Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 829 The First Battle

Chapter 829 The First Battle
After receiving the task, Lu Ling was in a good mood. Standing in front of the data panel of the secret realm, she chose Shen Gui, who was in the Soul Realm, as her opponent... Then, the scene, weather, and conditions were randomly generated.

After pressing the confirm button, everything around her changed.

Even if Dongfang Linglong, who was faintly suppressing Shen Gui, would not feel anything wrong with the current scene, she would not be able to peep into the secrets of the secret realm.

But Lu Ling observed the aggregation and separation of tens of thousands of spaces in an instant.

The illusion is an illusion, and it is not an illusion.

There is also the use of space in it. Lu Ling subconsciously analyzed the transformation of space. Although she did it, her head was a little overloaded after receiving so many changes in space at once.

The awakening of space ability Lu Ling has not studied carefully, and she cannot control the passive analysis skills... The advantage is that she can exercise her control over space, but the disadvantage is that it is like this now, and it is likely to bring negative effects.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling covered her head and gasped in pain... She felt her head was about to explode.

At this moment, a cool and slightly warm voice came from Lu Ling's ear.

"Junior sister, are you okay?"

"..." Lu Ling tried her best to open her eyes, and the light entered her eyes. In an instant, what she saw made her feel a little dazed for a while.

The surrounding scene has changed, from a void with only one panel to the Lun Daochang of Lingshan.

It was a ring of several hundred meters, except that it was smaller, and it was almost exactly the same as the Lun Daochang that Lu Ling had seen before.

For a moment, Lu Ling was in a trance, thinking that she had returned to Lingshan...or maybe she was dreaming.

But when she saw the girl in front of her, all her thoughts came back.

Not a dream.

The secret realm has been opened, and she has become a person in the illusion.

As for why it is definitely an illusion... because of the unreality around, and... the girlish version of Shen Gui who looks a little more girly...

It is very strange that there are only her and the girl in front of the Daoist Temple of Nuo Da, but the girl in front of her didn't notice anything wrong, which is very strange in itself.

According to the manual, it can be perfectly explained.

According to different situations, the simulated scenes are different, and Shen Gui's phantom will make corresponding choices according to Shen Gui's character.

It should be one of these now.

Looking at everything around... Could it be a competition in the arena?

Lu Ling stared blankly at the young girl Shen Gui. The senior sister was still wearing a black Taoist robe, a pitch-black ink-colored long sword, and capable short hair. However, compared to the Shen Gui that Lu Ling knew, the girl's clothes in front of her were more black. The light gauze looks light and fluffy, which makes the girl's temperament much lighter.

It's... Senior Sister Shen when she was a girl.

In this way, a senior sister who seems to be in her 20s is actually only in the Soul Realm...

Lu Ling was very surprised.

She originally thought that Senior Sister Shen in the Soul Realm should be about the same age as her, but she didn't expect that she was already this big.

"?" Shen Gui stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Lu Ling: "Little Junior Sister? What's wrong with you? If you feel uncomfortable, cancel today's competition."

Shen Gui's tone was very gentle.

Lu Ling was not surprised.

Because...Even now, Senior Sister Shen is still a very gentle person. Lu Ling still remembers the first time they met, when Senior Sister Shen insisted on carrying her to school, who was inconvenient to walk...

For the children in the family, she is the most trustworthy big sister.

It's a pity that she is the eldest sister of someone else's family.

Lu Ling shook her head.

So, from Shen Gui's words, the situation this time... should be a competition between myself and my senior sister...

The senior sister didn't find it strange at all, the competition with her, even... Lu Ling believed that Shen Gui didn't even know her name, and just appeared here according to the setting...

And now that caring look... It's just because Shen Gui at that age would really care about her so much if he was competing with his younger junior sister.

What lies ahead is just an illusion... Lu Ling reminded herself.

Come back to your senses.

【Sister Shen...】

Waving, a line of barrage appeared in front of the girl: [Sister Shen, let's start. 】

And as Lu Ling expected, Shen Gui wasn't curious about the fact that she couldn't speak, and when he heard that she was about to start, his eyes instantly became sharper, and he retreated a few hundred meters with a dodge, and retreated to the edge of the ring.

"Then let's start." Shen Gui held his Returning Sword and stared at Lu Ling's body in a wheelchair in the distance, like a beast ready to go.

Obviously, she doesn't have any psychological burden to bully Lu Ling who is a cripple, because in the setting, she just wants Lu Ling to compete...

Following Lu Ling's words, an illusory spiritual barrage countdown appeared in the sky.

Starting from [Ten]... when the time reaches zero, it's time for them to compete.

【ten. 】

Lu Ling took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

She wants to train herself with the help of Senior Sister Shen, and Lu Ling doesn't know Shen Gui's actual strength, but if it is Shen Gui who is in the Soul Realm, what he has learned should be the most basic swordsmanship, which is far from being a "fairy". level, so... she should have a chance.

【Nine. 】

Time is gradually weakening, Lu Ling is still thinking, facing such Shen Gui, what ability should she use?
Ice spell?Ice Sword Qi?Qionghua's kendo?Wuhen Sword Intent?The immature space ability or the method of manipulating vitality that was not effective at that time?
Various methods flashed through Lu Ling's mind one by one.

Obviously, having no combat experience but possessing too many combat methods is not a good thing for Lu Ling at this time. It cannot be said that she is ambitious, but it still affects her mentality.

【Eight. 】

Lu Ling's thoughts turned quickly.

It was decided that since Senior Sister Shen was good at swordsmanship, she would use swordsmanship to face the enemy and practice her Qionghua swordsmanship and Wuhen swordsmanship. It happened that she also had some new understanding of Wuhen swordsmanship.

【seven. 】

Thinking of this, Lu Ling took out the silver long sword July Seventh from the ring, held the hilt tightly, and looked warily at Shen Gui who was holding the black sword in his backhand in the distance.

My legs and feet are inconvenient, so I should focus on defense and look for flaws...

Should be able to do it.

【six. 】

The time was getting closer and closer to zero, and Lu Ling had already made all preparations, quietly watching Shen Gui, waiting for the last few seconds to pass.

【five. 】

【Four. 】

At this moment, Lu Ling saw Shen Gui's eyes in the distance - it was puzzled and a little bit disappointed.

Confuse?Did my behavior make the senior sister feel suspicious?
And...they haven't fought yet, why should the senior sister be disappointed.

But there was no time for Lu Ling to think carefully.

【one. 】

【zero. 】

The moment the time returned to zero, Lu Ling's spiritual power was stimulated to the maximum, and the sea-like spiritual power in her body surged out and attached to July Seventh, and a three-foot cold light overflowed from the tip of the sword.


It is Qionghua's late-moving swordsmanship.

Just as Lu Ling watched Shen Gui in the distance vigilantly and waited for her to make a move, Lu Ling only felt a chill on her neck...a sword as black as ink was hanging on her jade neck like this, as long as she gently touched it again Go inside a little, and she will disappear immediately.

"You lost." A familiar cold voice appeared beside my ears.

Lu Ling was startled, and was about to swing the sword backhand, but only felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and fell to the ground with a clang on July [-]th.

At this time, the figure of the girl Shen Gui in the distance slowly disappeared, the barrier shattered, and the aftermath of the sonic boom turned into waves, leaving huge ripples on the white jade ground.


The moment the time counted down to zero, Lu Ling had already lost.

Lu Ling's mind went blank, she looked at the sword on the ground, and the bloodshot mark on her wrist...

I lost?
what happened?
Her spiritual power has not yet been stimulated, but it has been...

look up.

I lost……

Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui, at this moment Shen Gui's lips moved slightly, and he was talking, but Lu Ling could no longer hear him.

The moment she admits defeat, the whole world is slowly shattering, including Shen Gui and herself...

Ten seconds later, everything returned to nothingness.




nine peaks.

"Jueer, tell me, what will Ah Ling's performance be like? It's a pity that only Ah Ling knows what happened in the secret realm. I'm really curious." Han Xue muttered.

"How... isn't that how we all came here?" Chu Qishui shook his head.

She left a path full of sword energy for Lu Ling, so she should be able to use that kind of power that can be called the favor of heaven.



Lu Ling's body slowly appeared in the void world, the girl's face was blank...and the aftertaste of shock that had not yet disappeared.


And it was instantly killed...

There was no room for resistance at all.

Lu Ling breathed heavily, her chest was violently bullied, and there were dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

Didn't you mean the Soul Composite Realm?
Why can Senior Sister Shen have such a strong speed... Lu Ling can be sure that even if she is given time to react, she cannot be Shen Gui's opponent.

A sonic that a sonic boom?

Senior Sister Shen didn't know when she set up an enchantment, which deceived her eyes, so that she was instantly killed.

Just now, Shen Gui approached her first, and when Lu Ling was about to use swordsmanship, he just used the scabbard to snatch the sword from her hand.

You know, Lu Ling has already filled her whole body with spiritual power just now, so she will definitely crush Shen Gui in terms of strength... because her spiritual power will far crush Shen Gui who is in the Soul Realm.

But... even a scabbard can't stop it.

Lu Ling felt that she was instantly killed by an overwhelming advantage.

It wasn't that Shen Gui was too strong...or she was too weak.

Also in the Soul Composite Realm, Shen Gui not only has explosive speed, but her spiritual power is also extremely sharp, and she also knows how to create barriers... In comparison, she doesn't know anything, just like a waste.

What Shen Gui can do, Lu Ling knows the principle, is only the effect on spiritual power... and Shen Gui can do this with the rare spiritual power of the Soul Realm... Lu Ling is convinced.

Am I not my sister's opponent?
No... I should be able to, I still have a lot of power that I haven't used, this time I underestimated the enemy... Give me time to prepare, I can do it.

Sure can.

She crushed Shen Gui in terms of spiritual power, how could she lose.

Lu Ling rekindled her fighting spirit, and pointed her finger at Shen Gui, who was at the Soul Composite Realm.

Only now did she understand why her husband said that she had already entered the hands of Shen Gui who was at the Void Transformation Realm for a quarter of an hour... There was a big difference between the Void Transformation Realm and the Soul Consolidation Realm. The difference in the realm of immortality... It is hard for Lu Ling to imagine what kind of Shen Gui she will face if it is in the realm of transformation.

Lu Ling's figure disappeared again.

The situation was the same as before, this time, it was still a ring, but Lu Ling controlled her eyes and wasn't being overwhelmed by the information... She suspected that the failure to perform well just now had something to do with her poor brain in analyzing the space.

The girl version of Shen Gui stood there.

"Little Junior Sister, you are here, let's start."


It seems that she has no memory of just now.

Also normal.

【Um. ] Lu Ling nodded, this time she didn't talk nonsense, and it was still the same as before. After pulling away, numbers appeared in the sky and began to count down.

【ten. 】

Lu Ling arranges tactics.

Still the same as before, using swordsmanship, because Shen Gui's speed is too fast, no ice curse can hit her, and in the end it is still a melee fight.

【Eight. 】

What needs to be paid attention to is Senior Sister Shen's tactics. The reason why she set up the barrier must be because there will be an obvious prelude when she moves. As long as she catches Shen Gui's figure and blocks the first sword, she can use Qionghua's swordsmanship to get close Counter-repression sinks back...

She has strong spiritual power, so she can naturally suppress the opponent.

【six. 】

Even though it's inconvenient to be in a wheelchair, it's actually okay, because she can control her body and wheelchair with spiritual power.

It's not that Lu Ling can't move, but... she doesn't know much about body skills. Even if she moves, it's just a living target, and it will affect her vision and calculation ability.

As long as he persisted from the beginning, the only way to lose would be Shen Gui.

【five. 】

Lu Ling stared at Shen Gui's every move, and the latter just stood there quietly holding a sword, looking at Lu Ling with doubts and disappointments.

【Four. 】

Lu Ling was a little flustered.


Why is it disappointing again?
Where am I doing wrong?
Seeing Shen Gui's eyes, Lu Ling realized something, but she was still at a loss.

【three. 】

【two. 】

【one. 】

【zero. 】


Without time to think, Lu Ling stared at Shen Gui's every move, and at the same time let go of her spiritual power and icy halo. In this case, as long as Shen Gui had the slightest sign of trouble, she could sense the formation of the barrier. That moment was the moment she fought back.

But... Lu Ling's plan failed.

Shen Gui looked at her coldly, and instead of coming up, he said, "Little Junior Sister, what are you in a daze for?"

"?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

Is this... language interference?
The answer is obviously no.

Shen Gui would not do such a shameless thing, she was really asking.

"If you don't prepare well, it's just a waste of time, and I'm sorry for your majestic spiritual power." Shen Gui held the sword and looked at Lu Ling disappointedly: "I can feel your outstanding swordsmanship talent, it's a pity prepared to come back next time."

next time?

Before Lu Ling had time to think about Shen Gui's words, she heard what Shen Gui said next time, and immediately realized that the other party was going to attack, so she put her vigilance to the maximum.

But Shen Gui had already moved.

Lu Ling saw her figure, but the other party didn't hide it, because this time Shen Gui was like a ghost without a single sound, Lu Ling could only see a black shadow drawing a horizontal line in the air...

Very beautiful.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Gui appeared in front of her eyes, and the sword came along her neck.

really!Lu Ling's eyes lit up.

There are flaws!
As she thought, no matter how strong Shen Gui is in the soul-forming state, whether his physical fitness is terrifying, his speed is strong, or he can use enchantments, this is not a problem.

She can only attack herself in close quarters...

The current Shen Gui can't even use his sword energy, he only knows how to use his spiritual power to increase his strength, and his sword skills are far from reaching the point where he walked out of his own way and made Mr. Xiao amazed.

Since the senior sister wants to get close to him at this time, the victory or defeat is only a split second.

Either she seized the opportunity to fight back, or she held the opponent back and used her spiritual power to kill him.

can win.

(End of this chapter)

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