Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 805 Spirit Road

Chapter 805 Spirit Road
In the end, Xu Xu still didn't get what he wanted, and was dragged away from the kitchen by Shen Gui.

In the snow, there were only two people, and the lights were dimly lit, pulling the shadows of Shen Gui and Xu Xu in all directions.

In the distance are the laughter of the sisters, but the surroundings are surrounded by silence.

"Afu, what are you doing..." Xu Xu looked at Shen Gui dissatisfied.

"I know that my cooking is not good, but I just want to help Master Li... I can still chop vegetables, why do you have to drag me away, obviously you can't eat the vegetables I cook."

This is true.

Others treat Xu Xu's meals with respect, but Shen Gui grew up with snacks...

Shen Gui didn't speak, and let Xu Xu vent first, and Xu Xu didn't get used to her either.

"I said Afu, do you know more now and start to dislike me?" Xu Xu narrowed his eyes, the bun on his head shook, and his eyes gradually turned red.Among them, there is a lotus flower slowly opening.

"That's right, with Junior Sister Qin's good cooking skills, it's normal to start to dislike me."

Shen Gui: "..."

She didn't know what to say.

Although Xu Xu's food was not tasty, Shen Gui would not dislike her... In any case, she grew up as a snack.

What she didn't understand even more was why the senior sister's mood changed so much today, it was just a small matter, and she actually wanted to fight with herself...

what happened?

Xu Xu, she knows it all too well.

And light and dust?From Shen Gui's point of view, Xu Xu's loneliness is actually more serious than his own. Don't look at her calling "Afu" and "Afu" in front of him. In fact, when they were in Tianguangxu, Xu Xu and Shen Gui's overbearing is different, she is known for being cold...

As for whether to argue or not, that also depends on the person.

At least Shen Gui knows that the senior sister who is indisputable with others has always been absolutely, absolutely unwilling to be weaker than her... Then, why did she lose when she knew that she was definitely not her opponent in the current situation?
Shen Gui didn't understand.

Xu Xu still had that heartless look in front of her, and she had been smiling almost coquettishly before...but Shen Gui had already sensed that something was wrong.

"Senior Sister, what happened?" Shen Gui asked.

She didn't respond to Xu Xu at all if she disliked her words...

Because it is not necessary.

The senior sister naturally knows this too.

Xu Xu was silent, and arrived after a while: "...I'm sorry, I..."

As he said that, Xu Xu's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he took a few steps forward lightly, the light red under his feet evaporated all the snow.

"I'm not happy." The girl turned her head.

"En." Shen Gui nodded, "I know."

Hearing Shen Gui's words, Xu Xu was stunned for a moment, then sighed slightly: "Junior Sister, since you know, why don't you let me stay by Master Li's side, at least... I can restrain myself very well by her side."

The senior sister finally stopped calling herself Afu, but Shen Gui did not have any psychological fluctuations, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes.

"So it is."

"So what is it?" Xu Xu tilted his head and looked at Shen Gui: "Junior Sister, you can use cultivation to escape, why can't I? I know it, you really want to see that senior next door..."

She was talking about the woman in purple who lived in Li Zhuzi's other courtyard.

"Actually, it's okay." Shen Gui didn't deny it, but he didn't admit it either: "The past can be forgotten, but I don't hate to reserve a place for her."

"No wonder." Xu Xu nodded: "No wonder you have already broken through to the reincarnation realm, Junior Sister..."

"Senior Sister, are you still the same?" Shen Gui looked at the lotus flowers around Xu Xu, from here she realized that she lost to Xu Xu again.

She originally thought that with the all-encompassing cold air bonus, she should have broken through to the reincarnated state one step earlier than Xu Xu, but now it seems that the senior sister has broken through early...

When did Shen Gui probably understand.

"It's the same." Xu Xu jumped in front of Shen Gui, and looked closely at the short-haired girl with a sword on her back in front of her: "Using the disappearance of my junior sister to break through, but still a bit slower than Dongfang Linglong, what is there to be proud of?" of."

"..." Shen Gui had nothing to say.

Sure enough, the reason why the senior sister is in a bad mood is very simple, because of Liu Fufeng.

"It really is because of her?" Shen Gui said.

"That's right, a junior sister who can't even say her name because of the ban." Xu Xu bowed her head.

She was worried about Liu Fufeng all the she helped Jiufeng in all matters, otherwise, did she really think that the aura given to Xifeng by the city lord of Luoyan City would really make her feel like a fish in water in Lingshan?

Where is it so simple.

On Lingshan, there are still fights that should be there, but they can't see them... brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone a group of women, fights exist all the time.

"I think, Senior Sister, you need to adjust your mentality." Shen Gui said truthfully, it is an established fact that Liu Fufeng disappeared, and the higher-ups are at a loss, let alone them. What should be done now is to look for it, not to be immersed in past relationships.

"Of course I know what you mean, Afu." Xu Xu smiled stiffly: "But, how can it be that simple? I'm already working hard."

She is already working on it.

At least in the eyes of others, her changes are not as great as Fang Qiuyu's.

This is Xu Xu's limit.

Shen Gui also understood this, she had nothing to say.

At least, the senior sister is still willing to say these things in front of her... It's better than holding it back alone.

What should I do now?
I can't comfort people either.

Shen Gui hesitated, and grasped the hilt of the sword that was emitting silver light from his back...

Or, fight with senior sister?
Shen Gui never thought that one day he would have so many worries about fighting, which is also a strange thing.


Just when Shen Gui had weird writing all over his face, Xu Xu suddenly laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, what's your expression?"

Shen Gui: "..."

I am concerned about you, why are you laughing...

His face twitched, Shen Gui really wanted to compete with her...

"Okay, after talking to you, Afu, I feel much more at ease." Xu Xu hugged Shen Gui's arm: "That's it, I'm not the kind of person who is always sentimental."

Shen Gui wanted to shake off Xu Xu's hand, but looking at Xu Xu's delicate and smiling side face, he sighed and let her hold her like this.

With a smile on the corner of Xu Xu's mouth: "Good boy."

Shen Gui narrowed his eyes.

Xu Xu also realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately changed the subject: "You don't have to worry too much about me, you must know that A Ling is still there, and I have to take good care of A Ling for Junior Sister Liu. She is a completely different person now, but at least she is It's changed for the better."

"If you want to say who will hurt the most by the departure of the junior sister, it must be Ah Ling... She can come out, how can I, a senior sister, not come out?" Xu Xu continued: "Besides, whether it is me or Fang Shimei You must all understand one thing, that is, don’t bring negative emotions to Ah Ling... This is the bottom line, don’t you see that all the junior sisters and uncles are creating a harmonious atmosphere?”

Shen Gui nodded.

It's good that the senior sister understands this.

Xu Xu said: "Okay, Master Li's dinner is about to be ready, let's call Ah Ling... I haven't seen her for a long time."

"En." Shen Gui tilted his head, looked at the hilt of the sword on his shoulder, and nodded.

The two walked towards Lu Ling's room, and at the same time, Xu Xu had recovered the previous ease.

"Afu, now that you have broken through to the realm of rebirth, you don't need to rely on your body as a medium to absorb spiritual energy into your soul. That is to say, the spiritual path can be closed. Don't forget about this. My advice to you." Xu Xu said seriously: "You're going to have trouble this month..."

Shen Gui was taken aback.

Is there any such statement?
and many more.

Although I said that I am used to it, but what the senior sister said is right... She has already broken through, and the spiritual path of the body does not matter, so it can indeed be turned off.

Just how to close...

She won't.

Shen Gui really couldn't.

She didn't understand these things when she was a child... She learned it from Qin Qin, the "senior sister" at that time... And there is nothing complicated, it is the same every month, and Shen Gui has already given this matter to her. forget……

Now it suddenly says to turn it to turn it off?
Can it still be closed? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?
Xu Xu didn't notice Shen Gui's stiff expression, and was still talking: "I just broke through and didn't realize it, and it's been a few months of trouble, but I have to say, it still feels very strange that the spiritual path is suddenly cut off... no There is a saying, will it be cut off when you are pregnant? Afu, your body is cold, if you can save one month of pain, you will save one month of pain, pay attention to yourself."

Shen Gui is different from her, he has an ice-type physique, and his health was not good when he was a child, so... when Guishui comes, he will feel unbearable pain.

It's just that Shen Gui endured it all the time, and others couldn't see anything wrong, but she felt distressed watching it.

Slowly speaking, sticking out her tongue.

Shen Gui looked at Xu Xu with puzzled eyes, which made Xu Xu stunned.

"What are you looking at me for?" After being confused, Xu Xu recalled the previous words, and said vigilantly: "I have broken the spiritual path but am not pregnant, what are you doing..."

"..." Shen Gui sighed.

Forget it.

She had an intuition that it would be very troublesome to ask this senior sister how to break the spiritual path.

Go read the book when you have time, it should be written in it.

As for the people around him, neither Xu Xu nor Qin Qin are "good people".

And let Shen Gui open his mouth to ask Li Zhuzi...then it would be better to let her die.

It's too embarrassing to be a woman who doesn't understand anything.

"???" Xu Xu was still at a loss.

"I'm really not pregnant, Afu, what kind of eyes do you have..."



In Lu Ling's room.

Lu Ling checked her body and found nothing abnormal in her meridians...but her spirit tensed up.

There was a sense of restlessness and restlessness, which Lu Ling could understand. It might be caused by a sudden change of mentality... But the point is that she felt a slight feeling of wanting to vomit, and at the same time, she also had a strange numbness, swelling and pain in her back. feel……

Sitting there, Lu Ling curled her fingers unconsciously.

The lower abdomen also hurts.

It's like joint pain. I know it's uncomfortable, but it's a dull pain that can't be found.

No way... isn't she a cultivator?

Obviously, the little girl's current state is very wrong.

There is only one possibility, and that is to eat a bad stomach...

Lu Ling's complexion was very bad at this time.

Just devouring a small spiritual fruit caused her such a painful feeling, so if it is something "other", why don't you die in pain?

Lu Ling thought about it, and it wasn't a big problem.

It's just that she can accept the simple pain, after all, the pain will not kill her, and she can clearly feel that after eating the fruit, her inspiration is much more sensitive.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling took a deep breath and started "Jianyan Jue".

Immediately, the vortex of spiritual power slowly rotated around Lu Ling like a nebula.

After a while, Lu Ling let out a breath of cold air and opened her eyes.

There was a little pain between the brows, but a little surprise could be seen on Lu Ling's face when she was struggling.

what happened?

Why did her cultivation speed increase by [-]% out of thin air?
A full twenty percent.

Lu Ling could clearly feel that the spiritual power in her dantian had increased by a layer visible to the naked eye... This is an incredible addition to cultivation.

So logically, Lu Ling attributed it to the [buff] brought by eating that spiritual fruit.

Lu Ling smiled happily.

If there is such a blessing, a little bit of pain is nothing at all.

As for the duration of the [buff], Lu Ling has not felt any weakness for the time being, that is to say, at least it is calculated according to the sky... and it is not only about cultivation, but after the inspiration is opened, Lu Ling can clearly feel that she is The efficiency of communicating the vitality of the world has also been improved. Presumably, this is how Senior Sister Shen is blessed by her ice aura.

Lu Ling once regretted that she couldn't enjoy her own bonus, but now it seems that she didn't eat "food".

The girl smiled, her beauty spot was very tempting.

Sure enough, the power given to her by God is for her to use.

From here on, the girl becomes so feminine.

The bad thing suddenly turned into a good thing, Lu Ling was very happy.

In this way, the next secret realm cultivation will be more confident.

Lu Ling looked down at her left wrist, a light blue transparent crystal bracelet quietly stayed there, the light blue alone matched with Lu Ling's slightly sickly fairness, it matched very well.

The weapon thing is also settled.

Luo Ling gave her the mysterious ice sword.

Lu Ling also knew how to use it, and this sword was not only strong enough, it was worn on the body, and the left wrist near the heart would also be warmed by her aura.

Lu Ling raised her hand, opened her palm, a blue light flashed, and a crystal clear rapier exactly like Xueluo Qianhan appeared in Lu Ling's palm. Immediately, the room was illuminated with azure blue.

It was a feeling of being connected by blood.

Lu Ling felt full of fighting spirit.

Everything is going in the right direction... the best thing ever.

At this moment, Lu Ling heard footsteps coming from outside, and was taken aback for a moment, the Xuanbing Sword reappeared on her wrist as a bracelet.

Lu Ling looked down at herself.

Wearing light red pajamas, obviously, he can't go out to eat yet.

Is it sir?

Not long after, the barrier was touched, and there was a knock on the door.

"A Ling? It's me, you, Senior Sister Shen, and I are here."

girl's voice.

Lu Ling frowned.

Senior Sister Xu and Senior Sister Shen?
(End of this chapter)

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