Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 809 You study hard, you can use it

Chapter 809 You study hard, you can use it
Although I feel that the senior sister is stingy, Lu Ling has nothing to do...

The senior sister can do whatever she wants, she doesn't care that much, anyway, she already knows the key things, Tiangui Zhi, the opening of the spiritual path is good for her cultivation.

"Aling, are the fruits here sir delicious?" Xu Xu looked at the spiritual fruit on the table that was clearly missing one.


Lu Ling didn't know how to answer, isn't it just eating a piece of fruit... There's nothing to say about this, she doesn't think she can be discovered by Senior Sister Xu when she transforms into an ice essence.

Lu Ling probably could also think of what Senior Sister Xu was thinking.

She likes her husband very much.

It is estimated that for her, the same fruit, the fruit here is more delicious...

Like a person, that's it.

Here, Lu Ling just misunderstood Xu Xu.

Even if Xu Xu likes Li Zhuzi very much, it is impossible for her to think that the food here is more delicious... She will not be so ashamed, and the reason why she asked this question is not because of Lu Ling.

this girl...

"Have you eaten?" Xu Xu asked.

Lu Ling nodded, she ate it herself.

Hearing the words slowly, he sighed.

The little girl is still young.

"Forget it, Ah Ling, you are originally the most extreme cold blood in the ice-type physique, and you also cultivated the "Shocking Rock Jue" with pure yin veins. Even if you pay attention now, it is useless, you will still hurt when it should hurt "Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling sympathetically, feeling very distressed: "But if it can be better, it's better... From now on, eat less cold food, understand?"


Eat less cold things?
Strange thing, she is a snow girl. For her, is there anything cool in the world?

Is it possible that I will have a stomachache when I eat cold... This is too ridiculous.



It seems... a little uncomfortable. She was too nervous because of Xu Xu's arrival before, but now that she has recovered, her physical discomfort has become more serious.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" Xu Xu asked nervously.

Lu Ling nodded without covering her head.

Slowly took out a silver needle, then stretched out his hand to lift his eyes, and opened his red pupils.

The south belongs to fire, so Xu Xu deliberately modified the operation route of his kung fu this time. He didn't find any benefits for the time being, but he faintly felt that the spell casting was smoother.

"Come on, give me your hand." Xu Xu said to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling stretched out her hand obediently.

"Good, it doesn't hurt."

As he spoke, he slowly inserted the silver needle into Lu Ling's shoulder, and the spiritual power entered Lu Ling's body along the silver needle: "A Ling, calm down your ice spirit energy, let me check it."

Lu Ling nodded.

It's not that she doesn't shy away from other people checking her body... because she has been seen by countless people since she went up the mountain, and her identity is definitely not so easy to be discovered.

If it wasn't for the clearer memory, Lu Ling would not believe that she is not human.

With Xu Xu's movements, she felt a warm current entering her body, and her cold air instinctively wanted to fight back, but was stopped by Lu Ling.

At this moment, Xu Xu's Huo Lingli inspected Lu Ling's body from the inside, while her eyes inspected from the outside...the combination of the inside and the outside was the only way to see Lu Ling's body clearly.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Xu Xu is really sweating for Lu Ling.

First of all, the cold air in the Yin veins is terrible. Two strands of cold air are entrenched in the Yin veins. The cold air that looks stronger should be Lu Ling's own cold air, and the one that shrinks makes Xu Xu feel more dangerous. Ice attribute spiritual power obtained from Xueluo Qianhan.

Lingshan has been around for so many years, and Lu Ling is the first person to purify spiritual power from the fairy sword. It is worthy of Xuenv's blood, but the timing is not good, and the current cold air has aggravated Lu Ling's physical reaction...

Lu Ling's body was simply a mess.

The cold air is overflowing, just after eating something cold, the spirit veins contract...

This is related to the spiritual path, which is not so easy to close.

And Xu Xu believes that Lu Ling will never close the spiritual path...

Ah Ling... some suffered.

Just when she was about to take back her spiritual power, Xu Xu suddenly froze for a moment. She discovered something, and then her face changed drastically.

"Aling, you... still have accumulated, undigested Yueyingcao spiritual power in your body? Why are there so many..."

Moon grass?
Lu Ling nodded.


This is what was left when she first went up the mountain and ate Yueyingcao as food every day, and she has not digested it until now... The main reason is that she has the spiritual energy of Lingshan first in her body, and then the spiritual power of Xuechen... Even if it is learning After reading "Shenlan", the ability to convert spiritual power has been greatly improved... and there is no time to digest the spiritual power from the Moon Grass.

This is impossible.

But after all, it is spiritual power, a good thing, so Lu Ling didn't think there was anything wrong... If she hadn't mentioned it slowly, she would have forgotten it.

Why, looking at Senior Sister's seems a little bad.

【Any questions? ] Lu Ling asked with a pen.

"It's a big problem, Ah Ling, don't move, I'll see if I can remove it." Xu Xu looked at Lu Ling solemnly.




After a while, Xu Xu took out the silver needle and frowned.

Can't do it.

Totally impossible.

This power has stayed in Lu Ling's body for too long, and has witnessed her ups and downs. It has long been fused with Lu Ling's meridians, even if the patriarch comes, don't even think about separating it from Lu Ling.


【Is it serious? ] Lu Ling asked.

"How should I put it..." Slowly sighed: "Yueying herb is a good thing, only Jiufeng of Lingshan has it. It is the product of Jiufeng's unique cold ice spiritual power. It can release the real fire of the six meridians, clear the mind and eyesight, and also has a lot of spiritual power..."

Slowly paused.

"But... people with a cold body should not eat more, and don't even touch it. When the moon is full, you will lose money, and when the moon is full, you will eat. Ah Ling, you should understand... it will turn into cold poison and entangle your meridians, and now Even if you want to absorb it, I don't think it will be able to get rid of it in three to five years..."

【kindness. ] Lu Ling nodded.

and then?
She has known for a long time that people with cold body should eat carefully, but she has a cold physique, so can she still be considered cold?
"Aling, you don't understand now. Although your body is of ice blood, it is completely in the most perfect state of ice from a macroscopic point of view, long as you are a human race, you cannot get rid of your body until you reach a certain level of cultivation. Yes, especially the girls from Lingshan..." Xu Xu didn't hide anything from Lu Ling.

"A Ling, the inside of your body is already a mess."

This is the truth.


Lu Ling blinked.

Is it that serious?

"I just found out, Ah Ling, that your hands are much colder than other parts. It is confirmed that you have yang deficiency in your body, poor blood supply, and some yang qi are insufficient. At the same time, you suffer from severe cold syndrome." Xu Xu frowned.

Lu Ling nodded, she knew that she had yang deficiency, but she was slowly reconciling it.

Ever since there was an additional yin-yang diagram in the sea of ​​consciousness, it has been gradually balanced, so Lu Ling thinks there shouldn't be any major problems.

Seeing Lu Ling's relaxed look slowly... I don't know what expression to use.

young girls.

In fact, she has already begun to consider whether to tell Lu Ling the seriousness of the matter...

Because, it really hurts.

In fact, she already knew about Lu Ling's cold and cold syndrome from Liu Fufeng. It cannot be cured. It can only wait for Lu Ling to grow slowly. Ling is willing to close the spiritual path, otherwise it will not be cured.

If it's just cold and cold, it's actually not a big problem, even if you have menstrual pain, you can still suppress it...

But now the problem is no longer that.

Lu Ling herself lacks yang qi, and she is practicing Shocking Rock Jue. At the same time, there are two cold qi entrenched, and there is still undigested Yueyingcao spiritual power. ...

That kind of pain might make Lu Ling want to die.

And because of cultivating immortals, the spiritual path involves the soul, so pain relief is impossible.

You know, Afu just has a chill, and she suffers from pain for a few days every month... That's Afu, it's Shen Gui...

Lu Ling now has all kinds of ghosts and snakes in her body, Xu Xu really doesn't know what to do.

"A Ling, why don't you discuss with Master Li and close your spiritual path? In this case, your body is still a perfect ice... In fact, all problems are caused by the spiritual path. It's alright." After Xu Xu hesitated, he said.

【closed?Why can't you speed up your cultivation? ] Lu Ling shook her head, she doesn't want to turn it off, that's almost [-]% of her cultivation speed, silly.

The current Lu Ling would never do such a thing.

[Senior sister, is there something wrong? ] Lu Ling asked.

"Just a little bit, it will hurt a lot." Xu Xu told the truth.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

What did she think it was.

[I'm not afraid of pain. ] Lu Ling wrote.

It hurts and hurts no one can die.


She knew it.

Therefore, Xu Xu felt that it was not a good thing for him to know everything... Forget it, maybe Ah Ling would give up after trying the pain once.

From a personal point of view, she didn't want Lu Ling to suffer.

But she doesn't even count.

"Ah... Ah Ling, you... To be honest, I don't want you to hold on, because first of all, your body has been disturbed, and your vital yin has been lost, which will aggravate the erosion of spiritual energy..." Xu Xu said, suddenly conscious Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, seeing Lu Ling's expressionless face, he cursed himself secretly, and hurriedly changed the subject.

"A Ling, you should be feeling a little uncomfortable now." Xu Xu coughed, she had already checked Lu Ling's body, her menarche was approaching, and the spiritual path was half opened... On the contrary, the function of the yin veins has already stopped. Feedback to the soul.

Lu Ling nodded.

Looks expressionless.

Actually... I don't think there's anything wrong with it...

She didn't want to explain either.

Anyway, I'm alone, and I don't have anything to care about... She doesn't care about it herself, so why would she forcefully explain something.

In the past, she was afraid that she would not be worthy of her junior sister, so she kept her memory in a black box, but now...she doesn't even care if her soul is not clean.

As long as others don't know about these things, and it's not so bad that everyone shouts and beats... Lu Ling can accept it.

She looked at Xu Xu seriously, which made Xu Xu breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately... Ah Ling didn't care, probably because she didn't understand what she was talking about.


"Ahem..." Xu Xu said, "A normal person's pain is a few points at most, but Ah Ling, you should be in pain all over again. First, let's make a simple confirmation. I'll ask someone to boil the medicine first, and drink it directly later."

Xu Xu said, put her hand on top of Lu Ling's chest, and squeezed it lightly.

She looked a little hooligan, but because she was a girl, Lu Ling didn't care at all.

"It should be a little swollen..." Xu Xu asked.

Lu Ling nodded.

"There is no good way to do this. If you want to relieve the pain temporarily, prepare some hot towels and apply it, and the pain will be relieved." Xu Xu said, and reminded Lu Ling: "Don't forget because there is no pain. You will wake up tomorrow morning. Go to the secret realm, no one can teach you, unless you don't go..."

Lu Ling shook her head, how could she not go.

Xu Xu sighed, she still had to tell Li Zhuzi to make up her mind about this matter, and Xu Xu couldn't care about Lu Ling's thoughts for the time being.

But what should be taught still needs to be taught.

"When it really hurts, I say you won't be able to remember it. You still have to get through this kind of thing by yourself." Xu Xu said.

"Are you a little dizzy? A little nauseous?"

Lu Ling nodded.

Not only that, but she already felt the faint throbbing of her temples...

"It's not okay to take medicine. If you really feel uncomfortable, you can only go to sleep and rest... I think if it's you, Ah Ling, you'd better rest." Xu Xu reminded Lu Ling.

She didn't care if Lu Ling hadn't had her period now, anyway, let's talk about what needs to be said first.

【knew. 】Lu Ling is listening very seriously.

For Lu Ling, this is the negative effect brought about by the opening of the spiritual path. Thinking about it this way, it seems normal.

Just remember it.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling tapped her waist.

A little uncomfortable, is it sitting for a long time...

"Stop!" Seeing this, Xu Xu grabbed Lu Ling's hand.

"Are your back sore?" Xu Xu said.

Lu Ling nodded.

"Remember, don't knock if your waist is sore..." Xu Xu stretched out his hand and rubbed it, let the body temperature rise naturally, then put it on Lu Ling's waist, and rubbed gently: "If you are sore, you can rub it lightly, You can't knock...or it will be even more uncomfortable in the future."

Can't knock?
Lu Ling nodded.

This is too troublesome.

Don't you have a soul?

Why should you be so careful.

Seemingly understanding Lu Ling's thoughts, Xu Xu explained: "Once the spiritual path is opened, the body will be very sensitive... Generally speaking, you can only rely on yourself."

"By the way, there is the most important thing."

Lu Ling looked at her.

"Ginger tea and brown sugar are not something everyone can drink. Although promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it also has spiritual power, but... promoting blood circulation will increase the amount of bleeding. If there is too much blood loss, you can only use Wenhun to make up for it. Sometimes, it is also a burden for Linglu, so I have to check whether I can drink these things, remember? As for blood, the more common ones on Lingshan are brown sugar ginger tea, astragalus and angelica soup, And red beans..."

Xu Xu chattered like an old lady.

Lu Ling listened in a daze.

Why is it still bleeding...

I won't be vomiting blood again.

Forget it, it's nothing.

From going up the mountain to now, she has vomited blood not ten times but five times.

It's time to get used to it.

 It really hurts... Think about stepping on the ice water, the stomach is covered with shelves, the lower body is covered with a wet towel, and there is someone next to him holding a horn and swearing endlessly, deliberately disturbing my mind, my aunt hurts in summer I can't bear to drink hot water, wrap a quilt and hold a warm baby to relieve stomach pain... Oh, and I can't drink tea, I can't eat spicy food, I can't stay up late at night... By the way, cold and cold are really poisonous... That is, hands and feet in summer It's cold and can hurt to death.

(End of this chapter)

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