Chapter 849
The word is still the same word, and the person is still the same person.

Liu Fufeng said he liked it, and Lu Ling liked it very much.

The most important thing is that junior sister likes it, so I won't ask about Dongfang Lianren. ——Lu Ling thinks so.

Life is like this, when the person you like says that they like you, even if they just like one of your objects or some related imaginary will be in a good mood one day. Compared with this kind of mood, other things will be It doesn't matter anymore.

It doesn't matter.

Maybe Lu Ling guessed something, maybe she didn't.

Probably don't want to know at all.

The younger sister is the younger sister, and she is her. This does not mean that they have to separate, have differences, have to cross two bridges, and have to walk on two roads.

She was just chasing after her shadow on the bridge that her junior sister walked over, trying to take another look.

Live or die doesn't matter.In fact, life is also the bridge she wants to follow.

She lives, she lives.Together we will.

Lu Ling is Lu Ling, and Liu Fufeng is Liu Fufeng.

Lu Ling belonged to Liu Fufeng, but Liu Fufeng did not belong to Lu Ling.

Probably this is the relationship.

Eyes downcast.

The old snow on the eaves melted with the temperature, and the new snow followed and fell, but this time it was covered by the shadows of the two people in front of the bed. Some birds in the forest took the food and sent it back to the nest to feed their offspring.

Under the bright firelight, two shadows, one big and one small, cuddled together. Even if they couldn't see their faces, they should know what the scene was.

It's just a word of harmony.

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng and said seriously: "This is what I'm after."

"Senior Sister, what did you say?" Liu Fufeng raised his head and asked again.

Lu Ling raised her head and said, "It's nothing, if you haven't heard, then I won't talk to you today."

Lie, how willing.

"Okay, I heard and saw, Ah Ling, you really worked hard, I'm very happy." Liu Fufeng said hastily.

"Then just say you heard it." Lu Ling was very stubborn.

It was the first time Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling like this, he paused for a moment, and said, "I heard it."

"Okay, then I'll be my junior sister and you've seen it." Lu Ling looked into Liu Fufeng's dark eyes, and the other's eyes reflected her silver pupils, as if both of them were silver.


Didn't you hear that?

what did you see.

Liu Fufeng actually had the idea that he couldn't keep up with Lu Ling.

"Now it's junior sister's turn to be dull." Lu Ling shook her head, raised her head and said, "Take me and sit over there. I'm alone. Although sitting here is relatively close, it's not easy to look at you."

Lu Ling's voice was hoarse, less coquettish, more forceful.

"En." Liu Fufeng nodded, carried Lu Ling to the opposite side of him and returned to the original position, his eyes met.

Lu Ling carefully folded the rice paper, pushed it over, and said, "Here, put it away."

That is the word "Huanxi" written by her, which is a happy mood and a liking mood.

"it is good."

Liu Fufeng put his fingernails against the rice paper, dragged it lightly to his face, got up and hid inside the house.

Just like the piece of paper on which Lu Ling's name was written crookedly, in the same position.

Only this time, after putting one in the cabinet, there was only one left.

Lu Ling raised her head to look inside the cabinet, but unfortunately she closed it without seeing Liu Fufeng. Even though she was disappointed, she didn't pursue it. Maybe there is something wrong with her who can think about these problems in the illusion.

Liu Fufeng went back and sat down in front of Lu Ling, under the lacquered wooden red table, his jade hands rubbed slightly on his nails, as if he was savoring the smell of the paper, or wanting to get more tainted by the ink stain.

She dared not touch it with her fingertips.

From the beginning to the end, it was just fingernails picking lightly, not daring to use any more force.

Maybe she wasn't so careful when she fought the fairy with the fire sword back then.

As for the second battle against Bingjian, at first it was the pleasure of revenge and the relief of confessing to the tribe, and then it was endless regret and sorrow.

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

But with this piece of paper, there is always a thought.

Knowing that Lu Ling was happy, she felt relieved.

Lu Ling didn't think about whether there was a piece of yellow paper with her name written on it in the cabinet, she was thinking about another thing now.

Lu Ling suddenly asked: "Junior Sister, do you like poetry?"

Liu Fufeng is perfect, of course she understands poetry and likes it.

Liu Fufeng said: "I like it. I like both ancient style poems and metrical poems. I don't understand words."

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Okay, let's choose poems."

In fact, the word is better, it's a pity.

Then show the junior sister a poem.

Calligraphy is the foundation of culture, and the advanced level is poetry.

The snow was still falling, and it was getting bigger and bigger, and it was hard to tell whether it was fresh snow or old snow on the eaves, as if it was unclear whether it was a newcomer or an old person in this house.

Lu Ling looked up at Liu Fufeng, taking advantage of the firelight, and asked: "Speaking of ambition, or expressing emotion."

The breath in the girl's mouth flickered the candle, but Liu Fufeng could still smell the dreamy breath.

Liu Fufeng understood what Lu Ling meant.

Feelings can be very complicated, but there is only one ambition, and Liu Fufeng also knows Lu Ling's ambition.

A Ling wanted to walk a bridge with her.

If the bridge is still there, or the bridge can be walked without causing death, why is she unwilling to walk on the bridge with Lu Ling, let alone let her chase, she will hug her and walk together.

So she didn't have the courage to listen to Lu Ling's ambition.

But to catch up and find her.

Liu Fufeng said, "Let's express your feelings."


Lu Ling found out, fixed her eyes on Liu Fufeng, and said, "Okay, let's express my feelings."

The ink was dry, maybe it was too cold.

"Give me the inkstone." Lu Ling said this normally, Liu Fufeng also took it, and did everything skillfully, as if Lu Ling had just started learning strokes at the beginning, one was serious and the other was doting.

It should be so.

Lu Ling thought so.

Liu Fufeng was moving, Lu Ling glanced out the window, and said, "Actually, I was going to show my junior sister what I have learned, or to show my shame, and I only acted as an interpreter in it. Status, but also have a little idea, such as some praise or something."

"I blushed a little while talking."

"But if I really want to translate, I still put in a little effort, maybe it's not a thick face."

Lu Ling's tone was serious, she really thought so,
Liu Fufeng raised his head, but he didn't understand, but it wasn't the first time.

Liu Fufeng asked: "Why is it not Shangyuan Festival, but today?"

Lu Ling was a little surprised, looked at her junior sister, and asked backwards: "Yes, why didn't I make a fool of yourself with my junior sister again on the Shangyuan Festival? Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood today. Since I want to show it, let's come together with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, By the way, I still don’t know how to play chess and painting.”

Lu Ling's surprise was a little fake.

In fact, Liu Fufeng's acting was also very fake, but Lu Ling didn't see it, maybe she saw it but took it as a shortcoming of the illusion.

Why is it not Shangyuan Festival? Both of them know it, don't they?
They have run out of time.

Liu Fufeng pushed the ink and brush to Lu Ling, and said, "The ink is ready."

"Well, thank you junior sister." After Lu Ling finished speaking, she stared at the old man who seemed to be close at hand, but was actually far away.

A thank you is a stranger.

I thought about it.

The junior sister will not understand that her love and ambition are the same thing.

Pen under candlelight.

The shadows faded.

 Chapter 2, I continue to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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