Chapter 838
Brother... This is a topic that cannot be avoided.

Perhaps this was the biggest accident for Liu Fufeng, and it was a question she had been avoiding all along, but no matter how you say it, it was always her relatives, right?

Moreover, that child is not a bad child. Although she is not at ease, she has a good family environment, otherwise she would not have developed the gentle character in this life. Although my younger brother is valued, he has received more education. Harsh.

She is a very sensible child, she admits this.

Her personal tragedy is actually not a tragedy, it's just an inevitability under the general background, and it can't be blamed on that child... Even what many girls dream of is what the family arranged for her.

I was actually arranged... and almost got married, I didn't even dare to think about it.

As for his younger brother, subjectively Liu Fufeng doesn't hate it, and even likes it a little bit. After all, he has raised him for so many years, and he has a little affection....

But this was before.

Although Liu Fufeng has never talked to Lu Ling, for a girl like Liu Fufeng, her attitude towards her younger brother is actually very contradictory. On the one hand, her life has changed drastically because of his appearance, on the other hand , he himself is a good boy.

This feeling existed until Lu Ling appeared.

Of course, after Lu Ling came later, she was so attracted to her from soul to personality, so much so that she put Lu Ling first in her body and mind, and her previous relatives were not important since then.

In other words, from the very beginning, after meeting Lu Ling on Lingshan, this girl was her life's sustenance. Although she was a little sick, it came from the deepest wish of Liu Fufeng's heart. A long time ago, she regarded Lu Ling as her own. The only family member, family members are nothing compared to Lu Ling, let alone now.

So, at this moment, Liu Fufeng...she was a little jealous of her younger brother.

Yes, dread.

the reason is simple.

As his younger brother and a compatriot of the same mother, that child was naturally contaminated with her aura. Although it was far from her half body in the real sense,... even a little bit of aura would have far-reaching effects. From the body In terms of quality, the talent is far beyond the average person, and the potential is absolutely top-notch from the perspective of the entire human race.

If it wasn't for Lingshan only accepting women, then maybe she wouldn't be able to enter Lingshan at all, after all, her external talent is not very good in this life.

Liu Fufeng also knew that that child had already joined Zhufengliu at this time, so with his talent, he might be able to become a top member of this class very soon, and this time may not be very long.

So in this way... Ah Ling will see him one day.

This is a big problem.

Very big.

If that child meets Ah Ling...

She didn't want to see this scene.

You must know that the child looks very similar to her, almost the male version of her, maybe there is nothing in normal times, but in this special situation, if he is seen by Lu Ling... a male, with a similar appearance.

【A Ling might... put her trust in me on him. 】

Liu Fufeng had no reason to think about whether Lu Ling would do such a thing, because no one could tell, even if there was only a chance, she would not want to see such a thing happen.

She has absolute confidence in Lu Ling, but not in herself.

His eyes were a little bloody, and his breathing was a little rough.

Thinking of what might happen, she felt very uncomfortable...


The egg in the girl's hand shattered a little due to excessive strength, and the light-colored egg white was exposed on Liu Fufeng's hand, and the smell from meat stimulated her mind even more, she slowly wiped her hand clean, and blinked.

Or... kill...

In this way, all problems are no longer a problem.



He was actually thinking about this issue very seriously.

It's just that she doesn't have much strength now, if she wants to do it... definitely can't do it by herself.

But it's not a big problem, she has so many secrets that she can use, the simplest one, Luoyan City now has one...

So that's it... no.


Liu Fufeng closed his eyes and regained some sanity.

She lost her composure.

Opening his eyes, Liu Fufeng was very shocked.

She... How could she have such an idea, you must know that the other party is just an outsider, only affected by her fault, not his fault... How could she have such an extreme idea.

Not to mention, he is still his younger brother...

This is not false, it is an objective fact in ethics.

If it was her before, it would be impossible to have such an idea.

Liu Fufeng took a deep breath.

It seems... She was really affected... She was once again in doubt - the same problem.

Did she get Liu Fufeng's memory, or did she get someone else's memory as Liu Fufeng.

Although there is no difference in essence, it is also a very important thing.

She didn't know, and she couldn't see clearly, if only from the feeling for Lu Ling, it might be the latter...

Check it out first.

As for talking about her younger brother, she has reservations.

It would be best if that child had nothing to do with Lu Ling, and he could receive preferential treatment because of his aura, so he wouldn't lose his life in the fight... But if he gets involved with Lu Ling, no matter who is against whom, as long as there is If not, she might not be able to control herself.



"Junior Sister, why are you so slow... are you okay?" Lu Ling saw Liu Fufeng walking in slowly, and looked at the Junior Sister with an obvious weakness on her face with some worry.

Maybe she shouldn't have brought up such selfish thoughts, seeing her junior sister become weak because of the eggs, she blamed herself immensely.

Lu Ling struggled to get up...but was stopped by Liu Fufeng.

"It's okay, just lie down and don't move around if you feel uncomfortable." Liu Fufeng said seriously.

If you can manage yourself, that's not a big problem.

"Oh." Lu Ling obediently continued to lie on her stomach, but kept looking at Liu Fufeng.

"Junior Sister, why didn't you say that I was unwell when I went out to study?" Lu Ling whispered.

Liu Fufeng finished handling the prepared eggs, her expression relaxed a lot, she turned her head.

"Sister, what are you mumbling about?"

"Nothing." Lu Ling smiled.

"You, I'm not doing it for your own good. If the senior sister's temper is offended, she may not teach you in the future." Liu Fufeng said while skillfully chopping vegetables.

"I know Junior Sister, you are doing it for my own good, haven't you always been?" Lu Ling nodded.

After speaking, I froze for a moment.


From the very beginning, everything her junior sister did was for her...never did anything to hurt her.


Why did she leave herself.

Lu Ling stared blankly at the girl who was seriously preparing lunch... It took a while to recover.

For this kind of thing, we should meet and question her again. Even if there is a reason for this sudden disappearance, she is not so easy to accept.

Liu Fufeng didn't seem to feel anything, and continued to be busy.

Learning to cook with Qin Qin for a period of time is obviously useful, but Liu is indeed the first time in this life that he knows how to cook, and it is also the first time that he likes to cook for the person he likes, so it is said that her For the first time, it was basically given to Lu Ling.

"Wait for a while, the dishes will not be served until the rice is ready." Saying this, Liu Fufeng washed his hands, walked over to Lu Ling and sat down.

"Senior sister, is it still hurting?"

"It hurts." Lu Ling nodded, "And I'm also hungry."

"You... can this be compared?" Liu Fufeng lightly tapped Lu Ling's forehead, and it was not an order of magnitude.

"Why not." Lu Ling was very confident.

"Okay, get up a little bit." Liu Fufeng helped Lu Ling up, and leaned on him, letting the back of Lu Ling's head rest on her collarbone.

Lu Ling was snuggled into Liu Fufeng's arms, holding the corners of her skirt with both hands, her little face was a little rosy: "Junior Sister, what are you going to do..."

"Senior sister, you..." Liu Fufeng hesitated to speak.

Lu Ling didn't understand.

Liu Fufeng cleared his throat: "You should take a bath."

This action irritated Lu Ling so much that she couldn't speak easily.

"... whoever said that, I washed it today, and I also paid attention to it when I was with Senior Sister Shen just now. It will definitely not smell, Junior Sister, you are talking nonsense."

Liu Fufeng's words made Lu Ling agitated for a moment, and she was about to ask for an explanation, but her hand was directly grabbed by Liu Fufeng.

"The one with Senior Sister Shen? Which one?" Liu Fufeng's voice came from behind, making Lu Ling's body a little stiff.

She leaned in the arms of her junior sister, and could feel her heartbeat and body temperature...

The junior sister is very serious in asking this question.

"That... that..." Lu Ling didn't dare to turn her head back, nor would she lie to her junior sister, so she could only honestly say, "It's just... about sword practice..."

"Practicing swords? Why is this?" Liu Fufeng was suddenly a little angry: "Senior Sister, don't you know that you are inconvenient recently?"

"Actually, I didn't move much, there's nothing wrong with it." Lu Ling held Liu Fufeng's hand behind her back, she was concerned about other things, Lu Ling's voice became softer: "Junior Sister...does it really smell..."

Seeing the little girl's uneasy look, Liu Fufeng smiled and buried his head behind Lu Ling's neck.


He took a deep breath.

"Just kidding, the smell of soap very comfortable."

Lu Ling: "..."

The body is slightly stiff.

"Don't make such a joke..." Lu Ling turned her head to look at Liu Fufeng, her eyes were slightly red.

"Okay, okay, my fault." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling, then gently rubbed his palms until they were warm, then lifted Lu Ling's clothes slightly, and put one hand on her lower abdomen, and the other Forming a fist with his hands, he lightly touched Lu Ling's waist, circled around and stopped on her back.

"As compensation, I'll rub it for you. I'm afraid you can't control the strength yourself."

Feeling the warmth of her lower abdomen and the hand on her lower back, Lu Ling snorted: "I didn't agree with the compensation, Junior Sister, you moved on your own."

"Just say whether you want it or not." Liu Fufeng said and was about to raise his hand.

"Yes." Lu Ling immediately replied.

"Relax your body, don't be tense." Liu Fufeng reminded Lu Ling.


"Relax, I don't want you to sleep, I haven't eaten yet, I want you to sleep early."


Lu Ling finally adjusted her posture, and Liu Fufeng started to move. She pressed one hand to Lu Ling's lower abdomen to keep the temperature, and gently rubbed the acupuncture points on Lu Ling's waist with the other hand.

"Is it sour?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Yeah, but it's very comfortable." Lu Ling had a look of enjoyment, the strength of the junior sister was really great...

In fact, her waist is also uncomfortable, after all, she has to support her body.

Seeing that Lu Ling liked it, Liu Fufeng continued to move, and... Liu Fufeng glanced at the stove and slowed down the cooking time.

Anyway, don't worry.


After Lu Ling's body was completely relaxed, Liu Fufeng took his hands away from Lu Ling's back, rubbed his hands on Lu Ling's lower abdomen, and rubbed them obliquely from back to front... The heat gradually developed, and Lu Ling's face turned red.

Very comfortable.

I don't know if it's because I'm a junior sister, but it really has an effect, but Lu Ling can feel the warmth in her body.

"Hiss!" Lu Ling gasped suddenly, and saw Liu Fufeng clasped his hands in the center of her lower abdomen, the posture was very convenient, and she was pressing her stomach with a lot more force than before.

"Junior Sister, it hurts." Lu Ling said weakly.

"What kind of pain?" Liu Fufeng asked simply.


"Then bear with it."

"Oh." Lu Ling could feel that her junior sister was serious at this moment... so she gritted her teeth and stood up.

Being stimulated at this time, it hurts a lot more than Lu Ling imagined... Unknowingly, Lu Ling's back was drenched, and her forehead was covered with sweat... Liu Fufeng's chest was also soaked a little by Lu Ling, But she doesn't care.

After a course of treatment, Lu Ling was very weak, but she could obviously feel that her mental state had improved a lot, as if she was sweating after catching a cold. Although she was weak, she was indeed much better.

"Senior sister, how do you feel?" Liu Fufeng said.

"It feels... very good." Lu Ling took a small breath, very satisfied.

Very unexpected.

I didn't was really useful.

Except for the pain at the beginning, it should be the best time for her in the past two days. She is mentally relaxed and the pain in her body has weakened a lot.

Lu Ling is not afraid of pain.

But if the pain subsided, she would have more energy to allocate to her junior sister.

Lu Ling snuggled into Liu Fufeng's arms and said, "Junior Sister, it's almost ready, the rice should be ready."

"No." Liu Fufeng looked at the silver ring on Lu Ling's left ring finger, turned his head and said softly, "Today I use japonica rice, which is relatively slow."

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded.

In fact, she still wants to have another course of treatment... But the younger sister didn't talk during the massage, but Lu Ling wanted to chat with her, she could do anything.

So, Lu Ling leaned on Liu Fufeng's shoulder: "What is japonica rice? Why did you change it today?"

Liu Fufeng thought that Lu Ling would care about her getting wet, but he didn't expect it to be such a problem.

In fact, Lu Ling herself had activated her spiritual energy and dried her body.

"Japonic rice is a kind of rice. It has a mild taste and mild nature. It is more suitable for you to eat now, senior sister. Our family has always had this kind of rice. Didn't you notice, senior sister?" Liu Fufeng said simply.

"Oh, is there?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course, I also have Tiangui..." Liu Fufeng nodded as a matter of course.


Lu Ling blushed a little.

She...has never noticed this kind of thing, she usually just eats, so she knows so much.

Liu Fufeng continued: "Actually, today I wanted to make Japonica rice porridge for you, Senior Sister. It can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, nourish blood and nourish yin. I always drink this...but if you want to drink egg flower soup, then forget it Well, I took apart the safflower, japonica rice and hosta, I don’t know if you would like the hosta’s dishes.”

"Jade hairpin? I know this." Lu Ling nodded, it was written in Dongfang Lianren's Poison Sutra.

Poison Sutra?

"Holy hairpin... wait, isn't that poisonous?" Lu Ling raised her voice a little.

"Oh? Do you know, Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng looked very surprised.

"No, that's not the point." Lu Ling twisted her body and stared at Liu Fufeng, very frightened: "Junior Sister, you...are you going to poison me..."

"Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded of course.

(End of this chapter)

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