Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 828: The Departure of Experience

Chapter 828: The Departure of Experience

A peaceful night.

The next day, when Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng arrived, Lu Ling had already finished washing.

Inside the house, everyone surrounded Lu Ling, and it was very lively.

And Lu Ling has already prepared everything. She changed into white silk, wearing a red dress, wearing earrings, light makeup on her face, and her hair in a bun again... She was reading a book there, very serious .

That was the Poison Sutra given to her by Master Dongfang, and it has become a must-read for Lu Ling every day.

The day's plan is in the morning, and Lu Ling will naturally not let go of this good opportunity, and... this is also a good way to divert attention, after all, her pain has not weakened in any way.

The girl holding the book, with the sparkling blue bracelet on her wrist, attracted the attention of everyone present.

This is already the end of the meal.

"Sister Lu is getting more and more beautiful..." Tang Sheng smacked his lips, staring at the glitter on Lu Ling's lips, and couldn't take his eyes off for a moment.

"Yes." Tang Zheng nodded in agreement, but she felt that Lu Ling's main charm was maturity... For little girls like them, mature big sisters are fatally attractive to them.



Everyone stayed here at this time, there was nothing else to do, they just waited for the time to watch Lu Ling leave... and Lu Ling read a book to adjust her status, so they naturally wouldn't bother her.

"Where's Senior Sister Dongfang?" Han Xue couldn't help asking after looking left and right, but she didn't see Dongfang Lianren's shadow.

"East?" Li Zhuzi thought for a while.

It seems that I haven't seen Dongfang Lianren since last night...

"Wait." Li Zhuzi remembered something, and walked to his room, and sure enough, a jade slip was left there.

After opening it, it was the image left by Dongfang Lianren.

"Zhuzi, I think Linglong is going crazy, I'm going first...By the way, Xunyan has left Sanfeng's matter to Xunyan, you can ask Luo Xian and the others to help... Then, let me have a rest too... I'm a little tired, that's all, bye."

The woman in red smiled and waved her hand.

After reading it, Li Zhuzi silently put down the jade slip.

something is wrong...

Is Dongfang in a bad mood?
If I just left, I wouldn't let myself take care of Dongfang Xunyan... But Dongfang Lianren is in a bad mood, I can understand, after all, there are memories from the past that interfere with her.

But because it is an oriental pitiful person, there is no need to worry.

Li Zhuzi shook his head and came out to tell everyone about the matter. Han Xue heaved a sigh of relief, and so did Luo Hanyi.

"Ah, Dongfang is like this, why am I not as good as Xiao Linglong? I always go to see her." Luo Hanyi was dissatisfied.

"Junior Sister Yan, I will often visit." Luo Xian nodded slightly.

The topic quickly shifted away from Dongfang Lianren, and no one was worried about her... The reason was very simple.

Dongfang Lianren doesn't need to worry about others, she can do everything well...everything is fine.

Everyone thought so, including her apprentice Dongfang Xunyan. The reason why she didn't catch up was because she believed that Master could solve everything...

But people have limits.

These women didn't notice this, only Lu Ling felt something was wrong in the morning... because in the past, Dongfang Lianren would come to see her and talk about how to put on makeup next to her, but this time...he left without even saying goodbye.

Something bad must have happened.

But Lu Ling will not tell others about these things.

Dongfang Lianren has her own way of life and past, what does it have to do with her.


Well, in a sense, it has something to do with her, but Lu Ling doesn't know, she just wants to start her training as soon as possible.


With a sound of Fengming, Lu Ling put down the book, put it in the interspatial ring, and raised her head.

Time is up.

"Ah, it's time." Han Xue said "Ah" lightly, and then everyone looked at Li Zhuzi together.

to start.

"A Ling, are you ready?" Li Zhuzi took out the key connected to the "door" and looked at Lu Ling quietly.

Lu Ling nodded.

She is already ready.

Li Zhuzi didn't say anything more, and opened the door.

A teleportation array appeared in the courtyard, the wind and snow fell, and spiritual power overflowed... Tang Sheng was blown by the strong wind for a while and couldn't open his eyes.

Lu Ling sat firmly on the wheelchair without moving a single corner of her clothes. After nodding to everyone, she drove the wheelchair and slowly approached the portal.

Everyone silently watched Lu Ling leave.

After all, it was Lu Ling's first time receiving training, so it's normal for parents to be nervous.

It's just... when Lu Ling was about to enter the portal, silver light flashed in her eyes, she instantly analyzed the structure of the portal, and then...the figure disappeared into it.

"!..." After Lu Ling's body completely disappeared, Li Zhuzi subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab something, but he just grabbed a ball of air.

"Zhuzi, calm down, she has already left." Tang Keyu reminded Li Zhuzi.

"I...I know, I know..." Li Zhuzi's face was full of worry: "...but..."

But... her heart was beating very fast.

It was as if, after Lu Ling left her, she no longer belonged to her.

This feeling of worrying about gains and losses is normal, at least in Tang Keyu's view.

Tang Keyu said: "Okay, okay, Ah Ling has started her own experience, and the passage of time in the secret realm has slowed down as much as possible... She can get enough exercise, and you should take a rest for the bamboo, didn't you see Did Senior Sister Dongfang go to relax?"

"But..." Li Zhuzi was very worried. If it wasn't for the fact that the secret realm belonged to Lu Ling alone, she even wanted to follow Lu Ling to see it.

Seeing this, Tang Keyu sighed and shook his head.

She just loves Li Zhuzi.

Since Lu Ling came to Lingshan, she has changed a lot as a sister, and it's time for her to take a good rest.

"It's not like you, Zhuzi, who is still struggling after everyone is gone."

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't speak.

"Then, even if you don't want to go out to play and rest, you should adjust your mentality." Tang Keyu took Li Zhuzi's hand: "You know, Shen Canghai is about to leave the customs, don't forget that you still have a fight with her Woolen cloth."

"..." Li Zhuzi was taken aback for a moment, then sighed after a while, and then stopped insisting.

A Ling has her own fortune, so be it.

As Lu Ling disappeared, Qin Qin turned and left.

This morning, Lu Ling played a qin piece in front of her that she couldn't fault at all, which made Qin Qin very happy... Ah Ling has really grown up.

Then as a temperament teacher, I can't be left behind by her, so I went back to practice.

The rest of the people are going to have a good rest at Li Zhuzi's place, especially Xu Xu and Shen Gui... They really like Li shi, and now that the biggest "rival in love" is gone, they must "take advantage of it" wave.

After Lu Ling left Lingshan, the tense atmosphere disappeared instantly, and the air seemed to be much thinner.

Including Li Zhuzi, everyone relaxed a lot.

I don't know if they are aware of this.

——Only the little girl at the bottom of the mountain is always worried about her...



And Lu Ling has already arrived in the "secret realm".

At the very beginning, she was still being pushed forward by the space teleportation, but after a few minutes, she completely analyzed the space inside, and she was already advancing along the space crack by herself.

Lu Ling watched with her own eyes how Liu Fufeng's space talent improved, and she also learned a lot of skills without knowing it.

If Luanfeng Daoist who is far away in the Great Sad Valley sees it, I am afraid there will be a feeling that the two sisters are fused together... After Liu Fufeng disappeared, what remained was a sword master with ice blood, who could manipulate vitality, You can also manipulate space.

Space is the framework, vitality is the content, and the person who can fully grasp these two points is the creator... Lu Ling is also aware of this, but her ability is obviously far from mastery, and she can't even use it freely.

Still need a lot of practice.



When Lu Ling opened her eyes again, there was a light blue void in front of her, and a transparent "floor" under her feet... There was a transparent "data board" standing there in front of her.

A slightly familiar scene.

Lu Ling drove the wheelchair and walked over.

Lu Ling has already learned about the things on the data board through the manual. It is probably something similar to a console. As long as Lu Ling sets the opponent, it will automatically generate the environment, weather, and element concentration, and then she can go in and practice.

The focus is on the opponent.

Lu Ling looked over.

There are only three candidates in total, and they are three big heads.

They are Shen Gui, Xu Xu, and Crescent Bear.

Among them, each person has a different stage. Lu Ling clicked on the head portrait of the indifferent black-haired girl, and listed below was an introduction and three options.


Shen Gui: Dao name [Gui Qu Lai Xi], the chief disciple of the second peak, proficient in ice-type martial arts, spells, and at this stage mainly swordsmanship, with extremely high actual combat experience.

Strength selection: ①The mid-stage of the Soul Realm. ② In the middle stage of the virtual realm. ③ Go to the initial stage of the habitat.

That's all.

Lu Ling knew that as long as she chose one of the three cultivation bases, she could start her own training...

But before that, she still needs to look at other people's information. After all, Shen Gui puts a lot of pressure on her. If possible, she doesn't really want to start with Senior Sister Shen... To be honest, even if it is in the Soul Realm Senior sister, she also has a lot of pressure.

Lu Ling closed Shen Gui's interface, and clicked on the girl with a ball-shaped bun and a cheerful smile.


Xu Xu: Dao name: [Red Lotus], the chief disciple of the first peak, proficient in fire-type martial arts and spells. At this stage, spells are the main focus, with top-notch nuances and the bonus of innate fire spirits.

Strength selection: ①The mid-stage of the Soul Realm. ② In the middle stage of the virtual realm. ③ Go to the initial stage of the habitat.

Like Shen Gui, his strength has three spans.

Lu Ling was thinking.

Do you want to start with Senior Sister Xu?

Look at the last one, that little black...

Lu Ling clicked on the cute and honest black bear's head... Then she froze for a moment.

She thought it was the weakest, but she didn't expect it to be a boss.


I see it says-


Old Hei: Race: Spirit Clan, ethnic group [Crescent Bear], the patriarch of Crescent Bear Young, invincible at the same level.

Strength choice: go to the middle stage of life.

[A Ling, Lao Hei is the strongest. Don’t choose him before you have been trained by your two senior sisters...and don’t waste time on him. After a quarter of an hour, you can come in and have a look, it is not for your experience, but for you to know the fighting style of the spirit race. 】



Lu Ling: "..."

Looking at the note below which was obviously left for her by her husband, Lu Ling helplessly raised her forehead.

Lao Hei is really a boss, and there is only one middle stage of the Rebirth Realm to choose from... To be honest, Lu Ling's knowledge of cultivation is only up to the Soul Composite Realm, and she doesn't understand what the Void Transformation Realm is, let alone the Rebirth Realm. environment.

In other words, this big bear who was instantly killed by her sword servant Luo Ling has a cultivation level that she can't reach even by jumping, let alone... she is still crippled.

And what Li Zhuzi said later also made Lu Ling understand one thing, that is, Li Zhuzi thought that it was impossible for her to defeat Shen Gui and Xu Xu who were in the Void Transformation Realm, and it would be great if they could persist for a quarter of an hour.

As for Shen Gui and Xu Xu who are both in the reincarnated state, it is estimated that she has learned a lot...

Been underestimated?
Lu Ling didn't think so.

To be honest, her goal from the very beginning was on Shen Gui and Xu Xu who were in the soul-forming state. As for the latter, she didn't even look at it, and she didn't have any thoughts... One must be self-aware.

Then follow what Mr. said, put Xiao Hei in the back.

Lu Ling inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief...

In this way, the time to eat it by myself will be delayed a bit...

But now comes the problem.

Start with Senior Sister Xu, or with Senior Sister Shen?
Lu Ling was a little confused.

Xu Xu is casting spells, Shen Gui is swordsmanship, but she knows both of these...

Then, a sudden voice resolved Lu Ling's entanglement.

Only a mechanical female voice appeared in her ear.

[Drip, check. 】

[Task Requirements: Successfully defeat Shen Gui's phantom in the Hepo Realm in the Secret Realm. 】

[Mission Difficulty: Extremely Difficult]

[Task introduction: Learn from the experience of the senior sister, and then defeat her... This is the beginning of everything. 】

[Task Reward: Seven days of world use time, one thousand points. 】

[Task period: None. 】

[Task penalty: None. 】

[Comprehensive assessment: The host has a [-]% chance of completing this mission. 】


Lu Ling: "..."

Very unexpected.

There is a new task.

Lu Ling said lightly: [System, if you don't come out, I even forgot that I still have a system. 】

This is real.

The female voice was still very calm: [Tasks will be issued only when tasks are detected, please understand the host. 】

is it?

Lu Ling nodded.

[What about the mall you mentioned?I never opened it. 】Lu Ling continued.

[Requires points to unlock, please obtain points to unlock first. 】


Lu Ling's attention focused on the reward given after defeating Shen Gui this time, and there were indeed [-] points.

In other words, do you need to complete the task first...

Although she has [-] doubts about the system in her heart, Lu Ling has no doubt that the other party can help her, especially... the reward has seven days of [world] time, which is very attractive to her.

[I accepted the task. ] Lu Ling nodded: [But I have a question. 】

[The host asks. 】

[Why is the task extremely difficult, but you think I can complete it with a [-]% chance? 】Lu Ling frowned.

[Returning to the host, the difficulty lies in the process. Without limiting the time and means, as long as you persevere, you will be able to complete the task. After testing, the host has the ability to perfectly defeat the soul-forming state and return to the phantom. 】

The system... is actually Hong Ling replying to Lu Ling.

She also knew that Lu Ling had doubts about her, but she had no choice... Who made her a nanny.

Fancy giving rewards to Lu Ling.

After all, even if there is no mission, Lu Ling will still challenge Shen Gui, nothing will change.

So, she came here to give rewards.

She couldn't help Lu Ling directly, so it was considered a coincidence, but in this way, even on her mother's side, she could say that everything was achieved by Lu Ling's hard work.

This is what Hong Ling can do to help Lu Ling.

【Do you think I have potential?I see. ] Lu Ling nodded.

Let's get started, mysteries.

(End of this chapter)

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