Chapter 811
In the mirror, Lu Ling carefully looked at her body which was completely exposed to the air.

She doesn't know how to describe her body with nice words, but if she insists, she thinks she is actually quite beautiful.

At the age of Fang Dang, her figure has already begun to develop. Lu Ling can feel that her figure seems to be much plumper than before. Although she is still barren, she has a pair of well-proportioned legs...

Lu Ling pinched her little belly, her skin was as soft as snow lotus root, her beautiful and round slender jade legs, her slender and smooth calves, coupled with her delicate, smooth, tender and moist icy muscles and jade bones, she was really very beautiful .

A lock of beautiful hair, slender willow eyebrows, a thin mole on the corner of the mouth, and an extremely beautiful face...

The only thing Lu Ling was not satisfied with was probably her pair of completely silver-white eyes, the entire eye sockets were of the same color, and after the pupils disappeared, they turned out to be inexplicably terrifying...

This is probably what the loss of highlights means.

Bright eyes and bright teeth are true, but if you don't look carefully at the silver eyes, you can't find the silver pupils.

At this time, in the room, a naked girl stood quietly in front of the mirror. Although she was very beautiful, the air was full of strange feelings.

It's not amazing, but it's a bit fishy.

Lu Lingliu frowned slightly.

Sure enough... Are you still not feeling well?His complexion is so bad.


"A Ling, do you really need my help?"

Outside the door, Xu Xu suddenly opened the door and poked half of his head in.

Seeing the scene in front of the mirror, the whole person froze for a moment, and there was a bit of obsession in his eyes.

Lu Ling: "..."

She looked at Xu Xu and shook her head slightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that you haven't moved, A Ling. I thought you were inconvenient and needed my help... Now it seems that you can do it alone, A Ling, so I will continue to wait. Hurry up, dinner It should be ready." After Xu Xu finished speaking, he quickly backed out, his movements were a bit awkward, as if fleeing.


Lu Ling didn't care, she turned her head and looked in the mirror.

It's not easy to procrastinate.

Pick up the pair of gold and silver earrings from the dressing table, and gently put them through the earlobe.

Shaking his head, the gold and silver earrings shook slightly with Lu Ling's movements.

Some... not very comfortable.

But it was beautiful.

In addition to the clothes on my body, I now have a pair of earrings, a silver ring and an ice-colored glass bracelet.

pretty good.

Lu Ling just sat down in front of the dressing table and opened the small box in front of her.

She wants to put on light makeup before getting dressed.



Xu Xu stood outside alone with his head bowed.

This is the first time she saw Lu Ling's body... so beautiful.

Xu Xu originally thought that Lu Ling's skin was too white, which would affect her beauty, but after seeing everything with her own eyes, she realized what perfection is... The little girl is a flawless piece of beautiful jade, Xu Xugang just took a look, and almost rushed up Yes... Now that I think about it, it's a good thing I didn't feel ashamed.

Xu Xu knew that she liked to dress up in Lingshan, with a goose-yellow skirt or something, she looked like Shen Gui's younger sister... But Xu Xu never felt that she would lose to others in terms of appearance. Liu Fufeng's appearance at that time was completely amazed...

Now, Lu Ling has inherited Liu Fufeng... When Xu Xu faced Lu Ling, he felt a bit ashamed.

This is incredible.

"It shouldn't be, Ah Ling is the embryo of a stunning beauty, but... after all, she hasn't grown up yet... How can I..." Xu Xu didn't understand.

Is it...

Speaking of which, although Lu Ling was pretty in clothes, she was definitely not as good as the one she saw just now.

What I'm talking about here is not that she is beautiful because she doesn't wear clothes, but the overall temperament... After all, Xu Xu is a woman, she doesn't care about these things, doesn't she care if she doesn't see Lu Ling being seen?

It seems that people rely on clothes to fail here.

"Could it be...that the clothes can hide Ah Ling's charm? No way, how is it possible?" Xu Xu muttered, but didn't know that he was talking about the point. Even if Lu Ling might grow up in the future, she shouldn't be allowed to have a A feeling of being unable to hold your head up.

And the reason for this feeling is that Lu Ling is not wearing clothes——

Elves have no clothes at all.

Their bodies are the most perfect scenery between heaven and earth.

Naturally, the same is true for Lu Ling. For this little girl, clothes, embellishments and makeup are all things that conceal her charm, especially clothes...

The skin should be naturally white, but with such skin, but no clothes that can match her, it will naturally have a negative effect.

But it is not impossible for Lu Ling not to wear clothes.

"Comparatively speaking, Ah Ling looks better in red." Xu Xu nodded.

I didn't think about it before, but now I think that only red can slightly cover up Lu Ling's skin. If I change the color, I'm afraid it will be even more inappropriate.


At this time, an abrupt female voice suddenly appeared.

"Xu Xu, what are you doing here?"

Xu raised his head and saw a red shadow, really thinking about something.

"Uncle Dongfang." He saluted slowly.

Dongfang Lianren looked at Xu Xu who was guarding the gate strangely: "It's called Shishu, what kind of Shishu...Xu girl, what's wrong with you? You're out of your mind."

Even from the standpoint of Zhuzi students, she is not an uncle...

"Uncle, I'm rude." Xu Xuxiao blushed.

I didn't expect such a low-level mistake to occur, there is no way, she has been thinking about Lu Ling just now, and her mind was distracted...

"It's really rare, you also have such a side?" Dongfang Lianren smiled and pointed to the room: "What is Xiaoling doing in there? I've been waiting for her for a while, hurry up, I'm hungry."

"I'm changing clothes." He arrived slowly.

"You didn't go to help? Oh...that's right, she has already prepared by herself." Dongfang Lianren thought about the contact with Lu Ling during this period, and she probably had a little idea in her heart.

"I guess it's almost here."

As soon as Dongfang Lianren finished speaking, the door opened to look.

Following the airflow from the door opening, the first thing the two of them smelled was a fresh, slightly intoxicating sweet scent.

Dongfang Lianren's eyes lit up.

I saw Lu Ling dressed up, sitting quietly in the wheelchair, her long hair was tied up a little, her face was lightly made up, she was full of maturity indifferently, she was still so full of wifely flavor, the bonus point was Lu Ling finally used jewelry... Delicate earrings, as well as the bits of skin and bracelets that were exposed by pushing the door.

"Xiao Ling, the earrings are very suitable for you." Dongfang Lianren looked at Lu Ling with satisfaction.

Lu Ling nodded.

Dongfang Lianren's eyes were attracted by Lu Ling, and he didn't notice that Xu Xu's performance was completely opposite to hers. Not only did he not think that Lu Ling was beautiful now, but he was a little disappointed.

It can only be said that although Lu Ling matured a lot after dressing up, she really weakened her charm.

Forget it, this is not something she can decide, Ah Ling's happiness is more important than anything else.

Slowly walked behind Lu Ling: "A Ling, shall I push you away?"

Lu Ling did not refuse this time.

Xu Xu pushed Lu Ling and walked out. At this time, the Lingshan Mountain was still slowly snowing. Without hesitation, Xu Xu directly propped up a barrier of flames, and the temperature around Lu Ling instantly rose to a higher level.

Immediately, the little girl's cheeks became flushed.

No matter how it changes, Lu Ling's sensitivity to temperature has not changed.

Dongfang Lianren was also very satisfied with Xu Xu's thoughtfulness, and if a beautiful young lady like Lu Ling still rocked the wheelchair by herself, she always felt that something was wrong.

And Xu Xu just didn't want Lu Ling to be exposed to the cold of the wind and snow at this time. Although it was Lu Ling's own strength, it must be paid attention to in special times.


Suddenly, Dongfang Lianren saw something and was slightly puzzled.

"Uncle?" Xu Xu looked at Dongfang Lianren.

From Xu Xu's perspective, only Dongfang Lianren's body suddenly stiffened, and his expression was a little... nervous?
what happened?

"It's okay, you can take Xiaoling away first, I'll be there later." Dongfang Lianren pretended to be calm, but anyone could sense something was wrong.

"Uncle Master..."

Xu Xu still wanted to say something, but after meeting Dongfang Lianren's eyes, she couldn't say a word, so she could only push Lu Ling away first.

Xu Xu was mainly puzzled, not worried about anything.

You know, this is Dongfang Lianren in front of her... Is there anyone else besides Uncle Cangjian who can make her feel this way?

Could it be that Uncle Hidden Sword has left the customs?No way……

Compared to Xu Xu's doubts, Lu Ling is much calmer. First, Lu Ling is not curious about what happened, and second...Under the sky full of catkins, there is nothing that can hide from her perception, at least The people who have come so far can't hide it from her.

Probably too familiar.

Glancing in a certain direction in the bamboo forest, Lu Ling closed her eyes.



Seeing the two little girls leave, Dongfang Lianren took a deep breath and continued.

"Come out."

After the voice fell, accompanied by a gust of breeze, a figure suddenly appeared in the forest not far away. It was not a stranger or a senior, but a junior.


"Dongfang... Uncle Master." Xifeng walked up to Dongfang Lianren and called out respectfully.

Xifeng was also very nervous, her tender body tensed.

She had met Dongfang Lianren before, and she had given her a good temper, which made her body extremely sensitive for a period of time, and almost misunderstood that she had been defiled by others...

For Dongfang Lianren, a woman full of evil tastes, Xifeng is still very afraid.

It's normal for Xifeng to be nervous, but... Dongfang Lianren is also very nervous.

This big and small one seems to be unusually inconsistent.

It was Dongfang Lianren who forcibly found a topic first.

"Cough cough." Dongfang Lianren cleared his throat, and then said: "Feng girl, your innate wind spirit body development is not bad... Even Xu girl didn't find you, and you are quite powerful."

Xifeng shook her head when she heard the words: "Senior sister Xu just didn't pay attention."

No matter how good her talent is, she is not arrogant enough to compare with Xu Xu.

Let's get down to business, to be honest, being alone with Dongfang Lianren is not so stressful, Xifeng dare not take a big breath, for fear of inhaling something bad again.

"Are you afraid of me?" Dongfang asked pitifully.

Didn't Xifeng just go up the mountain?

She had already forgotten about her molesting and teasing Feng.

"It's not that I'm afraid." Xifeng bowed: "I also want to thank my uncle for giving A Ling a helped a lot."

"Oh, as long as you like it." Dongfang Lianren waved his hand, indicating that it was not important.

After she finished speaking, she didn't bother to go around in circles and said.

"Feng girl, you have something to do with me."

"En." Xifeng nodded: "Actually, I don't know how to find you, but... you are erratic, and this time I saw you, I thought about doing things. After all, it is the ancestor's business. Take it to heart."

In fact, when I saw Dongfang Lianren Xifeng while chatting before, I wanted to go to her... But because there were too many people, it was not easy to speak, and now I finally found a chance to be alone.

"I know what it is." Dongfang Lianren's expression was a little stiff, whether it was nervousness, anticipation, or something else.

"I believe... right." Dongfang Lianren said softly.

Xifeng nodded, she was not at all surprised that Dongfang Lianren already knew about it, she took out a wooden box, handed it to Dongfang Lianren, and said: "The only thing left by our ancestors is a simple letter, and there is no oral order."

"Understood." Dongfang Lianren took the wooden box and nodded.

In fact, she already knew the specific things from Luo Hanyi...

This is his letter to himself...

"Master, I'm going back first." After finishing the matter, Xifeng immediately said.

If she was still curious about this letter before, now because Dongfang Lianren has not come to her, she already thinks it is a trouble, and now she has finally handed things over to the right owner, it is a let down for Xifeng There is something on my mind.

She doesn't care about the others at all, she only cares about Lu Ling's growth now.

"Okay." Dongfang Lianren didn't say anything unnecessary, and let Xifeng leave. She also knew that even a girl would be stressed if she was alone with herself.

Xifeng leaves.

Only Dongfang Lianren stayed quietly in the snowstorm.




Mixed feelings.

From the moment she knew that there was such a letter, Dongfang Lianren's emotions were very complicated.

Because this is most likely a wedding invitation...

How could she not care.

I didn't go to Xifeng immediately because of nervousness and fear.

Few people can understand this kind of emotion, even Dongfang Lianren himself doesn't understand...why he is afraid.

But now that the letter was in her hands, her anticipation prevailed.

Xifeng is not his direct descendant, and from the information she has obtained over the years, that man... probably has no descendants, does that mean he has no wife yet.

If... it's a wedding invitation, then is it possible that you are inviting her...

Dongfang Lianren's breathing was slightly short of breath, which turned out to be a little lack of oxygen.

For her, although she is already dead...but...if it is really a marriage proposal letter left for her, she should be so happy...

After all, for her, in this case, she could finally claim to be the other party's widow.

As proud as Dongfang Lianren, she never thought of refusing, as long as the other party has this intention, even if the other party has passed away long ago, and all she gets is a slightly derogatory title like "widow" and "widow", but she is still happy .

This feeling is not cheap, but precious.

Like the juniors in her family, she also has things that she cherishes.


Dongfang Lianren, a woman who is already familiar, and one of the most honorable people on Lingshan Mountain, at this time showed the delicate emotions of a girl, holding the sandalwood box as if holding the most precious treasure in the world. hesitate.

Do you want to... open it now?
(End of this chapter)

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