Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 845 The Turtle Shell Girl

Chapter 845 The Turtle Shell Girl
In a certain corner, Liu Fufeng quietly looked at Lu Ling who was resting with her eyes closed.

She was careful not to appear under the cover of Lu Ling's sword picture, because she wanted to avoid being discovered, after all, she actually didn't have much cultivation now.

"Is this the Tao of the Great Thousand World?" Liu Fufeng looked up at the slowly rotating Yin-Yang fish.

It's weaker than she imagined.

With just one glance, she saw through all the Taoism Lu Ling was using at this time. Liu Fufeng himself uses space, space is the frame, and vitality is the content. Although Liu Fufeng himself cannot use vitality, the energy in the space is of course What is understood can no longer be understood.

If it's just vitality, you don't need to go to the Great Thousand World to learn from it...

It seems that it is not fully developed yet.

That's right, after all, even if the world is promoted, Aling needs to grow up completely.

Slightly disappointed.

She thought that the rules of the new world could directly elevate Lu Ling to an infinite level... at least she wouldn't be weak, since it was the Tao of the Great Thousand World.

In the end, she didn't expect that it was just a simple spell. In her eyes, she could analyze Lu Ling's current state almost instantly.

The vitality around the body can reduce the damage received, but it is limited to the body, and the huge sword picture is an all-round defense, and the defense power is about ten times that of Lu Ling's spiritual power stock...

At least people in the early stages of the Void Transformation Realm have no way to take Lu Ling.

If Shen Gui...

In the mid-term cultivation base, it is still possible to defeat Lu Ling if there are suitable moves.

Liu Fufeng yawned and quietly disappeared.

Don't worry about Lu Ling at all.

Because Lu Ling's current state is really good, almost the perfect girl in her imagination.

She was relieved.

Even if this girl can't grasp the Dao of the Great Thousand World, but she has the space and vitality by her side, she doesn't need to worry about it.



Closing her eyes, Lu Ling, who used the Taiji picture as her eyes, suddenly noticed something, opened her eyes and looked to the north.

Nothing at all?

But she just had a feeling of being voyeurized.

Nor can it be said voyeurism.

It's the feeling that the junior sister is looking at her... Maybe it's because the relationship with the junior sister is too good, so Lu Ling is extremely sensitive to Liu Fufeng's gaze.

But this time, I didn't see anything in the past.


It must be an illusion.

Lu Ling hesitated.

Maybe it's because she is very powerful now, so she couldn't wait to let her junior sister see it, that's why she had this illusion...


Just be her junior sister, so that she can also be motivated.


Under the light of the white side of the yin-yang fish, Shen Gui's whole body was reflected into crystal white, with shimmering shredded hair.

She was not affected in any way, so Shen Gui still didn't understand the use of this Tai Chi sword diagram that Lu Ling spent a lot of time and energy summoning... But Shen Gui didn't know how to ask.

"Little Junior Sister." Shen Gui raised the ink sword in his hand, the blade of the returning sword was covered by the black yin-yang fish as if invisible, but Lu Ling could still feel the sharp sword energy.

"Are you ready?"

Lu Ling opened her eyes, nodded, and in the next second, the ice wall around Lu Ling instantly joined together, completely enveloping her inside, forming a turtle shell defense.

The azure blue glaze formed a huge ice coffin like water and locked Lu Ling in. The surface of the mysterious ice was as crystal clear as glass stone.

That's the beginning.


In the sky, Shen Gui took a deep breath, his face calmed down.

Lu Ling gave her too many surprises, so she couldn't disappoint her junior sister. She saw two layers of Lu Ling's defense, one was the mysterious ice outside, and the other was the protective sword energy on the surface of her body.

Shen Gui admitted that she had a little bit of expectation for this turtle shell girl in front of her.



Lu Ling is now completely wrapped in the square ice cellar, which looks like a huge coffin from a distance.

She left herself about ten meters of space to deal with Shen Gui's maneuvers, and at the same time, she was not a complete turtle shell girl.

Lu Ling held Qi Yue Qi and looked around vigilantly. Obviously, she was waiting for Shen Gui to give her a fatal blow at the moment of breakthrough.

[Mistake. 】

It was a matter of experience again. She locked herself in, but there was no light inside... she couldn't see her fingers around her.

Forget it, it's not a big deal.

At least in this illusion, once the senior sister breaks through, she can see the light for the first time or even in advance, and then counterattack.

Even if it was a test of defense, Lu Ling was not prepared to stand still and get beaten.

She has a new understanding of Qionghua swordsmanship, maybe... there can be improvement.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound from the side, accompanied by a hiss of sword energy, Lu Ling pricked up her ears, she knew that the senior sister had launched an attack.



Outside, Shen Gui looked at the large ice coffin in front of him, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

To be honest, she never thought that Lu Ling would [imprison] herself in this way.

It was not Lu Ling who was imprisoned, but Shen Gui.

When there were only two people in the world, there was no difference between the inside of the door and the outside of the door, and Shen Gui's goal was to defeat Lu Ling, so she had to bump into it.

And she tried a sword just now, and the result...was a surprise.

Do not break the defense.

Go all out, don't break the defense at all.

Shen Gui even felt a dull pain in his tiger's mouth now.

The ice of the little junior sister seems to be different from ordinary ice. Shen Gui is gifted with the ice attribute and is very sensitive to ice. It is unbelievable that she can feel the thousand-year-old profound ice of the Sea Clan on this ice...

But such a big head.

Maybe it would be a good choice for the little junior sister to make ice for other junior sisters in the family for cultivation or refining?

Ten weapons a day, the kind that won't be eaten until finished.

ran away.

After holding back for a while, Shen Gui said.

"The hardness is good."

This is a compliment to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling can't hear it now, she is fully committed to recovering the physical strength she lost just now.


The scene was a little deadlocked.

Now an obvious thing is that Shen Gui underestimated Lu Ling, and Lu Ling also underestimated herself.

This first layer of tortoise shell made Shen Gui a little... not sure where to start.

Shen Gui raised his hand and waved his sword.


With a crisp sound, Shen Gui's white jade hand was imprinted with a bright red mark by the countershock force of the returning sword, and the pitch-black ink sword trembled, as if crying.

Looking back at the ice coffin, not even a single crumb fell, and it was still as smooth as jade.

"Sure enough." Shen Gui nodded, as she expected, direct physical blows had absolutely no effect on Xuan Bing, that is to say, the combination of pure strength and sword energy could not break Lu Ling's defense.


It's a pity, this also proves that it's impossible for her to test Lu Ling with the strength of the Soul Realm without using the advantage of the Void Transformation Realm.

For Shen Gui, she has already lost. After all, if she is a fellow practitioner, she has nothing to do with Lu Ling now.

In this way, I have no choice but to use some of my strength as my junior sister begged...

"Dang." It was another sword strike.

The recoil is a little less.

" deal with this kind of simple hardness, you can't be hard." Shen Gui's thoughts only lasted for a moment, and his hands never stopped, clinking like iron.

Ten seconds later, Shen Gui raised the corner of his mouth.

Weakness, found.

For this kind of turtle shell, the best way is Qionghua's great swordsmanship, but Shen Gui is not Lu Ling, she can't...

However, Shushan swordsmanship is actually not suitable for attacking fortifications, because it is too strong, and the matter of breaking the defense is usually handed over to Qionghua or Dongshenhai, and Shushan is responsible for launching the fatal blow.

Shen Gui thought that her body would not be able to withstand the backlash of the returning sword. After all, except for the people in the Great Sad Valley, other human races did not exercise their bodies.

As for the Spiritual Sword... To be honest, Shen Gui doesn't want to show his true skills for the time being, the little junior sister's first defense will stump her or something... that's too...

Anyway, unacceptable.

Therefore, she can only use Shushan's swordsmanship to test one by one.

Fortunately, Shushan has such an outlier as Venerable Ye.

Venerable Ye's sword is as gentle as jade, but once a weakness is discovered, it is as powerful as a bamboo. Such a flexible sword is most suitable for breaking defenses... and she, unfortunately, has received a lot of advice from Venerable Ye.

Including his Gentleman's Sword Intent Shen Gui, he even knows a little... Otherwise, how could he almost fall into the Sword Intent of Venerable Ye and couldn't extricate himself?Shen Gui who was able to walk out of his own way without being influenced by Venerable Ye and Shen Canghai was very remarkable.

Shen Gui held the returning sword, took a deep breath, and adjusted his state.

Mouth silently.

"A gentleman has nine thoughts..."

Gradually, there was a layer of fluorescence on the returning sword, which was sword energy.

It is obviously sword energy, but it gives people a feeling that it is alive.

Yes, it is alive.

There's also a strange touch of polish that doesn't show any edge at all.

A modest gentleman, gentle as jade.

"It succeeded." Shen Gui opened his eyes.

This is what Shen Gui learned, a part of Venerable Ye's sword intent... But this time, she held a sword flower, and after a while of silence, the ice coffin in front of her was cut out a door enough for Shen Gui to pass through.


The broken ice collapsed to the ground.

The light of the sword in Shen Gui's hand gradually disappeared.

The gentleman's sword intent... is really strong.

But this strengthened Shen Gui's confidence in following his own path.

She didn't enter the ice coffin immediately, but picked up a small piece of black ice that she had just cut, hesitated, and took a bite in her mouth.


Did not bite.

"Hiss..." Spitting out the ice, Shen Gui's face turned blue.

This level of coldness is too pure.

For a moment, Shen Gui looked at the ice coffin the size of a house, his eyes sparkling.

How many one-time spirit swords can be made here... It is definitely the highest-ranking spirit sword, one-time... It is so extravagant that she dare not even think about it.

cough cough.

Shen Gui blushed a little, but no one could see it, so she quickly changed into her original cold appearance.

Little Junior Sister's first layer of defense has been broken by herself...

Want to go in?

In front of him was a glazed ice with a radius of about ten meters, and it was pitch black.

Of course I'm going in.

Shen Gui did not hesitate.

She knew what Lu Ling was thinking, because the little girl had inconvenient legs and feet, so this ice coffin was not only intended to protect herself, but also to narrow the scope of the competition between the two.



Lu Ling really thought so. In the dark, she stared at Shen Gui's body, waiting for the moment she came in to launch a thunderous blow.

Humans don't train their bodies, Lu Ling is sure of this, that is to say, Shen Gui's defense power is not as good as hers now, as long as she can cut off her... no, piercing her heart, she can win.

It's not like there's no chance at all.


The moment she saw Shen Gui stepping forward, Lu Ling launched a thunderbolt strike, and the silver July [-]th radiance flourished, and the little silver light completely enveloped Shen Gui. For a moment, the light inside the coffin was like daytime.

It's a pity that Shen Gui dodged Lu Ling's sword attack just by moving slightly.

Shen Gui stood firm and looked at Lu Ling in surprise: "This is the Qionghua Sword Intent I demonstrated to you just now? You can use it, Junior Sister? Although it's just an appearance, but..."

But it's pretty much the same.

If she missed a hit, Lu Ling knew that she had no chance, and she was not disappointed. Instead, she quietly looked at Senior Sister Shen where she was. Because of Shen Gui's teaching, she did comprehend some Qionghua Sword's moves, but she couldn't beat Shen Gui. Returning is obviously useless.

Although he was attacked by surprise, Shen Gui did not launch a counterattack, but looked at Lu Ling seriously: "After the Void Transformation Realm, my cold air is my eyes, so from the very beginning, you have been exposed to my vision, little junior sister. must remember."

is it?

Lu Ling nodded.

But... the Void Formation Realm can use the cold air as eyes, so how can she do it now?
Lu Ling didn't tell Shen Gui about this, but looked at her senior sister, meaning, let's continue.

"Continue?" Shen Gui casually cast spells to light up the surrounding environment, and for a moment the dark ice turned into a blue world, and Lu Ling's face was so cute.

If you continue, then you will really attack Lu Ling's body. This is not like cutting an ice coffin...

But Shen Gui has never been a hesitant character, always responding to requests.

"it is good."

At this time, Shen Guicheng held the sword in his hand, and the moment the long sword in his hand turned ice blue.

"Sword Qi Slash."

In the thunderstorm, a person-high silver sword aura went straight to Lu Ling's face, the sword aura swept across, and the air was cut into several pieces.

And Lu Ling...

Facing such a move, the little girl instinctively raised July Seventh to block... Of course it was futile, the speed of the sword energy was not at all what Lu Ling could keep up with, she hadn't raised her hand yet, the sword energy was straight It bumped into Lu Ling's body, as if it wanted to cut her in half.

After half an hour.

Does it hurt?

Lu Ling opened her eyes and saw Shen Gui who was close at hand.

"It's completely blocked? How did you block it? Use your face to catch it?" Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling like a monster. His surprise was much greater than that of Xuan Bing just now. In a metaphor, a full-level swordsman hit a first-level mage with a sword. The result is not broken?
Although she only used five percent of her strength for that sword strike, even Xu Xu's body-protecting fire lotus was enough to knock down one, but Lu Ling caught it directly.

Still received it with the face...

Shen Gui could see clearly that her sword energy seemed to hit a barrier and disappeared in front of Lu Ling, while the little girl didn't suffer any damage at all.

Even the sword qi body guard is not like this.

There is no way for the monk of the Void Transformation Realm in the Great Sad Valley to catch her sword energy so lightly.

Shen Gui was a little confused for a moment.

Lu Ling touched her face, and made a water mirror in her hand, and after looking at it, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At that moment just now, she was really a little scared... Junior sister likes this face very much, so she can't ruin it.

"Little junior sister, you are still young, don't worry about your appearance like them." Seeing that Lu Ling cared about her appearance, Shen Gui subconsciously disciplined Lu Ling.

Lu Ling: "..."

Now is not the time to talk about this.

Shen Gui wasn't going to keep talking about Lu Ling, she wasn't Xu Xu, but Shen Gui was staring at the little girl's face, as if seeing some kind of thick shield.

"Strange thing, why was my move useless just now? Even if it's the sword energy shield, it must look like a counterattack... Barrier? It's not an enchantment either."

Shen Gui couldn't figure it out.

And Lu Ling probably understands a little bit, she now feels that the vitality of Sitting Forgotten Self has not decreased in any way, that is to say, just now it is completely the invincible effect brought by Zhen Shanhe, and the sword of the senior sister did not exceed the upper limit of Zhen Shanhe, so just It didn't cause any harm to her, so that even the zhenqi body protection of ecstasy and selflessness was not triggered.

Lu Ling looked at Shen Gui who was looking at her with strange eyes, and a thought came to her mind.

Maybe...she is much tougher than she thought?
(End of this chapter)

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