Chapter 807 Growth
It's snowing and it's cold?

How could it be Xueluo Qianhan?

Xu Xu looked at the radiant and blue woman's rapier in Lu Ling's hand like the blue sky after the rain, her eyes were already filled with shock.

For a moment, the room was filled with lights of different colors emitted by "Xue Luo Qian Han" and "July Seven".

Xueluo Qianhan... Hasn't it already malfunctioned?
After Xu Xu was shocked, various thoughts flashed through his mind for the first time.

First of all, as Elder Sister Yifeng, Xu Xu is the same as Luo Xian. Most of the secrets of Lingshan are not secrets to them... Naturally, she has seen Xueluo Qianhan, and she has long known that Lu Ling is of the blood of ice. , even...Xu Xu guessed that Liu Fufeng was a space talent one step earlier than Master Luanfeng.

Therefore, she subconsciously thought that the ice blood had awakened the sleeping fairy sword.

After all, Lu Ling has had close contact with the fairy sword.

But this idea was only taken back by her for a moment.


This is not a fairy sword.

After Xu Xu had such an idea, he looked over.


Although the appearance of this Xuanbing Sword was exactly the same as Xueluo Qianhan's, and it was even full of aura, it couldn't give her the oppressive feeling that came from the soul when she saw the fairy sword back then.

Just the same shape.

Xu Xu quickly came to a conclusion.


Lu Ling looked at Senior Sister Xu's expression from the side, and there was no fluctuation on her face.

It was within his expectation that the senior sister could recognize Xueluo Qianhan, but it would be better to say that if the senior sister didn't know Lu Ling, he would wonder if something went wrong.

But since she took it out, there is a suitable explanation...

And if Lu Ling knew that Xu Xu couldn't judge the authenticity of the fairy sword from the aura, but only from the sense of oppression, Lu Ling would probably laugh out loud.

Is that Xuechen who only licks her fingers?

How can that little girl feel oppressed?

Although I know what the fairy sword means.

But Lu Ling is no longer stupid.

Li Zhuzi never avoids her deliberately when talking about some things, this is to make Lu Ling have a more trustworthy sense of the surroundings, so Lu Ling knows all the irrelevant things.

For example... the matter of Xueluo Qianhan.

Obviously, this so-called fairy sword is not that important in the hearts of everyone in Lingshan... Although Lu Ling knew that it might be caused by a malfunction, this undoubtedly made Lu Ling's emphasis on the fairy sword drop by a level.

After all, compared with Shushan's Immortal Sword, Xuechen is a proper child.

Lu Ling put down July Seventh, and lightly stroked the blade of the Xuanbing Sword.

The sharp blade could not cause the slightest scar on her body.

In fact, if the two fairy swords were really put together, then the fake one would be more real than the real one, for no other reason than that it was the Xuanbing sword that Lu Ling was holding in her hand.

Lu Ling said it was Xueluoqianhan, so it was.

However, it is obvious that not only other people will not believe this matter, even Lu Ling has not discovered the essence of the matter, and even she thinks that what she has in her hands is a "fake". Under such circumstances, Xuechen is naturally unwilling to possess on fakes.

That young girl has a taste now... Before, she just wanted to be held by her master, any sword was the same, but now... Lu Ling hugs her all day, this is a more intimate behavior than her master back then, so naturally Just look down on Fu Ling's low-level self-deception.



Watching Lu Ling put down July [-]th, the originally balanced silver was completely covered by ice blue.

Nod slowly.

It seems that it's not that the two swords are equally good, it's just... because the user is Lu Ling.

sword master...

What kind of talent is this?
Is it similar to my own innate fire spirit body, or is it a special kind of heaven?Is it the same heavenly family as Shushan Sikong Sword's upright energy to protect the body from the devil's energy?

Xu Xu is more in favor of being the savior of heaven.

She looked at Ah Ling whose body was gradually growing apart... sighed softly.

A girl blessed by heaven.

Unfortunately, ill-fated.

"Aling, the aura of this sword is the strongest I have ever seen, except for Xueluo Qianhan. It is indeed more suitable for using the ice method. In this way, the Qi Yueqi is weaker in terms of pure sword aura. A lot." Xu Xu said.

Lu Ling nodded.

It's not a big problem, Xu Xu feels that Lu Ling won't be able to practice dual cultivation for too long, and sooner or later she still has to find her own path, whether it's a spiritual sword like Lingshan, pure sword energy like Shushan, or a combination of the two like Shen Gui , but Xu Xu thinks that it is impossible to be similar to Shen Gui. After all, Afu's swordsmanship came out by herself, so it is difficult to pass it on to others.

After all, if we talk about successors, Mr. Xiao is most amazed by Shen Gui's excellence... even above the sword master Lu Ling.

But after the comparison, the Killing God found that his way was less suitable than Shen Gui's way.

It is difficult to have a true successor for something like the way of the sword.

So Xu Xu thought that Lu Ling had to walk her own path in the end.

"A Ling, this it?" Xu Xu still asked.

She didn't want to ask at first, but for Lu Ling... After Liu Fufeng left, she had already regarded him as her younger sister. What she cared about was not Immortal Sword, but Lu Ling.

Lu Ling had already expected it, picked up the pen and started writing.

Slowly leaning over, bent down to look at the little girl's serious look.

Looking at Lu Ling's serious profile.

Seriousness is when a person is most attractive, such as Lu Ling at this time, without squinting.

Looking at her fonts, you can see that her fonts have changed from simple and neat to elegant, and even began to have their own shape.

Xu Xu froze for a moment.

Only then did she realize how fast Lu Ling had made progress.

The jump in cultivation is not due to Lu Ling's talent, but also shows the little girl's hard work in cultivation... On top of this, Lu Ling's piano skills are also steadily improving, and Junior Sister Qin is very unusual for this proud.

Not only that, Lu Ling still has time to practice calligraphy...

For a moment, Xu Xu didn't think he should be shocked, but felt distressed.

Junior Sister did you do.


For a while, Xu Xu's attention was no longer on what Lu Ling was writing, and she looked at Lu Ling from all directions.

After looking at it, I realized that Lu Ling has changed a lot in all aspects. First, she lost her childishness, and now Lu Ling is not a loli but a girl. As a woman, Xu Xu's eyesight is naturally very poisonous.

She skipped over Lu Ling's chest.

The little girl was still wearing a light red pajamas, so Xu Xu could see what should be seen and what should not be seen as long as she lowered her head.

Aya...has started to grow too.

I'm afraid this dull girl hasn't noticed it yet.

and many more……

Xu Xu's nose moved.

She didn't notice it at close range before, but now that she is close to Lu Ling, what she smells is not only the fresh saponins of the little girl and the fragrance of the girl, but also a slightly cool fragrance.

The spiritual power around Ah Ling fluctuated abnormally?

A gleam of joy and strangeness appeared on Xu Xu's face, she blinked, and her pupils turned fiery red in an instant, and the dark pupils turned into a spinning fiery lotus.

Pupil surgery.

The pupil technique that comes with the innate spirit body can see through the essence of most things.

Xu Xu stepped back a little bit, staring at Lu Ling's body.

Sure enough, a lot of ice elements were attached to Lu Ling's body, and she was still subconsciously absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and as a woman, she was most familiar with this situation.

Slowly closing her pupil technique, she looked at Lu Ling and sighed softly.

It turns out that Ah Ling has really grown up...

Xu Xu's mood was complicated for a while.

She believed that Lu Ling didn't know what she was about to face at all... The reason was very simple, because Liu Fufeng hadn't taught her yet.

In the past, Junior Sister Liu liked to talk to her most about Lu Ling, including the fact that A Ling was looking forward to her transforming into a girl... Now, Lu Ling's originally weak body has been filled up again, but the last Liu Fufeng who wanted to see this scene disappeared.

The haze just passed by in a flash, and he gradually became happy again.

This is a necessary stage in a woman's life...

It is also a proof of Ah Ling's growth, no matter what happens, it is something to be happy about.

Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling, showing a slightly kind aunt's smile, it was a doting and loving smile.


Should I teach, or let Junior Sister Qin come... Or Xifeng?

Ah Ling used to be thin-skinned, would it be okay to just talk about this kind of thing?

Xu Xu was thinking.



After a while, Lu Ling put down her pen.

Just now, she felt a hot spiritual force behind her, and for a moment she thought that Xu Xu was going to harm her, so her whole body was tense... But fortunately, the other party was just in a daze, but Lu Ling knew it was not an illusion, so at this time Trying to keep breathing.

She thought it was because of the fairy sword, so she explained it in great detail on paper.

And the way Lu Ling wanted to explain it was also very simple.

Just say that it was the imitation given by Luo Ling. Anyway, Luo Ling is an elf...and everyone who knows me knows shouldn't be a big problem.

Lu Ling thought so.

She felt that after writing for so long, the senior sister should understand.

Lu Ling turned her head.

What he saw was Xu Xu who was standing in place and wandering in the sky.

The goose-yellow mandarin jacket and Xu Xu's dazed look on the bun's head are surprisingly cute.

A trace of anger flashed across Lu Ling's face.

What's the situation... aren't you waiting for yourself to explain?

Lu Ling continued to wait.

One second...two seconds...

1 minutes passed.

Xu Xu was still in a daze, and occasionally "smirked".

Anyway, in Lu Ling's eyes, this is just a smirk.

Lu Ling couldn't bear it anymore, she raised her hand and tugged at Xu Xu's skirt.



Lu Ling tried harder.

In return, a soft female exclamation was heard.

Xu Xu looked at her skirt that had been taken off, quickly arranged her clothes, covered her bare waist, and then looked at Lu Ling: "A Ling, what are you doing?"

Lu Ling: "..."

Lu Ling pointed to the paper that she had written several hundred words on.

Slowly startled.

Oops, forgot.


What could be greater than the growth of a junior junior sister?So now Xu Xu doesn't care about Lu Ling's sword at all... She just thinks about how to popularize science for Lu Ling. Let's just say it because I'm afraid the little girl has a thin skin, but there are no such popular science books on Lingshan... Xu Xu himself is the guardian of the book garden, so he naturally knows that such things cannot be recorded in the book, and the master taught them bit by bit.

Therefore, Lu Ling has read so many books and has not seen anything about the female Tiangui, and she has only a memory of the world. If she does not search, it is not much different from having none.

So Lu Ling is just a pure novice, who regards the smooth spiritual path brought by Tiangui's arrival as the [buff] brought by eating the ice essence.

Slightly ridiculous.


"Ah... I forgot about this." Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling apologetically.

? ? ? ?

Sister, what's the matter with you.

Lu Ling was at a loss for a moment... Why, isn't the matter of owning the fairy sword not a high enough priority?

Lu Ling's body was a little stiff.

The priority is even higher than this... Could it be that his identity has been discovered?
It has to be said that Lu Ling's current mental state is too tense, and she is afraid of her identity being discovered all day long.

Her cultivation is still too low, and there are a group of elders on Lingshan, so it is inevitable to worry.

This also shows that Lu Ling's days in Lingshan are dwindling day by day. After all... Only when she leaves Lingshan can she feel a sense of security.

When she was nervous, Lu Ling handed her paper to Xu Xu.

After Xu Xu took it, he briefly glanced at it.

Oh, it turned out to be the elf.



The above is Xu Xu's psychology.


Really gone.

If it was given by the elf, then it is normal and not a big deal.

Therefore, Xu Xu returned the paper to Lu Ling, but in Lu Ling's eyes, Xu Xu just glanced at it briefly and stopped thinking about it.

What's the situation.

Xu Xu cleared his throat and was prepared.

She doesn't need to talk to Lu Ling about the specific things first, but she still needs to be mentally prepared, so she needs to talk to Lu Ling about the spiritual path.

She is familiar with the road, and she and Qin Qin taught Shen Gui back then.

This is also the dark history of Shen Gui.

"Aling, put away your sword first, my sister has something to tell you." Xu Xu said.

Lu Ling; "..."

Withdraw the sword...

"??? Ah Ling, what's the matter with you?" Looking at Lu Ling's obvious stiffness, she frowned slowly, but soon relaxed: "Also, it's normal to feel suddenly anxious during this period of time, especially just now. The first few years of coming will get used to it later on."

After finishing speaking, Xu Xu touched Lu Ling's hair affectionately.

Lu Ling: "..."

Now I am completely dumbfounded.

But she could see that the senior sister didn't have any malice towards her, at least not for now.

And even if there is, is she the opponent with the sword?

how is this possible.

Lu Ling deeply understands what it means to be controlled by others, which also makes her yearn for strength even more, and also wants to leave Lingshan as soon as possible.

Obviously, for Lu Ling, Lingshan is no longer her "home" since her junior sister disappeared.

She is homeless again.

This time it was real homelessness.

Lu Ling thought, the ice sword in her hand turned into a bracelet, and Lu Ling put it on the table on July [-]th.

Seeing Lu Ling's obedient appearance, she sat down slowly and looked at Lu Ling solemnly.

"Aling, what I'm going to say next is very important, so listen carefully."

Seeing Xu Xu's dignified expression, Lu Ling nodded

Xu Xu spoke softly: "A Ling, do you know Tiangui?"

Lu Ling:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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