Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 815 Sterilization

Chapter 815 Sterilization
The sudden feeling made Lu Ling very uncomfortable.

Curling her body under the tiger's skin, Lu Ling took off her bracelet, rubbed her hands together to warm them, and put them on her wrists, feeling her pulse.

The pulse condition was not much different from before, but Lu Ling could clearly feel that something was coming.

Lu Ling seemed to understand why the senior sister asked her to use a towel for hot compresses.

She didn't know what it was to be cold, but she felt much better now that she was only wearing a layer of tiger skin.

In fact, what is needed is not pure temperature, otherwise it is actually a very easy thing to make Lu Ling feel warm, at least Xu Xu can do it very easily.

What Lu Ling needs is relative temperature... Only she can feel whether it is suitable, and sometimes, simple hot compress will also lead to increased volume...

In short, it is very troublesome.

Women are trouble.




Lu Ling took a breath.

Fine beads of sweat rolled together on the forehead, rolled down, and dripped down the chin onto the light red dress. In less than ten seconds, the little face with light makeup was already washed.

The whole person seems to have just been fished out of the water.


Lu Ling tightly wrapped herself in the tiger skin, gradually trembling...

What is wrong with me……

The girl's face turned blue and her lips turned white.

At this time, Lu Ling felt very empty in her body, and that feeling drove her crazy, with cold sweat continuously flowing down her back, as if someone had hit her back more than a dozen times.

She felt that her skin was not flesh and blood, but empty...

Feeling weak.

This is the first time for Lu Ling to feel such a feeling... If it's just pain, then it's okay...

Lu Ling began to rejoice that she hadn't eaten anything just now, otherwise, she might have vomited cleanly.



Migraine... It seemed as if someone was pulling a rope out of the left side of her head... Her temples throbbed violently, and each stroke brought severe pain.

Lu Ling could only close her eyes to alleviate this migraine, because even seeing something... would make her feel as if her head had been opened.

Fortunately, as long as she kept as still as possible, there would be no pain... But as long as there was a slight movement, she would feel dizzy.

This elusive boundary made Lu Ling lose her mind in a short period of time.

And headache brings nausea and chest tightness.



I'm... so weak.

This was Lu Ling's first thought.

That does not work.

Lu Ling gritted her teeth firmly, to fight against the waves of unrest and pain.

Sitting in a wheelchair, bending over slightly, so that he doesn't look so embarrassed.

She didn't want to lose to her body.

It's too useless...

It's right that Junior Sister doesn't like her.


A mouthful of silver teeth gradually loosened... Lu Ling opened her eyes, her face was pale after weakness.

hold back.

She didn't make herself look down on herself.

Lu Ling felt that she had overcome the pain.

But in fact, the real spiritual path has not yet been opened, and the real test for a woman is yet to come.

Lu Ling regained her sanity temporarily, but... this does not mean that her condition is getting better and better, on the contrary, her physical skills have almost collapsed...

And that's just the beginning.

As the spiritual path gradually unfolded, the side effects brought about by the cold palace gradually eroded Lu Ling's whole body.

Lu Ling found that the cold air in her body that was usually obedient suddenly became unbearable at this moment... All of them "riot" and frantically gathered towards her lower abdomen, clogging up three inches below the navel.

For Xueluo Qianhan's cold air, the opening of the spiritual path is extremely beneficial to the master, so... led by the spiritual power of the fairy sword, several cold airs in Lu Ling's body, including the spiritual power of Yueyingcao, all rushed towards it. The opened gap in the spiritual path was trying to completely break it open.

Three inches below the navel is the lower dantian, which is the original dantian. As a woman, this is the most important place on the body. It is the place with the most vigorous vitality and the place where life is bred. The same is true for the corresponding place in the soul. Women belong to yin. are fundamentally different from men.

Therefore, for women, the lower pubic region is far more important than the upper and middle pubic regions.

So... It is not unreasonable for a woman to have a smooth spiritual path in the Tiangui period.

And the link between the soul and the body's spiritual path is where Lu Ling's palace is cold.

If the cold air in Lu Ling's body was drawn out, it would probably be able to freeze the entire sea surface in the sea area far away from Lingshan Mountain... But now it is all gathered a little bit below the lower dantian.

Washed by a huge amount of cold air, Lu Ling didn't feel anything at first, but a strange force suddenly moved by itself.

If there were other people around, they would be able to see that Lu Ling's entire body had lost any color at this time, the cold sweat on her body evaporated instantly, and a thin layer of frost formed on her eyebrows.

what happened?

Lu Ling was a little surprised.

She could suddenly feel the existence of her waist and legs.

The lower body that should be paralyzed is now feeling. Lu Ling lowered her head and could feel that she just moved her toes.


She still remembered that when she was in Shushan, her legs and feet were able to move because her body was washed by huge spiritual power... Now, the spiritual path should be opened, so the Yin Jue Meridian has temporarily healed.

She had already experienced it once, so Lu Ling understood it quickly.

It's a pity... the recovery of consciousness in the lower body did not allow Lu Ling to get out of the wheelchair and walk around, on the contrary... the feedback after regaining consciousness intensified her pain.

Lu Ling felt a dull pain coming from her leg joints, and it continued to intensify, which caused her naturally bent legs to start curling back...

I can't straighten my legs.

It's better not to regain consciousness...Of course, that is to say, after mending the meridians, Lu Ling's cultivation speed will increase by about [-]%.


Lu Ling smiled wryly.

Fortunately, she still doesn't know that she is on her period. If she knew, she would definitely not understand why she has headaches, back pains, and joint pains like rheumatism.

Many girls don't understand... Anyway, it hurts.

You know, for a girl with a cold body, when her relatives come every month, it's not just a stomachache... All kinds of monsters and ghosts are coming, and life is really tiring.

Lu Ling didn't understand, so she only thought it was a sequela caused by the spiritual path, but she could withstand it.



Lu Ling became excited.

Why did she forget... not only the pain, but when the spiritual path was opened, her body's sensitivity to the spiritual energy reached the extreme...

For cultivation, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling's spirits were lifted a lot, and a little rosyness appeared on her face as if she had returned to the light.

Faced with the pain of physical collapse and trance, Lu Ling ran "Jianyan Jue".

She was in her menstruation period, and she practiced the pure yin method to practice... Doing this kind of behavior that was close to death... But Lu Ling was very happy, very happy, and the joy of cultivation diluted her pain a lot.

When the spiritual path was opened, one could would not cause any damage to Lu Ling's body—the damage had already been done, so there was nothing left to destroy.

It just intensifies the pain a little bit.

Xu Xu had told her all these things, but Lu Ling didn't care.

She is about to practice.

Otherwise, what is the use of this spiritual path.

The opening of the spiritual path and the temporary unblocking of the Yinjue meridian produced an effect of one plus one greater than two. In an instant, Lu Ling felt that her cultivation speed had doubled, and the neuralgia not only did not make her dull, but in a short time After getting used to it, she even became more sensitive in perception.

Surrounded by vortexes of spiritual power, Lu Ling felt that her cultivation base was steadily rising.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.


As the cold air expanded the spiritual path little by little, finally, it was completely opened, and her land of life was completely lost... If it wasn't for the ice affinity brought by the ice blood, she would have been in vain.

But in the future, she will go through a baptism every month. Such a Lu Ling... If her strength does not reach a top level, she may never have a chance to have a child in this life.

In other words, she has no chance.

Unless the other party is a long-lived species of Xihuang's level, otherwise, even if Lu Ling wants to conceive with her own breath, it is completely impossible for her child to inherit the blood of the ice... without matching Xuenv With matching strength, it is impossible for her to get pregnant.

Obviously everything in the body is normal, but she is unable to conceive life. For a woman, I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune.



Lu Ling was practicing, when suddenly her breathing became stagnant.

A flash of lightning flashed, and she felt that something in her body was broken. Before Lu Ling had time to feel what was going on, she showed a painful expression.

That was the Yin meridian, when Tian Gui arrived, the Yin meridian sent out a feedback.

In the process of her condensing, the cold energy collided, merged and separated in the yin veins.

In the middle, there was great pain.

But this time, not only the yin veins, but also the lower abdomen...

"..." Lu Ling gritted her teeth, but couldn't restrain the hoarseness that escaped.

Pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, pain...

For a moment, countless words occupied her mind.

Under the great pain, she finally couldn't continue to practice, and failed to practice.

Lu Ling lost her composure completely, covering her lower abdomen with both hands, and curled up.

It was as if an ice knife was scraping the woman's flesh and blood layer by layer at the most vulnerable place... The cold air would freeze the wound, and then peel it off...

Occasionally, the knife was inserted there, and twisted countless times... Repeatedly.

The unimaginable colic caused Lu Ling to hold her lower abdomen tightly, her body curled up in an ugly shape.

She is not as strong as she imagined. She used to feel that she was not afraid of pain. Even in the secret realm, Si'er's dagger pierced her heart and turned around, all she got was a frown... But now , she is really going to collapse.

Opening her eyes, Lu Ling's eyes had turned completely white, and she looked at her in a haze.

If... she is still there.

Forget it.

No if.

The cold air merged, and Lu Ling's whole body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and the water vapor in her body gradually evaporated into a cold white mist.

"...Ho." Lu Ling opened her mouth slightly, her throat reflected that it was extremely dry.

Lowering her head, a little bit of moisture fell from her chin and landed on the wet red skirt.

It was a mixture of tears and sweat, and the smell on Lu Ling's body was not so good...



I... why am I so useless.

It's just a little pain... Can't bear it?
Lu Ling's tears were not from pain, but from disappointment with herself...

She felt that after her junior sister left, she would no longer have such weakness... because there is nothing more painful than the departure of her junior sister, so... she shouldn't cry anymore.

What now?
She is really useless.

Does this mean... Junior Sister actually doesn't have such an important place in her heart?
This is what Lu Ling is afraid of.

If this is the case, she really can't find a reason to live.

In fact, this is not the case, Lu Ling thinks too much... No one can stand it, especially a woman...

But after such torture, it is really impossible for Lu Ling to have children.



Does it hurt?


She herself was in a very bad situation, and now the pain in her lower abdomen that could make people pass out made Lu Ling no longer awake, her face changed suddenly, sweat dripped from her palms, and she kept shaking, There is no strength to even move, and the nails will not feel pain when they are embedded in the skin.

There seemed to be a hundred old rats biting her stomach, her wet hair stuck to her forehead indiscriminately, her eyebrows were twitched, her eyes almost protruded from their sockets, her nose flapped and she was panting rapidly As she spoke, her hands tightly grasped the sweat-soaked skirt, and the veins on Bai Nen's arms burst out.

Lu Ling's teeth creaked and her bones made a terrifying sound.

This can definitely make people want to immediately withdraw their souls to escape the pain.


I will wake up in pain soon... because this is the pain brought from the depths of my soul.

Lu Ling did not lose her mind because of this, and she still had a trace of sober thinking.

Before she experienced it, she thought very simply, isn't it just that it hurts? It hurts so much that it won't kill anyone, but now, she really has... the idea of ​​dying.

Anyway, no one in the world loves her anymore, and no one is worthy of her love.


A sudden crisp sound echoed in the room, and a bright red palm print appeared on Lu Ling's distressed face. Although there was no swelling, it could be seen that Lu Ling had slapped her hard, and there was a trace of blood in the corner of her mouth, which stained the beauty red. mole.

She slapped herself.

Silver teeth clenched.

How could I... have embarrassing thoughts.

Junior sister...after all...

Even if there is a little possibility, she has to wait.

And her slap woke her up completely.

She wants to overcome this pain.

Betting on my love for my junior sister... I must hold back... I will never be weak again, no matter what it is... She hasn't gone out yet, how can she die at the starting point.

In other words, bet everything on yourself.

If it's a junior sister, she must be able to hold back...

Senior sister Xu said she couldn't bear it?Isn't it because she was so weak that she couldn't bear even a little pain?

Isn't she trying to prove that she has changed?Doesn't she want to prove that she is excellent?
At this time, as if she was suffering from Ling Chi in her stomach, Lu Ling restarted the Shocking Rock Art.

She not only has to hold back, but also practice.

We'll see.

Be strong or give me death.

 You know why you are in a bad mood... It is impossible for anyone who is so uncomfortable to be in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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