Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 842 The Contact of the Two Heroines

Chapter 842 The contact of the two heroines

A quarter of an hour later.

The red skirt on Lu Ling's body was cut several times by the sword energy. She was sitting in a wheelchair, panting, dripping sweat constantly, and her body was almost at its limit.

This is the skirt that Junior Sister found for her... If she didn't know that she would recover after leaving the illusion, she might fight Shen Gui desperately.

"Okay, let's stop here, little junior sister, you should rest for a while." Shen Gui put away his sword, walked to Lu Ling's side, and helped her recover her strength.

Fortunately, in the dojo, she will not really cause harm to Lu Ling. This is a type of simulated battle. Even if Lu Ling is killed directly, nothing will happen. She will naturally recover after the competition.

But even so, when Shen Gui was facing Lu Ling, he didn't consciously hold back.

Lu Ling took small mouthfuls and breathed rapidly, her chest heaving violently.

So strong.

The calm Shen Gui in front of me is many times stronger than when he was in the soul-forming state... Lu Ling conservatively estimated that it was at least a hundred times stronger, it was definitely a qualitative change.

Senior sister's sword, I can't see it clearly, and I can't understand it.

Her understanding of Shen Gui's swordsmanship before Shen Gui is completely useless now, and the other party seems to be a completely different person.

Facing the whole set of Qionghua swordsmanship that she used, Shen Gui always used the most basic chopping, stabbing, and sweeping...and he could hardly feel that she was using spiritual power, but it happened that she spent a lot of spiritual power to break her. swordsmanship.

Lu Ling suddenly discovered that her massive spiritual power was useless, not to mention attacking, the senior sister could break through all her tricks with a simple sword strike.

It's too strong.

If the girl version of Shen Gui puts a lot of pressure on her, but Lu Ling is still possible, this is just a slightly mature senior sister in front of her, she really can't see a little bit of hope at all.

You know, the current Shen Gui is not serious at all...

Lu Ling wasn't even sure, facing Senior Sister Shen like this, even if she manipulated her cold poison... would she really be able to defeat her?


In fact, Lu Ling vaguely noticed that if Shen Gui was at the level of martial arts at the soul-forming state, then he had already entered the level of immortal swordsman at the Void Transformation state...

Not on a level at all.

Although the cold poison is strong, it needs to hit people. She doesn't think that Shen Gui, as an ice attribute monk, will be unable to avoid it...

No matter how strong it is, it's useless if it can't hit anyone.

Shen Gui gave Lu Ling the feeling that even if he played all his cards, he would not be able to defeat her.

Lu Ling didn't even know if she could block Shen Gui's sharp sword intent after the ice melted...

This is not low self-esteem, but a real feeling. After all, Lu Ling has the potential to become a fairy, but she is still at the level of a martial arts. Even though she has the power of a fairy, she uses the framework of a martial arts, so she cannot hurt Shen Gui. .

Shen Gui is not some trash, but the absolute top five monks of this generation...

Lu Ling's knuckles turned white.

She only now understands that a step-up challenge... is almost impossible, especially when the other party is also the proud daughter of heaven, the gap will only become wider...

Of course, the above thinking is because Lu Ling doesn't know herself well enough. She is like a treasure, which needs to be developed slowly. Lu Ling's biggest problem is that there is no treasure mountain and not being able to use it.

Of course, Shen Gui could feel the little girl's emotions. Out of natural affection for Lu Ling, Shen Gui went to Lu Ling's wheelchair and sat down with his legs apart.

At this time, the time in the illusion is dusk, and the setting sun is blood red, dyeing the sky and the earth dark.


Lu Ling tilted her head and looked at the free and easy Shen Gui, very puzzled.

This look... Let her fans see it, don't they feel that the goddess has no image?

This is how superficial Lu Ling is.

Shen Gui has always acted casually, and never cared about the opinions of people around her. This is her is a part of her. Those who have never been to Tianguangxu cannot understand the charm of Shen Gui. The reason why he is so popular is not only because he is handsome, the girls who have seen Shen Gui's long sword unsheathed, and seen that sword without a trace and the snow-covered sky, all fell in love with that touch of blackness.

Xuan, black with red.

Just like Shen Gui's broken hair under the setting sun at this time.

"Junior Sister, where did you learn Qionghua swordsmanship?" Shen Gui asked suddenly.

[Taught by one person. 】Lu Ling didn't lie.

"A person? It seems that he is the same as me, and he is also a senior. However, Qionghua's people are as good as Shushan..." Shen Gui frowned: "It's not that I have a prejudice against Qionghua, it's really that the Holy Land has reached the point where it can't stand its ground. It is undeniable that Qionghua has the strongest background among us, but..."

She couldn't explain many things clearly to Lu Ling.

Then, Shen Gui showed an unbelievable expression.

"I thought that there might be something wrong with your Qionghua swordsmanship, junior sister, but I didn't expect that the other party really has no reservations about you..."

Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling suspiciously.

Among other things, the little girl didn't recognize some of the tricks just now, so she didn't recognize them?That's definitely Qionghua's core move, and there are even some untold secrets in it, but Lu Ling hasn't figured it out yet...

Is this girl related to Qionghua Holy Land?

No, she is my little junior sister...

Shen Gui was in a daze for a while.

[Senior sister, is there a problem? ] Lu Ling asked, actually she thinks Qionghua Sword is quite weak, no one can beat it.

"It's nothing." Shen Gui turned his head to look at Lu Ling: "Little Junior Sister, you only know the shape now, and you don't understand even the Qionghua Sword's sword rhyme at all, so in your hands, the power of this sword technique is ten thousandth. None of the power of one..."

This is the truth, no exaggeration, and even an understatement.

Lu Ling nodded, she knew... that she didn't learn it at all.

"It's a matter of realm." Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling, and said seriously: "You will understand when you reach the Void Transformation Realm. There is no need to rush these things, but you can first comprehend the sword intent, which is not affected by the realm."

[Sword intent... I don't understand. 】Lu Ling was silent for a while, and said.

"That's why I said there's no rush." ​​Shen Gui shook his head lightly.

This girl's foundation is very solid, but what she lacks is experience and her understanding of the sword, which she still needs to hone.

【Senior sister, why didn't I feel your spiritual power just now? ] Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui.

"Because I'm useless." Shen Gui said as a matter of course, and then saw Lu Ling's eyes, and understood: "You want to say why I can break your Qionghua swordsmanship without spiritual power?"

Lu Ling nodded.

"Experience." Shen Gui didn't explain too much: "Little Junior Sister, your sword has reached its peak in the soul-forming state, and you are very proficient in using spiritual power, but it is only limited to the surface, and your weaknesses are very obvious. dead."

Lu Ling blinked.

Did not understand.

Forget it.

You can't become a fat person even with one bite. The senior sister has just said that she will understand when she is in the Void Transformation Realm. Now that she is in the Soul Composite Realm, she just needs to sharpen her abilities in the corresponding realm. It's wrong to aim too high.

In this regard, Lu Ling did a good job and adjusted her mentality very quickly.

[Senior sister, what is sword intent? ] Lu Ling asked, Shen Gui said that she could exercise, but Lu Ling really didn't understand such mysterious things.

"The sword intent is the heart of the sword. Externally it is the attribute of sword energy. Internally... it depends on the individual." Shen Gui can only say so much, because everyone's sword intent is different, and it is not good to be too much influenced by others As for the matter, before Shen Gui, he was deeply in Ye Zun's gentleman's favor, and it was difficult to get out.


Lu Ling sighed.

So, I don't understand.

It is still more convenient to spell, there are not so many bells and whistles, just use it directly.

Seeing the congealed look on Lu Ling's eyebrows, Shen Gui stood up, she really liked this little junior sister, so she tried to provide her with some help as much as possible.

"July [-]th." Shen Gui stretched out his hand.

Lu Ling lost her mind slightly, then she understood, and handed over July Seventh to Shen Gui.

"See it clearly." Shen Gui mentioned July [-]th, and the silver light of the sword flowed.

Lu Ling recognized it, this is... one of the moves of the Qionghua swordsmanship she just used.

Silver flakes fall.

It is a relatively basic move, and Lu Ling is generally used to connect other moves.

How could Senior Sister Shen... Oh, she must have learned it when she tried swords with her just now, so it's not surprising.

Shen Gui simply swung his sword, spreading spiritual power.

And when Shen Gui wielded the sword, Lu Ling couldn't take her eyes off, the same move... the senior sister used it with an inexplicable mood.

Seeing the silver color slowly passing by in the air, something flashed in Lu Ling's heart, but she didn't catch it.

The sword energy flashed, and in front of Shen Gui, there seemed to be a divine tree with radiant light. There were flowers on the tree, and stamens on the flowers, and the stamens were like jade shavings. When a gust of wind blew, the jade shards slowly fell like snow. .

Lu Ling subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch the shining jade shavings.

"Hiss..." Lu Ling withdrew her hand violently, and saw a bloodstain on her palm, which was obviously constricted by the sword energy. When she raised her head again, she realized that the jade chips all over the sky were Shen Gui's sword energy, and even...then The essence of the sacred tree is also sword energy.

Sister... how did you do this?
This is the problem of Lu Ling's realm.

As the saying goes, this girl is a bumpkin.

Although she is in the world of fairy tales, Lu Ling only learns characters and culture, and she basically doesn't know fairy arts, and swordsmanship stays at the level of martial arts, so of course she will be surprised...

Just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, it also takes a process to get used to.

Shen Gui at the side shook his head, and returned July Seventh to Lu Ling: "Sure enough, I don't know anything about Qionghua's sword intent, so I can only imitate a general idea."

She looked at Lu Ling.

"See what?"

Lu Ling: "..."

Shaking his head awkwardly.

I don't understand at all...

Shen Gui sighed softly, didn't say anything, but explained: "Qiong, the ancient sacred tree, Hua, gorgeous flowers... Therefore, most of the Qionghua swords are gorgeous, and the sword intent is also mostly gorgeous and luxurious. has a unique ability."

Lu Ling seemed to understand but half understood.

"So, the sword can have a unique effect when it is given artistic conception. For example, those Qionghua disciples in Tianguangxu, most of the sword cultivators use power to overwhelm others, and this kind of gorgeous sword spirit is also the most suitable for Qionghua's swordsmanship."

Lu Ling understood a little bit.

That is to say, her simple swinging sword is actually completely useless... After all, there is such a strange scene in Shen Gui's eyes. Fairyland.

Lu Ling narrowed her eyes.

The road I have to still very, very long.

When will she be as proficient in swordsmanship as Senior Sister Shen...

"Little Junior Sister, your sword is mere form at this moment. Next, you should train your intention first. Finding the sword intention that suits you is the most important thing." Shen Gui said.

Lu Ling nodded, she understood.

She will figure it out.

As for her own sword intent... Lu Ling had a few thoughts in her mind.

Speaking of obsession, it really is the junior sister...

Her sword intent...would it have something to do with her junior sister?

It must be related to the junior sister.

Lu Ling was in a trance, Shen Gui only thought she was thinking, and continued.

"Junior Sister, you know more than swordsmanship, right? In other words, swordsmanship is not the main method?"

Shen Gui could feel Lu Ling's specialness keenly. The little junior sister was fine in all aspects, but she always felt that... Lu Ling was a faint threat to her, which Lu Ling hadn't noticed.

It is the sixth sense that animals have after encountering wild animals.

【I?I can also spell spells, but I only know one ice spell, which shouldn't be of much use to you, Senior Sister. 】Lu Ling said truthfully.

As for vitality and space, Lu Ling has subconsciously ignored them.

Although the power of Taiji is very strong, Lu Ling can also use the invincible formation, but there is a limit to her ability. Lu Ling thinks that it may not be as good as her defense after the ice melts, so it is just a weak point.

The offensive method takes too long to read. Although it is said that Senior Sister Shen can try it... But it is meaningless, let Senior Sister take it hard, after all, she cannot have such a long time to read the article in a real battle.

Therefore, at this stage, Lu Ling's main abilities are swordsmanship and spells, and the simple application of space may be added.

Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui.

She now understands why the husband feels that it is impossible for him to beat the senior sister...

Can't do it.

As for insisting on twenty moves in her hands... Lu Ling even felt that it was impossible.

The boundary gap is really too big.

Maybe she will be very strong in the Void Transformation Realm, but now she is still a big short of the realm.

The gap is like a nightmare.

But Lu Ling did not have nightmares. It was completely different from the numbness after being killed a few times before. Lu Ling was not depressed at all at this time. On the contrary, she was full of fighting spirit.

She didn't come here for abuse, but for self-confidence.

Yes, find confidence.

And Lu Ling felt that her goal had already been achieved, she knew very well about Shen Gui in the Soul-Healing Realm, and seeing this senior sister now, Lu Ling knew that after entering the next realm, people would undergo a qualitative change.

Then she is confident that she will be stronger than Shen Gui now when she enters the Void Transformation Realm in the future.

After all, she still has something to do, as long as she doesn't find her junior sister, she won't stop.

Lu Ling held July Seventh.

[Senior sister, I will practice my sword rhyme and sword intent after I go back...]

Shen Gui nodded.

【there's one more thing. 】


Lu Ling paused, and said something that surprised Shen Gui.

[I want to see your full strength, Senior Sister, is that okay? 】

(End of this chapter)

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