Chapter 841 Guidance
It is difficult to be a system, and it is even more difficult to be a master of a system. Being a master of a system with a bad mood and a bad personality is simply fatal.

Hong Ling didn't want to give Lu Ling too much help, but she completely collapsed because of Lu Ling's gradually bad attitude towards her.

What she was afraid of was that Lu Ling would follow the old path of the past, but thinking about it carefully, as long as Lu Ling directly affected the current situation without relying on her power, there would be no problem.

Indirect help in strength is actually not a big problem, because that is the privilege that the master of the fairy sword should have enjoyed... As long as you don't directly use the fairy sword to reason with a race, there is no problem.

After all, Hong Ling knew her mother's thoughts better than her younger sister.

Mothers had to kill their masters for the sake of rules, and they were ruthless.

Yes... But in fact, she pampered her two daughters very much.

The appearance of Lu Ling is actually the mother's tenderness towards them, Hong Ling can be sure of this, sending their master back is the limit of what the mother can do.

Therefore, Hong Ling will not go against her mother's wishes this time.

The rebellious sister now really wants to do what a judge should do.

Therefore, the cultivation of Lu Ling is very important.

But no matter how important things are, it can't compare to Lu Ling's opinion of her...

Therefore, Hong Ling's persistence for so long collapsed in an instant. She must show her role. Although Lu Ling cannot be made to rely on her strength, Lu Ling is very sensitive at this time, and the three views are still forming. Having a good relationship with her is very important.

...I don't know what reward should be given.

But there is no doubt that it must be rich.

In Lu Ling's impatience, Hong Ling announced the task she had prepared for Lu Ling.

[Task Requirements: Successfully defeat Xu Xu's phantom in the secret realm. 】

【Quest Difficulty: Easy】

[Mission introduction: Learn from senior sister (Xu Xu), and then defeat her... This is the beginning of everything. 】

[Mission Reward: Use the world for one month (31 days), earn [-] points. 】

[Task period: None. 】

[Task penalty: None. 】

[Comprehensive assessment: The host has a [-]% chance of completing this mission. 】



The last reward that Hong Ling could think of was to add Dalu Ling's favorite world time, and then she couldn't offer anything, and put it in the mall. No matter how you think about it, it's more generous, and it's better for Lu Ling to choose by herself. Appears to be more useful.

This was Hong Ling's idea.

As for Lu Ling... for a while, she couldn't understand.

[System, this... Is there something wrong. 】Lu Ling frowned.

[Return to the host, please explain clearly. 】

The female voice was very mechanical, but Lu Ling still felt something was wrong.

This difficulty...and rewards...

You know, the reward for returning to the Soul Realm is seven days of world time and [-] points in the mall, but Senior Sister Xu's follow-up mission has a full month of world rewards and [-] points?
I don't know how many times this reward has been multiplied.

And the problem is, it doesn't matter if the difficulty is high, in terms of difficulty, Xu Xu is much lower than Shen Hui... At least this should be her least difficult task so far.

how so.

Lu Ling raised her own doubts.

[Back to the host, all the rewards are reasonable rewards based on calculations, there will be no problems, please rest assured the host. 】

【Yeah? ] Lu Ling blinked.

She still finds it weird, but since the system said so, she has nothing to say.

Lu Ling reviewed the task for the last time, but found something different from before.

Shen Gui's task was to defeat her phantom who was at the Soul-Healing Realm, but this time she directly said to defeat Xu Xu's phantom, but it didn't mark the level...

Could it be that the reward this time includes the rewards of phantoms from other realms gradually?


I don't know if there is a bug in this system or if there is something to trick her, but she will not be so stupid as to choose Xu Xu who is in the Void Realm as soon as she comes up. That is not self-confidence, but arrogance.

Regardless of the problem with the reward you gave, I will definitely only choose Senior Sister Xu who is in the Soul Realm for the first time, and this will not change.

[I accepted the task. ] Lu Ling said, and clicked on the panel.

As for the mall rewards, Lu Ling is not in the mood to see them yet.

Before completing the task about Xu Xu, Lu Ling still had one more thing to do.

She clicked on Shen Gui's profile picture, and adjusted her cultivation to Void Transformation Realm...

Yes, she wants to experience how strong Senior Sister Shen is at the Void Transformation Realm, and how big the difference is from the Soul-Conforming Realm... After all, Lu Ling has been entangled with Shen Gui who is at the Soul-Conforming Realm for so long. There is very understanding.

But now Lu Ling felt that Shen Gui, who was at the soul level, was no longer a threat to her, so she naturally wanted to look back.

It's always good to know more.

And... from the gap between the two realms of the senior sister, Lu Ling can somewhat see how strong she might be after breaking through... and the gap between the attack and defense of the soul-forming state and the virtual transformation state.



Hong Ling did not expect Lu Ling's actions, but she still had confidence in Lu Ling. Since this girl has regained her form, even if it is impossible to win Shen Gui, she will not lose because of her defensive power. .



The secret land comes.

Senior sister Shen in the middle stage of Void Transformation I come.

As soon as Lu Ling arrived, she immediately let go of her cold air domain with complete vigilance. Only when she was sure that she was safe, did she have time to look at her surroundings.

An open land.

Not the arena.

A figure was not far away from her, and Lu Ling activated her spiritual power in an instant, wrapping her entire surroundings.

This is the experience she had when she and the girl version Shen Gui fought for their lives. Although she didn't know if it would be useful to face the senior sister in the Void Transformation Realm, Lu Ling would not let down her vigilance. Now she can be fully spirited at any time.


Just when Lu Ling was vigilant, the girl came up and walked into Lu Ling's cold field unsuspectingly.

"Sister, is this?"

Shen Gui's voice was cold, but it was undoubtedly full of trust.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, she was her junior sister.

Shen Gui would not deceive her, Lu Ling could be sure of this, and she lowered her vigilance.

[Senior Sister Shen, good afternoon. 】

"Afternoon?" Shen Gui tilted his head: "Is this the Daoist Temple? I'm not...forget it."

Shen Gui is still wearing black gauze pajamas, and her short hair is a little messy. According to Lu Ling's understanding of Shen Gui when she lived in Qin Qin's house, the current senior sister should go to take a bath and then go to bed.

So what is the random scene this time...

Could it be that Senior Sister Shen received her own challenge before entering the bath?
Lu Ling was also a little confused for a while.

"Hmm..." Shen Gui pondered for a while and looked at Lu Ling.

Since she appeared in the Lun Dojo, that means...

"It means, junior sister, you have a competition with me? But your words..."

Shen Gui obviously hesitated.

If it was Xu Xu, she naturally didn't have any psychological pressure, but facing her little junior sister, she always felt a little nonsense, but...she didn't seem to think of any reason to refuse.

【Senior sister, let's start, please use your full strength. 】Lu Ling said seriously.

Lu Ling didn't know the specifics of the situation, but she really wanted to know how strong Shen Gui of the Void Transformation Realm was... To be honest, she liked the setting of the deadly enemy more than the slower atmosphere. The exercise is the greatest.

"What do you mean..." Shen Gui frowned slightly, looking a little puzzled.

[Senior Sister. ] Lu Ling said, taking out her silver long sword.

"July [-]th?" Shen Gui was taken aback.

Isn't this my master's sword?

"July Seventh, Junior Sister, why is July Seventh here with you?" Shen Gui walked up to Lu Ling, looked at her closely, and the sword in her hand.

It's July [-]th, she will never be wrong.

[This is what you gave me, Senior Sister. 】Lu Ling told the truth, she looked at Shen Gui, and what she thought in her heart really was a phantom.

To be honest, she almost thought that she had summoned Senior Sister Shen directly, but after analyzing the environment, she found that Shen Gui was still a phantom.

"I sent it?" Shen Gui obviously couldn't understand, but he didn't show any doubt.

Because... the long sword recognizes the master.

The July [-]th in Lu Ling's hand obviously succeeded in identifying the Lord.

Under the general environment of illusion, Shen Gui would not ask the bottom line.

"Junior Sister, show me the sword." Shen Gui said as a matter of course, there was no doubt in her tone, she did not respond to Lu Ling's challenge for the time being.

Lu Ling didn't resist at all, and gave the sword to Shen Gui.

"Sure enough, it's been recognized." Shen Gui shook Qi Yue Qi and nodded.

This is the sword she is familiar with.

Shen Gui gently pulled a sword flower, and the silver fluorescent sword blade cut an arc in the air, leaving behind an illusory afterimage, and at the same time, transparent auras remained in the air as the blade passed through the air.

That is sword energy.

Shen Gui was recognized much earlier than Lu Ling. In fact, Shen Gui liked this sword very much, whether it was the name of July Seven or the temperament of the sword... But this sword is Master's treasure, and it represents a certain aspect of Master. This was a thought, so Shen Gui didn't think about getting July Seven anymore, and...she had a more suitable sword.

However, Master's treasured sword is now in Lu Ling's hands...

Shen Gui looked up at Lu Ling carefully.

She admitted that she was getting interested.

No matter how you think about a little girl who can be recognized by July Seven, she will never be bored.

Seeing the emotion in Shen Gui's eyes, Lu Ling knew that she was interested in her, and she took back the sword that Shen Gui had returned.

Shen Gui suddenly said: "Junior Sister, are you taking the route of incantation or sword cultivation?"

She didn't feel the slightest sword intent in Lu Ling's body.

But July [-]th is not the medium of the spirit sword, so there is this question.

[I am...] Lu Ling was also taken aback for a moment.

What is she?
Do you double repair?
I do not know……

"Forget it." Seeing that Lu Ling was also confused, Shen Gui gave up asking.

Obviously, this little junior sister was not ready to fight her... But after a short contact, Shen Gui could feel Lu Ling's talent in the way of sword keenly.

She likes such a little girl.

Since the other party wants to come with her once, then come, she will never refuse a challenge, especially a challenge from her talented girl.

Thinking about it, with a flash on Shen Gui's body, the black translucent gauze disappeared, replaced by a black Taoist robe with red patterns.

Shen Gui's demeanor changed when he got serious, and Lu Ling looked at the senior sister in front of her in a daze.

It seems that there is not much difference from the girl version of Shen Gui, at least the appearance is similar, but it is obvious that the oppression this senior sister gives her is not at the same level.

The black and red Taoist robes are basically reserved for Shen Gui. There are even female cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals who sell the same style of Taoist robes for Shen Gui, which is enough to see how popular she is.

Shen Gui was empty-handed and did not bring a sword.

Since Junior Sister wants to compete with me... Forget it, competitions are always inappropriate. Since I want to see Junior Sister's sword, it would be a bit of a bully to bring back the sword. Her sword is half-spirited now .

Moreover, I didn't bring it myself.

"Sword." Shen Gui stretched out his hand, and Feng Qi combed her broken hair.



Lu Ling felt that she heard a piercing sword cry.

"This is the resonance of the sword energy between heaven and earth, you should be able to do it, Junior Sister." Shen Gui did not forget to explain to Lu Ling.

The sword energy between heaven and earth?

Lu Ling didn't quite understand.

Seeing this, Shen Gui shook his head, it really was a little girl who didn't comprehend the meaning of sword and the rhyme of sword.

"The so-called sword energy is actually sharp energy in essence, and all plants and trees have sword energy."

What Shen Gui was doing at this time was to extract the sword energy between heaven and earth, and condense it into a temporary long sword for his own use.

Then several sword qi rose from a distance, and after drawing a sword mark in the sky, they landed in Shen Gui's hands, and gradually condensed into the shape of a long sword.

Lu Ling: ...

I... can do it myself?
However, she couldn't feel the sharpness in Shen Gui's description.

As if sensing the little girl's doubts, Shen Gui shook his head: "Junior Junior Sister, when you advance to a higher realm, you can borrow the power of heaven and earth when you connect your soul to the void."

In fact, she felt that it should be easy for Lu Ling to make Qi Yue Qi surrender at this time, but Lu Ling obviously couldn't.

A little girl in the Soul Realm... She actually has the courage to challenge herself, and it's not the kind of challenge that loses her mind because she likes her... Shen Gui fell in love with Lu Ling just because of one side.

"Let me see your sword." Shen Gui said.

Lu Ling nodded and handed over the sword in her hand.

"...Silly girl." Shen Gui helplessly pushed Qi Yue Qi back: "I'm talking about your swordsmanship."

Hearing Shen Gui's cool and helpless voice, Lu Ling's face became hot for a while, and then...

His temperament changed instantly, and the sword moved straight towards Shen Gui's neck.

Sneak attack, don't pay attention at all.

"Qinghua's shadow? No, this is Qionghua's sword..." Shen Gui was not angry at all, but rather pleasantly surprised.

Just raising his hand, he blocked Lu Ling's moves with the spirit sword, and looked at Lu Ling in surprise.

This little junior sister... is too strange.

But in fact, there is nothing. After all, Lingshan is a spirit sword, and it uses the combination of spells and swords. There is no way to use the sword alone.

Shen Gui's own sword is biased towards Shushan's style, so it doesn't seem strange that Lu Ling knows Qionghua's swordsmanship.

[It's not over yet. 】Lu Ling took a deep breath.

In fact, it was just the sneak attack on Lu Ling just now that she felt the gap between her and Shen Gui...but she would not be discouraged, she always felt the gap between herself and her senior sister.

Moreover, the ease with which Shen Gui blocked her all-out attack just now made Lu Ling discover something.

Senior Sister Shen didn't use her spiritual power, and she wasn't very strong, but she was able to block her.

Is this a trick?

Lu Ling still wants to try.

 The students in the college entrance examination can't see it, but I still have to say come on, the best thing is to keep in shape.

(End of this chapter)

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