Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 839 Lunch Break

Chapter 839 Lunch Break
"Holy hairpin... wait, isn't that poisonous?" Lu Ling raised her voice a little.

"Oh? Do you know, Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng looked very surprised.

"No, that's not the point." Lu Ling twisted her body and stared at Liu Fufeng, very frightened: "Junior Sister, you...are you going to poison me..."

"That's right." Liu Fufeng nodded as a matter of course: "I will poison you to death, and then I will be relaxed in normal times."


Lu Ling grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand.

"I don't believe it, you can't bear it." Lu Ling smirked: "Junior Sister, did I remember wrong?"

"I'm not reluctant."

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling hummed dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore." Liu Fufeng smiled, his dimples were pretty.

"Then did I remember wrong?"

"No, it's just half-baked." Liu Fufeng put his arms around Lu Ling: "Senior Sister, do you know the hosta flower?"

"Hmm..." Lu Ling thought for a while: "Hosta flower, Liliaceae, the whole plant is poisonous. The roots can reduce swelling, detoxify, and stop bleeding... Well, that's all."

The Poison Sutra just mentioned one sentence, after all, it is not a highly poisonous thing, and its detoxification ability is only average.

"It's already pretty good." Liu Fufeng patted Lu Ling's head: "Senior sister, what you know is correct, but it's one-sided. The flowers of hosta can clear away heat... It's a relatively good medicinal material, and the taste is not bad , As for giving it to you... because it has a relatively good analgesic effect."

"Analgesic?" Lu Ling nodded, then looked at Liu Fufeng: "Junior Sister, don't you feel pain? Why do you drink this..."

"Just take precautions, it's nothing." Liu Fufeng smiled and said it briefly.

In fact, although she doesn't have the palace cold, she is very easy to catch cold during the Tiangui period. Although it is not very serious, if it is Lu Ling... although it is only a little, it is enough to make a sensitive girl feel pain.

Lu Ling didn't know these things.

Although Xuechen and Bing Liuli can guarantee that she will not be eroded by the cold air, but that is Xuenv, how could her cold air have no effect on her at all.

Therefore, although Liu Fufeng was in good health at that time, but because of the cold every month on sensitive days... In fact, he was almost the same as Lu Ling.

Therefore, she will drink pain-relieving and blood-tonifying food alone.

These were things that the former Lu Ling didn't know.

Lu Ling still doesn't know the situation of her junior sister...

Because no matter what, Liu Fufeng never made her worry.

It seems that now, Lu Ling doesn't think about anything, she just wants to have a few more words with her junior sister, anything... She is very satisfied as long as she hears her voice.

"Junior Sister, what is a hosta flower? Is it the same as a hairpin?" Lu Ling said.

"What is should I say it? It's a flower? It usually symbolizes purity and cleanliness. It, it's the white one in the basket on the wall over there." Liu Fufeng said.

Lu Ling looked over and saw clusters of white slender flowers in the basket.

It really looks like a hairpin...

"This kind of flower is very famous among my daughter's family." Liu Fufeng continued: "Although it is not as famous as Lingshan, everyone takes care of"

Liu Fufeng didn't finish, but Lu Ling could understand.

Hosta flower should be something like a friend of women in the secular world.

"There is another legend." Liu Fufeng gently stroked Lu Ling's black hair.

"Have you heard the story?" Lu Ling regained her spirits, twisted in Liu Fufeng's arms, and found a comfortable angle to lean against her junior sister, just like a big Xuechen.

"What kind of story is it? It's a legend... It is said that the hosta flower is that the fairies in the sky drank the jade liquid and fine nectar happily during the celebration. All of them were intoxicated, the clouds were scattered, and the hosta on their heads fell into the mortal world and turned into a hosta flower." Liu Fufeng smiled: "That's why girls like to wear it on their heads when they were young..."

"Junior Sister, have you ever done this kind of thing?" Lu Ling stared at Liu Fufeng's loose long hair.

"I did it once...but then I felt stupid and then I didn't." Liu Fufeng said truthfully.

"Well... Junior Sister, you must be very beautiful." Lu Ling stroked Liu Fufeng's black hair: "Junior Sister, you rarely wear jewelry."

Liu Fufeng always had a plain face, never put on makeup, and Lu Ling never saw any jewelry on her junior sister, even if her hair was tied up, it was always a simple ponytail...

They are also wearing small white skirts.

"I'm used to it, and besides, I don't think I'm very beautiful." Liu Fufeng smiled: "Sister, do you want jewelry? This bracelet is pretty pretty." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's hand and said.

Lu Ling nodded.

This is not the point.

Lu Ling felt a little...something was wrong.

This junior sister is a bit strange.

There is an essential difference from Senior Sister Shen...

But why.

Lu Ling felt that her brain was not enough...

Because... I don't know the knowledge of hosta flowers, but my junior sister knows it?

But she didn't know much about the illusion... So Lu Ling just felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't see the fog clearly.

And Liu Fufeng didn't know if she noticed this, she just gently played with Lu Ling's smooth long hair.

"Junior Sister, you have never worn the red butterfly I bought for you." Lu Ling said suddenly.

Hearing Lu Ling mention this gift, Liu Fufeng's mood immediately improved, and she took advantage of the opportunity to pinch Lu Ling's face.

"It's in the closet. It's a gift from you, Senior Sister. I usually don't want to wear it."

"Oh." Lu Ling blinked and said nothing more.

Junior is true that she never wears it, but she really likes the gift I gave her, Lu Ling can be sure of this.

Everything looks real and there is nothing to doubt.

"Okay, it's almost time to cook." Liu Fufeng got up cautiously.

"Go." Lu Ling nodded.

Liu Fufeng got up, and Lu Ling was very comfortable after being massaged by Liu Fufeng just now, and she was resting with her eyes closed.

Liu Fufeng started cooking, but before that, she stroked her hair.


Glanced back somewhere.

Ah Ling's Blood's actually worn on her head, it's been worn all the time.

He shook his head slightly, not letting the sigh escape from his mouth.





A table of very simple dishes, three vegetarian dishes, no oily water, and a cold hosta flower, plus an egg drop soup, very simple.

Even in the world, most people in Luoyan City eat better than Lu Ling...

But when Lu Ling looked at the dishes on the table, she couldn't stop drooling.

No matter in terms of taste, appearance or even quantity...the table was completely incomparable with the table that Li Zhuzi prepared for her.

But the weight in Lu Ling's heart cannot be measured.

No matter how good the husband's food is, she is just perfunctory...

But smelling the familiar smell, Lu Ling's hand holding the chopsticks trembled slightly, and when she looked up, she saw the same junior sister as usual.

Liu Fufeng bent down to serve Lu Ling a meal, picked up the chopsticks himself, and took a bite.

"Salt is not bad, let's eat."

"Hmm..." Lu Ling nodded, and put a piece of green vegetable in her bowl, watching the light golden fat penetrate into the white rice, gently licking it into the mouth, feeling that it was not very delicious but very familiar smell.


A drop of tears fell into her rice bowl and seeped into the white rice grains.

Lu Ling obviously realized that this is not good, she lowered her head and ate quickly...



She couldn't help it.

In just a moment, the little girl burst into tears, her jaw trembling slightly, she tried hard to swallow the food in her mouth but couldn't swallow it, and the crystal clear teardrops followed the tear trail like a flood with a broken gate, completely unstoppable.

Lu Ling hurriedly covered her face and wiped her face with her sleeve.

She didn't want to spoil the rice cooked by her junior sister.

Also... I don't want my junior sister to see me like this.

She shouldn't have lost her composure.



But how could such an abnormal movement be hidden from Liu Fufeng's eyes.

At this time, a handkerchief was stuck on Lu Ling's face. Lu Ling looked up and saw her junior sister who was close at hand.

"Senior Sister, why are you crying?" Liu Fufeng gently wiped the tears off Lu Ling's face, very worried and a little apprehensive: "It's... isn't my cooking delicious?"

A drop of tear ran down Lu Ling's sluggish face, and was quickly wiped away by Liu Fufeng.

"No, no...very good...ahem..." Lu Ling choked on her words, but she was choked.

"Senior sister, water." Liu Fufeng quickly gave water to Lu Ling, but Lu Ling endured the discomfort and adjusted herself, she looked at Liu Fufeng.

Junior sister is...

She couldn't cry anymore, and couldn't make her worry.

"I like it very much... I like it very much... It's delicious." Lu Ling stammered.

"Really..." Liu Fufeng frowned slightly.

"Yeah." Lu Ling wiped away her tears and picked up the chopsticks: "I'm starting."

It seems to be evading.

She was afraid that her junior sister would ask her why she was crying... Lu Ling didn't know how to answer, she didn't want to lie...

Therefore, the only way to escape what just happened is by eating.

"It's all yours, slow down." Liu Fufeng just looked at Lu dotingly, and didn't intend to ask clearly.

Lu Ling raised her head slightly.


Sisters have always been like this.

As long as it's something she doesn't want to say, she never asks...

My talent is like this, and my past before entering Lingshan is like this... the same is true after using the world.

Swallow the food in your mouth.

She likes the junior sister who cares about her feelings so much.


Although Lu Ling was afraid...but she actually wanted her to ask, as long as her junior sister asked, she would tell her...

Why not ask.

Why not ask.

If it were you, I would obviously say...

If the current junior sister asks her, she will make it clear, then maybe the junior sister can help her analyze her own mentality.

But Liu Fufeng just looked at her quietly, that kind of eyes... Lu Ling couldn't take the initiative to tell her junior sister that she was just a phantom...

She can't.

In a sense, Lu Ling and Dongfang Lianren are really similar.



After lunch.

Lu Ling was carried back to the bed by Liu Fufeng.

"Senior sister, if you can't eat, eat less..." Liu Fufeng said angrily.

"I don't." Lu Ling clutched her stomach, "Oh..."

"Be careful, it's broken..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's round belly, very worried.

"Junior sister, don't underestimate the digestion ability of the ice blood." Lu Ling said solemnly, clutching her stomach.

"..." Liu Fufeng sighed, the way Lu Ling hugged her belly was not convincing.

"Forget it, Senior Sister, lie down and rest for a while, I'll clean up the dishes." Liu Fufeng said as he was about to leave, but was pulled back by Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng turned his head.

"Come with me." Lu Ling tugged at Liu Fufeng's sleeve and said.

She who just had her junior sister's lunch was extremely happy, if she could be with her while digesting, then it would be worth letting her die now.

"I'm in the house, I'll tidy up..."

"No." Lu Ling shook her head: "It's about now, it's about now..."

"..." Liu Fufeng frowned: "A Ling, why are you getting more and more..."

But Lu Ling didn't back down because of this, she knew what her junior sister meant, she was getting clingier...but she didn't want to back down.

"Junior Sister, accompany me." Lu Ling said stubbornly.

"..." Liu Fufeng didn't seem to understand Lu Ling, but she loved Lu Ling after all, sighed, and sat down beside Lu Ling.

"I'll accompany you...but it won't be easy to wash when it gets oily later. Sister, please feel sorry for me."

Hearing this, Lu Ling grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand and glanced at the table, blue light flashed in her eyes.

A moment later, Lu Ling hung on Liu Fufeng's body: "Of course I feel sorry for you, Junior Sister, take a look at the table..."

Liu Fufeng looked over, but found that all the dishes were as clean as new.

It's Lu Ling.

Her ice method.

"Senior sister, you..." Liu Fufeng was very surprised.

Lu Ling squinted her eyes, waiting for Liu Fufeng's compliment, but unfortunately, she was devastated.

Liu Fufeng took his hand off Lu Ling's face, looked at the aggrieved Lu Ling, and smiled angrily: "Senior sister, if you do it like this, won't I have nothing to do later?"

You know, handling housework and taking care of their home has always been the happiest thing for Liu Fufeng... So Lu Ling's actions actually deprived Liu Fufeng of the joy of washing dishes.

" said it, Junior Sister..." Lu Ling was very wronged, her eyes were red again.

"Okay, okay, just kidding." Liu Fufeng hurriedly put his arms around Lu Ling: "I don't know what happened to you today, Senior Sister, did you lose the thread in your eyes..."

"It's all your fault." Lu Ling said.

"Okay, okay... Blame me." Liu Fufeng sighed, then looked at Lu Ling: "Then senior sister, you this afternoon..."

"Come back soon." Lu Ling said decisively.

In the afternoon, according to what her junior sister said, she went to study with Senior Sister Shen, but this time she actually planned to go to Xu Xu's side to have a look. Of course, it was just a formality, and being with her junior sister was the most important thing for her.

"Okay, don't be too tired." Liu Fufeng didn't say anything, put his arms around Lu Ling, and yawned.

"Then... let's sleep together for a while, I'm a little tired too."

"En." Lu Ling rubbed her eyes, and lay down beside Liu Fufeng.

This kind of life...if only it could last forever.

 All the information about hosta is true, including the lily family. The porridge is usually hosta + safflower + japonica rice (in fact, it is a very common rice) and you can also put brown sugar. It will be very good if you drink it from the uncomfortable start to the end. , You can try it, if you don’t know how to do it, you can Baidu it, I remember it is hosta flower and safflower 2:1, brown sugar depends on people, it is quite convenient, the effect is better than ginger tea, and the taste is also good.

(End of this chapter)

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