Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 848 Gu Changsheng

Chapter 848 Gu Changsheng

In midsummer, Qiongshu is full of mountains, and when the wind blows, there will be pollen all over the sky. It is a pity that this year's pollen is poisonous, and the casualties are unknown. After a long time, maybe the surrounding area will change from a beautiful place on earth to a smelly place.

The pity of the East looked up, it was dawn.

She no longer knew where she was, what day it was, her face didn't seem to have changed much, she was wearing a red dress all year round but changed into a black robe.

Huahong will also be tired.

Wherever he settled down, a piece of vitality drained away and turned into a dead place.

She didn't go to Dongshenhai, and she didn't have the face to meet Linglong. The poisonous gas got out of control because of the backlash after being suppressed.

There is no sound in the beautiful scenery here, maybe there is no one, maybe everything is gone with the wind.

She finally opened the letter.

After reading it, I gradually remembered everything.

Time seemed to stand still, the wind didn't intersect, the water didn't flow, and the flowers didn't match each other. Only she was holding the paper, and the corners of her lips moved lightly to prove that everything was still going on.

Time does not stand still, it is still passing.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, withering thousands of Qiong trees, and also took away the letter paper in Yu's hand, as if he didn't want her to continue to sink.

Can't hold it anymore.

As soon as she raised her hand, the letter paper returned to her hand, with a familiar font and a familiar tone written on it.

Dongfang Lianren blinked.

It turned out that she already knew everything.

It turned out that he was dead, but he was not dead. Right here, on the letter paper, there was a fragment of his soul that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

He murmured, "He's really dead."

Looking at the person mentioned in the letter, she said again, "So it's you."

The expression became more and more indifferent, and the fluctuation of the mind was worse than seeing the soul fragment.

A smear of bright red stained her eye sockets and her makeup, and after dripping, it also stained the letter paper and the envelope red.

She said, "Wait, I'll find you all."

The words are harsh like the voice of the Nine Nether Purgatory.

Mountainous pressure surged up in her heart, wanting to crush Dongfang Lianren's mind, she didn't want to resist, being able to die here, maybe it would be good for her and Lingshan, this was the last resistance she could do.

Pfft, Dongfang Lianren spat out a mouthful of black blood, and passed out in this deserted place. The ground was covered with a thick layer of viburnum, which became a comfortable bed, trying to share her fatigue.

curled up.

She squeezed the letter tightly with her fingers and hugged it in her arms. On the letter paper, all the soul fragments of the soul had been locked by her on her three souls and seven souls.

Die together.

An inaudible loud noise centered on Dongfang Lianren, like a gap in the river bed, the poisonous gas turned into evil spirits, raging for thousands of miles.

Everything that is alive and everything that is dead is dead.

Three thousand miles, no life.

In the midst of fierce poison, a man suddenly appeared, dressed in sackcloth, with no face visible under the hood.

She is walking.

Go under the Joan tree.

Go to this viburnum.

Go to the old man.

He leaned down, wanting to break her hand and take the envelope away, but with a little force, he couldn't open it, so he held her hand.

The man said, "Junior Sister, I'm sorry."

With a whisper, the figure disappeared with the wind, but the person lying on the ground couldn't hear it.

Maybe it's not a human anymore, it's a ghost.

The figures, like mist, smoke, and dust, drifted away with the wind. The wind peeled off the viburnum, and blown away the cover that covered the envelope, revealing the names of the couple that should have been on the invitation.

Gu Changsheng—————— Liu Yu.



In the evening, dense fog enveloped Jiufeng, and the snow slowly sank, burying the secret here.

Lu Ling is back.

She drove the wheelchair into the room, glanced at Liu Fufeng in the room, and asked, "Junior Sister, have you gone out?"

Liu Fufeng was busy, and responded casually: "Yes, I went to the backyard to sweep the snow."

Immediately she turned around, wiped her hands, and hugged Lu Ling to bed.

Lu Ling smelled a familiar scent and thought of a woman in red.

"Senior sister, what did you learn today." Liu Fufeng untied his apron, and added: "The meal will be ready soon."

Lu Ling said: "There are many, and there are still things to learn."

"Then tell them one by one."

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Okay."

She told her junior sister everything she learned today, and finally held up a snow lotus and an ice lotus in her palm.

The lotus rotated slowly, petal by petal blooming gently, Liu Fufeng didn't see the beauty, but the power.

Liu Fufeng admired it for a moment, and said, "It's very beautiful, did Senior Sister Xu teach you?"

Lu Ling nodded, then hugged Liu Fufeng and said, "Junior Sister, I'm tired."

The girl was tired and a little cold between her brows, she was wrapped in clothes.

"Then take a break and get up for dinner."

The girl was tired of her and said, "You hug me."

Liu Fufeng sighed softly, nodded, agreed dotingly, and hugged Lu Ling into his arms.

go to bed together.

The white horse passes through the gap, and it is already sunset.

The two of them had eaten their dinner.


In the back mountain, Lu Ling pretended to be unconscious in the spiritual spring, thinking in her heart: It really is an illusion.

Wake up after "sleeping" for a while.

Liu Fufeng, who was putting on Lu Ling's pajamas, looked surprised, and asked, "Senior Sister, why did you wake up so quickly today?"

"The cultivation level has increased." Lu Ling smiled innocently and said, "Maybe it's because I don't want to miss every moment with you, Junior Sister."

"You, you've been glib since then." Liu Fufeng pinched Lu Ling's nose and said.

Lu Ling grabbed Liu Fufeng's hand and put it on her face, and whispered, "People change."

Liu Fufeng was slightly taken aback, then nodded: "That's right."

Then, Lu Ling seemed to be interested, and opened her arms: "Junior Sister, lift me out of bed, and show you my latest skills."

She practiced calligraphy, understood poetry, and understood music theory.

Because, isn't it just what she likes.

If she likes it, she will be happy.

Outside the house, it was getting late, the cool wind passed by, driving the wind and snow, flakes of snowflakes fell from the eaves, and fell to the bed, casting eloquent shadows in front of the bright window.

The room was peaceful, Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling and got off the bed.

At the table, Lu Ling rubbed ink and picked up a pen.

After writing, he paused, left a dot of ink, turned his head and glanced at Liu Fufeng, saw the expectation and encouragement in those dark eyes, and there was no pressure anymore.

It should be written in block letters.

The ink color is embellished smoothly, gathered like silk and satin, has the vigor of character, and also has the softness of red silk. You can see Lu Ling's hard work in the words. Practicing calligraphy is not a one-time effort. It is the same as cultivation, and it always needs to be uninterrupted. .

On the rice paper, the word "Happiness" reflects Lu Ling's mood at the moment.

Watching Lu Ling pick up and write for only a few seconds, Liu Fufeng seemed to have experienced a catastrophe.

She didn't dare to look at Lu Ling, and she didn't dare to think about what Lu Ling had paid for, from working hard to be neat and tidy to the current aura of silk and satin.

Liu Fufeng felt that even her handwriting was not as good as Lu Ling's at the moment, and what was on the paper was Lu Ling's feelings.

The word is like its person.

The words are as they are.

The words are like... Lu Ling's silver eyes.

"I like it very much." Liu Fufeng said with a smile.

I don't know whether I like people or words, or both.

 Changed a lot... Forget it, I didn’t change a lot. I just simplified the numbers and removed the complicated psychological description. It’s an attempt to make a change, right? I just wrote it like this after the accident. Anyway, not many people read it, so bear with me if it is not well written. 2333, as always, tell me the typos.

(End of this chapter)

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