Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 840 The Arranged Future

Chapter 840 The Arranged Future
Lunch break.

The sisters have always had the habit of taking a lunch break. Even though Lu Ling didn't have enough time later...but they would take a break at noon when their junior sister wanted to repair.

Because junior sisters get tired easily.So Lu Ling also developed this habit.

Feeling the temperature of the girl beside him, Liu Fufeng closed his eyes, turned over gently, and pulled Lu Linglou into his arms.


That's what it feels like...

This is the sense of fulfillment after turning over.

And Lu Ling's thinking is the same as Liu Fufeng's...

She gently curled up in Liu Fufeng's arms, listening to her junior sister's voice gradually calm down.Evenly, finally... fell asleep.

It was Liu Fufeng who fell asleep, not Lu Ling.

Feeling her junior sister's even breathing hitting her face, Lu Ling carefully opened her eyes, not daring to move, quietly looking at Liu Fufeng's sleeping face.

Junior sister fell asleep first...

In the past, she was the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up, but today, Lu Ling didn't feel sleepy at all... She was already very tired, but she didn't want to spend her precious time on sleeping.

Just looking at the girl in front of him quietly, all the emotions are contained in those eyes.

Junior sister...she looks so beautiful when she is asleep...

Lu Ling couldn't bear to even blink.

But after such a careful observation, Lu Ling froze for a moment, feeling a little distressed.

Maybe he fell asleep, but Liu Fufeng showed a strong tired look on his face, and his brows were also knit together... Lu Ling was worried for a while.

Junior sister... are you so tired?
Is it because of the egg drop soup?

Thinking about it, Lu Ling gently stretched out her hand to smooth Liu Fufeng's eyebrows, but just as she stretched out her hand, Liu Fufeng hugged her waist, and then turned over forcefully and hugged her firmly in his arms , with one hand resting on her waist, and the other holding her neck, as if holding a doll.

Lu Ling completely melted into Liu Fufeng's arms.

For a moment she thought that her junior sister had woken up, but when she blushed and waited for her junior sister to speak, what she heard was the still soft breathing.

Junior sister...still sleeping.

Maybe it's because her body feels very comfortable in the shade. Lu Ling can clearly feel that her body has relaxed a lot after her junior sister hugged her...


Lu Ling was very happy.

He opened his arms and hugged his junior sister, and just looked at her from such a close distance...just watching, without doing anything.

Maybe it's because my junior sister is by my side, or maybe it's because the herbal diet I ate at noon is helpful, Lu Ling doesn't feel the slightest discomfort in her body now...everything is peaceful.



I don't know how long has passed.

When Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, the sky was a bit dark, looking outside through the window, it should be around three o'clock in the afternoon.

She actually slept for almost four hours.

Wei Wei yawned.

Even a little sleepy.

She said that she actually needs sleep very much, but she hasn't slept well all the time, and now... she sleeps so soundly that she doesn't even know what's going on around her. There is only one reason.

That's the doll in my arms.

Liu Fufeng felt comfortable all over, she lowered her head, looked at the little girl in her arms, and nodded her face.

The little girl's eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Senior sister, I know you're awake."

Lu Ling opened her eyes and yawned: "Junior Sister, good afternoon..."

"Good afternoon." Liu Fufeng nodded, not intending to get up, but continued to hug Lu Ling intimately, rolled over and pressed her under him, and said, "Senior Sister, when did you wake up?"

"I just woke up not long ago. Seeing that you are still asleep, Junior Sister, I didn't remember it, and then almost fell asleep again." Lu Ling squinted her eyes and said...

Actually lying.

She didn't sleep for a second.

She stared at Liu Fufeng's sleeping face for four hours...and she hadn't seen enough, Lu Ling felt that time was running out in the blink of an eye, and she was very reluctant.

As for cheating, Lu Ling felt that this kind of thing was not considered cheating, so she didn't feel any psychological pressure.

"Really." Liu Fufeng nodded.

She really didn't know if Lu Ling had fallen asleep, because she was really was really unbelievable, but because Lu Ling was by her side, she could understand her behavior.

"Does your stomach still hurt?" Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Lu Ling nodded and buried her head in Liu Fufeng's arms: "Junior Sister, it's getting late, do you want to get up?"

"Ah... I'm still a little sleepy..." Liu Fufeng let go of Lu Ling's hand and yawned: "Senior Sister, when is your appointment with Senior Sister Shen? You must be late."

"No, I can go anytime." Lu Ling said, she looked at the lazy Liu Fufeng and smiled happily.

Sure enough, the junior sister is still somewhat similar to the husband, as long as she is lazy, she doesn't want to move.

After Liu Fufeng heard that Lu Ling was not late, he lay down on the bed again and yawned: "Then if this is the case, let's... sleep for a while, I'm so sleepy."

"..." Junior sister also has today.

Lu Ling smiled, but didn't nod.

Although she really wanted to stay by Liu Fufeng's side, she knew how to make her junior sister happy.

"Junior Sister, you rest, I'll go to Senior Sister's side, and I'll be back soon." Lu Ling said, she got up by herself, and manipulated her spiritual power to change her clothes.

"Hey?" Liu Fufeng propped up the upper half of his body, looked at Lu Ling in surprise, and then smiled with relief: "Go, study hard."

"En!" Lu Ling nodded: "Junior Sister, you should also take a good rest, and don't get up when I come back."

"It's all up to you." After Liu Fufeng finished speaking, he lay back on the bed again.

She is really tired.

And Lu Ling poured a glass of water for Liu Fufeng and put it on the bedside, then turned and left.

Go early and come back early.

She and her junior sister still have activities at night...



After Lu Ling went out, Liu Fufeng opened his eyes, looked at the hot water beside the bed, picked it up and took a small sip.

Have a good laugh.

Sure enough, she is his own treasure.

There is no need to spy on Lu Ling's experience.

Her goal has been achieved. From her point of view, Lu Ling has completely regained her confidence. Sure enough, her thinking is right. As long as Liu Fufeng is by her side, she will have infinite strength.


Why not the other way around?
Just sleeping next to Lu Ling, she felt that a large part of her strength had recovered...

She lay faceless on the bed, feeling the residual temperature of Lu Ling, hugged the brocade, lay flat and looked at the sky.

Recalling the things that happened thousands of years ago in his memory, his face was full of pain.

If she could have found out earlier that she belonged to her...then she would never have hit so hard.

So much so that after killing the other party with his own hands, he still had to beg for heaven, and finally made a deal with her.

But now it seems that maybe everything is predestined, her A Ling can get the best things in the world, even if it is calculated by herself, but she has and fully masters the two fairy swords of Xueluo Qianhan and Lihuo Hongling. A Ling will be the happiest person in the world in the future.

none of them.

Even though she might not be around at that time, at least her short-term injury to Lu Ling has brought her a permanent noble status... and her race has also been fair, so many years of hard work and long-cherished wishes have come true... some What is there to regret.

From the very beginning, she was the most noble existence in everyone's heart, everyone's hope...bear all the burdens...

Therefore, she will sacrifice everything to meet their expectations.

She doesn't regret it, even if she goes back in time now, she probably still chooses to do this.

After all, if it wasn't for Lu Ling being tricked, then maybe Li Huo Hongling belonged to someone else. Although Lu Ling has Xueluoqianhan, her younger sister and older sister are not on the same level. If there is an existence with strength that crushes Lu Ling, she will be fine. You won't feel at ease even if you die.

But... Thinking about it carefully, in fact, after Xuenv conquered Xueluo Qianhan, even if she didn't die, Tiandao should think of a way to let her die, and then let the remnant soul of the fairy master come in... Because for Tiandao, the sword is not strong anyway. If there is a master, then two transcendent existences are definitely not as good as one, and they are so easy to control, and Lu Ling is already very transcendent anyway, so it is relatively nothing to use her as a person who learns from the world. .

It's fine now.



Liu Fufeng could only deceive himself and others like this.

As for whether what Lu Ling really wanted was status or something else, she didn't dare to think about it.

She knew everything, knew that Lu Ling actually wanted nothing but to be with Liu Fufeng, but... what's the use.

The only thing she doesn't understand is that since Ah Ling was calculated from the very beginning, it is the existence used by Tiandao to control the two daughters and make transactions with the Great Thousand World at the same time...then why should Lu Ling suffer.

In the future, Lu Ling should be an absolutely detached existence, controlling the fairy sword, not intervening in all the struggles of the four clans, and only coming as a judge when necessary.

This is the most ideal state.

The last person who was entrusted with this kind of belief was Lihuo Hongling's master, but because the other party was too obsessed with the human race, he did not become the judge.

Could it be that Ah Ling's suffering is because she is a human race, so in order to obliterate her goodwill towards the human race so that the matter of the fairy lord does not happen to Lu Lu Ling sees the darkest side of human nature.

Yes, after going through that kind of thing, it is impossible for Lu Ling to have a good impression of the human race, Liu Fufeng can be sure of this.

But isn't this too extreme and cruel for a girl? If it weren't for the education I gave her, maybe she would directly stand on the opposite side of the human race.

Liu Fufeng still can't let go of Lu Ling's encounters in the human world at the beginning. Because of these things, Liu Fufeng's idea of ​​just wanting to realize everyone's long-cherished wish to go home has begun to change...

That is to cleanse the human race.

Liu Fufeng wanted to question Tiandao, but he was not qualified.



In fact, this was because she was thinking too much. The reason why Lu Ling was suffering had nothing to do with Tiandao. From the beginning, Tiandao would not have entered the game, otherwise she would not have let other people manage her daughter on her behalf.

Lu Ling's misfortune was entirely due to the inferiority of the human race. She didn't have time to calculate this and that...especially when the world was about to evolve, she didn't have the energy.

Therefore, she taught Liu Fufeng the problem of educating Lu Ling, but she did not expect Liu Fufeng to do it so well... At least the current Lu Ling will never favor a certain race.



Secret place.

Lu Ling knew that there were conspiracies around her, but she didn't know that her future had already been arranged. She would be an existence that would surpass all races including the longevity species in the future.

She is the strongest and most powerful person besides the Dao of Heaven, but in fact, the Dao of Heaven will not really come down, so Lu Ling who has mastered the two fairy swords and the vitality element of the ice and fire space is the only one who controls it. , who holds the key to world promotion... and is the "son-in-law" of Heavenly Dao, a family, and will not be feared.

Doomed to live forever.

Will not fall, always enjoy the glory brought by the world.

perfect life.

But such a perfect person is now thinking about whether to try Shengui in the Void Transformation Realm.


She was hanged and beaten by Shen Gui of the Soul Realm before, but now I don't know what's going on, maybe it's better to go and see Senior Sister Xu first?
Lu Ling stood in front of the secret realm thinking, suddenly, a voice came from beside her ear.

It was her disappearing system.

[Drip, check. 】

[Task requirements: ...]

【Shut up. 】Lu Ling spoke suddenly and interrupted the system.



Lu Ling frowned: [Another mission is going to be announced, let me guess, this time it's Senior Sister Xu? 】

System: [Yes. 】

Because it is a machine, it will not be angry.

【Where did you go before? ] Lu Ling asked.


Hong Ling didn't understand what Lu Ling meant, so she didn't answer.

[Forget it, I'm too lazy to care. ] Lu Ling opened the system panel and took a look, and found that the world and the mark of the mall had returned, so she thought that the maintenance was over.

[System, I want to use the power of the world to maintain the secret realm, is that okay? 】

This is what Lu Ling cares about.

[Back to the host, no, the world only works on the individual host. 】

【I see. 】Lu Ling was not disappointed, because she had already guessed it.

This system is a waste, she can't do anything she wants... She has no idea about the so-called mall.

【Okay, let's continue to release the task. ] Lu Ling snorted coldly.

Hongya: ...

I have no idea what's going on.

She... seems to be hated by Lu Ling.

But why.

Forget it...

It's just that the little girl Tiangui came and lost her temper...

But in this way, she has to restore her image in Lu Ling's heart. After all, when Lu Ling really grows up, her system will expose her identity sooner or later.

At that time, if the master feels that she is not helping her with all her heart, then the problem will be serious.

In fact, as long as it doesn't affect the current situation, you can help her as much as you want, so you can start with props.

Then... Just increase the mission rewards.

The most important thing is not to make Lu Ling dislike her. If it is not possible... This time she will keep Lu Ling even if she defies her mother again.

The most important thing is Lu Ling's opinion of her.

Lu Ling didn't know that once she lost her temper, her future rewards would be greatly increased.

[Task requirements: ...]

(End of this chapter)

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