Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 846 Strong Defensive Side

Chapter 846 Strong Defensive Side
Lu Ling suddenly realized that she seemed to have underestimated herself. Among other things, at least her ability to survive was guaranteed.

Lu Ling took the time to look at her panel, 100% of her life and blood didn't drop at all. It turns out that she is not a mage or a swordsman, but a tank?
But how can there be a tank with such thin arms and legs...

If you make good use of your temperament, it should make the other party unable to bear to attack you.

At this moment, Shen Gui looked at Lu Ling very seriously, and said in a much louder voice, "Little Junior Sister."

Lu Ling nodded, indicating that she was listening.

Shen Gui raised his sword: "I'll give you fifteen minutes to use all the sword skills and spells you want."

Shen Gui looked like he was in a hurry.

Lu Ling didn't understand, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, she figured it out.

The senior sister is giving her a chance... After all, although it is said to test her defense, Lu Ling is not sitting still, but wants to fight back... That's why the senior sister said this.

Not surprisingly, after showing off her means, she will become Shen Gui's "sandbag".

Lu Ling waved her hand, and a line of bullet screens appeared in front of Shen Gui: [No need... Senior Sister, let's start now. 】

Lu Ling could see clearly that she couldn't use any means to cause effective damage to Shen Gui, and if the gap was too large, she really didn't have any experience to absorb except the feeling of being crushed. It is completely different from returning to entanglement in the spirit state.

She's not a masochist...

Well, she who is about to be beaten doesn't have much credibility to say such things.

"Alright." Shen Gui stared at Lu Ling as if staring at something very interesting.

"Junior Sister, the barrier-like defense just now was caused by the black and white colors in the sky." Shen Gui said, wiping the blade of his sword.

Lu Ling nodded, then shook her head again.

"Aren't you clear about it yourself... Forget it." Shen Gui held the sword: "Be careful."

Lu Ling said that she was ready, she could just stand and be beaten now... Lu Ling looked at her wheelchair, thought for a while, and finally floated down, sitting obediently on the spot like a duck.

Shen Gui didn't say much, and raised his sword directly. Before Lu Ling saw Shen Gui's movement, a meter-long sword energy suddenly appeared in the air, which was blocked one centimeter in front of Lu Ling's eyes. Lu Ling could feel it It was sharp, but the sword energy didn't hurt her, but just hovered in front of her eyes.

Against the backdrop of the ice cellar, the surface of the Sword Qi glowed blue, and there was also gas rising.

Followed by two, three...

Numerous sword qi completely enveloped Lu Ling like a giant net.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Ling was no longer visible. The little girl was surrounded by dense sword energy, as if she had hit a moth in a spider's web.

Shen Gui exhaled lightly, which showed that she had used all her strength, at least on the sword cage. The current situation of Lu Ling should be quite bad.

If the human race doesn't exercise, she must either break through her own sword cage, or open up the space like those strong men... As for holding on...

People whose cultivation level is one realm higher than hers can certainly hold on, but Lu Ling is a realm lower than hers.

After being shrunk into the sword cage, even Xu Xu won more than lost.

Each sword qi is not a simple sword qi, but a sword glow with various sword intents added. Even Dongfang Linglong at the same level would not dare to face Shen Gui's ink sword.

Shen Gui's chest rose and fell slightly, looking at the sword energy that was still gradually increasing.

I... Is it a bit too much?

No, she somehow felt that Lu Ling must be fine.

She is a cruel woman.

"Strangling." Shen Gui sheathed his long sword.


With an order, Jian Cage finally woke up,
The silver light flashed across, illuminating the scene inside the ice coffin, and with the sound of breaking through the air, the sword energy moved, like rain that was gradually becoming irritable.

The sounds of countless sword qi piercing the air intertwined, and all the sword qi erupted with terrifying power in an instant. The sword cage gradually expanded, and a bright and dazzling light radiated from the inside... It was already a world of swords, and the stagnant sword qi continued to move forward. destroying everything around.

And the scene inside the sword cage is completely invisible... She knows how destructive her sword energy is. In this case, even a fellow monk will be twisted into dust by her in an instant.

And Lu Ling...

Is it possible to survive.

Shen Gui had expectations for Lu Ling.

The amount of sword energy is large, pure and explosive...

So the ice coffin collapsed and Shen Gui was able to see the sun again, but she was more concerned about what happened to Lu Ling.

Because of Lu Ling's special nature, Shen Gui couldn't get feedback on whether he hit Lu Ling from the sword energy, and could only feel it with his five sense organs.

She didn't hear Lu Ling's voice from the beginning, could it be that the little girl has been...

It's normal, after all, she was really ruthless. Shen Gui, who originally thought about not using her original sword energy, had already broken her promise. Under the influence of the secret realm, her first goal had always been to defeat Lu Ling.

At this time, the place where Lu Ling had been sitting obediently was already in a mess, with ravines and ravines on the ground, and she had experienced painful torture, but at the very center, the sword energy had not stopped strangling for a long time, so I don't know the specific situation.

Stop... or make up the knife?

Shen Gui: "..."

Holding the sword, it was clear she had chosen the latter.

Shen Gui's figure suddenly retreated, leaving a trace of afterimages, and then she suddenly flashed in front of the sword cage, and with all her strength, she used the unique martial spirit of Lingshan instead of pure sword energy.

Shushan's sword is cultivated with sword light, which is the ultimate sword.

Lingshan's sword is different, it contains spiritual energy in the sword, and with one move, it is not only a sword light, but also a spell, so Shen Gui is really serious now.

Swinging the sword with all his strength, the light of the sword turned black, and at the same time carried a cold sword intent.

A touch of shock.

The sword was drawn from above, leaving a long-lasting ice-blue straight line in the air. The sword crossed the barrier, and the crystal sword energy remained in the air, as if someone had drawn a straight line on the paper with an ink pen, never ending. Will fade.

A few fissures in the dark space are accompanied by the Spirit Sword Daughter.

The sword energy of the sword cage collapsed instantly when it touched the spirit sword, and the scene inside made Shen Gui's pupils shrink.

Lu Ling was maintaining the initial posture, sitting on the ground obediently, not to mention being injured, even her clothes were not damaged at all.

Sure enough... her intuition was right, Lu Ling was not harmed at all, and just like before, the sword cage had no defense against Lu Ling at all.

And Lu Ling had just been imprisoned, and now she opened her eyes and saw a touch of blue gradually enlarged in front of her eyes... Before she could reflect it, she was hit.

And this time...

Lu Ling was no longer feeling nothing, she clearly felt a wave of extreme cold and sword energy intruding into her body, the former need not worry at all, but the sword energy...

The surface of Lu Ling's body shone brightly, but she was still safe and sound.

Zhen Shanhe was broken by Senior Sister Shen?
Although it was only for a moment, Lu Ling could feel that her body-protecting aura had decreased a little... If there wasn't a buffer, the sword just now would have killed her.

But it was not a big problem. After opening her eyes and taking the sword forcefully, Lu Ling only felt short-term chest tightness and did not suffer any substantial damage.

"Cough, cough cough..." Lu Ling let out a small cough, and turned to look at Shen Gui, who...

Standing on the spot, her broken hair was a little messy, and she was slightly absent-minded.

The look in Lu Ling's eyes is completely different.

Even Shen Gui couldn't understand why this kind of thing happened, why his all-out blow just scratched the little girl...

Even the elder's sword intent body protection has to be triggered, and Lu Ling's body protection, true qi sinking back, has not seen it, and it is not an enchantment at all... I can't understand it.

How she catches her own sword.

"Junior Sister, you..." Shen Gui didn't know what to say, did she praise Lu Ling enough?But looking at Lu Ling's soft look, it's hard to believe that she has such a high self-protection ability.

"Junior Martial Sister, you don't have to worry about your safety in the future." Shen Gui spit out these few words after a while.


Lu Ling nodded.

She didn't know that her unharmed face contact skills would turn the traditional monks' three views upside down, and Lu Ling was thinking about other things.

[Senior Sister, did you just attack with all your strength? 】

Shen Gui nodded, not afraid of embarrassment, Shen Gui felt that he had lost, and he had lost from the very beginning.

Lu Ling subconsciously snapped her fingers.

This Phantom Senior Sister Shen is in the middle stage of the Void Transformation Realm, her full strength blow can barely break her Zhenshanhe defense, but the remaining sword energy in the physical sense is offset by the sitting forgetfulness...

I probably understand what level my defense is at.

With Zhen Shanhe and the protection of Zha Wangwu Wu Self, she has been promoted to this level. As for the elf transformation...

Now it seems that it is completely useless.

In fact, Shen Gui was also restrained. After all, spirit swords and spirit swords have spirits before swords... Shen Gui is strong in cold air, but Lu Ling doesn't eat cold air, so...

The sword qi alone can't break the defense at all.

Lu Ling was born to restrain her.

Shen Gui is not the worst.

At this time, Lu Ling got the information she wanted to know, and at the same time, she also gained unexpected gains. She learned to use defensive skills, which really improved her a lot... It was a surprise.

look up.

Time is running out.

Lu Ling can see that the power of the silver space is slowly weakening. Although she can use her own power to supplement it, her current space power is used to maintain the time with her junior sister...

So be it.

Lu Ling waved at Shen Gui's phantom, and the world collapsed immediately.

Seeing the figure in front of her gradually dissipate, Lu Ling felt a little uncomfortable... Although it was a phantom, the other party did give her a feeling that she was still alive...

Phantom has its own thinking, isn't it just a living person?
She was a little tired, tired of being with fake people... But that said, Junior Sister was still waiting for her.


Choose a secret.

Lu Ling's fingers paused for a moment on the Crescent Bear in the Birth Realm, and finally moved to Xu Xu in the Soul Realm.

Go see Senior Sister Xu.

After Shen Gui's baptism, Lu Ling's vision has also improved a lot, and she has an understanding of these two realms, and they are both in the soul realm, so she doesn't think that Senior Sister Xu will be her opponent.

Of course, she doesn't have enough vitality to release Zuo Wang Wu Wu and Zhen Shanhe now, and the sword intent that contains the master's breath is also in a sluggish stage.

Like the space ability, although other abilities will be fully restored after leaving the illusion, the space and vitality have not been restored, so Lu Ling is completely overdrawn now, and even if Lu Ling in full bloom has not mastered how to use the range of Taoism, it is estimated that Nor will he release Zhen Shanhe.

Of course, Sitting Forgotten Self can still be used. It is a very strong protective skill, but unfortunately it can only protect oneself.



visual transformation.

Secret realm, arena.

Just like returning to the soul-forming state at the beginning, Xu Xu from the teaching level was already there waiting for her.

Lu Ling looked at Xu Xu.

It was different from Senior Sister Xu she knew.

The Senior Sister Xu that Lu Ling knew was that gentle woman in a goose yellow dress, with two spherical buns on her head, and a beautiful smile, and she was a bit talkative.

Gentle yet mischievous should be Lu Ling's impression of Xu Xu.

But... the Xu Xu in front of her was completely different from the Xu Xu she knew. Although she looked the same, it was obvious that this Xu Xu was a younger girl.

Iceberg Maiden.

Wearing a dark robe, with long hair falling down his shoulders, he was seriously looking at the medical book in his hand.

Xu Xu sat there alone, even when she sensed Lu Ling's arrival, she didn't make any movements, just quietly looked at her book... There was no room for other things in her eyes.

Except for the sound of turning the pages of the book and the sound of the girl's breathing, there was no other movement.

This is Xu Xu.

And Lu Ling...she was also an iceberg girl when she had a stern face.

So, it was so deadlocked.

The spirit body of congenital fire, nuanced, amiable personality, transcendent talent... This is what Master Lingshan Yifeng looked like when she was young...

Even if it is her own girl, she will not say a word.

I don't know how long it took, but when the time in the secret realm was about to end, he slowly put down the medical book: "Little have been waiting for a long time, and you want to compete with me?"


Lu Ling nodded slightly.

"Then... you won." Xu Xu said, turned and disappeared, collapsing with the world.


"..." Lu Ling didn't realize what happened until she came out.

What's going on, this is considered a win?
Although the secret realm gave Xu Xu the idea of ​​winning, but in essence it was Xu Xu at that time who made the decision... and Xu Xu was not aggressive and liked to be quiet... and she didn't have Shen Gui's idea of ​​being happy when she saw her, so... she He took the initiative to admit defeat.

Harmony with the light refers to a peaceful way of dealing with the world without showing your sharpness and fighting against the world.

She is simply not good at Buddhism.

It is estimated that Lingshan did not expect this to happen.

[The task of defeating Xu Xu's phantom in the secret realm is completed, and the rewards have been distributed, please bring it up to the host. 】

Lu Ling sat stupidly.

The mechanical sound next to her ear also indicated that her task was completed.

But in this way, I can't learn anything by myself.

It was the first time for Lu Ling to feel that she was being suppressed by the phantom. Compared with Shen Gui's difficulties at the time, Senior Sister Xu was was just...

Not being able to communicate, nor communicating with you, this made Lu Ling somewhat at a loss.

Might as well beat her up and let her learn something.

(End of this chapter)

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