Chapter 835 Illusion
There is one and only one person in this world who can make such Lu Ling completely abandon her vigilance and fall asleep peacefully at an unknown and trance moment.

Even if she changed her appearance, she could still feel the warmth from her heart, like a mother.

She is tired and wants to rest...

In the dream, after waking up, Junior Sister was beside her, preparing breakfast for her...

The daily life in the past has become Lu Ling's biggest pursuit now.



Outside, the girl in sackcloth gently hugged Lu Ling with a solemn expression.

If nothing else happened, Li Huo Hongling was beside Lu Ling at this time... Although she should not be able to find herself because of the help of Heaven's Dao to cover it up, but... she was still a little nervous.

It is absolutely irrational to be directly exposed to the sun now, and the girl in sackcloth knows it, but she can't do it rationally.

She's been sane for years and needs a break.

And from the looks of it, Hong Ling was miserably deceived by her mother...and she didn't find herself.

I don't know what kind of scene the fairy sword saw at this time.

None of this matters.

She turned and disappeared with her girl in her arms.

In a certain space in the secret realm, the girl in sackcloth put Lu Ling down reluctantly... If possible, she would not want to leave her hand for a moment... But she still has things to do.

After waking up, Ah Ling couldn't feel something was wrong...

The slender fingers stretched out to Lu Ling's eyes. With the fluctuation of the space, the sleeping girl showed a little painful expression. The girl felt distressed for a while, but she still didn't's good for both of them not to meet each other.

Of course, the meeting mentioned here refers to the exposure of identities.

Following the girl's movements, traces of silver were pulled out from Lu Ling's forehead like intermittent silver needles. It can be seen that Lu Ling is in pain now...

Who doesn't hurt?
The bitten lower lip of the girl in sackcloth under the hood proved everything.



I don't know how long it took, the girl's brows slowly frowned... Because she was about to wake up, the pain swept along with her... But Lu Ling was able to hold it back so that she wouldn't wake up from the pain.

Lu Ling slowly opened her eyes, feeling a little confused.

She...why fell asleep.

Also, this did I sleep so comfortably.

I feel comfortable all over, even the pain in my lower abdomen has subsided a lot, and I am full of energy... It seems that I have endless energy.

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

The last time...was when Junior Sister didn't leave.

and many more!

Junior sister!

Before she fell asleep, she seemed to feel her junior sister hugging her.

Lu Ling suddenly sat up from the bed with both hands, and then looked down at the brocade under her body that was pressed down by her arms. It was obvious that there was a layer of soft thatch under the brocade.


here is……

Lu Ling turned her head stiffly, and what she saw was a thatched cottage that was not spacious.

nine peaks.

This is Jiufeng's thatched cottage, where she lived with her junior sister a long time ago.

Why is it so.

And Lu Ling didn't have much time to think, because at this time a person walked in, aged seventeen or eighteen, with a face that was all over the country, and she just looked at Lu Ling tenderly.

"Senior Sister, the sun is drying your ass, so hurry up and get up." While talking, the girl naturally went to tidy up the bed messed up by Lu Ling.

"..." Lu Ling stared at the girl in front of her in a daze, then her body gradually trembled, the trembling was so intense, she stared at the girl in the white dress in front of her, and looked at the side face that only appeared in a dream, His lips moved, but he couldn't make a sound.

The girl in the white skirt also felt something was wrong, turned around to look at Lu Ling, and then exclaimed.

"Senior sister, why are you crying?" As he said, he hugged Lu Ling and patted her on the back lightly.

"Is it a nightmare? Don't be afraid...don't be afraid...I'm...I'm..."

I am here.

These two words entered Lu Ling's ears, causing her to tremble violently. Her eyes were instantly covered by a layer of mist. Slowly, she stretched out her little hand, trying to grab the girl in front of her. hand, but still can't do it.

The dizziness was like thunder, and Lu Ling didn't even know how to control her hands.

Seeing that Lu Ling was so scared, the girl showed helplessness and hugged Lu Ling.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a nightmare, it's nothing..." The girl comforted Lu Ling, and reached out to wipe away the two lines of crystal tears on Lu Ling's face.

And Lu Ling didn't let her go, and didn't speak.

Just hugging the girl, I don't know what state it is.

After a long time.

The girl didn't let go of her hand until Lu Ling stopped trembling.

"Okay, you're all big girls now, how can you always be like this, wait a minute, I'll get some hot water to wash you up." The girl got up, turned and left.

Lu Ling didn't stop her.

Hands and feet gradually become stiff.

All of this... Could it be that I missed my junior sister too much, so I had a dream?

Lu Ling, who was afraid that it was a dream, did not dare to move, for fear that a person who was far away would be shattered like a bubble.



In the distance, the girl in the white skirt got hot water and was naturally busy.

It was as if Lu Ling was given a special time to think about what happened now.



And Lu Ling was not idle either, she stretched out her hand to grab the incomparably real air, and looked down at the white silk on her lower body that was slightly red.

The pain is still there.

What happened in the past is not a dream.

That is to say, everything now is a dream.

Such a real dream, or illusion.


Lu Ling soon discovered something, and she was staring at the sky, the silver light in her eyes was dim. After her analysis, she instantly realized the essence of the "Nine Peaks" of the Lingshan Mountain in front of her, which was similar to the one she had when she met Shen Gui before. A phantom-like structure.

The air was full of her power, and Lu Ling checked herself, and found that the space ability in her body was completely exhausted.

So Lu Ling naturally analyzed everything.

After she failed, she missed her junior sister too much, so... She automatically used her space power and with the help of the secret realm to create an independent illusion in this secret realm, overlapping reality and dreams. The familiar world in front of her is actually the same as the secret realm. That false sinking is the same.


all fake.

At this time, Liu Fufeng came in with hot water, bent down and put the hot water in front of the bed.

"Senior sister, wash your face...ah, what are you doing, you said it was a nightmare, don't be afraid."

Liu Fufeng looked down at the girl who was hugging her waist, feeling very helpless.

"Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang..."

Lying on Liu Fufeng's body, Lu Ling listened to the regular heartbeat in her ear.

Lu Ling raised her hand and stroked the cheek that was close at hand.

Silky as jade.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng seemed a little shy by Lu Ling's behavior, his cheeks were flushed.

Lu Ling's eyes were red.

Even if it's an illusion, she still has a feeling that she doesn't want to go out again. If her junior sister never comes back, then just staying in the illusion forever... would be the happiest thing for her.

Lu Ling does not doubt that the secret realm is fake, because Xu Xu and Shen Gui in the secret realm are both data, and the most real Liu Fufeng is stored in her brain, she knows more about the character of her junior sister than Shen Gui in the secret realm , it is not impossible to create such a secret realm.

"Okay, okay, let go." Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand to pinch Lu Ling's face, pampering him.

Lu Ling obeyed subconsciously, let go of her hand, and then, her face showed nervousness, her lips moved slightly: "Master, junior sister..."

Her voice was hoarse, without the agility of a girl at all.

"Yeah." And Liu Fufeng nodded as if he didn't notice anything wrong: "What's wrong?"

"It's's just a dream." Lu Ling said in a hoarse voice, not daring to speak because her voice...was terrible.

Husky doesn't look like a girl.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Fufeng, who looked at her seriously.

"Wash your face first."

"..." After taking the towel, Lu Ling obediently wiped her face, while Liu Fufeng murmured as usual: "Although you are here, Senior Sister, you can't sleep on the bed all the time, you have to wash frequently, and Sister, you still have something to do today..."

Lu Ling nodded subconsciously, and kept looking at Liu Fufeng's face, making the latter bewildered.

"I have flowers on my face?"

Hearing this, Lu Ling shook her head first, then nodded.


Liu Fufeng was puzzled, and then took out Lu Ling's clothes from the cabinet: "I'll get dressed later, and change the white silk first."

As she spoke, she was about to touch Lu Ling's leg, which made Lu Ling back a little in fright.

"Dirty, dirty, I... I will do it myself." Lu Ling whispered, her voice was not so hoarse only when she whispered, and she felt a little girly.

"If you're shy, you can do it yourself. Where are the clothes?" Liu Fufeng asked, "Do you want me to help?"

"No, no..."

"Well, you change your clothes, my things should be ready." After speaking, Liu Fufeng turned around and went to work in the kitchen at the edge of the room, returning the world to Lu Ling.

Seeing Liu Fufeng leave, Lu Ling's face gradually calmed down.

This is illusion.

No doubt about it.

However, the junior sister is still the same junior sister...Lu Ling has no way to think that she is fake, she can't do it at all, even...she can't even disobey a phantom's words.

It's pretty good too, isn't it?

look up.

Perhaps it was because her spiritual power was drained, so this illusion is independent of the secret realm. Although it may not last as long as the secret realm itself, she can feel that she can leave here at any time and return to the illusion. can come back.

It's like... home.

A place where there are junior sisters is home, she always felt that way before.

Because of the girl in the white skirt in front of her, this world in Lu Ling's eyes, which is completely composed of spatial turbulence, gave her the warmth of home.

Unknowingly, tears flowed down her tear stains, Lu Ling didn't realize it at all, she changed into Bai Ling on her own, controlled her spiritual power and changed into clothes...

She said that she would not forgive Junior Sister so easily, so her current nothing.

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng, who was bent over and busy in the distance, the girl's skirt was swaying, and she was carefully filtering out the medicine residue, her serious appearance made Lu Ling's nervous knuckles turn white.


This junior sister didn't abandon her, so she didn't need to forgive her.

This is the reason Lu Ling was looking for.

She really missed her junior sister so much.

Soon after.

Liu Fufeng came over with two small bowls, looked at Lu Ling who was sitting quietly on the bed, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Senior sister, you are getting better at dressing yourself up."

At this time, Lu Ling was wearing a red dress, her long hair was scattered, and there were two exquisite jewelry hanging on her earlobes, she was very beautiful.

And Lu Ling laughed when she heard Liu Fufeng's praise.

Have a good laugh.

She wanted to hear that.

And because it is an illusion, she will not ask everything clearly like her junior sister, but Lu Ling is also very satisfied.

"Come on, drink this." Liu Fufeng handed a bowl of dark soup to Lu Ling: "It may not smell very good, but this is for warming up your body, and it can also slightly relieve your pain, Senior Sister..."

But before Liu Fufeng finished speaking, Lu Ling took the bowl and drank it down in one gulp, and even licked her lips after that.

"This..." Liu Fufeng was obviously shocked: "Senior Sister? Aren't you the most afraid of drinking bitter things... Well, it seems that it really hurts very badly. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about Gong Han."

She took the empty bowl, looked at Lu Ling's raised head, and gently rubbed her head: "Good boy, this time is very good."

"..." Lu Ling showed dissatisfaction: "I am the senior sister."

In a short period of time, most of Lu Ling's lost voice was recovered, and her personality improved a lot, all because of a person she knew to be a false phantom.

"Okay, okay, you are the senior sister." Liu Fufeng smiled perfunctorily as usual, and then picked up another bowl: "This is originally used to relieve your suffering..."

Then stunned.


Watching Lu Ling three times and five times eliminating the brown sugar water that he drank, Liu Fufeng helped his forehead.

"Senior Sister, you should listen to me... Forget it, just drink it, it just so happens that you don't have to eat breakfast this morning." Liu Fufeng tidied up the jade bowl, looked at that obediently sitting, as if waiting for her Lu Ling who gave the order tilted her head.

"Then now?" Liu Fufeng behaved very naturally.

"Junior sister, don't you have anything to do?" Lu Ling asked, because she created the illusion in her sleep, so she didn't know what Liu Fufeng's purpose was, so she asked this question.

"Me? I may read a book later, nothing to do." Liu Fufeng said naturally.

"Aren't you going to Shuyuan?" Lu Ling asked.

"Shuyuan?" Liu Fufeng said resolutely: "Not going, but Senior Sister, didn't you have an agreement with Senior Sister Shen?"

"Huh?" Lu Ling froze for a moment.

Did you set it up like this...

And Liu Fufeng naturally picked up Lu Ling and put her on the wheelchair: "Senior sister has a request, so I won't accompany you. Although it's still early, it's best not to let that senior sister Shen wait for you, otherwise , I can't help her bully you."

Lu Ling: "..."

There is such a setting?
But it's normal, after all, apart from her junior sister, her most recent obsession is to win against Shen Gui, so such a fusion of illusions is...very possible.


Lu Ling looked at her junior sister who was close at hand.

She doesn't want to leave her for a moment now.

"So why are you still watching me? I don't remember raising you, Ah Ling, into a baby who needs to be taken care of by others." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling seriously: "Although I said that you need to rely on me, that's not the case. .”

Lu Ling dared not speak.

When Liu Fufeng called her Ah Ling, he meant it seriously. It is impossible for Lu Ling to make her junior sister angry, so... she could only nod her head.

"I'll go, I'll go..."

And Liu Fufeng smiled instantly, and nodded lightly: "A good boy is an obedient boy, go ahead, I'll wait for you at home, be serious and study hard."


At this point, Lu Lingshi really had no way to treat Liu Fufeng as a phantom.

She is so real.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling looked up at her.

Liu Fufeng approached Lu Ling, and looked at Lu Ling.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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