Chapter 808


Seeing Xu Xu's dignified face and strange eyes, Lu Ling frowned slightly.


She had heard the word before.

It's... from my junior sister.

She said that she would explain to herself in the future, but then there was no news.

"Have you heard?" Seeing Lu Ling's reaction, Xu Xu was also a little surprised, and pushed the pen and paper to Lu Ling: "Then think about it."

Lu Ling nodded.

Start thinking.



In fact, if you talk about Tiankui, Lu Ling might understand a little bit... After all, she read it when she was looking up the memory of the novel before. Although she didn't understand it carefully, she did have an impression.

Tiangui is the opposite.

But in fact, this word really means Tiangui... The so-called Tiankui is actually a kind of grass.



No matter how witty Lu Ling is, it is impossible to connect too much with such a word.

And subconsciously, because she asked slowly, she was just thinking about the knowledge she learned after she was on Lingshan.

And Lu Ling, on the other hand, still knows something about Gui.

While thinking, write at the same time.

Xu Xu saw that Lu Ling had really started to write, she was surprised and relieved, it seems that Ah Ling didn't know everything.

But when Xu Xu went over to read what Lu Ling had written, he was really at a loss.

[Ten heavenly stems include A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui, which respectively refer to the five elements and the four directions. Among them, Gui is the tenth of the heavenly stems, and also represents the tenth in the sequence. , which is the last place...]


Ah Ling, what are you writing... I can't understand at all...

Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling's serious expression, blinked, and then began to doubt.

Could it be... is my problem?

Is it because I don't understand her world? ?

Gradually began to doubt himself.

And Lu Ling didn't realize at all that Xu Xu was in a daze, still writing, and getting better.

Not to mention, the knowledge about gossip and Tai Chi that she has been cramming recently really has an element about Gui, so Lu Ling wrote it effortlessly.

[The upper and lower four directions are the universe, and the past and present are the universe. Among them, there are five directions, the central Wuji soil, the western Gengxin gold, the eastern Jiayi wood, the southern Bingding fire, the northern Rengui water, and the north belongs to water. Therefore, Gui, there is Gui water. say. ] Lu Ling wrote.

Gui... Gui water?
Xu Xu's eyes were in confusion.

This... seems right?


what happened.

Xu Xu originally thought that Lu Ling didn't understand anything, but it seemed that she knew more than herself. What about going up and down... Although she didn't understand it very well, it sounded very powerful and mysterious.

But in the final analysis, I still don't really understand.


Of course it's great.

What Lu Ling is writing now is related to the universe, which is the essence of this world. If it is in a world with special rules, Lu Ling can be sanctified immediately with this delicate handwriting.

It's a pity that now Lu Ling just wrote it for Xu Xu to read, and when it's time to sort it out, Lu Ling will burn these papers with fire... So no one else can see it except Xu Xu.

And Xu Xu was originally going to interrupt Lu Ling, but now that the word Gui Shui came out, Xu Xu began to suspect that it was she who didn't understand anything, not Lu Ling.

After a long time, it turns out that I am illiterate? ? ?

It's not that she doesn't know the meaning of Guishui, but she gradually knew it from medical books. In the human body, Guishui replaces the kidneys. The disease is more hot.

Therefore, seeing Lu Ling keep so many great principles out of his hands, everyone would be skeptical.

So Xu Xu kept blinking, watching Lu Ling take the lead.

[Gui, longevity is in Mao; bathing is in Yin; the crown is in Chou; the official is in Zi; the emperor is prosperous in Hai; the decline is in Xu; the disease is in You; the death is in Shen; the tomb is in Wei; the end is in Wu; the fetus is in Si; Raised in Chen...]

This is Qimen Dunjia.


【Water, there are Guishui and Renshui. Guishui is the water of rain and dew. It has the god of gasification. Like Renshui, it belongs to Kan hexagram. It is rain and dew in the sky, spring water in the earth, and spring rain, which breeds all things. Its nature is quiet and soft. 】

This is the explanation in the hexagram.


Lu Ling didn't stop writing, rubbed her wrist, and continued to write: [In some sayings, Gui also represents spirituality, understanding...]

Seeing this, Xu Xu's eyes lit up.

Yes, this is it.

When Guishui arrives, the spiritual path is opened. Doesn’t it represent spirituality and understanding in a sense?

Look, I'm not illiterate...

Xu Xu was sure from here that A Ling didn't know nothing, but knew too much, but in this way, she might really not know what Tiangui she was talking about...

Forget it.

I can be regarded as a long-term knowledge.

Xu Xu memorized all the knowledge about water.

She is of the fire sign, so she doesn't quite understand it, but it's a pity that Afu left too fast, otherwise maybe Afu could understand.

I don't know where this little girl got so much strange and mottled knowledge...

and many more.


Could it be... the Snow Maiden?

Xu Xu looked at the increasingly mature girl, and began to wonder whether the ice blood was inherited from the Snow Maiden.

And, the more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Put away the contempt, and when Xu Xu is serious, he has a vivid memory, so Lu Ling, who has obtained the essence from various classics of the Book of Changes, is remembered by her senior sister.



[Kui water belongs to the water of pure yin and softness, which can nourish and nourish all things.When Guishui sees Wutu, it can also turn into fire due to the five combinations of Wugui and Guishui. Guishui is the weakest water, but it can reach Tianjin, where it can grow wood, make fire, moisten soil, and pan for gold.If only the word Guishui is used, it may be possible to make the above discussion. 】

He wrote down everything in one breath, then he was about to put down the pen and looked up but saw Xu Xu's fiery eyes.

? ? ? ?
what happened?
"A Ling, I have something to ask you."

Lu Ling nodded.

"According to what you said, A Ling, there are ten heavenly stems and northern Rengui water, so correspondingly, it means that there is Bingding in the south, which belongs to fire, so it can also be said that the south belongs to fire, right?" Xu Xu asked seriously.

This is very important stuff.

Lu Ling nodded and said with a pen.

[Fire is mainly Dinghuo, which belongs to Yinhuo, the essence of all things, and has the image of Lihuo civilization.It is similar to the stars in the sky and the bright lights on the ground, which is called Yinhuo. ] Lu Ling simply wrote.

Xu Xu stayed there.

Yinhuo... She is a woman belonging to Yin, and she is also a fire spirit, and the so-called Lihuo... does it refer to the flame of Lihuo's red silk?

Xu Xu doesn't know, but she remembers the fire in the South, so there's no need for Lu Ling to say too much, Xu Xu naturally has experience.

She silently remembered what Lu Ling said in her heart.

Although Xu Xu still has a lot of things she wants to ask Lu Ling, her rationality tells her that she shouldn't ask Lu Ling at this point in time. These things that may be inherited by Xue Nu, although it can't be used, but Xu Xu doesn't like this feeling , Asking the most important Southern Flame first is Xu Xu's bottom line.

Besides, she thinks it's more important to be a little girl.

Xu Xu felt that enough was enough, she knew that the north belongs to water, the south belongs to fire...and the north...the second peak is in the north of the first peak.

Shen Gui is north, she is south.

The flowers on Moshang are blooming, waiting to return slowly.

Xu Xu is quite happy.

"A Ling, you are amazing." Xu Xu touched Lu Ling's head.

【Am i right? ] Lu Ling asked.

"Yes, it's all right." Xu Xu nodded: "Although I can be sure that your senior sister is an illiterate now, I can still see that what you said is true."

"?" Lu Ling tilted her head, not quite understanding.



Xu Xu smiled: "Your senior sister, the Tiangui I asked is not what you mean. Although it is also a very sacred thing for the daughter's family, it is not as deep as you can go straight to the source."

That is to say... am I wrong?

Lu Ling was a little surprised.

But generally speaking, I expected it. No matter how I think about it, what Senior Sister Xu asked should not be about Taiji gossip or Qimen Dunjia.

"But Aling, what you said is almost on point. Guishui belongs to Yin, and it is Yin water, but it can open a spiritual path..."

Lu Ling nodded.

"Aling, remember what I'm going to say next." Xu Xu said, there is no doubt that for girls, taking a physiology class is extremely necessary.

Just like Lu Ling's previous life, many girls didn't know about it. When menarche came, they were mostly frightened and afraid, thinking that they had terminal illness.

If it was placed on Lu Ling, she probably thought she had suffered internal injuries...

Internal injuries once a month are okay.

Slowly throw away the serious theory about Gui in his mind, and replace it with what he already knew.

Lu Ling nodded, looking like she was studying humbly.

"This route, Ah Ling, do you know?" Xu Xu pointed her finger at her chest, going down the yin vein, and finally stopped at the lower abdomen.

"????" Lu Ling still didn't understand, she was a little familiar with this route, she nodded and wrote: [Jingyan...]

"What's the matter? I'm talking about Yin veins." Xu Xu said helplessly.

Ah Ling really doesn't know anything, sure, she knows so much esoteric knowledge, but she doesn't know anything about herself.

She was talking to Lu Ling about girls, and this girl is still thinking about practicing. Speaking of Jing Yanjue, she dare not practice such a pure yin technique, Lu Ling... um... Xiaochangsheng fruit is fine after eating so much , there shouldn't be anything wrong, otherwise Master Li wouldn't let her learn at ease.

Let me briefly introduce myself first, so that A Ling can have a mental preparation.

Lu Ling still had a dazed look on her face, Xu Xu must have taken revenge for the science popularization that Lu Ling gave her just now.

"Tiangui is a sign that a woman is beginning to develop, and it also has its own special meaning in terms of cultivation." Xu Xu said.

Lu Ling frowned.

A sign of growth?
What's going on... Isn't it the heavenly stems and the earthly branches?

Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling's expression and sighed.

Sure enough, she didn't know she was a girl at all.

Xu Xu continued: "When a woman is seven years old, her kidney qi is strong, and her teeth grow longer. On the [-]th day, the heavenly guizhi arrives, the Ren meridian is open, the Taichong meridian is strong, and menstruation is at present. The kidney qi of Sanqi is even, so the real teeth grow and grow. Extreme. Qiqiren meridian is empty, Taichong meridian weakens, and Tiangui is exhausted, so the tunnel is blocked."

This is about a woman's life.

"The main point here is Erqi, that is to say, at the age of 14, there will be Tiangui, which is the Guishuizhi you mentioned, A Ling. At this time, the Ren meridian, which is the branch of the Yin meridian, will open, and at the same time the spiritual path will open... ..." Xu Xu said.

twenty seven?

14 years old?
But I... have already passed the age of 14.

Lu Ling didn't understand.

"Ah Ling, you are different. You were deficient before, but now you have filled up the deficit, so you have just caught up with this stage. It is neither too late nor too early. If you are in the soul state, it is just right." Xu Xu smiled.

Lu Ling nodded, but was still at a loss.

Is there something coming?
It should be that the meridian will change.

Lu Ling was puzzled and said on the paper: [If the meridians will change, senior sister, why haven't I seen it in the book...]

Lu Ling asked.

"Books? Ah Ling, what you read in Shuyuan are all books about cultivation, even if they are about meridians." Xu Xu asked.

Lu Ling nodded.

Of course.

"You haven't read the medical books, so of course you don't understand." Xu Xu took it for granted.

Medical book?

Lu Ling was even more confused.

Yes, meridians are related to medical books, but things related to could it not be recorded in books about cultivation.

Slowly sighed.

Glancing at the time.

The banquet is about to begin.

Although Xu Xu really wanted to take off Lu Ling's pants and explain it to her from the beginning, but the time did not allow it.

Tell A Ling the benefits of Guishuizhi first, the little girl in the province felt repelled when she first heard it.

After all, that's how Master fooled her back then... If she didn't know that it was good, she would have been crying a long time ago, why would she look forward to those few days every month to speed up her cultivation and catch up with Shen Gui who occasionally surpassed her...

"Ahem." Xu Xu cleared his throat, "I'll talk about the specifics later, Ah Ling, you just need to know that the arrival of Guishui and the opening of the spiritual path are absolutely beneficial to girls."

Lu Ling nodded, waiting for Xu Xu's explanation.

Slowly said: "The first arrival of Tiangui indicates that this girl is about to mature. At the same time, the spiritual door of her body is opened, so that she can better absorb the aura of heaven and earth to nourish her soul."

This is the first.

Lu Ling remembered.

"Lingshan's elementary skills will keep the body of the practicing girl between fifteen and 20 years old. Although the age is constantly increasing, in fact, only the soul is aging. Even if the realm is higher in the future, and the age can be controlled independently, that is only It looks like aging, as long as the soul is not destroyed, the body of the Lingshan woman will always be at its peak." Xu Xu said: "That is to say, practicing our Lingshan skills can make you look beautiful... Even if your cultivation level is not enough It doesn't matter."

Lu Ling nodded and narrowed her eyes.

What she cares about is not staying beautiful, but... After opening the spiritual path, it seems that she can increase her cultivation speed.

Could it be... that the accelerated cultivation he felt just now was not due to eating the ice essence, but because his spiritual path had been opened?
Xu Xu's next words verified Lu Ling's thoughts.

"Women in this peak period can practice Lingshan the fastest. Even when Tiangui comes to practice, it can get twice the result with half the effort. So, don't reject the arrival of Tiangui, and A Ling, you should be the first time now..."

Xu Xu smiled implicitly and looked at Lu Ling: "A Ling, you should have noticed the improvement in your cultivation speed."

Lu Ling nodded.

Sure enough, I misunderstood.

It is Tianguizhi, so the speed of cultivation is increased.

But still do not quite understand.

Since it is a good thing, why should I reject it?

Seemingly seeing Lu Ling's doubts, Xu Xu showed embarrassment.

how to say……

"Ahem, Ah Ling, you will understand soon. Some things are better experienced by yourself...Right, Master Li's meal is ready, let's go eat."

Lu Ling: "..."

She hates talking halfway.

Obviously, I have already answered my senior sister's question about Ding Huo.


(End of this chapter)

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