Chapter 837 Brother

When Lu Ling appeared, Liu Fufeng was still busy. Seeing Lu Ling driving the wheelchair back, Liu Fufeng looked very surprised.

"Senior Sister? Why are you so fast? I haven't cooked yet."

To be precise, the preparations have just started, and the dishes haven't been cleaned yet...

"Ah... because Senior Sister Shen said that I performed very well, I can just go in the afternoon." Lu Ling replied.

"You did a good job, tell me later what you learned today." Liu Fufeng rubbed Lu Ling's head: "Okay, senior sister, go to the room to read a book or take a nap, and I'll call you after cooking .”

"Yeah." Lu Ling rubbed Liu Fufeng's hand, entered the room, went to bed, curled up in the corner, hugged her legs - her legs can move when the spiritual path is opened, but it will be very painful That's it.

And Lu Ling now... just looking at Liu Fufeng's back, she feels relaxed, and even the air becomes sweet.

She made up her mind when she just came back. In this world, she is still Liu Fufeng's A Ling, and the latter is real.

As for the battle with Shen Gui...


Not at all.

Although it should be very tiring.

Lu Ling can transform her body into cold air at any time, but there are still some differences from pure elves. Her body is still human, which leads to the fact that even if Lu Ling's whole body is transformed into an elf, her spiritual path still cannot be broken, but it turns from bleeding to In order to spread the cold air...the burden of the latter is actually heavier.

Moreover, the consumption of becoming an elf is much greater than Lu Ling imagined. If she hadn't crushed Shen Gui with her strength just now, she might still lose after Shen Gui recovers and retreats temporarily.

But in the final analysis, her speed, defense, and spiritual power all increased significantly after becoming an elf.

Her body was only slightly worse than Shen Gui's, so after a substantial improvement, she easily won the victory.

It was the first time today that she let go of all her scruples and used the elf technique. Lu Ling, who should have been exhausted both physically and mentally, was not tired at all.

In fact... her whole body is aching now, and her menstrual elf transformation has increased the activity of the cold air... her lower abdomen has been cramping non-stop.

But...she doesn't care.

There was always a relaxed smile on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth.

All this is because Liu Fufeng,

Lu Ling knew that her junior sister was waiting for her at home... She couldn't wait to come back to see Liu Fufeng, which was also an important reason why she was so determined to use the power of the elves to solve Shen Gui quickly.

Although you can also lose one and come back.

But the junior sister told her to ask her to work hard, so she will do it. As Lu Ling said, she is not working hard for herself, but because the junior sister is working hard. In the former, she may belittle herself and be lazy, but in the latter ... She will use all her strength.

Lu Ling has never changed.

She is afraid to use her power, but if it is asked by her junior sister, she will do it no matter what.

Lu Ling rested her chin and quietly looked at the busy figure not far away.

The long hair is loose.

Lu Ling even had a shallow dimple.

She... really likes her.


"Junior Sister, I want to drink water!" Lu Ling stretched her neck and shouted loudly.

"Here we come!" Hearing Lu Ling's voice, Liu Fufeng wiped his hands and walked to the stove in a few steps. After busying for a while, he walked to Lu Ling with a jade bowl in his hand: "Here, this is Motherwort The decoction, the concentration I specially adjusted, will not increase the amount of bleeding, drink it."

"...Junior Sister, why is it soup..." Lu Ling had a bitter face.

"Be obedient, this is for your own good." Liu Fufeng gently wiped the cold sweat from Lu Ling's forehead, and looked at her with distress: "It hurts a lot..."

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt." Lu Ling smiled silly.

Just like Senior Sister Xu said, she can't replenish blood casually, but... Junior Sister carefully looked at her body.

I don't know if the motherwort in this illusion is really useful.

"Don't be in a daze, didn't you drink a lot in the morning?" Liu Fufeng urged Lu Ling: "My vegetables are still soaking in the water, you can't blame me if they get soaked and won't taste good."

"Oh." Lu Ling picked up the soup and sipped it, frowning tightly.

Finally finished drinking.

"Junior Sister, Tangshui..." Lu Ling stretched out her hand and waved it with her eyes closed.

Seeing that Lu Ling's claws were about to touch her body, Liu Fufeng gently pressed Lu Ling's hand down: "No, you drank a lot this morning, I thought it was unnecessary."

Lu Ling: "..."

Forget it.

She asked for a glass of plain water, and after rinsing her mouth, she frowned.

"What's wrong?" Liu Fufeng was suddenly very nervous.

"It hurts." Lu Ling covered her belly and pouted.

When she was alone, she wouldn't talk about the pain, but in front of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling would still act like a baby... Besides, she liked to see her junior sister worried about her.

"Gong Han is really hard to cure, I can only slowly treat you, Senior Sister."

Seeing Lu Ling suffer, Liu Fufeng also felt very uncomfortable. Although she was not in good health, she didn't have the same experience as Lu Ling, but she still knew the feeling of eating cold.

"Okay, dear, if you have a stomachache, just lie down for a while, and I'll rub it for you during lunch break." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling: "Hold on for a while, you should feel better after taking the medicine."

"Well, I can bear it." Lu Ling nodded obediently, and gently pushed Liu Fufeng: "Junior Sister, let's cook, I'm a bit hungry."

Liu Fufeng nodded and continued to work.

Lu Ling continued to do nothing, just sat on the thatched bed and watched Liu Fufeng's every move. If it was before, she would have started to study now, because time is very important, but now she just feels that time is not enough...

Regarding the duel with the girlish version of Shen Gui, she won cleanly and beautifully. Shen Gui was completely unable to break her defense. After the return sword was broken, if Shen Gui chose to retreat immediately, he could drag Lu Ling to use up his spiritual power, but Lu Ling was no longer the little girl who had no combat experience at the beginning, so Shen Gui's mistake was fatal.

Lu Ling seized the fleeting opportunity to send July Seven into Shen Gui's heart, evacuating the cold air in Shen Gui's body in an instant, and ending the phantom's life.

Logically speaking, Senior Sister Shen shouldn't have made such a mistake... But it was obvious that the ink sword was very important to her, so she lost her mind for a moment.

This is not a win by chance.

It is the result that Lu Ling should get after gradually accumulating experience.

After her mentality changed, Shen Gui was no longer her opponent even if she didn't use the elf-like defense, at least Shen Gui who was in the Soul Realm couldn't. Shen Gui's routine, Lu Ling, could beat her simply by relying on Qionghua swordsmanship .

With Shen Gui, she has accumulated a lot of experience in hand-to-hand combat, and she just needs to digest it slowly.

And after winning Shen Gui, the task given by the system was naturally completed.

After leaving the secret realm, the system reminded her that the task was completed, but she was anxious to come back to see her junior sister, so she didn't care... Anyway, her system has been useless, so it's not important to have a junior sister.

But now that Lu Ling was free, she only remembered this matter.

As for why he had to think wildly when he was with Liu Fufeng...

Because of……

Lu Ling stared at Liu Fufeng.

She wants to be with her junior sister for a longer time...

Didn't she get the right to use the [World] for seven days after completing the task... Is that possible? Using this power on her and Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling could feel the power of the illusion gradually weakening.

In other words, junior sister can't stay with her for too long.

Lu Ling knows that the world can only be used by her alone, but this is an illusion, which is essentially her space power, and also a part of her... maybe it can.

Therefore, Lu Ling called the system, wanting to get help.

【system. 】

【system? 】

【exist? 】

After calling for a while, the other party did not respond to me.

Lu Ling twitched the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, this system has never been reliable... She shouldn't have expected her.

【world. 】Lu Ling read silently.

However, the world that has been available before has also lost its function at this time... Lu Ling waited there like a fool for a long time without getting any response.


【panel. 】

But this time, the system responded quickly, and a bunch of data appeared in front of Lu Ling's eyes.

【? 】

It's strange... the system is still there, but the system wizard ignores her, and Lu Ling found something wrong with the panel. The [World] mark that should have appeared in the upper right corner of the system panel in the past disappeared.

What disappeared at the same time was the [Mall] mark next to the world.


what happened.

Isn't the reward this time seven days in the world and a thousand points in the mall?Then what disappeared was the mall system that had been useless and the most useful 【World】.

Lu Ling tried to call the system again, but still did not get a response.

Is it...

System upgraded?
do not know.

Then put aside these useless thoughts.

Lu Ling sighed, sure enough, even this junior sister, she couldn't keep her by her side.

Looking at Liu Fufeng who was busy there, he couldn't take his eyes off for a moment.



As for her system... now the senses are blocked.

The shopping mall and the world were originally created by Hong Ling, and only the panels belonged to Lu Ling, so when Hong Ling was deceived, Lu Ling's call naturally did not reach Hong Ling's ears.

From Hong Ling's point of view, Lu Ling had just defeated Shen Gui cleanly, and now she was sitting in a wheelchair with her eyes closed, digesting her combat experience.

In fact, Hong Ling couldn't understand why Lu Ling could overcome her psychological obstacles and "transform" smoothly just by "sleeping for a while".

not understand.

But she is not easy to ask.

Because Lu Ling didn't seem very interested in her, Lu Ling didn't ask about the shopping mall she finally opened, and she hasn't opened it up to now... And as a system, it's not good to ask with personal subjective emotions, only Can quietly wait for Lu Ling to finish her rest.

Obviously she prepared a gift for Lu Ling...

Well, I will give her the task of defeating Xu Xu later, but...Compared to Shen Gui, Xu not difficult.

Not to mention the soul-forming realm, even the Void Transformation realm might have no way to deal with Lu Ling.

The Spiritual Body of Innate Fire is also useless.

That's why she asked Lu Ling to find Shen Gui first to fight. Hong Ling has been by Lu Ling's side all the time. Of course, she knows her shortcomings. Although she will lose if she goes to Shen Gui first, it can also hone Lu Ling's state of mind. From the results, Her idea is still good.

Hong Ling held the illusory Tao Te Ching in one hand, flipping through it while thinking.

She found that she has become more and more "Buddhist" recently... It should be the reason for this Tao Te Ching. If it was before, she would have been unable to bear the new task for Lu Ling, and she would never watch her Sitting here stupidly.

Don't know if it's good or bad.


Obviously, this fairy sword was deceived by someone, and who else could do this except her mother.



Lu Ling didn't know that her fake system was blocked, but in fact her real system was a waste, basically useless except a prestige system, but it wasn't blocked, the hidden things in it could go deep Digging, but Lu Ling has never really cared about her own system, and didn't bother to take care of it.

Junior sisters are the most important.

And now, Liu Fufeng's dishes are ready, the next thing to cook is egg drop soup... This is Lu Ling's favorite drink, and it's what Lu Ling ordered in the morning.

As usual, Liu Fufeng carried the egg and looked back at Lu Ling: "A Ling, I'll go out for a while."

Lu Ling nodded and watched Liu Fufeng go out. Their house didn't have a separate kitchen, and cooking was done in the corner of the house. Since the firewood was spiritual wood, there would be no smoke, so there was no problem, but there were some things that Liu Fufeng Fufeng didn't want Lu Ling to see it.

She knew what the junior sister was going to do.

Her junior sister can't eat meat ... she can't even smell it, so... every time she is at home, her junior sister will leave the house when preparing meat dishes, this is to prevent her discomfort from falling into my eyes.

These Lu Lings all know that this is her junior sister's gentleness, Lu Ling did not stop Liu Fufeng, because just like she knows her junior sister, her junior sister also knows what she likes...Compared to what she likes, it is a little bit uncomfortable, but she can accept it.


In fact, it wasn't a little bit, at one place in the backyard, Liu Fufeng broke the eggs and stirred them, the sweet and fishy smell surrounded him, and his face was pale.

She still can't see meat, this is a common problem... the root cause of the disease that fell in the past, or the psychological reason.

Liu Fufeng's face was pale, and the ninja felt intensely uncomfortable... not only can't eat meat, but also eggs, garlic, onions, all of these are not allowed, and if you touch it, you can vomit for a whole day.

Turning his face sideways, he made a small sound.

No one would believe that an existence like her would have a weakness, or such a shameful weakness, that such feminine characteristics would appear in a person like her.

It's ridiculous to think about it, but... there is really no way, she really doesn't think meat is edible, and her body is extremely resistant.

But Lu Ling likes...

Like when I was at home in Picheng, what I ate every day was simple steamed buns and water.

Especially after having a younger brother, there are no vegetarian dishes on the dinner table at home.

younger brother.

Liu Fufeng had a strange expression on his face.

This is always a topic that cannot be avoided.

(End of this chapter)

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