Chapter 827
That Lu Ling would take care of herself so well was something that none of the women present had thought of, but it also reassured them a lot, especially Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi knew that Lu Ling should not and could not be tied to her, but...he was always worried. After all, in Li Zhuzi's heart, Lu Ling was still the one who needed help for eating and drinking, and now...he suddenly asked her to let go.

How could it be possible.

And Lu Ling's success in taking care of herself today also gave Li Zhuzi a reason to comfort herself.

Aya can do it.

Let her go and do it...

Such a girl should not be bound by herself.

The crowd broke up.

The moon is bright and the wind is clear.

Dongfang Lianren stood at the highest point of the three peaks, her red dress was blown by the strong wind, as if it would be torn to pieces at any moment.

She looked at Feng Jiu's direction, showing some nostalgia.

"If... Elder Sister is still here, she would be the Peak Lord of Nine Peaks now, but..."

But now Feng Jiu only had Chu Qishui as a waste, and there was no one she could rely on.

"Master..." Dongfang Lianren tightly clutched the letter in his hand.

in fact……

Dongfang Lianren didn't want to read this letter anymore, because she was... afraid of things that would allow her to protect her memory.


If you don't read it, then act as if nothing happened, that man is dead, and she just lives alone for the rest of her life, guarding Lingshan...

Also good.

You can ignore it, right?

Dongfang Lianren hesitated.

She...does she want to find her master?
Maybe, Master can give me some advice.

After a while, Dongfang Lianren gave up on this idea. is impossible to help her. She knows that Master treats herself as a daughter, but...she really has no way to say such words to Master—even though her Master Xinsi knew it all, but she was the peak master of Sanfeng after all, so she couldn't let Master see her embarrassed appearance.

This is normal. Under normal circumstances, when a woman encounters relationship problems, she will discuss it with her best friend, but her best Luo Hanyi.

Dongfang Lianren sighed.

Let's go meet her apprentice, she is leaving Sanfeng, and there are still many things that need to be explained.


She was already preparing to leave Lingshan, no matter what was written in this letter, she did not plan to stay in Lingshan again, she... was inexplicably disappointed in Lingshan now.

It must be impossible.

That man might be plotted by Lingshan or something.

She loves Lingshan, of course she does, she loves her home very much... loves everything in her house...

Dongfang Lianren is not a woman who can give up her family for love...but so what?
Nobody in the family likes her, do they?

She also doesn't want to be stuck in the past, and she wants a fresh start...but, does anyone care?
All her relationships were pushing her toward memory.

No one likes her, so naturally it is impossible to start a new life, so... For Dongfang Lianren, the happiest days are those days when she hasn't practiced poison kung fu.

If the current Dongfang Lianren can feel enough warmth, she might give up pursuing the matter of this letter... However, everything is always not going well.



three peaks.

Two levels of differentiation.

One side is a barren dead land, and the other side is full of vitality. It has already entered the night, but the environment here is still like a fairyland, with fireflies flying and laughter in the tree house.

Maybe it's because Dongfang Lianren likes Liu Yu very much, so most of Sanfeng's disciples also practice Yuemingfengqingjue. Even at night, the girls are still chattering.

Among them, the most lively and the most crowded tree house is naturally the house of Elder Sister Sanfeng.

Dongfang Xunyan, the realm of transformation, Taoist name "Congling", known as Congling Fairy, is the direct disciple of Dongfang Lianren, and the only disciple.

She is an orphan, and she was taken up to the mountain by Dongfang Lianren when she was very young, and she was given the surname Dongfang, and the name Xunyan. She had such a name, but only Dongfang Lianren knew the specifics.

And Dongfang Xunyan is indeed very good, she majors in Wen Hun, if Qin Qin is range recovery, then Dongfang Xunyan is the limit of single-target recovery, far surpassing Qin Qin in single-target healing.

The personality is also very good, belonging to the type that is energetic yet gentle and quiet.

The capable and refreshing long ponytail looks like a very credible big sister type at first glance.

And Dongfang Xunyan has always been called "Fairy Congling" and "Fairy Xunyan" in the world of cultivating immortals. It is also very popular among the younger generation of men, and it is also very popular with the girls at home.

But this is Dongfang Xunyan, who has always been dissatisfied with her master, at least in the eyes of others, because Dongfang Xunyan not only did not learn her master's best poisonous kung fu, but felt that this kind of kung fu is not the right way, So I practiced Wenhun with other people...

And, regularly "crusade" his master.

For example, the last time Dongfang Lianren "sleeped" Lu Ling, Dongfang Xunyan gathered a group of sisters to attack his master.

And she was indeed tortured by Jiao Qi since she was a child... Seriously, she couldn't get out of bed for a few months and couldn't see people... After that, her relationship with Master became bad, and she moved out of the East Hall of the poor.

Even Dongfang Lianren seldom goes to see Dongfang Lianren, because... Although she is a big sister, she doesn't know how to handle too many affairs. Most of them are done by Dongfang Lianren alone, and she doesn't need help. They also asked Shen Gui for help.


Dongfang Xunyan, who was surrounded by everyone, smiled happily, watching the little juniors playing together.

"Sister Yan, are you free recently?" At this time, a junior sister said shyly.

Dongfang Xunyan nodded: "I'm free, what can I do?"

"In a few days, I will go down the mountain... Senior sister, can you accompany me... I'm a little... scared..." The junior sister lowered her head and whispered.

Immediately, this kind of words caused the other girls to laugh.

"You, you just want to monopolize Sister Yan, so why are you afraid?"

"That's right, I remember you were quite courageous when you gave birth to the Tear Demon Seed, weren't you?"

"" The little junior sister's face was flushed, she turned her head to look at Dongfang Xunyan, and begged: "Sister Yan..."

Dongfang Xunyan looked at her dotingly: "Okay, I'll just accompany you, I'm free anytime."

"Sister Yan, you're just too used to her. It's normal if she says she won't marry because of you." The girl laughed loudly.

"Senior Sister!" Little Junior Sister's face was bleeding from embarrassment.

Dongfang Xunyan quickly smoothed things over: "Okay, okay, don't tease her, she has a thin skin, you don't know, and I really don't have anything to do, it's good to go to Luoyan City, I heard that Xiaoxiang Pavilion has improved, I Quite curious."

"Um... that's fine too."

"Sister, you have fun."

Immediately afterwards, everyone was in a mess again.

Dongfang Xunyan watched the little girl play around, and felt that his whole body was healed.

If... Master would be very pleased if she saw such a scene, after all, what she likes to see most is the harmony between the sisters.


Thinking of Dongfang Lianren who is both mother and master, Dongfang Xunyan showed a little dissatisfied expression.

Master she...


Don't know what to say.

I am always dissatisfied.

Dongfang Xunyan is so free, and still has time to go to Luoyan City, not because she is a waste and not capable enough... but because the master will not give her affairs, and many times she would rather find Shen Gui than her.

This caused Dongfang Xunyan to often go to other peaks to help... She is capable and has a good personality, so a good reputation is gradually established.

Dongfang Xunyan looked out the window.

Think about your master.

how to say……

Others think that Dongfang Lianren is scary, a coquettish poisonous lady, but in the eyes of Dongfang Xunyan, Master is actually a little girl who hasn't grown up...

I like pink pajamas and childish stories...

This made her very dissatisfied.

She had persuaded her master more than once not to be the peak owner, and to give her the power to take a good rest... But the master was never willing, which made Dongfang Xunyan feel distressed and dissatisfied.

What is dissatisfied is that she always doesn't trust herself, and... the master always has some scandals with other junior sisters, especially that Lu Ling... She even wonders if the master really didn't hold back and got with Lu Ling... …

In short, it is very dissatisfied.

If he can get rid of the poison, Master...will be very happy, so Dongfang Lianren will stop practicing poison kung fu and have a good rest is what Dongfang Xunyan wants to see.

However, it is impossible for Master to get out of such a strategic existence, and she also understands it.

There was a conflicted expression on the girl's face.

At this moment, Dongfang Xunyan was taken aback for a moment, then stood up, his eyes were incredible.

She stood up resolutely: "you play, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back."

"Yes, Senior Sister, go get busy." The other little girls did not doubt it, and continued to do their own things.

Dongfang Xunyan quickly left the tree house, followed the moonlight to look over, determined the direction and walked into a dense forest.

The shadows are elongated, and the fireflies are dancing, drawing various shapes in the air.

Here, there is a woman in red waiting for her.

"Master? You... this is?" Dongfang Xunyan looked at Dongfang Lianren who was waiting for her in shock.

"Why, are you surprised?" Dongfang Lianren released the firefly in his palm, and turned to look at his apprentice.

"Yan'er, long time no see."

Dongfang Xunyan lowered his head, a little blush appeared on his neck, and whispered: "What are you talking about, it's been a long time... Obviously..."

Forget it.

look up.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly."

Obviously like it very much, but pretending not to like it, this is tsundere.

Dongfang Lianren shook his head: "Don't worry, all my poisons have been put away now, and you will be fine."

"Put it away?" Dongfang Xunyan was stunned for a moment, and then his first reaction was not a sigh of relief but extremely nervous, he grabbed Dongfang Lianren's hand: "Master, can your poison be put away? Could it be an injury?" ..."

Then he felt that his concern seemed too much, coughed, blushed and let go of his hand.

"Master, are you injured?"

Dongfang Lianren looked at his apprentice, or daughter, with the corners of his mouth curled up a little, and smiled: "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll be fine in a few days."

Dongfang Xunyan turned his head and muttered: "What... the tone of coaxing children."

"Okay, okay, I have something to ask you this time." Dongfang Lian said.

"What's the matter?" Dongfang Xunyan looked vigilant, but in fact, her slightly raised toes revealed her joyful mood.

"I'm going to the East Shenhai. This time it may take a long time. You can deal with the matter of Sanfeng. This is my personal token and the order of the peak master." After Dongfang Lianren finished speaking, he took the two tokens come out.

"Peak Master's Order? Eastern Divine Sea?" Dongfang Xunyan was puzzled and did not take it.

Are you going to see Miss Linglong?

She is very envious of the good relationship between Sister Linglong and Master...but...the problem is not like this.

Just to see Miss Linglong... There is no need to do such a thing.

Dongfang Xunyan raised his head, wanting to ask something, but he didn't speak in the end.

Because... Dongfang Lianren had the words "Don't ask" written on her face.

" it, leave it to me." Dongfang Xunyan took the two tokens.

"um. Thank you."

"Tell me what to say thank you."

Then, the atmosphere between the two became inexplicably awkward.

This pair of not frank mother and daughter have never been happy to get along.

"That..." Dongfang Xunyan spoke first, saying unnutritious words: "Master, you have fun..."

"Yes." Dongfang Lianren nodded: "I will leave Sanfeng to you, I can rest assured."

"Really..." Dongfang Xunyan was very happy that Master could say such words, but... the doubts in his heart became more serious.

She always felt that something was wrong, was hard to ask.

"Say hello to Sister Linglong for me, I'm looking forward to her performance in this martial arts meeting at Tianguang Market." Dongfang Xunyan was looking for a topic.

"I will." Dongfang Lianren continued to nod.

The two under the moon, Dongfang Lian was dressed in red and a long skirt, Dongfang Xunyan was dressed in Taoist robes, heroic, more like a pair of sisters than a mother and daughter, a pair of awkward sisters.

"That's it, I'm leaving." Dongfang Lianren said.

"..." Dongfang Xunyan felt that Master seemed a little unhappy, but he couldn't ask, so he hesitated and nodded.

Dongfang Lian left.

Dongfang Xunyan stood there, holding the two tokens in a daze, until he couldn't see the crimson at all, then turned back.

It seems that the promise of my junior sister to accompany her to Luoyan City is impossible. I hope she won't cry.

The current Dongfang Xunyan doesn't know what she missed by not being frank.

What ended up...was a confrontation with the person she loved the most.

That's all for later.


Outside the forest.

Leaning against a tree, Dongfang Lianren slowly...slowly...slid down and sat on the ground.

"Why... didn't you follow up." Dongfang Lianren covered his mouth tightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Why...don't follow up..."

If it were you, I'd say it... really.

After making it clear, she will completely forget about the letter and return to the track of her previous life.

However, she has no chance.

Dongfang Lianren sat there blankly.

my fault.

It was my lack of fault.

Dongfang Lianren knew everything, but she... just couldn't do it.

But now, the road was in front of him, he could only open this letter, and then...continue to immerse himself in the "beautiful" memory of the past.

I'm sure I'll watch it, but...

You have to leave Lingshan first.

She began to have bad thoughts about Lingshan.


Hopefully... picking up letters from the past won't mess up her life.

I hope...he didn't fall into any conspiracy, but ended his life well.

——Until now, this silly woman has not discovered that the conspiracy is not aimed at that man, but her...

The woman bent down on the ground, and the sound of insects rang in her ears. She begged in a low voice: "I have never done anything bad in my life... I beseech heaven to favor me."

(End of this chapter)

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