's chassis at that time, and Su Luoxin was in vain.

And now there is no chance to kill her, Lu You wants to protect her, and with the return of the Zen master Na Wusan, he has successfully broken through to the fifth level of cultivation and destruction, and she can't beat Nan Wusan, so it's nothing.


Su Luoxin... Su Luoxin...

Han Xue thought silently in her heart.

She hasn't seen that woman for a long time.

The relationship between the two is actually pretty good.

Su Luoxin has always liked Lu You, it's no secret to her, now... Ah Ling suddenly became Lu You's daughter, Su Luoxin must feel bad.

However, Han Xue thought that with that woman's temperament, she might be thinking of becoming Lu Ling's stepmother so that she could take advantage of her junior brother.


Yihua Palace, at the highest point, is majestic and ethereal like a fairy.

Behind the hall is a vegetation area covering the entire mountain. It is full of extremely hallucinogenic heart-changing flowers. The bright red blood-like flowers glow like a hazy moon in the sun. Beautiful things are fatal.

The heart-changing flower has extremely deadly toxicity, as well as fascination and hallucination effects that even monks cannot resist. It is beautiful, but it is also full of danger. It is one of the most dangerous flowers in the world of cultivating immortals. Be extremely careful, you may be tricked if you don't pay attention.

At this time, in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, a woman in red opened her eyes, stretched out her hand to catch the meteor flying from the sky, and opened her palm, it was a jade slip.

After simply reading the information, the woman came out from the sea of ​​flowers. She was wearing a blood-red dress with a bold tube top, revealing her fair and plump body. The tail of the skirt was long and dragged in the sea of ​​flowers. Her tight legs were faintly visible, she turned and went back to her room, took off her clothes, and just bathed in the hall.

The walls of the palace were covered with portraits of Lu Ling and Zhu Mingxiang. There was no hostility in the women's eyes, but they were all hot.

Junior brother... No, the palace lord has two more daughters, she is very happy.

One, the Palace Master finally found his daughter, and she must be happy in her heart. If the Palace Master is happy, she will be happy. Even if the Palace Master asks Lu Ling and Zhu Mingxiang to be the Palace Masters of Yihua Palace, she has no objection and will assist her well. of.


If you can fool the two princesses into calling you mother...then...

Thinking about it, the girl buried her body in the water, her skin was ruddy, obviously she was extremely ashamed.

Suddenly, Su Luoxin got out of the water, and there was a small bruised footprint on her fair shoulder. She stroked her shoulder and gritted her teeth.

This is what that woman Nan Wusan left for her. It has been corroded by the Buddha's light, and it has not been cured until now... It hurts so much.

If this imprint is not removed for a day, she will have no face to meet her beloved Palace Master, she really hates it to death.

At present, perhaps only the fairies of Lingshan can help her.



I wonder how that girl Han Xue is doing in Lingshan now?Maybe he can find Fairy Lingshan through her to help heal.

But the palace lord is in Lingshan now, so he can't go now.

Su Luoxin had another idea.

Since Han Xue is from Lingshan, she might know Lu Ling. Even if she doesn't know Lu Ling, the Palace Master said that Zhu Mingxiang will go to Lingshan, so she has to find a way to let Han Xue speak well of herself in front of Lu Ling and Zhu Mingxiang. .

And I have to change my style, preferably one that makes people think of my mother at a glance.

Smiling excitedly, he didn't want to take a bath anymore, and wanted to change his image as soon as possible, jumped out of the water, wrapped in a layer of heart-changing flowers, and left happily.

She really admired Lu You very much.



In the kitchen, Li Zhuzi was busy when the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Master Li!" Xu Xu immediately surrounded him.

"Master Li." Shen Gui stood behind him, looked at the woman with short ponytail in an apron, and smiled.

It's good to see the teacher again.

"Oh, it's you." Li Zhuzi glanced back, his eyes flicked over the silver long sword behind Shen Gui, and a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

Then he said, "Just go outside and wait for something to eat."

Slowly sniffing the wonderful smell in the house, revealing a bit of intoxication.

"No, Master Li, I'm here to help you."


Before Li Zhuzi could speak, Shen Gui's face darkened.

She is here to eat the dishes prepared by Master Li himself, so she cannot let her senior sister pollute the dishes on this table, especially Master Li's dishes...

"Do you want to help me?" Li Zhuzi also had a strange expression on his face.

"of course."


Shen Gui and Xu Xu said in unison.

After finishing speaking, Xu Xu looked at Shen Gui with dissatisfaction.

"Junior Sister, what do you mean?"

Shen Gui: "..."

What do I mean, don't you have a point in your heart...

(End of this chapter)

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