Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 810 Reluctance and Injustice

Chapter 810 Reluctance and Injustice

After a while, Xu Xu hadn't finished speaking.

And Lu Ling also remembered almost everything, but to her... she didn't think it was a big deal, after all, now that she is also a cultivator, any thing that can give her a headache is a matter of breaking an arm or a leg, Even a broken arm and leg is nothing... It should be the seemingly terrifying things like how the body is destroyed and how to resurrect it is what she needs to worry about.

What heat compresses the chest... rubs the waist...

Are you sure it's not a joke?

Lu Ling didn't know how to laugh, nor could she laugh.

As for drinking water in the future, you need to care about whether you need to replenish blood, and you can't replenish it too much, and you need to follow the "doctor's advice."

Lu Ling always felt extremely strange, which is understandable.

I have started cultivating immortals in fantasy, but I have to care about these small things...

Although she was extremely puzzled, looking at Xu Xu's serious face, Lu Ling couldn't even open her mouth to question, on the contrary, she remembered everything in her heart.

At least... Senior Sister Xu won't make fun of her, it must be something serious.

In fact, Xu Xu is also to blame, she got used to these things herself, and forgot that it was very weird for Lu Ling, a little girl whose world view is gradually forming... But if you want to explain it, it is also very simple, at least compared to Linglu , if Lu Ling's arms and legs were really broken or her body was destroyed, it would be easy...

As long as the soul is still alive, it is not a problem. The body keeps sending energy to the soul, and it is not particularly difficult to deny it.

It is the most difficult to solve that concerns the essence of the soul.

For example, yang deficiency is not talking about kidney yang deficiency, but soul yang deficiency.

And always say Yang deficiency, Yang deficiency?
What exactly is yang deficiency?

In fact, it lacks yang energy.

But the lack of yang energy does not mean that Lu Ling has a lot of yin energy, but relatively speaking, as a woman, she has more yin energy.

And the aura in Lu Ling's body has long been unbalanced... Generally, women are yang deficient, and men are yin deficient... But Lu Ling may have both. This kind of thing related to the body's aura, even if she is killed ten times and then resurrected Things that cannot be changed.


Lu Ling was willing to die.

Entering the millstone of the wheel of heaven and earth as a normal person, smashing the soul into pieces, then merging with thousands of fragments, and finally transforming into a brand new soul, this is a new life.

It's just that if she does this, she won't be the previous Lu Ling.

In other words, does this make the body clean...or dirtier?
This is what the beholder sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom.

Another example is the spiritual path... It is different from the menstruation of mortal women. Even if the body is reshaped, as long as Lu Ling does not close the spiritual path, she will never be able to avoid the Tiangui ring... On the contrary, for Lu Ling Say, in some similar things, my nature has changed, how to make up for it?She couldn't get past her own psychological level.

Maybe it's the best thing that junior sister doesn't like her.

After would be better to just disappear for no apparent reason than to be rejected by my junior sister afterwards.

After awakening most of her memories, Lu Ling actually became a little lucky?

She couldn't imagine that if it was her former self, she would break down when she found out that her junior sister was looking at her with disgust...


Therefore, even the current Lu Ling couldn't accept these things at all.

As for having confidence in Liu Fufeng, feeling that she would not despise her or something, maybe Lu Ling had this kind of confidence in the past, but it was like she always felt that her junior sister would never take the initiative to leave her... This kind of confidence in Liu Fufeng Confidence has long since vanished.

Lu Ling realized this, so the change was so thorough.

Human nature... is a complicated thing.

Just like your attitude towards your parents.

Lu Ling thought it didn't matter two days ago.

Her father and mother could not arouse her thoughts at all. Only when she was in the mud, she opened her mind and looked forward to her father or mother. Unfortunately, until she was completely polluted by the mud, from the inside to the outside The outside was filled with black and gray, and after staying in that state for an unknown period of time, no one rescued her. Finally, she met Han Xue and was able to escape.

Lu Ling no longer had any expectations for her father or mother.

Even if he wanted to hate, he couldn't recall the pain of being abandoned long ago.

But now, as the memory gradually became clearer, the hatred towards the parents began to increase gradually... Especially at this time, after it was impossible to turn back, it was normal for a girl's thoughts to become extreme.

Why should I be a devil.

Seeing her own heart, Lu Ling naturally felt extremely disgusted by the existence of her parents.


Why didn't she even give her the chance to realize her "ideal"?

She just wants to become an excellent "person" in the eyes of others, and she will be happy even if she dies immediately after achieving this goal.

Is it really that difficult?
In fact, she recovered from the blow of her junior sister's departure at the beginning because she had a goal to work hard for.But the memory of the past two days told Lu Ling that she might never have the chance to become what her junior sister wanted her to be.

Thinking of this, even Lu Ling felt a burst of hatred.

Abandoned and obliterated ideals are superimposed, new and old hatreds are all accumulated together... superimposed on the parents.

Can she let go?
Should it be let go?
Put it down... Is this option of becoming silly and sweet again really the right one for her?

Maybe Lu Ling really needs a bystander to give her an answer.

But Lu Ling herself had only one answer.

She asked herself over and over again whether her choice was right or wrong.

All she gets is a positive conclusion, and...the only truth that the world is full of malice towards her.



Obviously I have always been a good boy.

Lu Ling bit her lip lightly.

She was the best child ever since she was a young girl... Later, she was willing to trust her junior sister again, and was even willing to erase her "self" to become the obedient child that her junior sister wanted...

What did you get?
Just pure malice.

It really complies with that sentence, what is always good is always evil.

Throughout her life, Lu Ling has never been misbehaving, but she has always been treated maliciously. Is this really fair to her?

It wasn't sudden changes once or twice, it was the evil brought about by good intentions again and again that taught her that being surly was never what she needed - being surly was.

Before meeting Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling already understood this truth, but she was still willing to believe in Liu Fufeng, and all this may be because of the other party's bowl of moon grass soup, a bowl of soup, which made her willing to go for her. die.

Lu Ling herself felt that she was cheap, and her feelings were also cheap.

But such cheap feelings still can't let go.

After all, she didn't have time to absorb the Yueyingcao spiritual power hoarded in her body—or she couldn't bear it.

She couldn't bear the first thought left to her by this junior sister.

I am afraid that only Lu Ling knows about this kind of thing.

It's a pity that this feeling was exchanged for malice.



and so……

Lu Ling looked at Senior Sister Xu who had been chattering on the side, and quietly lowered her eyes.

You really can't blame me.



When a girl loses her mind, she always ignores the kindness that surrounds her... Of course, the malice is too strong, and kindness can't smooth out the trauma, which is also a reason.

Seeing Lu Ling bowed her head, as if she had seriously remembered it, Xu Xu was very satisfied.

It was getting late at this time, Xu Xu pushed open the window and took a look, seeing that the lights in Li Zhuzi's kitchen had already dimmed, Xu Xu knew that she and Lu Ling had no time left.

I guess everyone is waiting for them now.

It can't be too late, after all, although Ah Ling is the protagonist tonight, everyone is together because of her... But isn't there an adult like me?

"Remember not to eat cold food anymore." Xu Xu said, without rushing to leave but said such a sentence.

Lu Ling nodded, and the expression of helplessness finally appeared on her face that had been frozen by wild thoughts.

Senior Sister Xu, do you know... this is already the sixth time.

She doesn't know how to eat cold food... By the way, what is cold food?
From the first time Lu Ling opened her eyes in the human world, there were only three times when Lu Ling really felt cold.

One time, before arriving in Luoyan City, she realized for the first time that men, or human beings, were not as friendly as she thought.

The second time was the morning when Liu Fufeng left suddenly.

There is also the first time when the ice blood is awakened, and the coldness of the awakening of the ice blood is completely different.

Not on one level.

Besides, for her, there is no cold in the world.

So what kind of cold... At most, Lu Ling felt a little irritated.

So Lu Ling was a little puzzled, experience and feelings can't be eaten, so naturally she can't eat cold food... But she has never felt cold, so what is cold food...

After all, Xu Xu would not be so thoughtful. She herself is of the fire attribute, and has always been quite sensitive to the perception of cold. She never thought that the [cold] that she thought could be easily distinguished was almost incomprehensible to Lu Ling.

For Lu Ling, from cold fruits to myriads of profound ice, they are all at the same temperature... What kind of magical experience is this?
It's not that good actually.

"Don't think I'm long-winded, Senior Sister." Xu Xu said.

Lu Ling nodded.

"Okay, Ah Ling, let's change clothes and let's go, I still miss Master Li's cooking..." Xu Xu got up and looked around the room: "A Ling, where are your clothes? Senior sister will help you... "

Take a turn.

"Oh? Why no clothes?"

Turning her head, she saw Lu Ling handing over a piece of paper.

【Senior Sister, I’ll just do it myself. 】

Then, the little girl just looked at Xu Xu directly.

Xu Xu didn't react at the first moment, then looked into Lu Ling's eyes, and paused: "Then... Ah Ling, should I... go out and wait for you now?"

Lu Ling nodded.


In the blink of an eye, she appeared outside the door. Seeing the little girl closing the door slowly, she felt a little lost.

Ah Ling... don't you want her to help you get dressed?


In her own memory, Lu Ling still stays in Liu Fufeng's mouth, the little girl who needs to be coaxed by [others] to eat, drink, dress and even sleep.

is my problem.

Xu Xu stood quietly outside the door.

What Lu Ling thought about before was Ding Huo.



When the room became only her again, Lu Ling felt a little bit safe.

He raised his hand and picked up the faintly fluorescent [July Seventh] on the table.

July seven...

[July [-]th, Magpie Bridge Meeting. 】

This is why Lu Ling likes it, and it's also quite ridiculous.

Because she couldn't let it go, she admitted it herself.

Is it ridiculous?
not ridiculous.

This sword is Shen Canghai's sword, and July [-]th is also her idea. It's interesting to say that this sword is Shen Canghai's thought, not her own. She is praying for Li Zhuzi when he was young. The separated lovers met back then, so they named the sword "July Seven".

In the past, Shen Canghai sincerely hoped that Li Zhuzi could find happiness, but turned out that Li Zhuzi and that man were not destined for each other, and she has always shelved this July [-]th.

And a few days ago, when Shen Canghai asked Li Zhuzi if he still remembered that [old friend], she got a frightening complete denial, so... the [July Seven], which represented Shen Canghai's goodwill, was taken by her. It was completely abandoned, but it was picked up by Shen Gui the same day.

After all, it is a good sword, A Ling still lacks a weapon, and when Shen Gui asked Lu Ling to use it, Shen Canghai actually agreed.

So, looking forward to someone's return is never a ridiculous thing.

Who doesn't see that Shen Gui's favorite dark sword is directly named "Return", even the name is taken from her young lady's surname Shen, and the single name has the word "Gui"... This is Shen Gui's gentleness.

In this situation, Xu Xu is the same as Shen Canghai who is holding July [-]th in his hand. The sentence that flowers bloom on Moshang can wait for Xu Xu to return slowly... It is not just about her, but also the meaning of praying for Shen Gui. But Xu Xu won't admit it.

She will not give up Afu to other people, even if Afu's lady is resurrected, this is the bottom line.



Lu Ling doesn't think there's anything wrong with having such thoughts, it's better to say that she has accepted her fate, if she can't forget it, can she force it?

And this sword at least works, she still likes it.

Putting the sword into her silver ring, Lu Ling took out her clothes from the ring, a deep red lace dress, a set of light blue underwear, and a pair of red embroidered shoes.

These are the clothes that Lu Ling prepared for herself. You can clearly feel the change of Lu Ling's clothing style from the details. Although it was red before, the style of underwear is not so mature. At the same time, the red skirt has changed from a short skirt to a more The mature dress, while highlighting those long legs, is also a bit more charming.

The shoes have also changed from cute embroidered shoes with big heads to small red embroidered shoes...

It's just the details that change, but the whole is completely different.

She actually doesn't want to dress so high-profile, but for the current Lu Ling, if she can be beautiful and have a good image for a day, she won't be perfunctory...

Especially on big occasions.

The girl floated into the air, and was controlled by the aura to stand up, as if she was not disabled. She slowly took off her clothes and stood in front of the mirror.

Quietly looking at this body that no one can appreciate, or the scenery.

This kind of self... should be considered pretty, so it wouldn't be embarrassing, right?

 I feel uncomfortable these two days, go to bed early and take care of myself.

(End of this chapter)

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