Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 834 Losing Fighting Spirit

Chapter 834 Losing Fighting Spirit
Some people were worried about Lu Ling.

She came anyway... Although she didn't know what identity she used, she didn't even dare to appear in Lu Ling's sight... But the other party's failures this time reminded her of the time when she ran into a wall at the Nine Peaks of Lingshan. some time.

The shadow in the dark has a very complicated mood.

Lu Ling is really a very gentle person, even if the other party is Shen Gui, senior sister Shen who is not so close to her, Lu Ling will never be cruel to Shen Gui, even if Shen Gui killed her so many times, she still Still want to win the opponent openly.

Lu Ling could win...but she couldn't use ruthless methods on Shen Gui...even if the opponent was just a phantom.

This should have been what I wanted to see the most, because if Lu Ling treated Shen Gui like this, then facing her most important person... would naturally be more soft, and it would be impossible to make a move against her.

are you happy?
Not at all.

The calculations all the time have reaped the best fruits, but she is not only unhappy, but very sad on the contrary.

She felt that she was the dirtiest person.

The girl in the dark shook her head vigorously... Since she decided to come to see her, it is the right choice to abandon all thoughts for the time being...

She had to do something, at least... Seeing Lu Ling's hard work time and time again until she became numb, she felt very uncomfortable.

Let's talk about the hurt later, now...she wants to help her.

But how to help...

Start with space?

Maybe... you can leave some hints.

She observed Lu Ling's battles several times. It's not that this girl is incompetent, but she has all the abilities but can't use them... It is estimated that no one taught her when she was in Lingshan.

In fact, there is a very good way to deal with the current Shen Gui, that is, to protect the body with cold air. Lu Ling can create a barrier out of thin air, and naturally she can also forge a black ice armor...

Now Shen Gui is only at the Soul Composite Realm, and the sword energy without the bonus of sword intent can't penetrate Lu Ling's armor at all.

So... As long as you can use some simple spells, you can be invincible, but Lu Ling didn't do that.

She didn't believe that Lu Ling couldn't think of it, that girl is very smart...then there is only one answer.

will not.

I really can't.

At this time, Lu Ling has a lot of spiritual power, but her soul is not properly trained, and she can't finely control her cold air to make ice armor for herself, and she can't mobilize her spiritual consciousness. That speed...not only does not have the effect of protection, but it will affect her own ability to move.

Don't forget not only Shen Gui, but Lu Ling's main method now is to use the sword... The Frost Curse also needs to be cast for a long time.

In this way, unless she has learned special spells, Lu Ling will not be able to control herself for the time being.

The girl sighed.

Didn't she learn the ice technique with Gu Chenxi?How come there will be a Frost Curse in the end... Can it be weaker.

That is the blood of ice, a body that is extremely frost-cold than ice, and a talent that far surpasses all kinds of innate spirit bodies.

This bloodline has been blessed by the high priest of the Sea Clan, but now it can only use the Ice Curse, no matter how you think about it... a waste of everything.

This can't be blamed on Gu Chenxi's refusal to teach. You must know that during that time, Fang Qiuyu still had to occupy her time, and she couldn't get in at all, and when she managed to catch up with Gu Chenxi's class, she also caught up with Liu Fufeng's accident.

The junior sister left her and left. At that time, Lu Ling fell into a coma. After waking up, how could she be in the mood to go to Gu Chenxi to learn the ice technique?Being able to remember a Frost Curse is already a very powerful thing.

But if you don't know how to freeze... it will be a little troublesome.

But it's not too much trouble.

Even so, it should be very simple for her Ah Ling to win Shen Gui, who is in the Soul Realm, and the reason why she can't go any further now is only lack of confidence.

The girl in the dark thought of two ways. restore Lu Ling's confidence, or to let her learn simple methods of manipulating aura.

Who will teach?
It's impossible for her to show up...

Looking around, her eyes were on the secret control panel in front of her.

Apart from Shen Gui, Xu Xu and a spirit clan were the only ones above. If the spirit clan didn't consider it, then the best candidate was born. Xu Xu is a very good teacher, she has a deep understanding of this.

In fact, Lu Ling should choose Xu Xu as his opponent from the very beginning. Although this is much stronger than Shen Gui, but... Lu Ling can learn a lot. After all, Xu Xu's fire armor is something that Shen Gui has been troubled with so far. Nine crystal-clear red lotuses for body protection, like bone-eviscating jade, are Xu Xu's signature skills. Every time the nine red lotuses for body protection bloom, it means that an attack has hit Xu Xu once, and this is not a good thing, because nine Xu Xu is at his strongest when all the red lotuses are in bloom.

That is a very strong body protection method, and it is the best body protection method for Lu Ling, a terrifying girl with a lot of spiritual power, far surpassing the simple ice armor covering...

Xu Xu originally wanted to teach Lu Ling, but felt that the timing was too early, and Lu Ling's condition was not good, so... she didn't open her mouth, and this method of body protection was more effective after the Void Transformation Realm, so No rush.

How did she know that Lu Ling would encounter such a predicament.

So Lu Ling made a mistake from the beginning of the difficulty of the secret realm which was quite simple... and Lingshan allocated the most space power to Xu Xu, thinking that Xu Xu could teach Lu Ling more, after all, Lu Ling is still ice The method is more convenient to use.

But who would have thought that Lu Ling would be tricked by her own system...and die in Shen Gui's trap and couldn't get out.

In fact, Lu Ling only needs to go to the stage of the secret realm of Heshun Realm once, and with her comprehension, she might be able to grasp the body-protecting lotus on the spot...

But Lu Ling is a little dazed now.

But just when the girl wanted to play tricks on Xu Xu's secret realm, she suddenly froze.

How much does she know about Lu Ling?

I'm afraid she knows more about herself than Lu Ling does.

So for the current A Ling, what she needs is a simple way to defeat Shen Gui?Is it a simple protective spell?
The girl's hands froze there.

After a while, he gently kneaded his temples.

"Sure enough... Sure enough, I still have some memory problems... The fusion of so many things has also affected my thoughts. If it was me before..." The girl's eyes were confused.

If it was Liu Fufeng, he might have gained insight into Lu Ling's psychology immediately.

She is everyone and everyone is not.

At least, she is not the person Lu Ling wants to meet, or... she is the Liu Fufeng who grew up in an instant, but whether this Liu Fufeng is the one Lu Ling wants... I don't know.

In fact, Liu Fufeng was not the Liu Fufeng that Lu Ling knew from a long time ago, right?

From her awakening of space talent, from her decision to burn the city, it has been proved that she is not an overly gentle person at all.

It's just being gentle to Lu Ling.

This is different from that one.

Obviously, this is the character that Liu Fufeng has developed over the years, rather than being influenced by other souls.

The girl unconsciously became anxious, because she found that she also had the urge to go out and tear up Shen Gui's body... Who told her to bully her A Ling.

This shows that... she has been affected by a lot more than she thought.

Maybe, maybe it's just the memory from Liu Fufeng gaining the upper hand, blurring her conception.

Maybe...she is still that girl from Picheng?

She dared not think.

"The problem comes back to her..." Wiping off the sweat from her forehead, the girl in sackcloth forced herself to calm down.

What Lu Ling needs is definitely not a way to win, but confidence.

But if this is the case, it will be troublesome...



This time the scene was on a beach, the salty sea breeze blew Lu Ling's hair, the wheelchair sank into the soft sand, the surrounding vision was very wide, Shen Gui had no place to hide at all.

Lu Ling raised her spirits a little.


Is this boundless blue the sea...

She...has never seen the sea yet.

Obviously thinking, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely come here with her to have fun... She has already thought about how to play with her junior sister on this beach...

But now, there were only her alone, Senior Sister Shen staring at her with a murderous look in the distance, and a dead and silent beach.

【Senior Sister, can you wait for a while... I want to see the sea, just for a while. 】Lu Ling waved her hand, a bullet screen appeared in the sky, her face was full of pleading.

Knowing that it was an illusion...but she still hoped that she could see more of this piece of blue.

"..." Shen Gui in the distance didn't move.

There was no response to Lu Ling, but the unsheathed sword responded to Shen Gui's attitude.

Who is your senior sister?
She doesn't know who Lu Ling is... and she is still the youngest in the sect... Yes, at this time, Qin Qin is still the eldest disciple, and Shen Gui is the junior sister.

Seeing this, Lu Ling pursed her lips, eyes full of exhaustion.

Is it coming again...

She had already figured out Shen Gui's routine, and at the beginning of this time, she released her aura to completely understand Shen Gui.

Lu Ling held Qiyue Qi and gently lifted her body from the wheelchair, making it easier to carry her body, and... holding the silver sword in her backhand.

Shen Gui still didn't move, but Lu Ling suddenly stretched out the sword in one direction inexplicably.


The sound of metal colliding was very ear-piercing.

Two meters away, Shen Gui who was shaken away looked at Lu Ling unexpectedly.

Did this little girl see her shadow clearly?Because this sword was not so much blocked by Lu Ling as it was she slammed into it on her own initiative.

Lu Ling twisted her wrist slightly.

It's still the same routine, the senior sister is the same as the first time, trying to cover up the afterimage with a barrier... But Lu Ling used cold air to surround Shen Gui from the very beginning, it was a barrier in disguise, Shen Gui's breath just now had a Lu Ling caught the instant change, and immediately analyzed the best angle for Shen Gui to attack her, and then blocked Shen Gui's sword with her sword.

Obviously, even though she has been failing all the time, Lu Ling is still making progress.

But she was not happy at all.

Because... every opening is like this.

Afterwards, when the senior sister became serious, she would always be the first to find a flaw... Lu Ling didn't even want to work hard anymore.

After all, it is not very difficult to win Shen Gui now, as long as she knows a protective spell, isn't it?

Not now, can learn it soon when you go out to the secret realm.

You don't have to work so should be fine.

Lu Ling was a little tired.

really tired...

She is still a demon, even if she works hard, all her efforts may be in vain because of her identity being exposed.

The junior sister doesn't want her, isn't it because she has no potential and ability...

Until now, she still believed in Liu Fufeng's judgment.

Can't blame her for being weak.


"You are very good, worthy of my seriousness." The girl version Shen Gui once again held his long sword, and Lu Ling sighed softly upon seeing this.


Come on.

She held the seventh month of July, and set up the Qionghua sword's opening gesture—compared to her Wuhen sword code that didn't comprehend the meaning of the sword, and Li Wangsheng's sword rhyme that was too weak after being charged for a long time , or Qionghua Sword is the most suitable for her.

Moreover, the open and close moves like Qionghua Yinluo are completely unsuitable for dealing with Shen Gui, what is needed is a small and close sword technique.

These are her experiences.

Shen Gui moved, and Lu Ling followed immediately.

For a moment, the sword lights kept colliding, and the sound of falling swords became one...

Lu Ling could barely keep up with Shen Gui's speed, and could even suppress her spiritually, but Shen Gui could always use his skills and experience to beat her back to her original form when Lu Ling was about to gain the upper hand.

Moreover, once Shen Gui felt that his spiritual power was exhausted, he would directly leave Lu Ling's range of sword power, and fight her after he recovered... Lu Ling couldn't catch up with her legs and feet.

The initiative has always been in Shen Gui's hands.

Lu Ling was exhausted by Shen Gui a little bit in the previous life-and-death battles. Because of her flaws, Shen Gui ran away when she couldn't beat her, and Lu Ling had nothing to do...

Except for the fact that she keeps losing, the match between her and Shen Gui has changed from being unilaterally killed to Shen Gui looking for opportunities wave after wave.

But it doesn't do much.

Half an hour later, with the help of Lu Ling's aura, Shen Gui jumped away again and disappeared.

Look...that's it.

Lu Ling was not surprised at all.

She was panting violently... her physical strength was greatly lost, you know, she is still having her period...

Shen Gui retreated, but Lu Ling did not rush to regain her strength, but turned her head to look at the blue behind her, closed her eyes and listened to the sound of waves and wind.

sounds so good.

The current Lu Ling is not defeated and collapsed, but... calm after gradually losing her fighting spirit. This kind of calm is sometimes even more worrying than a direct collapse.

Lu Ling opened her eyes, and the silver pupils reflected blue.

Such a beautiful scenery, I really want her to see it too.

Unfortunately, this kind of rest did not last long, and her Senior Sister Shen came again.

【Ice Curse. 】Lu Ling subconsciously threw an ice pick at Shen Gui's maintenance. Although it consumed a lot of energy, it also caused trouble for Shen Gui.

"Tch, the spell is as troublesome as Senior Sister." Shen Gui caressed the bloodstains on his cheeks drawn by the ice pick, stared fiercely at Lu Ling, and said, "It's a pity..."

It's a pity that Lu Ling doesn't have Xu Xu's hard "tortoise shell", otherwise it would be really troublesome, and she wouldn't be able to kill her at all.

Shen Gui didn't know why, anyway, she wanted to kill this soft girl in front of her.

【bring it on. 】Lu Ling raised her sword.

Maybe, maybe we can win this time, right?

This is the mentality.

It would be nice if you could win.

It's completely different from the previous attitude of never giving up until you win, depending on your luck... Anyway, I am improving.



After a quarter of an hour, Lu Ling's sword slowed down.

Lu Ling has seen the end.

According to the current trend, I can probably hold on to ten moves... The limit is ten moves, and then her sword will stab Shen Gui's lower abdomen, and Shen Gui's sword will penetrate her heart.

predicted the direction.

As for making changes now... I'm sorry it can't be done, the ten moves are the result of her analysis of the best moves, if she changes, I'm afraid even ten moves won't last.

Her physical strength has reached its limit.

And Shen Gui had actually reached his limit, but these were not in Lu Ling's consideration.

Ten tricks, it doesn't matter, the difference between one trick and ten tricks is a waste of time.

Lu Ling glanced back at the blue sea, gave up resistance, and let the long sword penetrate her chest.


so tired.

give me a break...


The secret realm was completely dismantled, Lu Ling exited the secret realm, ready to challenge again after rest, but this time Lu Ling felt something was wrong when she came out.

Her physical strength did not recover immediately, on the contrary, boundless drowsiness hit her.

She felt herself falling downwards and falling into a tender embrace.

That kind of familiarity made Lu Ling want to struggle to open her eyes, but... she didn't have any strength at all.

Struggling... Struggling...

An endless sense of peace of mind hit her.

"Even if it's a dream..." Lu Ling uttered dreamlike ravings and fell into a deep sleep.



The girl in sackcloth hugged Lu Ling lightly, as if it was the most precious treasure in the world, her eyes were unwilling to leave for a moment.

"Rest well...everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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