Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 816 Deception and Love

Chapter 816 Deception and Love

Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng walked on the bamboo path.

Snowflakes are falling down.

The two little girls were all dressed thickly, especially Tang Zheng, the weaker sister, who was wrapped up like a small rice dumpling and looked chubby.

Tang Zheng, who was a little bloated, looked at the sister with fluttering long hair who was bouncing around like an elf in the snow. He was out of breath and supported a bamboo. White breath came out of her mouth. Like a thin piece of swimming snake.

The short hair is a little stuck to the ears.

" wait for me." Tang Zheng breathed heavily.

Tang Sheng stopped when he heard the words, stepped on his previous footprints and jumped in front of Tang Zheng a few times, looking at his sister helplessly: "Sister, didn't you learn swords from Senior Sister Fang... you said that you have achieved something in a small way? Why... is it still so weak?"

"..." Tang Zheng was at a loss for words when he heard the words.

This girl who was only a little younger than Lu Ling looked at her younger sister, sighed softly, and put it away a little immaturely.

Such words, those senior sisters and uncles... and my own master would never say it in front of her.

Many things about Tang Zheng are not as silly as they seem.

why weak...

"It's not because of you." Tang Zheng tore his sister's face: "It was because I used to protect you, and my health has never recovered."

"No way." Tang Sheng pouted: "Obviously it's my sister, you've been too lazy to move, you little lazy pig."

"What do you say about your elder sister! She yelled like a teacher in front of elder sister Zhuzi, but she didn't hit her in front of her own elder sister." Tang Zheng pinched Tang Sheng's face.

"Sister, it hurts." Tang Sheng bared his teeth.

Tang Zheng quickly let go of his hand, rubbed his sister's face distressedly, and looked at the innocent face without blinking his eyes.

"Sister, it's time for you to exercise, otherwise how can you be out of breath after running two steps like this." Tang Sheng took her sister's hand and walked forward.

"I see." Tang Zheng nodded, and she looked at her sister.

Ah Sheng's physical strength seems to never run out... It's not that she is outstanding in comparison to herself, but she is really talented in martial arts.


"Do you want to be a doctor in the future?" Tang Zheng asked.

"I didn't think so."


Tang Zheng froze for a moment.

She thought that her younger sister would directly reply "yes", but unexpectedly got a different answer.

Tang Zheng stopped and looked at his sister: "Why didn't you think about it? Haven't you been working hard to learn Wenhun?"

She has always seen her sister's hard work, and that kind of hard work makes her very gratified...

Why is that the answer.

Tang Sheng thought about it.

"I want to study medicine... but I'm a bit stupid." Tang Sheng blushed a little: "Sister, what you learned in a few days, it's been a few months... I still haven't figured it out..."

"That's not your fault." Tang Zheng wanted to comfort his sister, but he didn't know how to speak.

How to say?
Because your sister is a genius in literature and soul?Or is it that you are not suitable for learning the soul of literature than ordinary people?

She didn't want to kill her sister's hopes.

But now it seems that maybe... Tang Sheng's obsession with studying medicine is not so strong, which makes Tang Zheng feel a lot easier.

"Don't blame me, I know." Tang Sheng looked at her sister seriously: "But... the master said that I really don't have any talent, and I probably won't read it when I learned the one before Snow White was born from nothingness."

Tang Sheng spoke in a very calm tone, not at all sad, which surprised Tang Zheng, as if... for the first time, he met his sister, and at the same time, he was also surprised by his master.

"Wait, you said... Master told you that you don't have any talent in literary soul?" Tang Zheng said incredulously.

Why…… shouldn't say such things to your sister.

"Why..." Tang Sheng didn't quite understand what her sister was saying: "Because I also think it's obvious...Sister, do you think it's not good for me to learn martial arts?"

Tang Zheng: "..."

"It's not bad..."

The difference between the two sisters?

Maybe it's because I have good talents in both aspects?

Obviously, this little girl with short hair was not really being manipulated by adults.

Tang Zheng will be sad, will he feel uncomfortable?
of course not.

She has long been able to tell what is cheating and what is love.

This may be something that Lu Ling has not been able to do until now.

Tang Sheng continued: "Sister, actually watching you practice swords, I feel recently that this is not a vulgar thing, it is quite beautiful, didn't Senior Sister Fang say it before, my talent is not weaker than yours at all .”

"En." Tang Zheng nodded.

Fang Qiuyu did say so.

Tang Zheng has been studying martial arts for a while, and he has initially understood that his long-haired, innocent and lovely sister...has a very good talent in martial soul, which is similar to her talent in literary soul, like two sisters Born to complement each other.

"Actually, I'm still looking forward to learning martial arts. If that's the case, I'll protect you from now on." Tang Sheng chuckled, sitting in the posture of drawing a sword, and doing this action in a padded jacket was a bit silly.

Tang Zheng was taken aback.

"You, protect me, don't be kidding, how can you protect me?" Tang Zheng laughed at his sister.

"Hmph." Tang Sheng said something shy but was laughed at by her sister, which made her very dissatisfied.

It's a pity that this innocent little girl didn't see Tang Zheng's hand tightly clutching the hem of his clothes behind his back.

"Well...then I'll take a look at Wenhunfa again when I go back." Tang Zheng said to himself.

For her, it's not actually learning martial arts, she just wanted to protect her younger sister from the very beginning... Tang Zheng has always thought that the eldest sister is like a mother.

Even if she has a little attachment to learning martial arts, if her younger sister really wants to learn martial arts, she will naturally choose Wenhun.

Tang Sheng learns Wenhun, she can block the enemy for her, but if the other way around, if the younger sister goes to fight...

There will always be injuries.

This is something Tang Zheng needs to consider as a sister.

There are very important.

It may be a bit heavy, but it is something Tang Zheng has been thinking about all the time.

Although she didn't know that she had lost her mind... But Tang Zheng knew very well that she was in poor health.

How bad is it?
It has reached the point where so many powerful seniors in Lingshan can't cure it...

If it was before, she would be very scared, but because Master will protect Tang Sheng, so... she is not so scared.

Master seems to have forgotten what she was like in the beginning, which made her not hide many things from herself...

In fact, Tang Keyu's sad face had already caught Tang Zheng's eyes, and let the little girl know that her health was really poor.

Then if she wants to learn martial arts, she can protect her sister for a while... But what if she dies?
A girl in her teens is already thinking about what will happen after her death. It's a little scary, but it's also reasonable.

If after she dies, my younger sister will study Wen Hun... At that time, if she is bullied, no one can vent her anger.

She doesn't want this.

And if she learns Martial Soul, she can protect herself in various senses.

Tang Zheng's idea is very naive, is indeed something she has been thinking about.

She looked at Tang Sheng, but found that her sister was looking at her.

"Sister... you've been practicing swords and reading Wenhun's books recently...why didn't you let the master know about it?" Tang Sheng didn't understand. Tang Zheng had to practice the Wenhun method every night, but he told his master not to know ... Tang Sheng couldn't understand this.

"Why..." Tang Zheng shook his head, saying that he should not let his sister know what's inside.

"You listen to me or master." Tang Zheng pressed his sister's shoulder.

Tang Sheng looked at her sister's face so close, she could smell the faint fragrance from her short hair.

"I..." The little girl hesitated for a moment: "I... I will listen to Master."

"...White-eyed wolf." Tang Zheng gritted his teeth angrily, "Are you as old as I am?"

" should listen to Master." Tang Sheng didn't understand why her sister was dissatisfied: "Sister, don't you also listen to Master?"

"That's different. If Master finds out about this, she's afraid..." Tang Zheng shook his head.

You will be very sad, or blame yourself.

Tang Keyu gave his sister's name, and the most important warmth, Tang Zheng didn't want Master to blame himself for his own affairs.

This is her principle of life.

A precocious girl always has a precocious reason.

"I'm afraid it will be something?" Tang Sheng looked at her sister.

"Anyway, it's not a bad thing for me to study. Why are you asking?" Tang Zheng waved impatiently: "I want to surprise Master, understand?"

"Yes." Tang Sheng raised his hand and looked at his sister with contempt: "Sister, you said that earlier, so I understand? I'm imitating adults, you're so stupid..."

Tang Zheng: "..."

To be honest, she just wanted to spank her sister's ass for a moment.

But when he thought that if he did something to his sister, the master would definitely not let her go... so he gave up this idea.

Ever since I came to Lingshan, I can't discipline my sister anymore.

"Forget it, remember not to tell Master, nor Senior Sister Fang, just keep your mouth shut." Tang Zheng reminded.

"I got it, I got it. Sister, you made Master happy. Find a way to get a piece of bamboo-colored lotus seed cake from Teacher Li. I want to eat it, but I didn't get it today." Tang Sheng took a sip of saliva.

Tang Zheng: "..."

and many more.

"It should be two yuan." Tang Zheng said with a dark face, "I don't want to eat?"

"Yes, yes, two yuan, I forgot about you, sister." Tang Sheng scratched his head, and then changed the subject naturally: "Should be in Sister Lu's room soon..."

"En." Tang Zheng nodded.

Speaking of Lu Ling...

She loves it.

really like.

I liked her from the very beginning... Although my younger sister admired her very much, so I always found ways to trouble Sister Lu, but in fact...

She really likes Lu Ling.

I've been really worried about her lately.

"She has changed a lot recently, and she didn't speak just now." Tang Zheng thought of Lu Ling's appearance as a married woman he just met, and said.

Who knew that instead of the same worry from the younger sister, it was a cry of excitement.

"Very ladylike, isn't it?"


Tang Sheng explained: "I think... the current Sister Lu is very beautiful..."

She thought of the long-haired lady in a red dress she had just seen, her face flushed.

When I grow up, I want to be like Sister Lu.

"I think she grows up a bit fast..." Tang Zheng shook his head. She felt that the thinking circuit of herself and her sister were not on the same line, but the problem was not big. These were not the main problems. As long as Lu Ling was safe, she would There is nothing to worry about.

At this time, Tang Sheng shuddered and looked up at Xue Hua.

"Sister, do you feel that it's getting colder..."

"You just felt it." Tang Zheng shook his head: "Since just now, it has been getting colder and colder... Maybe it has something to do with her."

"Sister Lu? Then... oh, she is ice-type, so she is not afraid of the cold." Tang Sheng smiled foolishly, then looked at her sister who was wrapped in a rice dumpling: "Sister, it's so cold, you... Otherwise, why don't you go, didn't Master say that you don't want to catch cold recently?"

"It's okay." Tang Zheng waved his hand, she wanted to see Lu Ling... Physically, this was not the first time, just get used to it.

"But, you can't catch the cold, sister, have you forgotten that you rolled around with stomach pain?" Tang Sheng shook her head, she suddenly felt that her sister is not suitable to move forward now...

"Master said that I will come in the future, but I am not here now, so sister, you should go back first."

"Damn girl, do you dislike me for disturbing your two-person world with Lu Ling?" Tang Zheng gritted his teeth.

"Oh, I was discovered." Tang Sheng chuckled: "Sister, you are really smart... But, people are really worried about your health... Otherwise, I will take care of you again if your stomach hurts."

Tang Zheng: "..."

Forget it.

She took out a gemstone from the padded jacket and showed it to Tang Sheng.

"You see what this is?"

"This... oh! It's so warm." Tang Sheng touched the light red glass with flames jumping in front of him: "It's so beautiful, sister, what is this?"

"Senior sister Xu gave it to me just now." Tang Zheng was helpless.

She is weak, and now she is on her period again... How could Master not protect her?So I specially asked for an innate flame from Xu Xu to wear close to my body... This overprotective appearance made Tang Zheng feel very uncomfortable, so he didn't tell his sister.

I always feel a little inexplicably ashamed.

But there is no way now.

"How is it? Don't worry? Let's go quickly if you don't worry." Tang Zheng said.

"Sister, why didn't you tell me that you have such a warm thing, I said how warm it was when I touched your hand just now, how petty." Tang Sheng stared at his sister.

"Damn girl, you are going against the sky." Tang Zheng shook his little fist: "Is that me being stingy?"

"It's stingy."

"When you come to Tiangui, there will definitely be some." Tang Zheng said.

"Oh, then I don't want it anymore." Tang Sheng immediately returned the colored glaze to her sister, and it was obvious that she was very afraid of Tiangui.


Obviously, Tang Zheng's stomach ache scared her.

She thought her sister was dying and cried for several days.

If you also...

No no no no……

"Look at your future, if you don't come, then I will be afraid." Tang Zheng pinched his sister's nose and put the colored glaze away again.

"Let's go and see what sister Lu is doing."


(End of this chapter)

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